I I T H IlH H n A Y , JANUARY 2, 1030 T H E B P R lN O n g L D NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST PARK FIVE NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ON TUESDAY EVENING T h a t Men Save J the Country Principal Event» of th« Weak Assembled (or Information of Our Readers. Uilllam Preston, plonear merchnnt of Kugann, eel I ruled on Now Vi ,ir*» th minlvern.ry of hl« bual- u> ■>» . atoor In Huauau. It« u i t , eBr« old and haa born aellvr In bualnasa In »•'<■ city Ion..or ih ii any other man In Eu«> n». Th«, Mo -tie R ive, Traffic aaaodallun raporla that 266« carload« of p»«r. W«'ra shipped by Deueuiber I, The •■"‘mated value waa »1,»16.330. Tha •hlpnienta exceed the pra a„aa«n eaip male, which waa 350O cara valued at |S .000.000. Moat of the dairyman and the bead« of tha elaht «ranges In Yamhill coun ty met In MrMInnvIlle recently with Brdon T. While, county agent, where • Pnmram for the alamplng out of oontagloua abortion among cattle her,,a waa laid out. John D Rockefeller, shown with John II. Kockrlrllcr, Jr. (right) and Than,at W 1-amont, who bought heavily on the Stock Exchange in order to rml tier remit dr, low tn prim and tliut avrrtrd a national panic At a meeting railed by Mi l.amonl. the dreiuon wa* made to remedy th« worst Wall Street situation in a score of years. New officers were elected for both i the church and Munday school of the 'Christian church at the annual meet I In«, which was held Tuesday night 1 The evening began with a large sup- per. which waa served In the parlors of the church at 6:30, and after the i election the Christian Endeavor group ' entertained at a watch night party. The new officers of the church are j Mrs. E. E. Morrison, financial secret- ar; Mrs. N. L. Pollard, treaaurer; E. E. Morrison, financial manager; Vel tie Pruitt, chorister; D B. Murphy, I assistant; Wlnlfrld Tyson, pianist; Agatha Beal«. assistant; W I House I head tin her. TOWN AND VICINITY Three deacons and elder» were also elected at the meeting. The clerk of ; the congregation will be «elected at / h* meeting of the church board on From Camp Creak—Chester Nye, of Visits In City Mr«. 8 W Richard Monday evening. Camp Creek, was n visitor In the etty «on, of Pengra, was a visitor In thia ' 8 G on Monday. city on Tuesday ** ° M " wa" elected superin­ tendent of the Sunday school. Hla as­ Vida Man H«r«— F. A. Weed, of From Waltervll«—R. P Hartwig. sistant« will be D. B Murphy and Vida, waa a visitor In th« city on Of Waltervllle, was a business visitor France« Travis Other new Sunday the first of the week. •cbool officials are Esther McPher In Springfield on Tuesday. son. secretary; Jewel Heiterbrand, Comas In from Wendllng—H. B From Marcóla—Mr. and Mr«. F. A. Hursler, of Wendllng, waa transact Parks, of Marcóla, were callers |p assistant; Emmagene Travis, corre* ponding secretary and treasurer; Ing business In Springfield Monday. the city the first of the week. Mina Peterson, librarian, Julia Peder­ From Thurston -Charles Taylor of Fall Creak Man Herw— R. W Call)- son, assistant librarian; D B Murphy, Thurston, wa* a visitor In the city son. of Fall Creek, waa a bualneaa chorister; Gerald Morrison, assistant during the week-end. chorister; Agatha Beals, pianist; and I caller In Springfield on Tuesday Beulah Richardson, assistant. Service Station Man III—Virgil Jone« Cottage Grove Man Vlalta— F. E. la still confined to hla home with an Tuller of Cottage Grove called on bis SCHOOL BOARD TO HAVE attack of flu. friend« here on Tuesday. Auguat W. Wood«, a native of Fin land, died at Elkton recently. He waa horn In 1164. coming to thia country when a young man. Ila waa tha oldest Maaon In Douglas county, and tha sec­ ond oldest member of the order In Oregon. It Is believed. W alter Adams, for 30 years station agent for the Northern Pacific rail­ way at Pendleton, and 13 years In tha employ of the road, haa retired and will make hla future home In Portland MEETING MONDAY NIGHT He began bis work with the road at Tonsils Removed — Paul Brattaln ( Transact* Business— E. L. Bowen, Puyallup. Wash., In I Ml. underwent n tonsil operation on Fri­ of Dexter, was a bualneaa visitor n The regular meeting of the school Although the 192» summer season day of last week. board wll be held Monday evening. the city the first of the week. wna the driest on record there were January 6. according to William G. Vlalta from Portland- F C. Oorrle From Wendllng—Mr. Fred Easton, Hughea. clerk. The financial report but SI Brea In the Umatilla national of Portland, arrived here Monday of Wendling, was a visitor In Spring of the district will be presented by forest, according to the report of the evening to spend a few tlnys with his field on Tuesday afternoon. forest service. The damage sustained the clerk for the consideration of the mother, Mrs. C. I. Oorrle amounted to only »669 « . compared board members. Spend New Year's In Salem.— Mr with »300,000 the preceding year, Leave* for Glondalo—C. E Archer and Mrs. W. H. Adrian spent the New A meeting of Umpqua vullcy melon left for Glendale on Saturday with Year holidays at Salem Legion Meets Friday grower« was held tho first of thia a load of supplies destined for that The regular meeting of the Amerl- ' week, at which time the growers con­ city. Have Baby Bon—Mr. and Mrs. can Legion will be held tomorrow sidered a contract with the General Glenn Chamberlain are the parents evening The community hall project Ill With Flu—Kiley Snodgrass Is Erult corporation, which offered to io f a baby boy born »-mday morning will be taken up for discussion again handle Umpqua valley cantaloupe« ex­ still confined to bla home with an oca physician was In attendance Each organisation Is expected to con­ clusively during the coming season. attack of the flu. He has been sick for more than a week. Vlalt from Fall C reek-M r. and Mrs tribute a certain sum to defray the Taxes In Josephine county outside J » . Glaapy. of Fall Creek, were rental charges, 'toe chamber of com- of Grants Pass will be lower In 1930 Elderly Lady III—Klin Walker, bet­ visiting friends in Springfield on merer voted recently to lease the then In 1929. according to a report ter known as Aunt Ella Walker, la Friday. i j second floor of the building for three filed with the county commission by reported to be very III at her home on year«, providing the other organlxa- D. O. Ilnyea. county clerk. In the Mill atreel. Vlslting Brother Mrs. Martha Mor «he city will guarantee to help city of Grants Pass, the report re­ letiscn, of Sulim. Is spending the P“ Y «he rental. Foiling In Health—The mother of holiday vacation In Springfield, vlalt veal«. the taxation will be 11 mills — ------------------------ above 1929 John C. Ruma Is confined to her home Ing at the home of her brother. Dr. R Accountant Hero— Mr Fred Pohl The shortage of pasture during No­ at S28 Mill street due to tailing P. Mortensen. returned to the local office of the vember due to the extreme dry season health. Mountain States Power company to­ Come from Salom—Mr. and Mrs was reflected tn the cut In production H er. from California Mr,. Marie Wayne Hawke, of Salem, arrived In day to assist the force here. of the cows of the Coquille Valley ’ ° n; "• Of J°"* 8pr,,"'fil‘,d <>'■ Tuesday evening ,o Return from Trip- Mr. an I Mrs M Testing association. For November ™ r n . allfornla. arrived here Saturday to , spend spend the New Year's v « .,' . h e iia .____ with _ the New holidays M. Male and daughter. Grace. n-tJ.-n- last year the average butterfat produc­ spend a few days. Mr. Hawke's parents. ed recent!) from -, trip ;o Portland tion was 19 62 pounds. Thia year It wna 13.71 pounds. and Newport, where they stunt a Waltervllle Resident Hero—Mrs. Goshen Resident In Town Mrs. part of the Cbr'stmaa holidays. JiUss Eleven year old Donald Wlcka of Do Charles Carter, of Waltervllle. WttB Willard Cochran, of Goshen, was i Grace Male left yesterday for Port­ rona. ion of Mr. and Mr«. Elmer calling on her friends In the city on business caller In the city on Tue» land. where she is employed. Wicks, a few days ago. In a trap set Monday. day. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran operate near the Wicks home, caught a mink Take Trip to Tillamook— Mr. and Remove Tonsil«—George, the ten one of the gasoline filling stations In that measured throe feet from tip to Mrs W lbur Lloyd and their daughters year old son of Mr and Mrs P. W. Goshen. tip. Mink are not common In that Evelyn and Frani-:» Jean, returned to section, and this probably Is the pret Humphrey, of Fall Creek, underwent Will Return to Horn*«—Mrs. E. H Springfield on Friday night after a «tea. and larges, one ever taken there ‘ tonsil operation ' at a local doctors .. . ................ office on Saturday. Turner, mother of Mrs. H. E. Maxey. visit to Tillamook, where they were Ori hardlsta will spend approximate _ | Mr* E ° ' s «mnnd" ° f J“m"R Slr“nd' « » Olympia, Wash- son family. The Lawsons are former of pear trees throughout Rogue River Mr Dale Oliver will be glad to hear ¡ingtonf returned to their homes today Springfield residents. valley. Four carload* of young tree* hat he I. recovering from a recent ¡after havlnlg spent two w eek, visiting hare been ordered from California Illness which necessitated his being at the Maxey home nurseries. Most of these are of the taken to the Eugene hospital on ! Bose, Comice and D'Anjou varieties. 1 hrlstmas day. J Tonsils Removed—Genevieve Ik- The coat of planting I, estimated at Voaa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gust I »60 to »76 per aero. Register at Elite— Lavonn Nelson ■ DeVoss. had her tonsils removed at The Rogue River Canning company of Salem, Kermit Akin of Mapleton. ) the office of a local physician on has closed Its season after operating Bertha latgsron of Brownsville, and Friday. since June 26. During the peak of the R M. Sumner of Portland, were all season 126 workers ware employed. registered at the Elite hotel during Returns to Eastern Oregon—Tom Over »76,000 wna paid to farmers and the post week-end. Brattaln left Springfield Wedneslay orchardlsts for vegetables and fruits. Hight hundred and twenty-seven tons of pears were canned, for which grow­ ers received »60,000. Tho Charity grange of Harrisburg at Ita last meeting adopted resolutions asking the stats highway commission to use Its Influence to get legislation that will exclude advertising signs on the highways of Oregon closer than 600 feet. Copies were sent to the Oregon Motor association and to the state highway commission. Automobile windshield stickers, substitutes for the regulation license plates, or rather augmenting the plates, must be on the car January 1. The pew 1830 stickers, which are good only until July 1 and which will coat only one-half the regulnr annual foe, must bo pasted on the windshield anil used In connection with the old 1929 license plates, which nlsn must he re­ tained for Identification. Governor A. W. Norblad arrived In Salem and went directly to the home of Mrs. I. L. Patterson In the Kola hills, seven miles west of there, to extend hie sympathy to the widow and family of the former governor and returned to the city In time to attend the funeral. The body of Governor Isaac Lee Patterson of Oregon was l«Jd to rest In the Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum, Just south of Salem, shortly after I o'clock Monday after­ noon. The funeral lervtoes were of a military nature. Returns from Bend—Mrs. Allre I-ornh returned to Springfield on Saturday afternoon, after spending the Christmas holidays with the Henry Korff family In that city. Returns to Tacoma—John Hallln and 8am Gwlloway returned to Tn coma Inst Saturday, after spending the Christmas holidays here at the home of Mrs. Emma Olson. Mr. Hal Iln Is an uncle of Oswald Olson. Are Quests at Dinner—Dr. and Mrs W. H. Polkird and family were guests at the C. W. Hansen home east of Rprlngrield for dinner on Tuesday evening, New Year's eve. 8pend Vacation H ere- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crabtree, of tho Booth Kelly camp «t Wendllng, spent the Christ mas vacation at Springfield while the logging operations were closed for the annual shut-down. Visit Son-ln-Lsw— Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson vialted their daughter snd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wore- wick, at their home on the Lorane highway Sunde. Returns to 8«attle— Miss ThedB Perklna returned to Seattle Tuesday, after having spent « com Mae hare visiting her brother, George Perkins. Return from Canyonville— Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Parker returned from Can­ yonville on Sunday, where they had been spending « few days during tke holdlayx with bis mother. To Our Friends— We like to think of our customers as our friends. So may we express to you our appreciation for your 1929 business, and say to you at the begin­ ning of this year that we hope to serve you even better in 1930. Feel free to consult us about any of your house furnishing and hardware problems. W^ enjoy helping a friend solve a perplexing prob?em as much as making a sale. We will always gladly give you the benefit of our years of experience. WRIGHT & SONS 516 MAIN STREET PHONE 1Í for his home at Paisley, east of the Cascades, after spending the Christ­ mas season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brattaln. here. Bell Theatre sensational new improved FRIDAY and SATURDAY no - wringer 'Charming Sinners’ Featuring Clive Brooks mid Ruth Chatterton EASYW ASHERS I ’O'W’EST PRICES ever tutted fo r any no-w ringer EASY SUNDAY and MONDAY William Haines in ‘S p e e d w a y ’ BOTH have the famous centrifugal Dam p-Dryer in place of the old-fashioned obsolete wringer. BJTH are TUESDAY and WED. Moran and Mack, the TWO BLACK CROWS, in ‘W h y B rin g That U p’ Always 10c and 25c safe— wonderfully efficient— more compact— shorter and low er than any previous no-wnnger EASY Washer. 7 F BOTH sell for the same lo w price—the lowest ever offered on any no-w ringer EASY. Take y o u r c h o lo j 1« Improved w as h e r X« Marvelous M ountain S t a u s power C o m pany