The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 02, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    P age »ix
large truck. No other member of the
ON WAY TO GRANTS PASS parlv. which Included Mr. and Mrs
“Charming Sinners," (he W. Som
ersel Maugham drama, which will
»how at the B. II Theatre, start'd»
tomorrow for (wo days, presents the
problem of a woman who knows her
husband is flirting with her best
friend and who chooses to ignore the
situation until she is forced to re­
cognise it In a startling climax. The
solution i8 the highspot of this scin­
tillating comedy-drama
Mrs L J. Crow received a wrench
ed back and neck, ami two bruised
eyn» Inst week when the car III which
she was riding while on a trip io
visit relatives at Grants 1‘ass, left
the road to avoid an accident with a
Uncle Sam's air mail supplied first
•id in the making of a great motion
picture, when William Haines' new
starring vehicle, ' Speedway,“, at the
Bell Theatre, was filmed. The picture
* as filmed at the lndianopolis races.
Eivery evening the film taken during
the day was boxed and shipped via
Interior view shows some of the
air mail to the Metro-Goldwyn-Msver
passengers foe an hour’s flight over Lake Geneva. SwitaertuA ’Vb?
P l U broke all record, for carrying^
studios at Culver City, where is was
developed and assembled. Use of the
air mails saved days of time and
consequently a fortune in money in
fall creek men jailed
making the big production. Haines
Plays a race driver in the new pic­
ture. which Harry Beaumont direct­
ed. Anita Cage. Ernest Torrence.
George Kelly, 23. and Perry O
time wondering whether they are King. 31. pleaded guilty Tuesday af
John Miljan and many others of note
are in the cast.
I f . ou had all the money yap wanted real, near real or anything but. Some­ . Ufaoon before District Court Judge
to spend on dress you would doubt­ times black onyx or composition is lO. F Skipworth to a charge of setting
less have a fur coat or two. a cloth combined with white stones-esp ecl j up and operating a still In the woods
richly trimmed with fur and a ally when they are worn with all eight miles above the post office al
all black or black and white. Fall Creek.
fox M c D onald theatre generously proportioned fox scart white,
has o been worn
to wear with
w.iu your
»uur tailored
laiioreu suit and
------ Jewelry lian
The men. together with (Jeff) Ste­
As Floreni Ziegfeld has glorified street dreeses in spring and summer. con*ld’‘r» b|2 of late, and there la vens and Mrs. King, were arrested
the American girl, so Radio Pictures
early Saturday morning by deputy
glorifies Ziegfeld in its superb spec­ less they are satisfied with the
sheriffs, who discovered ihe still ana
tacle of music, beauty and drama now
captured the first two men mentioned
playing at the Fox McDonald Theatre comes down to choosing whether
when they went to the dugout which
j they can afford a fur coat or a cloth
‘ Rio Rita."
housed the machinery, to begin op­
All the rich qualities which drew coat lavishly trimmed with fur or a
Braodway crowds for 62 consecutive realy nice fox scarf.
Stevens. King and Kelly all pleaded
weeks at the Ziegfeld Theatre have
One way to solve the problem Is
guilty In the Justice court Saturday to
been retained in the film production to buy a cloth coat without fur. and
a charge of possession of deer meat
and to these have been added mobility a fox scarf, which may be worn with
out of season and were fined 6100
and magnitude which the stage, even the coat during the colder weather,
each. Mrs. King was released to go
under the direction of a Ziegfeld. could and later on with the tailored suit
to the home of her parents at Leona
not hope to attain.
or street dress. There are very
Stevens is being held on an open
Against the most lavish sets yet smart black coats of woolen material i
charge. He has a long criminal re-
seen on the screen is played and sung suggesting chinchilla that may be
i cord, and the county officers have not
the magnificent drama of the Mexican bought at quite a reasonable price,
decided what to do with him yet.
borderland by Bebe Daniels. John one of which might be worn with a
- Several other police officers want the
Boles and a supporting cast of hund­ black or brown fox scarf as Indi­
| man.
reds. Mighty vocal choruses inspiring cated in the sketch. The price of the
The still which the men had been
dance routines and beauty assemblies furless coat and the scarf would be I
operating was one of the largest ever
show for the first time the endless very little more than a realy good
been discovered In this pari of the
possibilities of the speaking screen. : fur trimmed coat.
state. It was equipped to handle 761
In the huge cast are Robert Woolsey
Black is decidedly smart this sea­
gallons at a time. Ten barrels of |
and Bert Wheeler, crack comedians son for coats and may be used in
mash were found with the still. Ac­
of the original show; Don Alvarado, combination with black, brown, gray
cording to the men arrested only one
popular screen player; Dorothy Lee. or biege fur. Brown Is good, though
batch had been run off before It was
flapper sensation of “Syncopation“ ' decidedly usual, and green is rapidly
discovered and the enterprise had
Helen Kaiser. Follies beauty; Georges coming forward as the smart color
been a bad financial failure.
Rtnevant. Tiny Sandford, Sam Nelson for the winter. A hunter's green
and Eva Rosita More than a hundred coat might be worn with a biege fur
glorious girls, the Pietro Cimini grand with matching green hat and beige
chorus of eighty male voices and the accessories.
famed Radio Pictures symphony or­
chestra, are among other features.
Diamonds, white sapphires, white
The whole of the second part of the topax. rock crystal, fired zircon,
production is filmed in technicolor moonstones and pearls—these are the
aboard a sumptuously furnished gal stones that fashion favors for evening
leon anchored in the Rio Grande
wear. Add to the list if you like.
In addition to “Rio Rita." “Follow rhinestones and colorless paste and it
ing the Sun Around.” "The Kinkajou" Is complete. The fact that white or
and other lovely melodies from the colorless Jewelry has come Into favor
original show, two new songs are for evening and while real sapphires,
These, also composed by emeralds and rubles may be used If hardly a material that has not been
Harry Tierney and Joe McCarthy, are you have them set with diamonds. If used to make earrings, bracelets,
"Sweetheart. We Need Each Other," you are buying the less expensive sort necklaces or brooches. Wood and
leather, beans and lion’s teeth. Iron
and “You're Always in My Arms."
of costume Jewelry for evening it and bronze have ail been called Into
• • •
should show no color.
Play, but ornaments of this sort are
A shell screamed . . . a song of battle
Arms and necks gleam In the even­ looked upon with disfavor for even­
. . . a company was decimated.
ing with the brlliance of clear, color- ing. when the more conventional type
pu b
«tnnoa - « j
wssajss n ip m u re co nvention
Luigi survived . . . after a fashion. I less
stones and no one spends much of thing betokens better taste
Four years in hospital. The ravages
of war had left their mark—blindness!
Impatient diner- I suppose, waiter,
Gentleman on boat: I don’t feel at
He wanted to leave his native Italy. I can sit here until I starve ?
all safe In this leaky old boat.
He wanted to return to America. A
Waiter; I'm afraid not, sir. We
Boatman: Don’t you worry, sir. If
woman, young, temptingly sweet . . . close at ten.
anything happens I'll take the blame
faithful, was a-aitfng. But if she re­
membered him. her old neighborhood
Convict; Yes sir. I put it straight
Wife: A poor woman came today
knew nothing of it—of her.
ask for old clothes.
He wandered the streets of New
Husband: What did you give her?
York with a hurdy-gurdy and a voice | embezzled that money?
Wife: That old suit you've had for
Convlst: Yes sir. I put it straight
that flooded golden songs. The blind
ten years and the dress 1 bought last
have sublime courage. A child cross­ into the savings bank.
ed his path . . . child of the woman
he loved! His eyes were opened by
a skillful surgeon . . . but his heart’
See “Love. Live and Laugh," the
all talking Fox Movietone drama with
George Jessel and other brilliant
troupers and hear Jessel sing at the
Fox McDonald next Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday. It's his outstanding
C J Crow, Irene Crow, their daughter
and Mr und Mrs. Beryl Crow, were
Injured In ihe aceldenl. allhough the,
Were all badly shaken up ami bruised
They were all taken tn Oakland for
medical treatment.
The fender and running hoard on
the Crow automobile were damaged
Monday, January 6
file Mid-Winter Term nt the Eugene HuHlncHs
College begins Monday, January 6.
Start the New Year right by enrolling with
one of the new classes on that date.
Eugene Business College
"It's a - A—
Good •
A. E. Roberts, President.
Telephone 666
Minor Building
Eugene, Oregon
We Stand Ready
to Serve You
Whatever you may want today, tomorrow or next
week in the way of the very best meats, we stand ready
to fill your order completely and satisfactorily.
Only first class meat is carried in this shop.
4th and Main Sta.
January Sale
Home Furnishings
Happy N ew Year
We thank you for the most
No more interesting example of
modern miracles has come to pass
than that which heralds the visible
approach of Moran and Mack, The
Two Black Crows."
Millions of persons have heard the
voices of these black-face comic 1
geniuses over Che radio and on the
phonograph records, but they hare
never had the chance to see what
they look like. Their first moving
picture “Why Bring That Up" comes
to the Bell Theatre for a two day run
beginning on Tuesday of next week.
The famous comedians will be seen
in blackface routines and In regular
Whiteface straight roles.
Wagg: Have any luck hunting lions
In Africa?
Tagg: Yes, I didn't meet one.
liberal patronage you have given
us in 1929, and wish you a
/ TO
Contract Goods Excepted
Fulop’s Department Store
Julius Fulop, Prop.
334 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon
Ira F. Powers Furniture Co.
1 1th and Willamette Streets, Eugene