»AGB PC H F SPR WG •T H E VAGABOND LOVER“ AND “OARK S T R E E T S “ BOOKED AT 84c DON ALO PRODUCTION EXCEEDING ORDERS AT SAW MILLS SA VS WEST COAST ASSN n g J> S-CTT5 THURSDAY. JANUARY ». IM O Kiilto, Nato Pinker, Itoto Aadernaa. JUSTICE COURT JURORS i Rutile Morrto. Wayn* t'lorer, W I, FOR YEAR OF 1 9 » ARE ' Hoeae tiwor«» I'erhlBe. George (tor ANNOUNCED MONDAY eon. Ito . Atoa Mternoa. Prank I'oglll, ’» H ed th rtf Boy m J Gtri b elle. Murphy. W N kuag. C A w F Walker Jamie* of the peace ■ » » tkto «tetrtrt. hae annoance« ih* »warts. Ernosi Bertnrh. nod I. A j tea»*, of thus* who kar* beoa satori Vatoaltoe. la* IO war»» a* Jurors to tk* ju»*R« □art heart»«, dart»« tk* year ISM ENGENE CHAMBER W ILL Tk* k u ekoaU wu, be raafaeed with ENTERTAIN CO. COUNCIL tke ttet cd yaror» chowea for tke rlr- retft court wktok will he anaoumed The (aiae County t hanker of C o» Iswlte wart Jurors alt to oaly aterre »111 hate It « tegular uemthly orer wktok tke Jastlce of meet In« in Enera», na cuente of th« tk* Flaac* hae Mrtotfictiua Eugene t haotber of t'ommerte. neat The faLx>wtng w*r* named on the ’ T hufel»!. January 1« The dinner • >M Hat for h u l k , ruart paror. will be served at tke (»»bum hotel Haael Adrta» Mark* A d an a Ha.ter dining room, and the program win Toaa« Jo*» Keteto. 8 r . Freak Fl.k folio« In the m b « toon. w . X W Gay. Flo Haatly. Juba ! W. A Taylor. Jees »««rey. and W Lorak. Kanarl Wrt«ht. W tllu « boa K ttornell ar» I he »pringtleld dele- •Meoa. Clark Wheato*. Joha Bryan. gatee to the meetings of tbe county Maode T Brraa. Lew barto. R P i chamber B A Wanhbarne. Jac k ! <*- P. E cr-iaaaa Gertrude torn'« Gertert and Pencil Flaner» Boaa M >Bt«t*Bery. Prank Set«, epee '«I Prank lx«an Jxtoee lto>t»t i Welby Stereo» Robert » d w ell, »id ney Ward p*»j Hadley, k K Pa«e * J MrKlsn. Mabel Tytoto l u n Har**r- 1 R Larttoer Roy Owen. «I E. BROADWAY Vera ftoatoto. w tllla « Wright. E l.le ot P l a j i x g Ck. r * * «f Ute » » ♦! *> ta» W, Itoaato ' W r« r » ir » » » f * * « • to *« «JÍIerext Ote' «( ua acter H* to 8sas •J! telk ***** "Tke ru g a te« « to w er” k u they Or»- featsws leagik wrrwcs gSag M arts« » » « ! u tom to 16*11» B u i* to uupterttog thararter Si.« «uwato.i roto» are Marte Dressier Noras** «art Pkck ftoaay O'Shea Ete> N « r r * « t o . ___ Atoa K oko *. NeU* Walker. Matooim eve*. exoefg «arte« th* Wait» sag < harte» Selina Marshal vaak «urteg Which tk* Vtotoa «toan*« te M a y « e n -r t o Tk* Tka Coaaertfewt Taakaaa. Re.«? kat ▼atoms ac«*4 artchaatra aps*«r to for tk* »tetar» a*« faratok tka uutepteo to tk* toguairy to g r a te , tty fmprav tortol atrattoa Ra«te H et«/»» fam'.-»« la g Thto Stoat*« girt, are («atare« to a s e » reflect kar of tortok date* easemMea moat af whttos have towar atocha •" I * * * (hag tkey to r* carrto« to years. (hat "Dark S t r e e t , t k * late*« «lrw io r tk* preses! to prukstoy tk* -a I tel a*ee«M of Frank Liar«. director vaatag»»«, tim e for tk « a to stock Of Dtvto* Lady and Tk* 8ea Hawk up to m«-«t tk* — j - ’— r r —- of spring will opes at Lka Fox McDonald thsatrw building OB HunAnjr. fTo«a/*ttoe r.— — - • 1 . Jack Mulhall erMwhUa — T*«—t December I* toxaied MXTPJPJ fee» ¡ W dramatic actor of great ptoya tk* testare« leading rote to tkto First National VUaphon* ptetar*. to which he portray« a dual part, that of a cop a s« a crook wko are brother» Dark ikreete haa beea rertowe« a* ____________________ _ to * of Ltoy«'« tooa* Interesting pro fe tk m a The pdrtare. an adaptethm ggc ih o r rf t o ^ t Î 7 * L*k* < o n tT F' or“ * »*S Harrt« ttoaUia* **X “ S « « »■ Am arte, at the Xattegal Health C oate.: hBtloaal U re,to ck Expoettxa to t - ^ a p o < he la te r Charter Ne kMt IL IN G W ORKERS M EET ALFALFA POOL CLOSES while r t r n were M M M Z aa FOR NEW YEAR'S PARTY ON SATURDAY. JAN. 11 pare« to a*w heathem of 154.t24.lM i _ receive« tk* we*k before I Th* * ,n**« Worker» groep at the _____ ------------•-< ' ar. going to plant PiW acttea «arts« tke year to «at* ck»rck held a regalar hr O » aa reported to tk* aaaortattoa by H i Tker»«ay at tk* charrk. Fletcher, county agrim itam ! a g es’, Mentlcal mill* ka. exceeded order»!*' tM*T elect»« new off te piare »heir order» with oee of tke ky 2 4 per cent cer. for tke year 1PM Mr» 1 A _____________ ‘ Prodnctson reporta« by M» aaltto ¡V atow cn, w a. .le ^ * g p ^ X e n L The for the wwek w u UM IJUO. o r « J °*nc*T* **• * 1»» Visa Me n "'L t k a ^ i \ ^ 'a r ie y Magazine «tory. Pat and Mik. relate, n tto . »U c* January 1. tbeM m ill, t o . ntrwggto. of th . brother, to p c. b a r. ^ r v e d a, «7 7 p*r r« t Th* - e d u> be ■ r d e r - ^ 1 ¿ of the MM grown I n ^ a h o ^ d * Z * «** __ Reserve District N a If repo rt of c o n d itio n of the Urt narh other fjn . brother 1. a gang their normal caparttie. "< • N r - T ^ r , pony T h . >em u h a e ^ thrv«.,1, ^ toeder and th* other a t r e m a n ---------------------------- bar. did n d n * et th* week before .7 ^ , tokote, chief parpomt to to bring tke AMATEUR BOXERS T fl .CMMtnhsa. so they brought gift* and U u< crook« to Justice -roszev w «xcknnged th en os Tburndny R e - ------------------------- __________________ __ T R Y O U T A T P O R T L A N D fre»h»entn were aerred PEACE W ORKER SP E A K S T First National Bank Of sprtngfeld. to the 8 u ta of Oregon, nt tbe clone of buataeaa on beretnber 31. It!* Loan« and Dtocwanta . ______ »11«.M7«7 t f erd raft* «130 ***/— Oorwrament eeruritiee owned 13.1M U Otker bond, etoekn. and «oeurltle« owned n u o «3 Fur*ltar. and finnree. (.«OOM R X 7 . !Ji v n 7 : ? lh“ b“ k,°« bo“- - 11 tisoo Keeerre with Federal R to to tt Hank 1* ««1 ts Cash and «a» from other banks «Í.M» 77 ° ’ Trt* “ r*r “ d <»• f r o . V » Treasurwr 3I3M 1300.473 *7 LIABILITIES Capital atock paid to Burplca f n d l .d e d profit«—net Clrmtoting note, outstanding I O r C T S iU l-T » , T o S f U U E N T S M O N D A Y Cathier»' check* outstanding ------- — “ ■■■- « « ™ ■ ■ '» » » F t o n « Mr» J k Beato Mr» E P W I.. ^ 7“----- beraand d e p e n n a _________ — e — c c . . . . r H ..,. pioaahlp. will bw held to Portland, at Morr*on Mr, Mary n n e a . w r ”T rrp re^ n tatb e Time be posi Is ______ ? • C « M tic t * Auditx>riaj&, •« « — . f^rtdar e m , aigfii .« • „ « m » — — . u u . , ^ . Total __________ _ Meacham Mr. Jane M oaatjo,. Mr. o f XatloM. ,p *0, TueMay m Spnlt«' F , b rl. „ a . „ ..r a , Ceorge vanier Mr. J E Mureto. k. toHd m ldr^nto, the » X t o uL‘ • TH U RSTO N • • • • * • • • • * * « * • • « » » ..................... ... .......................... . a* to mg . « - . . . Mn P ,u . C . . , » . « S^.” . »V M„. I »5 000 00 3.000 00 « 03* 7« «340 00 143 07 113,3«»«« 14.441 «S e. A e a.,., . . Monday. nomah Amateur Athletic cteh Nettleton. Mr, E O. Cole. Mr» C W Arthur Cairert. from Juntilou CHp, A u r « . number teacher» in the rartoua bulidlc«. a - . o f e o tn e . e g Petty John, and Mr» A. J Schaetgky opent New Y ea r, day with hto ntoter, pez-ted She »poke at tbe mornmg assembly Correct Attest Paul Hadley, k K Pa«!” « °u HVO,n E8, ,‘r*,M ra‘ M rt John Edmuton hour of the high school at 10 00. and and w l X T A T o f t e ^ U ^ ’wTu NO hD Hbd* 01 tomgrlew M A N Y A T T E N D V E T E R A N Where he entered O 8. C. to continue large number of entrante In tost rge number toT *>» knows Mr Hunt of entrants I n __ hl, work there. D IN N E R M O N D A Y E V E . T».« i.amst Amateur Box arrlred ' ~ in Springfield on Monday C h X ^ an , , “ u 10< hare tam ed pro morning, ,n 4 after some Inquiries as and Mr’ c F Kgglmann. Mrs. Ethel Tburwlay to guilt fe.alonal Thia will mean a torn. ** wh*r**tomte of Mrs. Emm, J X «‘i ; “ *• ■" In *<*•• X « » Helterteand Brown, a cousin of hto. he was .„ tertllle d l..r „ t Sunday .. . , , formed she 11 red In a certain block, and daughters, and Mr, Sam Rich­ (arw ea will be held at the Thurstem with an equal chance of getting to the but / Jt bi* 1 infi/rmant was not sure which mond. all attended the dinner glren church In the afternrxm by tbe United Spanish War Veterans finaki. nouae. It bo happe 4 ’hat Mr Anda Cairert and family, who lire at their monthly meeting In Eugene meet *r AU— ------- Kniry blanks may be bad by writ T*"1 'll’’ect Mr" Br ”t>'" hotse and Mr« ¿ v L “ r *’Ml ,n , J Mult to*” re4 “ *« «** •« »cw. no. 00 Monday evening Mr» Ray Baugh Bunday 1.. . - p . * i* . . T: . ^ non>ab Amateur Athletic Club. Port r*^!lzln< f"r •>«»• that bo w u John Taylor, from Indian Creek, to land, Oregon talking to bla cousin, whom h- bad R E B E K A H S E N T E R T A IN E D helping bis brother Charles with bis not seen for forty year. B Y O U T G O IN G O F F IC E R S work during Mrs Taylor's Illness P E N T E C O S T TO BE T H E M E Mr. and Mrs Taylor Needham and M E M B E R S OF 500 CLUB The retiring officers of the Rebekah FOR SE R M O N O N SU N D A Y •cm. Ray Mitchell, hare returned E N T E R T A IN E D O N F R I D A / 1 -dge provided entertainment for the home »ft*, spending the holidays in other members of the organization at California "The Beginning o t PeDUterMf w ill, u * n<1 M n w ,I!lam Dawson en the social session of the group which Miss Hazel Kdrnlston spent the be the sermon topic at the Christian church on Sunday morning at the **rtato*- ,h* member» of the 500 foil-w ed the regular business m eet­ holidays with tier parents here ,helr h®®« "0 ing >D* on "" “ Monday ""d'-*’' *»enlng evening. Outgoing Mlsa Goldie Starr ba* relumed to 11 <>f> o’clock serrlce. Veltle Pruitt ' ,Ob “ “ <* r t part’' h u u announ.^d announ/^d that that there there will will be be , Frl'1* ’r erenlng of tost week The o tn •:‘:r’, rood their reports during the her school, after spending holidays h . riJPlfl Who wk/. Wer* mn.A. lnrlt*"1 I^^sn.to w buBfltePM 'xtommir»M , special m u.Ual selections tor Sunday *'"'*'* tbe businees session. kt • — her home In Oakland. Ml.« lior’dhy Tragla. who teaches ro"fnln« , erenlng were Ur and - ------ Mrs. W . .. X. Th* Bible school will meet at »:46 Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ucott, H IG H S C H O O L GYM FL O O R tbe lower grade., spent tbe ra/atlon and the Christian Endeavor will hare and Mr and Mrs. Harry Htewart at her home in Springfield. E N L A R G E D D U R IN G W E E K A ra»ual glance at the »pedal« ll«ted below will g|Ve you The regular members present be­ Mrs fra Nice, Hint, Bmce and their program at d:30 in the erenlng sides the host and hostess were Mr daughter, Virginia, hare returned a good Idea of the wonderful economies you can practice Work of enlarging the high school and Mr». I. fy I^rlmer. Mr. ------------ and Mrs gymnasium basketball floor was com from California, where they spent CHAIRM AN IS SELECTED at this »tore in buying the best guaranteed standard brands W H A? / 4,1 ..Mr. tbe holidays. Mr" ' 1 '■'"''I Pleted this week. The flggr to now FO R C H U R C H B O A R D Wilson, Mrs. Maude Bryan and Cry­ two feet wider on each side than It Ml»» Marjorie Grant returned to of foods. The food we sell Is all the very highest quality stal Bryan. where .b e to ' C W w«» previously. The added space was t Marshfield e s c h i.. . . . last week, a -------------- ‘'«'»m* chairman of tbe •eazblng, after spending holiday, „ Church IP.ard of the Christian church won lb h, a 7 W“ t*r 8 '" “ by D>e seats on each Baby C la m s .......... ................... n*r h u r t- r . i h . . * ».. . . . her horn« home here Grb,.r tea. .. hers who «« prizes foy the guests ! side and shoring them over aga nst 14c Monday evening, when the o ffl.e r , of ’ won ’ A the « high ' ^ Prizes hare returned to their work from Itorgc Box Washing Powder 1 r a „ h — t. W .. H Adrian for the wall. The frame to which will he j .................. .. 14c here are Miss Era I1.etteplace. tJI selves for tbe new year. Mrs. Pern o . fastened tbe protective netting has Rock Dell whole wheat Paricake Flour Blachley; Miss Mildred J«r| , ,. T,„ R efreshm ent, were served to those ’ been set at an angle wit the playing Richards w a. elected clerk, to, take 23c p .e ,.„ , .,f„ ,r , t„. playing n ,x,r not to Wiu,te any Dalles, Ml.-» Ma yf I. tie nt, to Htayton, place of Mrs C. W. O de, resigned. 2 lb. Box Iodized Salt, 10c. 3 for ........ 25c Miss Maude Ruasell, to Eastern Orc Regular officers of the church were Large can Libby’s Sweet Potatoes gon; Miss Margaret Russell, elected a week ago at the annual REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ......... 19c S r ' M t o 7 v ' t e M n , " Uh,:r' 7 raK th- '■ - « ‘ ■gac.on. whRh Full Cream Cheese . Pound 28c Notl; Miss Veda Gray. t„ | xjr, n,. was held on New Year's eve. Miss Elton,Byler, to Walto-rrllln. Macaroni, 4 pounds at Springfield. County of Lana, Rtate of ()r*K„a, a t the close of business 25c Mrs. Charles Taylor, who has beer, D ecem ber 31, 1&3». CIVIC M ATTERS TO COME Post Toasties and Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 23c quit« III with flu, to Improving and BEFORE COUNCILMEN able to he up. Yellow Bantam Corn, can a RE8OURCE8 l.o.ins and discounts ..... lie Monte Roundtree, from Portland, $124,605.40 Heveral civic matters are expected O verdrafts ............... .........................................— " 4 large Sunklst Grape Fruit 2 5c spent the holidays In Thurston 378.24 Bond ecurltle , etc. Harvey Calvert spent the holidays Mu i ’"' 1' ,'1"' ' ,,y council on - ....... «3,414.7« B o ik in g hour. JH.SGOOO. fu rn itu re and fixtures 33,500 00 Luxury Mayonnaise, real high grade, p|ntg 39c ’Rh relatives near Junction City. I meeting **' 'h“lr ....... .. 18,400.00 Real í .tute owned oth er than banking house .......... 10,842.80 Mr and Mrs noter» *«•»«« u ,...,. ‘ 1 ‘ l'r"l"' «< to « create a Cash, doe from hanks and cash Items „ „ , . reate a X a i " " I 1".':'"1 a'» " ” < v .„ ...............30,317.72 See Marion Adams at our Feed Depart and Mr. and Mra. Clifford Herrington Total Reid or to serve them with the ment and get the latest addition of Hodwan have returned to Klamath Fall, 3288,466.03 equipment telonglng to the city of Brewster's Chick Feeding Chart. after a few days spent here during LIABILITIES Hprlngfl. Id whenever necessity arises Capital stock paid in . vacation. »30,000 00 Surplus .............. will be brought before the council Peter Pan Egg Mash with Milk, cwt. $2 55 3,00000 to,me discussion regarding the peti­ Undivided profits -net 3.143.65 Brace: You look very miserable. tion recently presented to the city iti mand deposits ....... 4 grain Scratch, cwt................... $2 148,887 12 Time certificates Wallace: Ves, I drank too much by residents In the eastern section Havings deposits 24,117.5« champagne a month ago. 19,318.30 of the city, asking withdrawal, Is Bruce: Surely you have got over alMO PxpF*f ff«fj. Total .................... .... .......................................................................- ....................8288,466.63 the effect* of that by now? City accounts a r , being audited Htate of /rregon. County of Ixine ■«■ W allace: Oh yea; but the bill ha* now and a new system of keeping re that th'e « r " “' just come In. lords Is now being Installed. Correct«—A ttest: C' B KENYON, Cashier. From W sltsrvllle— F. W. Page, of Here from Lesburg— Byrl Hlavens, Welby Hlevens, A. J. Perk In s-D irectors W altervllle, was a visitor In the cRy of Is ahtirg, wat, a business visitor In (BEAM * nd "WOrni hw"r. ^ ™ ? 3rd day of January, 1930. on Wednesday. Springfield yesterday. ’ 1 “ ITTrERBON, Notary Public for Oregon (My eommlsslon expires June 1, 1932.) u The Best Brands of Food A t the Lowest Prices Shop Here to Save! Commercial State Bank of Springfield E R A y ’s CA5M 5C AR R X