ì THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1930 T lfK ^ P K iN n tm C I.r NWWB PAGETHWOI SUMMONS T R A IN S C H E D U L E • " the Circuit Court of the St «to of Springfield Stops Oregon tor tho County of Lane. NORTH Huy G. Cairn» and K ila M. Calm «, P la in tiff» ; V«. Charlo» A. McVay No. 1« a t 3:54 A. M »top to detrain and L. Z. M cVay, hoir» at law of a . P. M< Vay. Daniel pa»Menger» from K lam ath Falls and M cVay and Ann M cVay, deceaaed beyond. No. 8 at 4:11 p. m . und all the unknown heir» at law o f Daniel M cVay and Ann Bu» connection» at Eugene for A.” P# r £ W h , ? ,; / S ’. ? z' 1 :’ V ’ “ 7 P. M OREGON STATE NEWS ; OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. ADM IN ISTRA TO R'S NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT sale or trade — two weit located L o t* In Springfield for Eugene property.— Addre»» p, o. Bo» I t i . Springfield. tf for In the County Court of the State of Orogon In and for the County of Lane. ' IN P R O B A TE In re Estate of M nraarel Kllen John- •<>n. I>T('nAM««(i. Notice 1« hereby given that the un- der.lgned, J fu wia Johnson, ha. filed In the above entitled proceed I««» hie final account a» adm lnlstra tor of said .» ta le ; and that the t ourt ha» aet the tim e for the hear In« of the »aid final account to he at the hour of t o .00 o'clock A M January 3. | MC lh „, , „ y bavin« any objection« to the »aid final account »hall make the »»me In n l" ,h ” ,n ,h " above entitled proceeding» on or before the tim e for tho »aid hearing. J. L E W IS JOHNSON, ■ i e. A dm inistrator H. E. S L A T T E R Y , A ttorney for Adm inistrator. I) 5 12 18 2« J 2 S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. George J. W ilhelm und Cecil O. W ll- v " ” L H y la » d and Mabel O. Hyland, und Pacific Slates Credit Association. B cor- porallon. Defendants. . . T " ” b ' ••>'*«nd and Mabel o. Hyland. Defendants: y,!,'‘ are You hereby required «’• to Oregon ''« o n .« ; M cV ay; M R. Flow ers and Florence SOUTH No. 7 a t 12:47 P. M. Flowers hl« wife, L illia n T ravl». F redrlke T ra v l« and Lee Travis No. 16 a t 10:0» p. M. Flag stop for A fte r a brief Ulaeoa Donald i heir« at law of L. M T ravl». de­ P*aaenger» to K lam ath F all» and Leod. master of the largest flock ceased; K a rl Churchill and ----- -— FOR R E N T — Modern house, eith er I beyond. •beep in M alheur county, died furnished or unfurnished Phone I Churchill hl» wife, How ard Chur­ Bu» connection» a t Eugene fot week. H e was a bachelor. chill and ------ Churchill hl» w ife; nr.M ________ « I Raymond C hurchill and ------ Chur-, train« leaving 11:46 A. M. via Sin-1 The firs t two carloads o f Jerusalem FO R R E N T - W alnu t O r c h a r d .- W chill hla wife. O live Fay McDougald, klyou line artichoke tubers to be shipped out «< Kulcerbocker, Route 2. J Jj M yrta Doan and E. B. Doan her husband. heir» al law of Anna --------------- ------------------- ---------------- Linn county b are been forwarded by Churchill deceased, and all the un MRS. BRUNSON PASSES VOTERS ASK NEW ROUTES Schuler Bros, from Crabtree to Santa known heirs at law of Anna Chur­ ** Rosa, CaL ch ill, deceased, and to all whom It USABLE DURING FLOODS AT W ESTFIR ON FRIDAY may concern. Defendants. Testing for Infectious abortion la A petition which aska that the road ___________„ Tn Charles A. M cVay, A. P. M cVay M r"- L . A. Brunson, o f W estfir, taking great strides fn Polk county. leading from the end of South Aider L ' • ' Vay. heir» at law of passed aw ay a t the home of her Five communities are now working ».rent Eugene HXtBnit..(1 ™ e l M cV ay M c V a y . daughter, Mrs. W. L. Fisher, last Fri- together to have the test applied W Ooshen a» a county m arket road, and ¡la w of Daniel M cV ay and Ann McVav day a t noon at the a* e ot «♦ years th eir herds. R« Improvement ------- --- for use as an al- bis wife. Charles A. M cV ay and A. P She came to Oregon In 1921 and baa The city of Jacksonville has filed rOUh‘ wh,,n fl,M,d » " « • ">ake ,Y* y h‘* * lti ? " d b Z M cV ay; M »•«<• near W e s tfir most of the time w ith ihe county court the list of land« o ^ t o T r X a i v m i s ' 7 X t e d U r w t C o * f t Y ’ " ' " „ w „ i f e J I " I H ’^ t v _______ ______ . ~ M «..M i * * u kl1 fr ‘’,n ,h ” d“ te ut ,he r*F«t In« clrcukited among the voter» of T r »»l". deceased. K a rl Churchill and publication of (his summon», and If the county Churchill hl» w ife. How ard you fall so to appear and answer 1 for want .hereof ,he plalnllf’ «’ will j Th” P o t io n 1» directed to the county f u X o n d ’’ '’ c Z " '“' ^ “yinl for to t o ? ? i.” T U,,en a young child, and la te r met and ” a " led A. L. Brunson to that a» a watershed for Its contemplated w ater system. N w b erry crater to the Paulina moon. tains south of Bend w ill be p artly circled by a rim road, according ta plans announced by the Deschutes na­ tional forest officials. 1 T h m the mortiaic«" THfernuf11»«» H I ,ro“ 8hl Mp t0 m arket road stand M yrta Doan and E B. Doan her hue- Blate- A fte r th e ir m arriage they mow- In p la in tiff» ’ complaint herein b e i 7* ’ ' “ M •'"’■•»■'«’’ Ing a dependable band, all heirs at law of Anna Chur- *<• to Big Cedar. Oklahoma. In 1909 N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G I • fl i 11 «I a . ..I s J .9 1 __W- declared to be a first and v#ll»| lien I aU ern a,e route during the high water. chill, deceased, and to all the un Where they lived until coming to Ore­ Notice Is hereby g|y, „ t |lnt , h„ The 1928 tax rolls of Polk county known heirs at law of Anna Churchill, Upon the follow ing described real I — ------------- --------- - a«*rslgn»-d adm inistrator of ......... .. deceaaed. and to all whom It may gon. She was a mem ber of the Mis­ turned over to S h eriff Hooker for cob- *' " " h » le r . deceased, has filed premises, and a ll thereof, to w tt: Here from M arshfield It. B Mason sionary Baptist church. lection in 1929 show a delinquency o t final report ami account, und tho Lot No. 2 In Block No. 2 In First I of M arshfield, was among the visitors concern. Defendants: Surviving her, besides her husband, slightly over 10 per c e n t In the name of the State of Oregon Fnlrm ounl Heights a» (o u n ty Court of lam e c „ „ n ty. Oregon Addition to Thia la lu the city on Monday. you and each of you are hnrehv are two daughters. .Mrs. W. L. Fisher. U>- best record since 1925. and » P o in te d Saturday the’ same appear« on maps and plats I Hummoned and required to appear W e s tfir; and Mrs. Bertie Fisher, Big H th day of January. 1930 at io , lock thereof now on file and of record In State and county taxes in U m a tilla and annwer tho com plaint filed A D M IN IS T R A TR IX 'S NOTICE A M . in lb« County Courtroom, Eu Hie office Of the Clerk and Recorder against you ,n the above entitled ( « edar, Oklahom a; five sons, James N. county w ill be six-tenths of a m ill lead ■_ « •n e . Oregon, for final hearing In In and for Ijin e (o u n ty . Oregon County Court of the State of Court and Cause on nr before four Hrunson- Bf* Springs, Texas. H . B. next year than this year even If aald estate, and any objection should And (hat the »ano be fore.loaed In Oregon fo r Lane County. weeks from the date of the firs t pub- Brunson, M edford, Dewey and L . L. be made or filed on or before such the manner provided by law, and said I Ilcatlcn of thia summons, and if you Brunson, both of K lam ath Falls; two voters authorize the creation of a u n i“ premise« Hold by the S h e riff of lam e IN PRO BA TE. fund to erect a new courthouse. ailer of h . Es p . » . . . . «... fal1 *° a W war and answ er said l ^l, ‘a1£ ¿ an,, f l " ‘ n -cem b er i iudU,nmentn r e ' Un- In the m m atter of t the ■ -- - F-sUle of Ed- com plaint for want thereof the plain­ brothers In Big Springs, Texas and F-- T . Holbrook, predatory anim al ward R. Davis, Deceaaed. O klahom a; , iw tw o o sisters and tiffs w ill “ apply to m the Court for t the N o tl.« i . h . i. r 1’P‘T IO e c o u rt for h e two ----- --- in ----- — hunter for Deschutes county, says ha K A R E L W EBSTER. 2. That Ihe defendants and each _____ re lie f In th e ir com] derslaned Ah" I - ,h a l *' toe I re lie f In th eir com plaint prayed for tw enty-tw o grandchildren und .« rsigned. Alice L Vincent, an, , h . and demanded and has caught 125 coyotes in traps sine® ,.w _ Judg- T h e funera, 8erv)ce(| Adm inistrator Estate o f C. L Web of them, and all persona claim ing by. dulv " ■ Intent, am the and demanded and w ill take •te r. deceased. May and fully as many more hay® through or under them, or any of in« a.lndins',71 ,",n.« all pe’riion h a v ^ L n y ™ ^ » ^ i " made ,n the L au rei o r - : = nounced by M ayor W ilder. The city the estate of W illia m It C „ ||,n,. de and fu rth er re lie f as to the Court t o ^ - r - ’ *“ ^ may seem equitable In the premises w ill save »10,000 a year by thia re ­ ceased h a . file,I hl» final . e , ount |„ This summons Is published by or the m a ile r o f the said estate, with th duction in the force of employes. der of Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge of County Clerk of laine County. Or, - Daniel - --- ------------------------------------ I ounty Court of latne County, O re­ gon w ithin »1» d i Pursuant to its annual custom th® , ¡u**‘,le' Gre northwest corner of the Me- Go to Lo« Angeles— M r. and Mrs «on. and an order has bean made gon. date of the firs , p u b l t e X n ^ h V U to lm ""^ . N o ^ 8 3 t o \ ^ ’ J ' , \ Em - rlch Snd a»»' Mt United States reclamation serrie® anil ,-ntered of record by the County Date of firs t publication. Decem­ (o u r t of aald County, directing thl loaned one of its large trucks at K la ­ ary ‘* W‘a,Wd Janu 3. west of W iliam - ‘ hay ■ - o - w r o t «>1 «v I l i u m - .(H , , notice, and apikdntlng the 3rd day ol ber 12th, 1929 math Falls to the postoffice to be A U f r v v i c c i - v « l ' " ® M ed ld,«n In Lane County, ( ir e 11 Bp®nd three weeks visiting w ith Dale of last publication, January 1 February. 1930. at len o'clock A M used in delivering holiday parcels. ali E E V IN T E N T . gon. running thence south 0 2 0 ' west fr*ends. for the hearing o f o bjectio n, to said 9th. 1930. A d m in istratrix 167.8 feel thence North 89 deg east i _________________ ___ Two crews of surveyors are work­ IM M E L A E V A N S . account, and the settlem ent of said i H. E. S L A T T E R Y . 1369 feet to a point in the south or I estate. Attorneys for P lain tiffs. A ttorney for A d m inistratrix. j . a .,« <» » T ! 1 " ne ° f the “ ,d PaclHc H ’gh'w,'; M R et" ? t0 Hon,e H e re — M r. and ing on the Oregon Coast highway be­ Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 26th J 2 9 16 23-30 right of way. thence northw Residence and Postoffice address: ___ esterly : M r ' W F - W a lk e r returned to their tween Port Orford and Denmark p r * day of December, 1939. Eugene, Oregon. Saturday, a fte r having «’“ ’’a to rr to widening the roadbed t® along the curvature of the said "line lia< ho,ne here R O Y A L H. C O L L IN S , D 12-19 26 J 2-9 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S of the right o f way to a point of tan »P*nt the past week a t Bend as the I 38 feet, a fter which it w ill be graveled A d m inistrator of the estate of E state of C h arte. H. Lake, deceaaed , E e T ’ n° rth W illia m I I . Collins, deceased and oiled. ................. . . NATICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON IM M E L « E V A N S . Radio station K O R E of Eugenst EXECU TIO N IN FORECLOSURE A tlorneya for the estate. which has been o ft the a ir for tw® Notice Is hereby given that by v lr , 1929. was appointed Wtocutor w ith to» 1 m ?,i f ',W° <2) ° C Brookly n- » “ D 2« J 2 9 16-23 Oregon f'rank W ilson left Saturday night for j weeks, w ill soon resume broadcasting. hie of an execution and order of sale w ill annexed of the estate of T h ?? ® " dd on of ,J ,n « County, Co Issued out of the C ircu it Court of the H. Igyke deceased hv to»* runnlng thence south on the west to elr home In Los Angeles SUMMONS a fte r It w « . closed down because of failur® State of Oregon for Istne County Court of * Co’un.y (to e « ,! a?. aa' d >-<’ • »wo to In the Justice Court for Eugene December 2nd. 1929, upon and purs«- persons’ h ^ t o « ' h X ’'.’ *.** *" , ? * e ri * h ' ° f w a > «• the onrth line »pending a week In Springfield visit­ of a perm it to change location to E » purs u persons having claim» ««¿Tn.7 . ¿ u ! ” * wav or ,h '- old ’ toeet D istrict, Lane County, Oregon. «»mg claim» against said car line running between Eugene and ing at the home o f his parents, M r. gene to arrive. Oregon Adjustment Aesoclatlon. a ant to a decree duly given and made estate and Mrs. C. W . Wilson. by said Court Novem ber 29. 1929, In J. W . Barney, who has been road- Corporation. P la in tiff, V». Tom same, duly aaîd verified by Jf.W la „ r * ! ’,nM !‘rly on a" d «'<” >6 said north line » « e . “ as . K suit pending therein to which the qulred to Payne. Defendant. master for Columbia county tor th® rM ' " ° ’ est line of a tract tract of of land I, •aclflc Savings A Loan Association. dence at 735 X u ' X n t o To Tom Payne, Defendant. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N past two years, has resigned to a > Fourteenth Avenue »old and conveyed hv F L Hake W ashington corporation, was plain­ In the Name of the State of Ore­ rr? u m tJ,'toOrei On; ' James P Shanks- East, Eugene. Lan ne (o n ty . Oregon. i» m » . n o u . - t . ; Y h enc«*'n tr th . * on Departm ent o f the Interio r, United cept a sim ilar position with Washing­ F arm e r and others w ithin six months gon: You are hereby required to ap t iff and Anna from the first and along said States Land Office, Roseburg. Ore ton county. H is resignation is e fte > were defendant a. which execution publication of thia notice fVrZt ? ,Onf *a,d West ,ine of the pear and answer the com plaint which and order of aale waa to me directed llcatlon belnir the r>th «ii.v iL shan k" to the N orth line of gon, Novem ber 29. 1929. live January 1. , has been filed against you to the nd commanded me to te ll the real ber, A I) i h ’9 ' De^ n>- »aid lot two of Brooklyn, thence west FOREST EXCHANGE above entitled Court and cause within K lam ath County Pomona Grange Notice Is hereby given that on hereinafter described to PH P s t o v i lin e 0,1 and a,onK north line of lot six weeks front the date of the first property E x e c u lti1 ached ! h“ " ° * be’f U n ' “ « i Novem ber council has lodged a protest with th® 26th. 1929. F ran k C. publication of thia summons, and If satisfy certain liens anil charges In Beginning at the northwest Jew ett- ° f Also; Minneapolis, M innesota, aid decree apeclfled. I w ill on S atur­ ALT A K IN G , Attorney for E s ta te yon full to ao appear mid nnswer the ,.„r ner of the lloñnttoñ ¡Ænd 'c 'làïm 'Ô f ,f í ‘ed »PPHration Ño. 018863 under county court against the budget for 1930. Objection is made to having p la in tiff w ill ask Judgment against day the 4th day of January. 1930, at ___ __________ D S -1 3 -1 9 .6 J 2 Daniel McVay and w ife N otification a rt of M arch 2«- 1»22. (42 Stat the state tax commission assisting in j you In the sum o f 850.50, together the hour of one o'clock P. M.. at the KT,» 04 0*1 r w t _ < __ w, ™ __ _ < h ; t l tr» ö Y c h u t i( T ,> _______ No. 3283 Claim No. 82. Township 17’ J?51 J ° »»change a ll of Sec. 36. T 1 w ith Interest thereon at the ra le o f southwest door of the County Court N O T IC E south. Range 3 west W . M In Lane I i i " ? 10 W M - within the Mt. fixing valuations. six per cent per annum from the 1st House In Eugene, lam e County, O re­ N atio n al ro Forest, for tne Oregon thence thence south south one Hood k «»,«--» m the ap- ap- llce Is hereh r ' County, "“ " ‘v- Oregon ----- 7 — re s u tor Members of The Dalles police fore® Notic day of December, 1926, and the costa gon. o ffer for sale and sell at public uctlon for cash, subject to retlenip uuderslgn Cottocl.boV toP; r X ^ r S p r t Z t o ^ N ^ /X u m t y 'o i J»“ ™ a V l E.. W w ill soon appear in new standard uni­ and dlsbursementa to this action; and that the money attached by the tlon as provided by law, a ll of the mon Because of the iucreasing • u..< .u - ‘ pr n® the Pacific H ichw av n« now irv’ntnj w ith in the Cascade National forms. p la in tiff to thia action he paid Into right, title , and Interest of the de­ field number of strangers on the streets of Court to pay said Judgment, costa fendants In said suit and of all parties out real o property be vacated and taken .........I,__ ..g said : a Pacific v. . . . ig . h -' 1 — T he P.,,r POse of this notice Is to the city a uniformed officer is con­ f the City L im its as follows: I " noeti, 1 r î h b?u“ dary nf H claim ing by, through or under them and accruing coals. way and distance of two hundred and “ ,ow 8,1 Peraon9 claim ing the lands sidered necessary. Beginning at the Southeast corner This summons Is served upon you nr nn.v of them since the 29th day of tw elve feet six Inches, thence north Be,ected. or having bona fide objec- by ihe publication thereof once a Novem ber, 1929, In or lo the follow ing of Block Six of B rattaln's Addition Farm ers of Linn county, who wer® two hundred feet and thence westerly . ,0 8".ch »PPBcation. an oppor to Sprlngflo Id, Oregon; running re e k for six successive weeks In the deacrlbed real properly, to-w lt: two hundred and tw elve feet or to - . y ,o flle ,h e lr protests w ith the recently predicting dire disaster a® thence due east to the West boundary Springfield News. In accordance with Lot ten (10» ar.d ihe North 11 feet Register of the United States latnd the result of the unusual dry spell, the pl^ce of beginning. an order made and entered the 14lh and 9 Inches of lot nine (9) a ll In of H. L. and T . B. Stew art's Addi­ O ffice at Roseburg. Oregon. Any Also; From the Northw est corner day of November, 1929, aulhnrlxlng Block Five ( 6 1 In Shelton's Addition tion ; thence due North to Ihe n orth ­ such protests or objections must be are now becoming optimistic on ac­ and directing the service of summons to the City of Eugene, tame County, west corner of said S tew artK addl- of the Daniel M cVay and w ife Dona- filed In this office w ith in th irty days count of the heavy rainfall. Grain I® llon; thence due East to the C ity H '0 ® I-81»’! Claim No. 82 In township by publication. Date of firs t publi­ in no way damaged. from the first publication of this D^tod"Decem ber 8. 1929. I L 'to l’ s; thence due North to K street ' ' 7 a,’uth Raa«c 3 west W . M. run | notice, cation Novem ber 21, 1929. which firs t publication w ill Twenty-six persons were killed and H. L. H O W N I . the same were extended; thence j 2 49 chains, thence south 78-30’ j be in H A R O L D J. W E L L S , The Springfield News, at duo West to a point North of the ea!'*1 7 28 t’hains. thence south 8.94 , Springfield Oregon on December • ° * ,nJured to 2888 tra ffic accidents iB Justice of the Peace. S h eriff of lam e County, Oregon. nine» c h ilin ä to tn th »K» in it iti ia l i i . in . ’ Ì m g u v iti, ’ '-iregon. On MU nf n ..» in n i« .- » ... a chains » in » , on LtocemDeT, _____ place of Beginning; thence duo South e rin H «?. ,‘i „ ‘ 8 .pO’ "J.,°f ,hl8 des' 19th- 1929 and In the Hood N 21 28 D 6-12-19-26 J 2 D 6 12-19-26 J 2 River Oregon during November, according to tho place of beginning; ro n talning c rip tio n; thence east 316H feet to a G lacier, on Dec. 19th, 1929. to a report prepared by the state mo­ 225H acres of land, more or less, and point 100 feet west of the west bound­ H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y , tor vehicle department. A total of all lying snd being w ithin the Tow n a ry line of the Pacific Highw ay, being Register i L im its of Springfield. I^ n e County. ! „ L SOUt,h. Wr St ,7?rner of “ t r act of D 19 26 J 2-9-16-23 1450 accidents were due to reckless 1 Oregon. land sold to H iram L. Mooney and driving, while 161 accidents wer® a’. ,M ?oney- •!u,y 7to. 1922. | (2) o f Brooklyn to the south line of caused by drivers failing to give pro­ A ll persons having objections to h., d, *7 " ^corded In Vol. 132., the rig ht of way of the old street car said proposed vacation are required per signals. In 445 accidents the drlv* Phons 188 Plano Moving i * 72'. k n<* 1 ?’,n ty ' Oregon Deed railw ay leading from Eugene. Oregon to file them w ith the Recorder of DR. W. N. DOW running thence N rth 23-30’ west : to Springfield. Oregon, thence east- ers did not give rig ht of way. said Tow n on or before January 20th, e P R IN Q F IE tD TRANSFER D a n t i a t f»»/^n* to»bPn^*? 7R* . ® 88^ 190 erly on and alon* “ ld "toeet car 1930. W I L L I » B B R T g C H , Prop. F irs t N ational Bank Building T H E MARKETS toon™ T s*'» on-Of 88 d H 'ltow ity; I rig h t of way to whore the same in- PAUL HADLEY O ffice: R O D R N B O U O H G A RAG E Phone 48 Sprtngfleld. Oregon Portland , ?,„N 7 h ,51K.0 v We8t 8 on< ,he ,e rsects the west line (or west line PEARL HADLEY 888 M ala 8 trs « t west line o f said highway 121.26 feet; I extended) of the said Samuel D Ofllce hours, I A. M. to 8 P. M. Wheat— Big Bend bluestem. «1.28; H. A. B R A T T A IN thence west 3.48 chains; thence south : Oalrns lajid. thence south on and soft white, western white, >1.28; hard Long Distance Hauling a Specialty M O L L IE B S C O T T Evening» by Appointm ent in t thS. place of ^ g in n in g | along said west line to the place of E. M. B R A T T A IN . winter, northern spring, western red. m I-ane (o u n ty , Oregon. beginning all to Lane County, Oregon D 19-2« J 2-9-16 «1.2414. n v.fc northw est corner, And th a t the above-named defend H a y — A lfalfa, «28.80024 per ton; »inn ? j "!?» ,McX ay a" d wlfe Dona- j ante and each and every one of them DR. N. W. EM ERY A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E ! » _ A ^ ? d c ,a ,m No. 82 In township be forever barred and enjoined, and valley tim othy, >20.50021; eastern In the County Court of the State of 17 south, range 3 west W . M. run a ll persons claim ing by. through or D EN TIST Oregon tim othy, 822.50022; clover, Oregon in «nd for tho County of south 2.49 chain s; thence south 78 30' under them or any or eith er of them Batten Bldg. Phons 20-J Lano. east 7.28 chains; thence south 5 58 be so barred and enjoined from «20; oat hay, >19; oats and vetch, «28 R«sld«nca Phena 153-M I N P R O B A TE . tolHnl nnto» nf »hl 43 X n"?K ,he I cla lm |ng any rig ht, title . Interest or 020.50. In re: the Estate of Lydia A. Huston. to X e - * i ,„'? ™ rl.P" nn ,h<' n r'‘ I ‘'8’ nte In "aid real property or any part Butterfat—35 O 40c. Deceased. Springfield, Oregon north 7“«’ to' e T r t V ’ to28 th,pn5 e i ’ hereof and for such other re lie f m Eggs—Ranch. 29y 41c. north 74-16 east to the center ot the to the Court may seem m eet and To W hom this may concern: Cattle—Steers, good, «10 50 011.28. 228 M ain SL Realdsnoe 128 C 8t. Notice Is hereby given th a t I, Pacific H ig hw ay ns now located; f equitable. T his summons is puhllsh- Hogs— Good to choice. «9.26010.18. 8 IJ thenee n ortherly along the center line e3 by virtu e and I n V u tou an ee to 8 IM General Law Practice Guard Huston, the undersigned, am Lambs—Good to choice, «10O1L the qualified and acting adm lnlstra of said highway t , a point due east an order of the County Court of the the place of beginning and thence , s ta te o f Oregon for the County of Seattle tor of Ihe Estate of L ydia A. Huston, of I. M. PETERSON ft'Pljt t rt fbn Tklnrto bnirlnnl»»» » «11 V a a deceased; th a t all who are obligated west to the place of beginning all to I»ane made and entered by sale Court Full Auto Equipment Wheat—Soft white, western white, Attorney-at-Law to said estate ahall pay same to me; Lane County, Oregon. on the 13th day of December. 1929 o r latdy Assistant Commencing at the southweat cor­ dering the summons to be published «1.26; hard w inter, western red, «1 fg; City Hall Building and th a t nil who have claims of anv kind against the said estate shall ner of the Samuel D. Cairns land In once each week for four successive northern spring, «1.26; bluestem «182. Sprtngfleld, Ora. Eggs— Ranch, 32 © 42a present the same to mo at Ihe law the Daniel M eV av and w ife Donation and consecutive weeks to the Spring- Butterfat— 44a office of my attorney, H enry E. Slat Tsind C laim Notf. 3283 Claim No. 82 field News, a weekly newspaper of FRANK A. DE PUE tery, 717 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene, In Townahlp 17 aouth Range 8 west general circulation and that the date Cattle—Choice steers, «10O11, Oregon, w ithin six months from the W. M In Lane County, Oregon, run­ of the first publication thereof w ill A TTO R N EY A T LAW Hogs—Prime light, «10.60O10.M. ning thence west of be December 19th 1929 and the date date OI of the firs publication or of tnisi thl me n rs t i puniicauon 7 , j on the south line ... Lambs -Choice, »10.50©lL notice, which notice Is published fo r p b e said C alm s land extended to where of the last publication will be the ISth NO TARY PUBLIC .JRWRL.RR said line Intersects the west boundary day of January 1930. Spekene the firs t tim e on December 6, 1929. line of Ixit three (8) of Brooklyn, a Sutton Springfield F R A N K A. DePUE, CatUe—Steers, good, «1.2(010.21. Repairing a Specialty GUARD HUSTO N, suh-dlrlslon of Lane County, Oregon, Building Attorney for PlalattfBa. Hogs—Good and choice, IlQ Q ia i f , Oregon Administrator Walker-Pool« Cbapol Funeral Directors D . W . R oof Springfield, Oregon Ì D 6-12 19-2« J 2 thence North on and along th® laid west line of lota t h r o ( I ) and two : Sprtngfleld, Oregew. D I M lI M tt Lambe—Medium to good. «90981