_TI1VRBDAY, JANUARY », l»30 THE SF’RINOFlpn^D NEWS œM.-fW-oæ' W I ib I h U d ii « m, u,.f„rB — Y D -------------- B O N A L D - i Jtluddcncd your eyes glvan »eue» sooner Hit -------------- R IL E Y -I my pi« Spring'» Not g , r B, Wrld Andover. N. J., j , „ come«, spring’« not far behind," said Irownlng. and hl« contmtion seenre l" be borne out th l. year by the bea­ ver The beaver each year collect, enough food and wood to carry him tro u g h the winter. This year the »eaver ha. Just begun the task they generally start In October, thus In- dlcatlng a very short cold sea«on. The beaver has generally been * good forecaster. ¿ y A R T H U R SOMERS ROCHE 'IL L U S T R A T E D PAGE THRCT T _ ^ H " r t o flb t Nation In a Bouvr al Ir7 I never dreamed you'd mind. 1 really , M r. Cooper c la ry , Ixicsou, thought you loved me. The real Wrn.y.' n,««r. Lucy liarknre"; k*n"owî, "A,W aj" ” “ " ’'a" nt "A lw s j» “ « puniin»« price,” he Lucy, how could you have thought a* Ü«vil Ma> ('are bxm iiM of her ad “Hum»» woman »re bought that I Intended . . . I wanted to talk tMLrtn».*** Ilf* . *" “ 1,1 whl, |i Wl,h »ume with wl rank, und to you. «» I ,« |d. And y o u - I beard cbo»..|| nir (,,t nut , h„ rvi'tiitm ,,¥ l l l | „ ........... i p u r lin . r » ui< '••»»•«’ll Il »««m», with coffre c y I n w o n h v ’ T l... ........... . t L u reou.Mn'" T,W ha» you open the port hole, knew what Unaware that .he d'd so. »he noil a reputation a« a heart breeker Eat Meat or be Eaten you leared, and ... | know I hud no H i ’s was a man who could In- t i t o T o ’* * . ? “ kalou * Tltn »«arm« ‘leil right, no poa.lble egcu.e for running New York. Jsn. , -L o re n s Hagen- boat U . u i * y #r*’ “ b,*,r a hl» »lanlly catch your mood, drop into « * a y with you. but I meant to »lop back, who has come to America to boat, the M inerva, and .he accede. flic, and march along with you, In order not to be a quitter. A.ked It at Miami— ” act m adviser to leading xoos. say. "I'm not «ure that a suit of p«ja. alie to sorry that he won her com "And produce the ring and mlnlater that persons who eat a great dea| of pany, Lucy gay. »he I. not and that »ir» 1» «ufricieni clothing io Justify eh? .he Jeered. “Of courae you did meat can walk right up to lions and evidently fate arranged It. Tim my presence at your breakfual tab le” not Intend to break down my door— ” t gers without the trouble of being thereupon tell, her to «top looklna •h r aald. • regretfully after Lesson. »Wore Ood, Lucy, | had no Picked for a meal Meat, says this You hud I hm « on when I found Aboard Hteven. boat, Hteven. tell. thought! J wa. mad You don’t un- authority, wll make a man smell Ilk« yon ” hr unld drily. I.Ucy he love. her. to which «he r. aland what It la to be „b.ea.ed with • lion or Uger and these wild caU •Prudery,” «he retorted, slightly pile, with contempt, lie become, ail will give him slight attention. Ante- •«me on- lhat . . Walt till you love gry. and ah« become, afraid ol him angered — at her blush. "should begin Hut Io hurt you . . , ||ut to hurt you. lopes and xebras, however, feel no . ‘o’ í n t n ^ . í r e prnmtoeii'To h " d " ', , l ñ' hb "”* ...... * ' • “ * tand ( ’ ' ’ 1 * " * bluffing, making you think riendshlp for uie meat eater. Vege­ marry him. To re c .p e h .m she tosre * " ? ' *om.,,Wh’ rp >he.e .„ken Id go to the extreme length of keep- tarians stand little chance in the Into the w ater from her cabin window " w , , h».. Lucy llarkne»». y(iur Ing you on the Minerva for week». Jungle If they come within the rang* swimming a .hart dl.tanoa under the ■«r»l‘ ». knight of the Jungle and »ea ' but . And then I thonght you were of lions and tigers. Hagenback de­ water feeder of the folorn. rescuer of be- clares. drowned.” Now go on with the «lory. Itmgured moldan«. No. you urn ,„((k He tut hl« hand, over his face, a« Ing at the wrong «l«eve. Thl« 1« | The Minerva waa making, «he Hi I he left though to .hut out the dreadful pic­ "Do you mind If I eat while von ture. guessed, about »even knot«; unless «moke?" asked the elderly woman He waved u gay hand at her. In a restaurant. If I had wanted Nome one «« «onto one on deck had ««en her or dom« fram ecTfa'fo s k r t - c o ^ d " t * ° u lhe *how‘ the majestic Nymph of the ro.y dawn. Fergu. heard the «light apla.h of her dive craxlly a« all lhat. and believed that Not If you do it quietly enough Hark . l u , . mere, Fannre, m d „ greet« you. If you • he would not be observed. for though so I can hear the orchestra.” re­ * n put both feet In a «Upper you’ll aome one drowned, »wlahlng around the Oulf Stream gleamed. It waa the n the tide. I ’d have Joined that one sponded her flapper companion. find under the bed. and Jump out I loved Bo much." «he .aid coolly. pale radiance of the .tara that was left his blue eyes and there was a here, you will conrele that I ’m a . Tim : Russia’s a terrible place, Melissa: I ’ll never go fishing with reflected; the moon, being new, ca«t | "And you think. Lucy, that I lu- gleam of almost mad determination good at a recipe . . | hope you’ll grant Fred again. no beam upon the sea. It would be tended to live?" he demanded. In them. Somehow, the weakness few men boss the government I um at a prescription.” ■rveral minute, before Steven, would j •Vou’re not a gho.t. Tim .” »he that his too-good looks sometimes control all Industry. Belinda- Did he try to make lore to you ? give the alarm, before the cour.e ot ' T h l. w .. me«, a gentleman, and Jeered. "You’re here In the fle.h. gave his features, was entirely gone. W hat’s so different about the Minerva could be altered and It. one of ea.y, fluent «peach, of |,*y «afe and «ound. pleading for me to Quitters drop out before the race Melissa: h o ; he did nothing bnt gaiety and friendly camaraderie She ( cverlook| » *"eh t error cau.od by Is ended.” she said softly. »•arrhllght made to play upon nan. . , d .topped back. found the .Upper., boylah enthusiasm." water». Only accident could „.M -- ‘ Don’t talk in puxxles. I want her amal1 «mall fw feet l , "Became | can’t flnd wordg__no | atralght talk,” he cried. them In finding her; that accident lunghed a . «he put PU* her could hardly be avoided by a thirty , . a,ld thB" ’ a#el“ « « flannel one co u ld -to palliate what I did. "How do I know?” she said. "You foot swim beneath the water. Time i ' * * * * " • reached for It. Iter How can I »ay I ’m »orry I did aome- commit the unforgivable. I preferre, enough to worry when the discovery ,h " ■ ' ro,,p,’ ,h«lr mouth, shut for” an "hou7 had been tired; too hopeleu to see -------- Superintendent ot thej lerh a p ., Tim. .he ««id. "you do 1 explained you’d a blinding head , Marston. It; awlmmlng on her side, .he had Michigan Corn Borer Experimental not u n d er.,.„d women as well . . -che. gone mad from p a in - not looked ahead for, oh, hours, it •»«a """J P“1“ " I station, announces that the ern»« you thought. seemed And here It waa. white | He reached ou, a «haklng hand, but membered“« ,, retewVw’ . ' b . r e ' * d' \ m T ’ ° ' * 8° Uth »«nd. fragrant Jungle She mustered ■Better F sneered. American strain of red corn, with She easily avoided hla grasp all her waning .trength. It was only what reallv b#L , tO b* T<’ k“ 0Wn Duncan' Oolden o l°w and Red Cob For Ood's .ake, Lucy, tell me— ” what really occurred. Oh. no, , 0 Ensilage strain, wll, produce. . f t „ a few yard« to the «helving beach ! save my name To save your mem Inbreeding, a corn which Is Immune where she could get out and walk. Í "What?" she smiled. ory." He. loo, sat down, carefully, cau­ A path! That meant people. |f to the corn borer T h l. strain, after 11 "Most noble m an!” .he »neered she could only reach a house get lu tiously. ll” U* l,r’ aa “ though ,h°ugh he were uncertain three years experimenting, has prov- I *n an°th er moment you ed 100 per cent resistant when It Is 1 * side . If .he only had a blanket, to ° ? mor" n” nt f a t h l. b l, body *H I be asking me to marry you keep off the sun. the files, the ants j Planted next to Infested corn. It Why not?" he biased "At least, There wa. a house A .hack, but It L . 7^ "] t0 Mr" C,arjr’ 8h«> ••'<» will be available for planting In five looked like the Co.den llouae to Lucy ‘ » L “ *.° y° " ' * nd • • Ducy, what you know how much I want you, years. llarkne.» A veritable palace of u n -' . 7 ° “ d° T ° ° d! can't X°u under­ "And that, of course, must over­ painted boards. She staggered to­ stand how I fel,? Nearly In s a n e -” B ald E agles F e w e r Fear does that." she said. come my resistance. Tim. It must be ward It. Even a makeshift veranda, Junean. Alaska. Jan. 9.— In 1917 a 6 by 9...... Fear? You don', know me. I, was strange to meet . w„ m ,n who Isn’t with a roof above It, chairs, a table, bounty was placed on the bald eagle. madly In love with you.” and there must tie a bed Inside A wha, I'd done to you Lucy before Prior to 1927. 70.000 eagles have 7’/ j by 9 . "All right, sneer," he cried. "A Ood. I was Insane, craiy, Modane bed! been killed. The bounty remains. and the Japs had to hold me from moment ago you were . . . kind. Lucy 9 by 9 ..... She leaned for a moment against The bald eagle has only one or two But now . . . | . ,t ended, a cocoanut palm A nut fell, crashing Jumping overboard. The thing I young ones a year. So had the pass 9 by 1O’/ 2. Vpon the veranda a land crab, »cared wanted moat on earth was gone. Oh. if It Is. I ’m going straight from this senger pigeon, the last of which died patio to m.v house, and do what I Lucy, Lucy! can you ever, ever— " by the sound, looked up. saw a white 9 by 12..... In the Clnclnattl Zoological Garden "Listen. Tim: I think I like you intended to do." figure that stretched toward the It seems aa though the bald eagle too 9 by 15 She stared • ( him. The film had sky. He scuttled across the cracked better brutal than appealing. After 1» well on Its way to extermination. board., as the white figure advanced, all. I owe you something. We live for stumbled across the veranda, and experience, don’t we? Without ex­ perience we re dead, eh? Well then Into the hut. How could the crab know that It l«*l nigh, I lived. Of course the w a. the most harmless human In the price one pays for experience Isn't world Just now; merely a half- always pleasant. 1 landed drowned, semiconscious girl, naked as on a beach. I found a hut, a - R r» . . T . 81« M AIN u 8T EE no one had ever seen her since she and fainted. A man found me there; she was a baby, as nothing had ever he clothed me In h i. own pajamas seen her save the sun, the sea, the put me to bed. He happened a gentleman, but even so— ” Jungle, and the crab? "Lucky for him that you can Lucy Harkness stirred, and an In­ he was a gentleman, stant ache rushed through her body, 8he laughed. hut I, was the delicious ache that "My chivalrous friend. You wno follows complete exhaustion and sub­ i N ParkB igY ^ sU n e i? o Re<,8t' Haven Memorial would have dishonored me, who drove sequent rest. boa.itv h* one of the unquestioned me Into the sea, can glower at the ”Oo,” said Lucy Harkness. "I could eat,” she said slowly, at mention of another man, can knot The only thing least six eggs, four lamb chop», a your fists. doxen slices of hot, buttered toast— " makes the human race tolerable R IE N D S m ove aw ay "And six pepsin tablets," said a Its ridiculous quality. „Who was he," demanded Stevens. husky voice. t I o o th e r c itie s "The very question he asked!" she Instinctively she drew tight the friendships need not baggy pajamas. The voice might have Inughed. "I didn’t tell him, but Dr. Forgus Faunce, Tim come from the room In which she tell you. l o s t . . . th ey can be kept stood,, yet there wns no one there. And I think. If | asked him Io. he’d operate on you without a She stepped to the door, noticing for alive so easily, nowadays, "You told him what had the first time that it stood ajar, and ed," he asked. h y te le p h o n e , peeped through. "M y dear man! Lucy Smiling gaily at her. the while he p h o n e c a ll ta k e s stirred a yelowlsh mess In a frying- does not advertise the fact that she’s pan that slzxled above an open fire, « fool. And to tell what had hap­ few m inutes. It is inex- stood a tall, slim man. He wore pened would be to admit that I knew «o little of character that I trusted khaki knickers and his white shirt Pensive. And it gives large X •' >»» i r " e V ' w R f l ™ had short sleeves and no collar His I ' myself with a wild beast returns in friendship and hair was quite gray; green sun- would make me out a fool.” ”Oo on." he muttered. "I glasse, hid the color of his eyes; his It all.” satisfaction. nose was twisted slightly, and though You owe it to yourself .to Investigate this really re­ Humility Is so engnglng __ once broken, and his wide thin lips markable opportunity, she said. "I suppose you do really curved In a grin that showed white Pleare look in the front teeth. For the rest, he wns clean believe that perhaps yon deserve a I psges o f your telephone shaven, and his hands seemed extra­ scolding. I wonder If y„u reu„ln t „R, directory for information Its only by the grace of fate you are ordinarily muscular. about reduced o u t-o f- ”O«d gave me more Ihnn I de­ not facing a murder charge.” " It’s by the grace of fate that you town charges in the serve,” she responded. "Including a no» dead,” he rejoined. " It was didn’t you bu build • evening. - Eood — digestion. -■»■«.■on. Why nny d liln ’t you ild th a t , »v . . ....... 1 your fire on (he windward »Ide. and fear f o r ^ ’ »,dr0Ve n’ B,, Not I ’d have smelled the coffee and " t 2L” ’» T 0*“ y° " ” January Specials on Congoleum Rugs Congoleum by the yard - . 56c WRIGHT & SONS Eugene w ill be proud of “Rest-Haven” . . . « PHONE IB Keep Friendships Alive ••by Telephone! ~ F Rest-H aven memorial park it ooesn t occur to you Lucy, that 53i-7-a m n .r T a . pl, „ „ . .3 0 Ta»