PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS S pr.n.fieid, L o n . county. D « g o „‘ b, M second d a » . m atter. K>bru„ y ,« THE STOCK MARKE t I n D PROSPERITY "find n iu k u u«te 1>w <( lortuoe tur hunsell out ol bis wtieat tolerations, which hr took over alter the War frurn the U. S. Food Ad- toinistration He has chai gtd h.raaMI With the duty of seeing liiat America« »rain guea where it is qeedrd and liiat Hie price is fair to buyer and setter. M r. Barnes is one of the President's •o st mt miste personal friends, per­ haps tlie most muniate. His h.>bby Is the U. S. lliaiuhcr of Conimene, tvhich he believes can be made the Must useful constructive force in .menean business, and he has the acuity e l making big rlieve him. T h e m ^ iv e “ n t h “ h a v e ’X ^ f o r i L ^ ^ r ^ u w HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO ATTEND CONFERENCE MEETINGS IN EUGENE Three students and one faculty member w ill represent Springfield high school at the annual High m a il s u b s c r ip tio n r a te ° ” ° U r n a , i o n a l P r o s p e r it y . School Conference Io be held at the O e . re a r In A d van ce . . . „ _ | i . 78 T h r M M o n th g _____ Cnlverslty of Oregon on F riday and -«•■I. Level headed government, a sound bankln« t » M o n th « ------------------------- u 00 ..Sc »y»tem and above all good business o X n fc L t i m Single Copy Saturday of next week. Freeman Squires, as president of the local — keeps the indisposition of Wail Street fnuu th T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y J, ipso __________________ _ lng ,he enU* nation out of w h t k “ thr° W‘ student body, will attend the meetings of the Biudeiit body officers, Mra. W il­ The bus franchise has been extended to in J m e Ì t Ì v £ “ * “ ,“ * •* * are confronted by . state- liam Baker, the faculty advisor of the H a lf of all the work dnoe In the clude m uch more territory of the town, thereby B o a M O iÌ the ^ r t ! Ì * Ke,,Chair,ua“ oi the 1,'anu world u done in the United State», Ulrla' l.eague, will meet with the other When the international eominisaimi giving residents better service However w ^ ’d Ì t e r i o ^ •ay. Dr. Tliotnaa Thornton Read. Pro- girls' league advisor« for aeveral ses­ on uaval disarmament which is to feaxir o f Mining in Cohimbia Uni­ never get anything without paying for It.’ The T,d8 only * o ^ WheMt sions Vernlce lla w ke la the president meet in Lonsfon in January finishes its versity. The average American d .vj of the girls’ league here and w ill a t­ work, if it does not break up in a row, thirty timei as much work as the ave­ m acZi US rUnning every thirt-v m inutes over our cause ,hey are urgnnized, and work cooperaUvelv one man whose uifluence will have had tend the meetings of the girls" league rage Chinaman, two and one half m acadam streets is certain to do as much damage T the farni ‘nd“8try from the effects a large part in the conclusions arrived group. Dale Daniels, editor of the runes as much as the average German, at will be Dwight W. Moi row ' The a s ail the rest of the traffic, it m eans nmch S X T * ? Xcbange a,«'»P. When the ¿mxl wmrÌ almost as much as the average Junior Class Kehoes, w ill represent m ore money will have to be spent on the up- to “ nd Other^ encies smartest man in the world“ is the way Bnton. Electrically-powered machin­ Stwlngfleld at the meetings of editors Tie ediior-in-chief of a big New York ery is the answer; each American L ePh i ' a “d the city street fin d 'arm i X ™ . ‘^ n ^ S f L v S ^ ^ ,°i daily referred to him in conversation and business managers of high school worker has the equivalent of thirty- the other day papers and annuals five slaves at his command, who do has been drawing more than $1000 a year for a lbe “regularities in Wall Street. “ r fro“ Success lias not spotted M r Mor­ not^ have to be fed out of his ea.mugs. An elaborate program of e n te rta in ­ long time past. The Oregon State company row or his family. They live ui the Europeans, purr led by our prosper­ ment Is being planned for the dele­ pleasant but decidedly not “smart” ity. have attributed it to America's pays not one cent of taxes in Springfield so it HOW TO DELAY THE FRUIT CROP suburb of Englewood. N J. In much gates to these meetings, which w ill be natural resources. We know belter. the same way as any ordinary family n Z L ° * in the blH for the increased attended by students from all parts We do more work. m a m re n l? ™ P#y blH for the increased « Horace “ race Davis of Berlin. Maryland so s is k in » of middle class Americana. Being a of the «fate. The conference w ill he tlantic City, stressed s t r e s s i the fact , . * ? T that . 8Pea Ce' Tbe P811 about it, the people Atlantic if a *‘“ f g r u ®t it partner of J. P Morgan. Ambassador not only pay the bill but also six per cent interest 7 ° T?r iced the roots of his plants he would 7 e divided into several sections, alt of to U r iifo , tlie next Senator front Owen D Young told a Senate com­ New Jersey, has not impressed Mr. the faculty advisors will hold group on the unpaid w arrants for ever ,ay h,a crop by 8eVeral weeks de' mittee that it will soon be possible Morrow with the necessity of krepmg meetings, student body officers w ill for anybody to write a message in hit his trousers creased and other wise * • • In this way he could avoid the necessity o f have their meetings, publication re- own home or office and have it trens- dressing like a bond salesman. One ‘ th e ~ . mitted in his own handwriting, in­ of his daughters it a school-teacher: j presentattves w ill meet together and stantly. to any point in the world. another, as rvrryonr knows, married I other sim ilar group conferences are A ll that needs to be done to accom­ “Slim" Lindbergh. Just plain Ameri­ i being planned All of the vlaltora saJe^ » on lnteJ e8‘ing possibilities. It pre- plish this it a slight extension of ex­ cans to whom “society" means nothing. i Witt be entertained Jointly at several S 8« ! , tllu e ,when the fruit business will be out isting telegraph facilities. TeduucaUy | function» by the University. These« . n P8y' tUn'y 8tate in wh,ch the summer it is easy. | Include a big frolic and a banquet on V la ltin p P arent» Mr» Roy W hite, M r. Yosing'i predictions are always 8 come out «“ winter and the winter of Ikirtlniid. arrived In Springfield Friday and Saturday nights entitled to respectful consider atiun. fruits all come out in summer. He is one of the rare men who com­ on Saturday afternoon for a week's bines great business ability with a Vlalt with her parents, M r and Mra. Return to Wendllng Mr and Mrs. in ^®8' ,et U8 assume, make their bow broad and statesmanlike view of pub­ Wesley launbert. in February, and pumpkins in August. ! Hyrl Crow returned to W endllng on lic affairs. As the head of the inter­ Hulurday nigh), a fter spending a to?h ?Cing the root8' the8e wil1 now he restored national commisaion which worked J week here with relatives. to their proper seasons. resioreu out the plan for the World Bank to Return from Arizona M r. and Mis. handle war reparations paymcnls he Roy Sm ith arrived In Springfield on has a reputation in Europe even great­ Tonsils R em o ved.-Th e email son Some feel it might be best if the growers were er Saturday afternoon from Phoenix. than m America. He is a Demo­ in „ X 8UDle g r° wing their fruits under old-tinm crat; otherwise he would have been Arizona, where they have been spend of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Moes had hie tonsils removed at the office of a onditions. rath er than resorting to hot weather m the cabinet of President Hoover, Ing the last three months. local physician on Friday who is one of his warmest friends. ' .......... T in • g ,on the one hand- and root-icing on th e iS Hable to work a hardship CTeateriotber — —— -------------- — w other. 1 It 1 is for the growers themselves to decide »lump in the market should have S i X a t efft 4 -------------------- SprlnafleU, Oregoa. É WORK MORROW YOUNG . than the one sought to correct. • • a. s e, h S i , „ s e: , »oon as opened. goes, as her S ' 5 ' h' fifteen minin’"” " V " v“ ‘ “ eu over 25 lines. Over w h i ^ .U O „ . . ^ M r ^ r o f S e „ n ll n g , n I „ p o w e re ^ b "3 usine that own b U iH a -..a-------- Keep an eye on Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, the young man from California who has been the center of the business con­ ferences in Washington. Dr KJein is a graduate of the University of California and of H arvard; he studied also in Berlin and Pans universitiea s e i ? n t f er h tOr BOrah BootI^ K e rs in Hollywood Se“ ' ¿ ,Ut Chri8tI"a s card, n u i C nrinrteHnr / ¿ rd8 Wllh their i P h o n e num bers printed on them ’ Deit0 * ^ W® haVe had ° Ur 8now- we we can ex- Pect spring to start in a very short time - new .. « u t o m o b ile «« He WHAT NEXT’ ruling of .he u. s . Poet Offlee la. knows m ore abou t in teru a tio o a l trade than anyone else in America and. what is more important, Iw m> derstands men and knows how to make industrial and business leaders pall together. H e w ill go higher in public service. Editorial e Comment, * * cniT?tx,Nati° nal h^iiorial association says the wnrth y n e w sp a Pers gave away six million dollars worth of free publicity last year that they shouM have been t « n paid pTid for S ; " “ “ '‘ “ W ey should i^ % KLEIN S atCF however. • te evidently going to hold the ship o ^ s S S “on an Thar f t ee ' has notified appointive officers J S t ti.eny/ een, not jun?P “ '“ '•board, and H so, Mr ^ o r b S h a s ' i g ^ i h l k ^ f ‘i ™ 8- the next governor. 8 hance of being ’ fo r »U gh . ge, . a n y th in * ^ ^ d b e h e T ' h X 'X ' S e s ’t o t i m a i k e t \ ^ ^ ^ start durTng Uncle Si TinUforx • u • together ¿ i h ? 'n i , l 7 o e . ! n„ eXtra p.lece of cake Ou.«. t „te together with a cute lin u f.a, 3 P ^ e ° f cak“ aGu,’U “ business O n ffh uC it 8 nobody’s th«n. of Portland mu - I and T ru lle Collett ............................................— " j ’-'•»z, " c i r legiHiereo the E lite hotel over the week end. Stop Enroute to Natron— M r and Mra. C. M Parker, of Cottage Orove, »pent a short tim e In Springfield on Saturday while on the way to Natron to vlalt th eir daughter, Mr«. J. V. Stew art. _ Wheatland, Iowa, Gazette. Pure, wholesome Ingredienta mixed In the ntoa, delicate l l X t i u and“ n ^ S : ‘a n n ‘8 C“ ny o more f men fo stablize the price of export a° “ e oi8h nut a t the head of governmental grain for the benefit o f the Amerin n V ■» e-rvia» w k M f w r. B«n^ — _ _ _ 1 ■ n e x /^ .e c i n ^ ’^ 8 of wpddin^ s wil1 have to g o __7«nner7" s ; b ,es O n ly th e Best Candy O f.m i.e ed from Hoapital Dave O liver wa« di«ml«Hed from the Eu- gene hospital over the week-end He became very III on Christman day and was taken to the hospital for observation and treatm ent. s to p , to r Short v t . i t — Mrs. Vivian H urley, of Roseville, California, „ „ „ was a week-end visitor at the C. I. O orrle some near the city. She stopped on her way to North Bend and < ' ooh Bay. In C hevrolet History MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 Olive 8t., Eugene, Oregon B T«i u Telephone 627 SPECIAL TRAVEL BARGAIN $2 4 ‘° lo s Angolas [fro m M ain Line Points] plan your tn p t „ i , K Ang(.|(.s (7rcu/cr S/>eed pinky pinky Ó IM G C 6S/ • X- «"d C, mfort R eclining chairs in dav i * vide maximum comfort T li. rU U ’ t l’ r<’’ plenty o f room on th ra walk about. T o u rh t ske n " ' greater com fort, yet they an 8' VC ' " ll Y ou save time, too. Z « “ nomtcal. $ ! 5 to San F r a n c |SC(a •ion\ fi!,,„'„rr o i Z T a'lZ u ^ , , r^ B o w .e SLATES L O « T H t B . S K fA T W W V*- B U T CHC KNVW W H U B TO LOOK S U « .B 6 lO H B t? TBBN «MB C R IE D * i lb ft ss«e M m bv t h b b r o o k * OR E C MEADE o p t o m e t r T t t ___ I 4 J * ' E Z T 8 ™ AVE Southern Pacific «. •••w CARL OLSON, Agent Phone 65 ♦ 4