i T r y the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t TWENTY-SIXTH YEAH THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ATHLETIC HULING HITS SPRINGFIELD PROTEST FLOOD WATERS power company crew OVER LANDS CAUSED BY places heavy lines M c K enzie road work ON STREETS of city Perkins to Build Stanley Structure Farmers and other« llvltia along Several naw power lines are belns the McKetiale highway east of Hprlng- placed In Springfield thia week by a Contracts Not Awarded, But Grocer Doc Ta res Springfield fleld are protesting to the highway Ruling Will be Ignored if Not department In regard to the floods crew of nine men from the construc­ Man to Get Job. tion department of the Mountain Modified in Time for Eugene over the grain fields and around 1 Rtates Power company at Albany. I Basketball Came With Uni­ buildings caused by the last rain. A The lines which they are putting uo ' A Springfield contractor will be given the contract to erect the new versity High, Says Eugene peiltlun may be drawn up. It was are all open copper wire linos, which building which will house the Ketels Principal; Action Expected. said, and presented |o the department. ! are used only to carry heavy loads of drug store when It moves to make The last rain demonstrated that electricity before It Is stepped down! room for the Stanley grocery store, ,l1*’ cu*varta •*> the cross roads for use In the average home appliance. "The Eugene high school basket- to be opened here some time this . „ , .................. , „ „ , ■an<1 <»rlwew»y« put In by the state This Is Just a small part of the ex- spring. ball team Will play th eir scheduled were rMl«!•* has ever been before, they The crew, which Is here now has Just * " *° *** gone Into before reached recently between local city any final action can be taken, but It to lengthen the floor, and other minor Saturday at the meeting of the Slate *“y ,h“1 ,he 'itches leading recently completed stringing a new officials and the officials of the changes will be considered. High School Athletic association at ” **" ,he Tl'ur*,on » « » tty to Hprlng- line from Junction City to Notl. and Is almost a certainty that the con­ Southern Pacific Motor Transport** All help available within the high tract will be awarded to Mr. Per­ brings 1 In Portland when they dec lared that all field f " d brln<" ,1 much mut h more mor* water baa done considerable amount of al- school Itself will be used In making tian company, whereby tjje citizen* In Pre*lou" previous seasons. hlgh schools must employ only full , than than ln »«»»ons. Several Several ot ot teratlon work In and around Junction kins," declared George Stanley this week. the alterations, according to William of Springfield will be compensated time faculty member, to coach their i the ’hr farms were covered c o with w *« drift w,th «»F * new line, capable ot i for a slower schedule by a more in* Mr. Stanley also stated that he was Baker, so as not to create a heavy , wood washed away In , carrying «0.000 volts, was recently athletic teams In order to remain I n l^ “0“ and . soil was *««hed j elusive one, which will provid« expense on the school board. j many ploughed fields, It was stated completed between Albany and In- planning to do all of his business the high school association. The changes which are to be made I better service to more residents ot Residents slong Eighth, Ninth and dependence, to meet the Increased transactions In connection with the the city. Thia statement was made by Harry new store In Springfield Itaelf, ano “re al* a Part ot a Promise which was Tenth streets In Springfield also com- demand for service In that section of No changes are contemplated Ik Il Johnson, principal of the Kugene that the banking for the new store 1 made 10 other schools at Corvallis the hours of service extended be­ high school, who attended the meet­ ; plained of the water during the last ' the state. will be done In one of the local banks. last month when Springfield was ad­ tween the two cities, according la ing at Portland, and who protested rain. It ran a foot deep down these | The men who are doing the work mitted Into the class A group of com­ Mr. Perkins had the low bid, de­ against the passage of the ruling streets. While the water has been here are Lester Cole, F. R. Johnson, clared Mr. Stanley, but regardless of peting schools. Other members of Mr. W. E. Head, manager of the bog which, If rigidly enforced, means that that high on very heavy rains be­ J. W. Roberts. L. Anderson. C. M. that he felt that he owed It to the the clsss A refused to - play games company at Eugene. The buses now . _____ Springfield high school teams can­ fore. It Is pointed out that the last Daniels, J. B. Grayton. E. Gllkey ” • business men of this city to let the here w1th Springfield's basketball leave Sixth and G streets at twenty- not play athletic rontests with other rain was not as heavy as often oc­ Roberts and L. O. Queen. contract to the Springfield contractor. untl1 the n° ° r wf,i “nlarged to the | five and fifty-five minutes after , each hour Instead of on the hour and high school teams that are In the curs. Better drainage to the natural The new structure will be built be- now Panned every twenty minutes after the hour, high school association as long as nutlets Is thought necessary to solve FOG ON MEDFORD PORT tween the Sutton block and the the problem. as has been the schedule tor the past William Raker Is coaching here and Wright hardware store on East Main DEFENDANTS PAY COSTS HOLDS MAJOR ECKERSON ’ seven weeks. attending the University part time, street. The Sutton block wag pur­ IN CONDEMNATION SUIT. New Route Lengthened Many Schools Included SAWMILL TO OPERATE AT MUNICIPAL HANGARS chased recently by Mr. Stanley, and ’ i The new arrangement calls for the Mr. Johnson says that he urged the SAYS JUDGE SKIPWORTH he will open a modern grocery store I AGAIN NEXT MONDAY routing of the buses over Main Fog which enveoped the Medford , there as soon as the new building can members of the Board of Control of airport kept Major O ,H. Eckerson The defendants In the case of Lane »treet east to Sixth, north on Sixth the association not to pass the mea­ be erected, the drug store moved, and Operations at the Bth-Kelly lum­ sure. as It will automatically cause a ber plant began today In the planing from moving his planes from here to alterations made In- the present loca- county versus W. F. Reed, et al, for to G. West on G to Fifth, south on condemnation of property for right Fifth to E street, west on E to great deal of hardship on such mill, and the sawmill proper will be- j the southern Oregon city for the last tlon ol the drug store. of way at the west approach of the Fourth street, south of Fourth to schools as the ones In Hprlngfleld. l , gin operations on Monday, January S, I week. Air mall planes going to Mod- It will take about five weeks to University high. Junction City, and > after a Iwo weeks' shut down for the ford have been compelled to land In i erect the new building when actual new Springfield bridge, will have to Main, and then west to the new a» veral others where students are I Christmas holidays, according to s I a field near Ashland, while the new work Is started, and It will take a few pay all costs of the recent suit ln the bridge and the Pacific highway. The i circuit court as the result of a Judg­ former route of the buses was east doing part time coaching, or In In- ' notice posted on the bulletin board «160,000 airport was unused. weeks to remodel the old building. ment signed by Judge O. F. Skip- on Main to Sixth, north on Sixth ta Flying has gone on here nearly stances such as Junction City, where ' by O. II. Jarrett, superintendent. worth. which was filed Saturday. C street, west on C to Fourth street, the school finances do not warrant ' The mill was shut down on Decem- every day for the last two weeks The defendants were awarded «500 and south on Fourth to Main. Re* the hiring of a coach at all, and where , ber 20 and no exact date for the re­ with students rounding out their SPRINGFIELD TEACHERS a townsman. Ed. Bailey, la offering ' opening was given. As s result many courses. While there has been fog ATTEND PORTLAND MEET for damages sustained to them ln sldents of six additional blocks Ik giving .21 of an acre of land to the the city are given service near their his services to the school without j ■ of the employees reported for work some mornings, the wind soon blew It away. Two Springfield teachers attended county for right of way. The county homes by the latest change. cost. i on Monday morning and later return­ meetings of —- the Oregon — State Ed- , had previously paid the defendants Agreement to Change Mutual James Stovall, partner of Major , the -------------- •- — ~~ — Action Expected Soon ed to their homes. Eckerson. in the Eckerson Flying ’«Mtional association at Portland last »500. but they sued for more, and the The change was brought about by It Is the opinion of Mr. Johnson Service, had soloed six hours Sunday week They were Glenn Wood, prlncl- court holds that the Jury awarded no a mutual agreement between Spring* that some action will be taken to , In the Arrow plane. As soon as spring P*1 at the Brattaln school, and Miss more than the county allowed, there- field city officials and the bus com* remedy the situation now existing, as FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN WASHINGTON CITY '»Pone, Stovall and Eckersoa will al- ! Anna Vo«*l. high school teacher, who fore the defendants would have to peny. The city officials have had he Is confident that the members of -------- | temate between the Springfield port I delegate, but found It Imposs MOVES TO NEW HOME chise. permitting service on k The grading done on the Spring-Ilble to at,end the meetings tinue their schedules regardless of cently, according to Information re- Many prominent educators were j celved here by friends of the family. field port resulted In good drainage, shortened route. the ruling. Workmen were busy Monday morn­ The bus company has had c o » There was some question arising at Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lynns left Spring- and while the field Is muddy, very present and addressed the Portland Salem where Hollis Huntington la field about a year ago for the Wash­ little water stands on IL New grfss gathering. Greater stress was placed ing moving the equipment and the siderable difficulty In keeping up thk Is coming on fast and by another on the inadequacy of the school, suPPHes belonging to the Dryped schedule of twenty minute service, coaching and has a year's contract. If ington city. Surviving her Is her husband. Al­ winter a heavy sod should be formed. buildings and the present system by | Chemical company from the McKInnis often falling behind and causing he 1s ousted who will pay the con- tract? The Salem officials are ot fred Lyons, a son, Ernest Lyons, and Aviators prefer good sod to gravel, the speakers this year than before. | building on Main street to the Kepner some inconvenience to their patron* the opinion that the state association two daughters. which blows up and cracks propellers. "The Little Red Schoolhouse Must j Property on Fifth street between B when they failed to keep appoint­ Go,” was the cry of most of them. The ’Bn<* C streets. The chemical plant, ment In Eugene. Officials of the bkk It Is expected that the funeral will have to meet the bill. On the little school was adequate ln Its time. ; wblch manufactures several prepara- company also decided that the other hand. Roy K Cannon resigned services will be held In Richfield. SCHOOL VACATION ENDS; they said, but something more In , Dons for waterproofing footwear and 20 minute schedule was too hard o s from the secretaryship of the state NEW YEAR STARTS TODAY keeping with modern trends is now j clothing will be housed In the build their buses, declaring that they would association at the Portland meeting MOUNTAINS LURE MANY lng formerly used by F. O. Spencer not last much over a year If thk necessary. because It was not possible to employ __________________ as a garage. Yesterday was the last day of the ON NEW YEAR'S DAY schedule was maintianed. a “8tate Director of Athletics” who annual Christmas vacation Tor the HIGH WATER BREAKS DAM; J R Stevens will take over the ______________________ The new schedule routes the buses would assume much of the work now The MrKenxIe mountain country students In the schools of Spring- rooms vacated Monday for the use of ' two blocks further nortn In thk shunted on to the secretary. FISH SWIM INTO RIVER Ì , feed 8tore. came Into lta own yesterday as the field. Classes In all of the buildings , eastern portion of the town than they Nsw Association Talked merca for outdoor sport lovers as were resumed this morning after a ! were before the twenty-minute schk* Although there Is some talk about Dr. Eugene Kester Is the loser of large crowds of expectant people vacation period beginning on Decem­ ! dule was put Into effect at the rk* various high schools withdrawing from 500 mountain trouL which he had J. O. BETTIS PASSES AT made their way to the snow line. ber 20. quest of the bus company, whlcfe the association and forming a league planted in his artificial lake on his The largest single group probably COBURG HOME TUESDAY promised at that time that they Most of the teachers returned to property near Deerhorn, about 17 of their own. nothing positive has was the Obsidian camp, which num­ their homes or went to the homes of been said or done at this time. James Oliver Bettis, 84, veteran of would Increase the length of thk bered 100. They opened' their cele­ friends for the vacation period. Many miles east of 9prtngfleld. The recent William Baker, the local coach, does I heavy rainfall flooded his lake and the civil war, died at his home In route here as rapidly as the condltlok bration festivities Tuesday evening Springfield teachers, who are em­ not Just know where the local school , caused the dam to give way, releas- Coburg Tuesday morning, at 9:00 of the road bed would warrant. and conttued unt'l Wednesday even­ ployed out of the city, have been will stand. He Is continuing his i lng the fish into the McKenxie river. o'clock. ing. Many automobiles loaded with home and returned to their tasks training sessions every afternoon for The lake, which is a part of an elab- Mr. Bettis was a member of the skis and toboggans passed through again. his squad, which he thinks wll make orate summer home which Dr. Kester Presbyterian church and of the SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Hprlngfleld early Tuesday afternoon The classes at the University begin ha8 UBdw development there. wll, be a very creditable showing this sea­ TO HAVE PARTY FRIDAY Masonic lodge. He had been mayor headed for the mountains to the east. tomorrow m n r r n u z morning m n r n l n » at of • 8:00 • Art zx*/*lzxevV o'clock. son If other schools do not refuse to replaced. Workmen are busy now of Coburg for two terms and was a The Obsidians did not have any Students are registering for the new Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah will enter* play with them. If the ruling Is en­ repairing and rebuilding the d«m and member of the school board for the corner on the fun, however, as several term there this morning. tain her Sunday school class of the forced tightly and no changes are landscaping the grounds. The lake past 26 years. other parties were present. made, then Hprlngfleld will have n will be restocked. Mr. Bettis was born in Tennessee In Methodist church at a social gather­ The snow line Is not as low this team but nobody to play against. LIBRARY BOARD ELECTS 1845. He married Martha Johnson ing at her home on C street Friday year as It has been. It was necessary R. U. Moore, University high school, in 1867. Thirteen children were born evening. The gathering will be in thk to go Rlmost to the summit to find MEMBERS ON TUESDAY FISH BONE LODGES IN Eugene, F. L. Cummings, Corvallis,, to this union, nine of whom are now form of a New Year's party, and a sufficient snow to satisfy the sports­ SMALL CHILD’S THROAT and O. E. Flnnerty, Albany, comprise Mrs. N. W. Emery was elected the The surviving relatives Include the general good time is promised all men. those who attend. the newly selected district board ot president of the Springfield library The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. following sons and daughters: Sam­ William Pollard and Evan Hughea the sixth district, which comprises board at the annual meeting of the Cecil Mulligan swallowed a fish bone uel Bettis, of Eugene; W. T. Bettis, Lane, Llun, Benton and Lincoln SCHNETZKY HOME SCENE are ln charge of arrangements for group at the library on Tuesday af­ Tueseday while eating some fish and ! of Coburg; Mrs. B. F. Layman, of counties. OF NEW YEAR’S DINNER ternoon. Mrs. C. E. Wheaton Is the It became lodged ln her throat. It Jefferson City, Tennessee; Mrs. E. the entertainment. Mrs. Van Valzah new vice-president, and Mrs. L. K. was necessary to take the child to a O. Goodwin, of Jefferson City, Tenn­ will serve refreshments. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen en­ Page, Mrs. George Prochnow, and local physician’s office to have the essee; C. J. Bettis, of Spokane; Mrs. INTERSECTION CURBS tertained several of their guesta yes­ Mrs. David Saltsman constituted the bothersome bone extracted. D. A. Simmons, of Drain; Frank and GIVEN COAT OF PAINT terday with a 1:80 dinner served at other members of the board. James Bettis, both of Los Angeles; STATE HIGHWAY CREWS the home of Mrs. Mortensen's parents REPAIR BRIDGE FILLS The annual report of the librarian Mrs. W. O. Cool, of Walla Walla, and Street curbs back of each stop Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schnetsky. Those showed that there were 800 books In MR. AND MRS. DAWSON TO 22 grandchildren. sign are being given a coat of orange The approaches at both ends of the ENTERTAIN 500 CLUB present for the occasion were Mias circulation during the past month. The funeral services were held this paint this week by members of the new Springfield bridge were gone Martha Mortensen of Salem, sister 783 of these were taken out during afternoon from the home at Coburg street department. Each curb back The regular meeting of the 500 club over by a crew of men from the road of Dr. Mortensen, who has been December. There were 120 maga­ at 2 ¡30. The Walker-Poole funeral of a stop sign Is being marked with spending her vacation here? Mrs. zines on the shelves of the library wll be held Friday evening at the home, of Eugene, had charge of the maintenance department of the state an orange line for fifteen feet and cars They Josephine Johns; Thomas Patrick, and 114 of them were taken out dur­ home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dawson, service, and Interment was made In highway office on Monday. will not he allowed to park along the at 644 Fourth street. The evening used large scrapers and filled ell of Mr. and Mrs. 8chnetzky, and Dr. and ing the month of December. the Coburg cemetery. yellow lines. Thia action Is being will be spent with cards and light the pot-holes which have developed Mrs. Mortensen. taken to enable the drivers of auto­ refreshments will be served. since the fills were completed almost mobiles to see the stop signs when REBEKAHS TALK PLANS THEATRE MAN MOVES two months ago. they come to Intersections. Grandparents Attend Dinner MRS. BRUMETTE INVITES FOR INITIATION MONDAY HOME TO SPRINGFIELD All other street corner curbs are Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cornelius of CHILDREN FOR DINNER being marked with a smal line to Cherry Court, Eugene, entertained The regular weekly meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weiss have MR. AND MRS. KAFOURY Indicate the parking xones. It la the four grandparents of their son, Reheknh lodge was held nt their Mrs. Kate Brumette was hostess moved to Springfield, and are now EKTERTAIN AT PARTY planned to paint these tines across Lindy, at a Christmas dinner nt their club rooms on Monday evening. The for a dinner served at her home yes­ making their home at 336 North the entire streets next spring, thus home last Wednesday. Those present time was devoted to preparation for terday for her sons and daughters Sixth street. They formerly lived at Several Springfield people were In­ providing traffic lanes for pedes­ were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cornelius, the installation of officers, which will and their children. Those present Thurston, where Mrs. Weiss was post­ vited to the Eugene home of Mr. and trians to cross on. of Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark take place the second Monday ln were Mr. and Mrs. Chile Walsh and master, but moved to Eugene a few Mrs. Allen Kafoury Tuesday e venia* and son, Frank, of Leona; Mr. and January. Opal and Virgil Whlsh; Mr. and Mrs. months ago. Mr. Weiss Is managing to watch the old year out and the new Comes from Spokane—Mr. Frank Mrs. fc. Vaughn and sons, Carl and H. W. Eaton and son, and daughter, a recreation parlor there and re­ one ln. The guests were entertained Snodgress, of Spokane, la k gueet kt Doris, and daughter, Velma, of Flag, Mapleton Man Here—L. L. Slagle Edith; Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Thompson cently opened the Bell Theatre here with cards and a general dlscusstoa. the Riley Sncdgraee hoik*. Thk two Oregon; and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cor­ of Mapleton, spent New v ear'« day and children, Ralph, Hazel and after It had been cloeed for nearly Refreshments were served by th* men aer brother*. nelius and aon, Lindy. In Springfield. I