T ry th e H om e P r in t S h o p F tr tt THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS MKEB CM COACH SM H. S. OFFICERS urches to Have School B oard A sks Union Services Janitor D e o u ti^ d a, i ---- rein W illia m Hak«r will ba ^ rm ltte d to , . r^ End Disturbances at the Brattain School Building The city of Springfield will to 8ELL FARM property A deal Is being completed this week whereby the three brothers. Ernest, T. O , and NEW SPAPER NEW CREAMERY TO OPEN IN SPRINGFIELD M F H * « '~ M . 7 7 . „ . Boudin, be M‘ ' * WHI a'’nu,re ,he former BerUch a"k* ’’ to deputise M A Rice, Janitor f" m ' r” m U U May * nd »»• R«y ... full . .. police nolds. who purchased the St the «rattain school, with property „"„"on c“h u 7 h .7rvh ."‘ ,„W^,ch ‘ « 7 7 7 7 " ' ' , , , 7 “ ’°" “ ’' " •■»t f«H None of the Interested par coach the Rprlngllold ‘ J high r school h~ ‘ the H ap,,.,. Me,h.H„s, athletic teams for the balance of the the Baptist. Methodist present r year. ............ ’ "r * A telegram received rhur,'ho» w*ll all unite w ^ ir • * #a,n« by »T'nclpal 1 The meeting will be th f «rcrntnr/ »f (tie <’hrl*tlan rhu " K. Huoli. Buell, from the secretary < of the ' Christian church and State lllg lt School Athletic Commls- 7 30 prompt L iv e IN A L iv e TOW N ______________ _______________ 1 ------- TO BERG BROTHERS serve Tenth Anniversary of Prohibition Sunday Eve. Telegram From Portland Says Baker Can Serve Balance of Contract; Monmouth Defeats ; Ybe tenth anniversary of the pass Locals Saturday. Albany Re. ;’ ** nl ,he Prohibition amendment »•fit* Local Coach. I I** Btlngly observed In ttprlng reynolds and may “ The People's Paper** I A 1 ...................... .................................. c o r.v ry ------- I Wl11 ,n’ tal1 Modern Modern Mach- Mach­ inery at Once for Up-to-Date Plant on Third Street; Are -Xpert Buttermakera. - “ Ool “ •a were willing to disclose the con- « A, Creamf,ry ”e opened fa high ■(deration Inrolved In the latest and take part. I? o X aboUt Febn“ ry 1 by ° - •chool Monday evening. The other transaction, although It was stated held at the io re m n san,d " r- ^ k e v le w , I wo Janitors are now deputised and 'hat four houses, an located withTn will begin at IthT w ^ ” h**“ ,aken °a •he city lim it, of Springfield, were have power to act In any emergency / ■ S i r ^ T ^ " CO“ Crete building o . changing hands as a part of the con State.l that It had been decided _ ...................... which may arise. Arrangement of the program Third street, near Main, and It Is be- Is .. ...... h* W '» Portland on '*<«« handled by the th r^ 'L 'c l"" pas’. | *n* ren,odeled for . creamery. I The decision U) h<¥(! , h# JaB|u>r "(deration. «ZL er 7 William '«"• Rev. C. J Pike, minister of the The new creamerymen brought to deputised was brought about by the The BerUch farm I. located about her to complete his contract with Methodist church, will have charge number of complaints which have Springfield by the lnduatrial com- ■ • ■ — * ■ f M K of Springfield on the ocn school and to allow Oordoa ° r U>B services. Veltle Pruitt of the **'*” ■ received by the board o f " v ./i*™ »1 “ oe come with the highest recom- M m ••elm Wills, photographed at an, ", hl,rhway' and « composed ’ <• contln,,.. .s ,-.....h a, ....... ; C b ri.,1 .. church will, arrange , h . — ..............y tbe ' b'>ayd various ---- »*» TltlHI mendatlons as business men and the office of the Clerk of Alameda parties using the school grounds as a approximately of iso aerea. I.inveralty high school In Eugene. musical an of k - ...._____ County. California, as she applied butter maker,. They have been con­ musical n part of i the program. This loafing place and otherwise causing -M. F. Berg will move out „„ for her hcense to marry Frederick Quiets Speculation will consist of special musical num­ unnecessary disturbances d u c tin g the Lakeview Creamery, a farm and operate It for the coming ... Her nickname ol This action puts to rest much bers by Iqcal musicians and several The work of Increasing the playing - « .o n , H ,. brothers, who are employ cooperative enterprise, and come to Little (Joker-Pace” is borne out bj «Peculation as to Just what would be asthenia by the choir of the Christian floor of the high school gymnasium ¡ f h e m ^ eW l ° g° ' nt° bUilne8s for her expression here. « • at the Booth-Kelly Lumber m ill.' done here and elsewhere If the re­ church, under the direction of Mr themaelvea. Butter made by the was Inspec ted by the members of the may join him later, but will continue --------------------------------- ------. osww W.JI COI cent ruling of the association was to •Tultu Lakeview creamery ha. brought the board and many small matters were their work here for the phesent their work here for the phesent. CLiNIC PROVES POPULAR- be enforced to the letter, which Kav Ralph Mullholand, pastor of f hen up and dl.cu.sed generall* hlkhest score and top price in the Mr. and Mrs. L. L. May mored to would mean tnat Springfield. l ’ nlver the Baptist church, will deliver th e. — ------ MANY GIVEN TREATMENT San Francisco market, which attest, without taking any- action hugette some time ago. and will con •Hy high. Junction City and several of the skill „ f M r. p ,,e M a buUer .n n t Z c 'm e ’nt sermon for the evening He has ae- : W illiam 0. « ^ ' h t o ’ * ° ! * Chf>°* “ " “V " other small high .chool. In the state lected "Those Oood Old Days -------- -- «iiuouncfcment t h ^ “ ,0,’ 1 2M ,Ch001 chlldre“ received maker. He I . also skilled In making district 1». presented h l. semi annus) --------------at the waa forthcoming a . to , he pUng o, their first treatment of diphtheria Ice cream, and It will also be a pro- would he forced to employ full t|mB topic Of his address ( - financial . . - . . . . a , report to the board. It re- re Mr. Reynolds, except that he would oxfc anti toxin at a clinic conducted athletic directors, or be ousted from duct of the creamery here. ere will be no evening services vesled that the cash receipts for the the state high school association. In either the Methodist or Baptist at the Lincoln school here Tuesday mon' h« Period from June 30. j 929 move from the farm soon M achinery Bought The telegram said nothing of nest churches, and everyone is Invited to to Januacy 1. 1H30 W o r n morning. The number was made up A « < s sasa The machinery for the new cream- Th J7 7 ry ’ ■ ” 30' Were »” .«33 on year. It la understood that It will be attend the service In the Christian The disbursements for that period TRIO WAIVE HEARING ,rom the BratU1“ - ^ »co m e rr has already been purchased and enforced at that time, as there ore church. »nd high school«. A few also came wl be Installed as soon as the ON LARCENY CHARGE several of the smaller high schools over from West Springfield. building 1. ready. The building will »32.239(7 waa expended on outstand In the state who are complaining that IN JUSTICE COURT This Immunisation work la part of be waterproof plastered and sealed In« w arrant, and »398 31 for Interest. they are required to employ full time I. £ m ' ar "ta,e-wide P™ry j building, which was once uaed „ a Justice court here Monday morning ^ r m e d f hd” e“ 9 age when they can go to the Vnlver ,aann and Ao W " "" farmers a market for their cream l « n . Swarts a .r ,ed a , ^ y deliclou. Indications the first of the week Mra. J. p. Ketels; aolo. Mra. W. K. close at __________ hand and should be a real ........ 3 S X . T S . , . “ i 4 r r “ ■ *. A were that some trouble would be en­ Darnell, accompanied by her daugh luncheon to her gueata, after which asset to Springfield. they played bridge. countered In playing the scheduled ter; trombone aolo, Mr. J. D. Beals, Assessment records show that The high prise was won by Mrs. J Contest with Albany tomorrow In that accompanied hy his daughter. Agatha; i'lfw A Us*__ . . . Macey, of Eugene. Mrs. Bert talk on --------------- 'The Oood of me the u Or- city. A letter received here on M o n -I- a short ------------- - "« r when they were arrested a, a house" Billa were ■ than ever before, h-fore. desDite despite fho the fact day declared that under the eilat • 1 a _ a play Springfield In the opening game “ beau,l f“ l past guardian pin, and was mittee believe that the future out­ of the season for both school, unless recel,',,d hy Mrs. Sam Richmond, the look for dairying is bright in I-ane Baker was dropped They claimed 1 pa8* Xu* rdl»n county, and that if cash markets are that to do an would make them liable ! Ano,her token was presented lo the provided the farmers w ill produce to expulsion from the association ° ut««lng captain of the drill team. | the milk. and ,-H........... and Christian I . mOn‘ h'y board, which was held at the Public A ttend» N.O. IV. Program Lions Club Follies to Dazzle Springfield on January 15-16 Monmouth Defeats Springfield j ^*ra' W ' Monmouth high school had no dl I A v*‘ry Mr. Griffin and Mr. Pile will mov« de>*cloui luncheon was (th eir families to Springfield in a fficully In defeating the local high | "erred ,0 those present at the con- i few days and begin their work of in­ school team on her own floor Rntur- <’,'islon of the program. s ta llin g machinery at the new p la n t day evening. She had plied up a The program was arranged by Mrs total of 2« points to 14 for the locals Dam Richmond and Mrs. Ida Adam«. baptist church hears at the end of the ’ coniasi. This game Mrs. Roy I>ugh. Mrs. M yrtle Kggl- in»n KiiniP mann, Mrs. W. A Taylor. Mrs was very ragged from the start, being n,a" " ' Mra- reports for quarter featured by by much rough playing featured much rough playing. II It 1 a *eeney nnd Mrs. Tom McKInnls The quarterly business meeting ot does not have any bearing on the dis­ comprised the refreshment commit­ the Baptist church will be held to­ trict championship, however, so the tee and Albert Russell nnd charge of night at the church, commencing at boys will have a clean slate with ) the decorations. 6.30 with a pot-luck supper. which to meet Albany. , The old and new officers formed Officers of the church will mak« A practice session was held with the receiving line. their reports Tor the past quarter and the freshmen team at the University The new officers of the N, the plans for the work of the church (he flrn( of the week. are Stella Finley, guardian; during the next quarter will be di«- The first home game to be plaved Richmond, past guardian; Nellie Carr cussed after the supper. this year will probably be on Janu­ advisor; Clarlne Putnam, m: magician; ary 25, with Monmouth. Negotia­ l• the final event of the recent mem kins during the past week and the Mrs. Carl Girard and Mrs. J. A. C. Stuart. Larson Wright, Clifford Gen. Pershing ................... 01e„ Wood come to the front of the stage over bershlp drive conducted by the Le- actual construction work has begun. £ " '• Ne»r' .................. Jack Henderer. Neher were hostesses at the monthly night. Tired business men have sud­ Wilson, C. J. McKee. «lon. Several local members plan to Some dirt was excavated last week Rush-In Ballet Dancers— Dr. W. C. ” e,nry F'ord ....... Dr- N. P. Mortensen. meeting of the ladies aid of the Meth­ denly been transformed Into cavort­ attend a Legion meeting at Eugene to provide sufficient air space be­ ................. - Clayton Barber. odist church, which was held In th« ing chorines, and Fred Walker ha, Rebhan, "Ben" Turpin, W. W. W alker “ r8 today. tween the ground and the floor of become a Oalll C u rd , such is the ma and H. E. Maxey. Mary Plckford ........ . -P inky" Coglll church parlors yesterday. Routine the new building, and workmen have business was transacted. «•<• of Miss Luclle Collett, of the Co- Spanish Dancers—William Pollard. President Hoover .............. Born— Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rice, of been busy this week laying drain tile Mrs. Hoover -------------- F B. Hamlin. Raul Potter. law Production company, of Oreeley Slayton, a son. The baby has been and sewer pipes from the main sewer Flapper, of 17»g _w . A. Taylor P. T. A. WILL MEET ON Colorado, who I . directing the Lions Bridal Party -------- named Leonard Allen. Mr«. Rice waa to the places where they w ill be Follies. Dallas Murphy. FRIDAY OF NEXT WEEK B'"bop .......................... » . O. Dlblee. a teacher In the Springfield high needed In the new bnlldlng. Flapper« of 1930-Johnny Lynch. The next meeting of the Parent- Dr. Rebhan suddenly discovered BridesmaM«....Dr. W. C. Rebhan and ■chool for many yean. The front of the building will be Teachers' association will be held nt '•te n t talenta as a ballet dancer; Freeman Squires, Thayer McMurray W. W. Walker. of brick, according to Mr. Perkin« Galll C urd— Fred Walker. From Wandllng—John Downing, of Heini» Adrian a black-faced negro Flower Olrla....H. E. Maxey and "Ban" the Brattain school on Friday, Janu­ and the lower part will be tiled, mak­ Bathing Beautle«— K. M. McKee, Wendllng, transacted business her, ary 17, according to an announcement Turpin. ing one of the moat attractive build- mamnif, and William Runde h u be- wr. W. N. Dow. Jack Larson, Frank on Wednesday. made here this week by Mra. Pan! « « • • brida. B o b « notablM sooli «■ Ings In the city. B r id e ----------------- WiHUm Runde. General Pershing. Henry Ford (in waitson, Dr. Phetteplace, and Harry o ™ « ------------------- — . O u « Whor Brattain. The detail, of th« pro- «ram have not b « n completed at P1*n,at — ...................... jn j,