The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 26, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY. DEC, 2«. 1929
P à OB a íT
B asket B all Trip
For H.S. Cancelled
M c D onald theatre •’Flight," thè Columbia all talking
I vogue for short skirts—and heels
Sy M A R Y M A R S H A L L
avlatlon spedai whlch opened ut thè
One of the oldest landmarks of , To say It Is good form to wear were at their highest whi’n skirts
The slag« is all set and the enter­ McDonald Theatre last night ls a
Last Minute Notice Calls Off
Springfield is soon destined to Jo*“ evening dress for an evening perform
tainers are working hard to put the mlghty tire ma of advenlure In the sky
Games With Coast Teams;
the past. The announcement by John ance at the theater and that it Is bud were always logical we might expect finishing touches ou their program featurlng the must sensatlonal alr
Locals Defeat Alumni.
Ketels. of the Ketels drug store, that form to go In street dress Is a state­ lower heels, now that shirt» hove I for the big New Year's Eve midnight feats ever photographed A capable
the soda fountain and lunch room, ment that must be taken with several taken on greater length -anil the fact ; matinee at the McDonald theatre
Eight Springfield high school bas­ which has been operated In the drug grains of salt. There are times when really la that many well-dressed wo­ next Tuesday evening. December 31. cast Include» Jack llolt and Ralph
ketball players were disappointed last store since the store was opened In to dress in elaborate evening dress men are shoes with lower The matinee la being sponsored by Grave», one of thè screen's favorite
I team». Llla Lee, llarold thiodwln.
Thursday when their proposed barn this city, will be discontinued on for the theater would be Just as much heels.
the American Legion post of Eugene, Jimmy De Im Cruse and Alan Roscoe
storming trip to Toledo. Sileti and Saturday, except for a few fountain bad form as It would be to appear in
and tickets may be obtained from any handle their roles with skill and
Newport was called off. At the last drinks, such as coca cola and root a box at the opera in a two-piece suit
of the members of that organisation
minute the authorities at Toledo and beer, means the passing ot one of the and Jumper.
or from the McDonald theatre box
lamps, tall spins and Immelman
gllets changed their mind regarding frequent haunts of both the young
It Is never good form to make one­
office after Monday, December 30 turns provide thrills galore for avia­
the holding of the scheduled games. and old of this city.
self conspicuous or awkward, and to
All seats will be reserved for the tion enthusiasts. Fundamentally an
Word came here just as the boys were
The fountain and equipment Is all wear a low cut evening gown when
aerial production a beautiful and
preparing to leave for the three day for Sale, explained Mr. Ketels. He . every other woman about one in a
Johnny Robinson and his "Varsity poignant love story I» told against
trip, that It would be impossible for has decided not to have a fountain theater audience wore a moderately
Vaguboml'' band has been secured the background of breath taking
the two above schools to meet the in his drug store when he move« Into high cut gown would be to make one-
for the evening, and will have some maneuvers among the clouds.
local aggregation as per schedule. a new building sometime early In the self conspicuous. And to wear one
novelty number» with which to greet
•’Lefty" Phelps, enacted by Ralph
Newport was willing to play, but the spring, and is closing the present one of the new evening gowns with ex-
their uudlence. They will be assisted Oraves. driven by shame to leave
cost of the trip would not permit its at this time so that he may have a aggeratedly long or bouffant skirts
by a score of professional acts and college because of a bonehead reverse
being made for only the one game.
chance to dispose of it before the when one must needs crowd into a
a big all-talking preview of one of football play, Joins the morlne avia­
narrow rank of theater seats is us­
the latest Dims will be shown for the tion service. He wins the sympathy
The high water caused by the heavy change in location Is made.
to make oneself awkward.
first time in Eugene.
The oM hickory furniture with
rains on Thursday threatened for a
and friendship of ''Panama ' Williams
The theater dress shown In the
Hats, balloons and all kinds ot the hard boiled Marine sergeant
while to keep the boys in their own which the fountain room is furnished
noise makers will be provided the (Jack Holt».
yard, as the water between Spring- is very unique and popular. Several sketch Is distinctive enough even for
Their friendship Is
patrons of the show, which Is sched­ disrupted temporarily when they both
field and Eugene was so high on the people have approached Mr. Ketels an Important performance, yet It
uled to begin at 11:30. Immediately fall In love with the same girl. This
pavement near Judkins’ point that
latter the last showing of the regular situation leads to an Intensely drama­
traffic was almost at a standstill for but he was reluctant to part with It. make the ensemble complete one
For many years the fountain was would wear brown slippers, sheer
feature film.
quite a while early in the morning
tic conclusion.
The wated receded rapidly, however, located in the front part of the store, brownish beige stockings, and a three-
and the boys would have made the but was moved back about five years quarter length wrap of some sort
If a hat is be worn It should be a
trip If a telegram from Toledo had ago to its present place.
Home from Portland — Christina OBSIDIANS PLAN SNOW
Many Springfield people have taken small, close fitting hat that may be
not stopped their plans.
Anderson Is spending Christmas with
The boys were disappointed in the their turns waiting on the trade from held conveniently during the perform-
i her parents in this city.
failure of their trip to materlaliae. but behind the fountain here. Several ance.
A big snow party Is being plqpned
Returns from Normal —Ida Cox re-
Girls used to be tanght that a ’’lady’
they are profiting by their spare time of the married mothers of the city
members of the Obsidians at their
- turned to Springfield on Sunday to
during the vacation period and prac­ operated the fountain at various could be Judged by her gloves, and
i be at home for Christmas holidays. cabins above Lost Creek ranch, com­
ticing every day in the gymnasium. times before Mrs. Perkins, who is they were made to believe that if ,
Entertain on Christmas Day—Mr. mencing on the evening of December
they wore gloves that needed mending
The alumni team from the high now there.
and Mrs. Otis Rayburn and daughter, SI, with a program of entertainment
or claning or missing a button they
school, consisting of William Pollard,
Mr. and Mrs. Lum Anderson and and followed on New Year's day by a
would be looked upon as unladylike.
William Cox, Wilbur Brattain, Harold
children, and Mr. and Mrs. Claire day In the snow and a big turkey din­
McPherson, and Coy Leathers played ♦
♦ Of course, we don't bother our heads
I Parsons were guests at the A. It ner served in the cabins of the organi­
a game with the regulars on Saturday. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a * about such distinctions nowadays.
Kepner home on Christmas day.
Thurston high school basket ball but it is as true today as it ever was
The regulars won with a score ot
82 to 17. Morrison, Preeman and team played the team at the Baptist that carelessness concerning gloves
Everett Squires, Pat Maloney and John church in Eugene last Wednesday mars the effect of any woman's ap­
pearance. It is not only gloves and
Lynch played for the high school.
Mrs. A. C. Weaver left last Sunday their condition, but the way that they
The first game on the regular high
school schedule will be played at Ah for an indefinite stay with her daugh- are worn that makes the difference.
It is an interesting fact that the
bany on January 10. when the local ter in San Francisco. California.
Mrs. Ira Nice and two children, vogue for very high heels has been
team makes its Initial showing as a
co-extensive with the
member of the class A teams in the Bruce and Virginia, left last week to practically
spend the holidays in California.
high school league for this district.
Mr. Fat Adrian and children from
An extensive road-oiling campaign
Portland are visiting at C. W. Ruth's
Traps Near Springfield Airport
will be carried on In Jackson county
The United states department ot home.
next year, the cuuuty court announces,
agriculture has purchased IS acres ot
Vida basket ball teams played the
and to that end has llaced on the
ground between the Santiam highway local teams on the home floor last
1930 budget 821.000 for the purchase
and the Santiam river about two miles Friday evening. The visiting teams Farmer’s Week Program on
of an oiling machine and other road
west ot Cascadia, and will move its were winners.
maintenance machtnury. The oiler
January 20 to 25 First Work
ranger station onto the new site. The
The Sunday and grade schools gave
will be put In operation as soon as
Taken by up New Groups
change is made because the new San- a Christmas program at the church on
weather conditions permit in spring.
tiam highway survey strikes the sta­ Monday evening. Santa Claus made
Committees for the various activi­
A shortage of salmon may be ex­
tion site.
his appearance later in the evening ties of the Lane County Agricultural pected in the n xt few yt ars for the
Only 3953 damage accrued from 33 ad had treats for all.
council were appointed last Saturday reason that thi- long c > a, ell has
fires in the Santiam forest during the
Mr. ad Mrs. D. O. Baugh and Mr. by the executive committee of that caused streams to be so low that
summer. Supervisor Hall reported. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and family body, which consists of E. A. McCor-
silversldes and tail chino»..» are un­
The total area burned was 33 acres, motored to Eugene Christmas day, nack. president. Cal Young, Elmo
able to ascend to their natural spawn­
or an average of an acre to a fire, but visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chase. C. B. Swango, and Ray Bower.
ing grounds. So t;.r, reports Hugh
all were confined to old burns or tim­ William Culver.
The committee hold separate meet- Mitchell of the state fish commission
ber of slight value. The cost of fire
Mrs. Jennie Edmiston from Eugene |Dgg later during the year at which hatchery work, no eggs have been
suppression in this forest for 193* is spending the holidays here with t,me they outline their work for the
was 83083.
At thia season our thought« go out
her children.
coming year, the first of which will
Oregon will receive 3285,025 as Its
Miss Goldie Starr, principal of the , be the Farmer's Week program, which share of national forest receipts for
In gratitude to our friendB
grade school, left for her home in ig to be held at the Eugene Chamber the fiscal year 19299, representing 28
who have made the pant year
How did you get that black eye. Oakland, Oregon. Tuesday afternoon., oj Commerce January 20 to 25.
per cent of the total Income to the
Mrs Higgins?
federal government from the 15 for­
successful for us.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham ana appointed by the council;
ests in the state, Assistant Fore 'er
Well. sir. me 'usband come out of Ray Mitchell left Monday for a trip
Farm Crops—V. R. Sly, Creswell, Kneipp has advised Senators McNary
We extend to you the Season's Kindest Greetings
prison on 'is birthday. •
to California. They expect to visit J. W. Maxwell, Eugene, Bart Flanagan and Steiwer. The sums credited to
and hope the coming year will bring you
Mr Needram's son and family and j unction City, J. S. Walls, Eugene, each forest will be divided by the
And I wished 'im many 'appy re­ other friends while there.
R. P. Laird, Creswell, Max Nielson, state between the counties In which
Happiness and Prosperity.
Miss Mildred Price, who is teaching j unction City, and John Kebelbeck, the forest ls located, on an acreage
at The Dalles, is home for the holl Cottage Grove.
General Livestock—H. C. Wheeler.
Total property valuations of the
Miss Margaret Grant, who is teach­ Goshen, Raymond Johnson, Eugene, F. state of Oregon for 1929. both county
ing at Marshfield, Miss Margaret A. McCornack, Eugene, John Down- and utility, aggregate 31.124.988,691.82,
Russell, who teaches at Junction City, >
lDg Marcola, Alfred White, Cottage as against >1,122,332.189.43 In 1928, ac­
Miss Maude Russell, who teaches in Grove, Cal Young, Eugene, and Leo cording to a report prepared at Salem
Eastern Oregon, Miss Flossie Gray, r Parker, Elmira.
by the state tax commission. The re­
who teaches at Noti, are here to spend
Poultry—Floyd Johnson, Junction port showed that the utility valuations
the holidays with home folks.
City, Kenneth Nielson, Crow Stage, J. (or 1929 increased epproxitnately 35,-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herrington and A. Schneider, Cottage Grove. H. A. 009,000 compared with those for 1928,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Herrington and stoneberg, Eugene, V. A. Parker, while the county or local valuations
51« M A IN 8 T R E E T
son, from Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Blachly, and A. C. Hoffman. Goshen.
decreased more than 82,000.000. The
Mrs. Walter Herrington from Detroit,
Dairying—(Executive committee of net gain In the property valuations
Michigan, are spending the holidays Lane County Dairymen's association) for the vear 1929 was 3? 650.000.
with Mr. and Mrs. William He: on.
c B. Swango, Eugene, George H. G1I-
Hervey Calvert i spending the holl- more. Junction City, V. H. Davis, Eu-
days at his father's ranch, nine miles gene, H. L. Plank, Junction City,
west of Junition City.
Ralph Benter, Creswell, and R. B.
Rev. Patterson, professor at E. B. Thompson, Eugene.
U., filled the pulpit here last 3unday
Horticulture— (Appointed by Lane
morning, and Rev. Fistus in the even­ Horticultural Society, H. S. Merriam,
ing in Rev. Miller's plale.
Goshen, Elmo Chase, Eugene, Frank
Wing. Junction City, Wendell Barth
FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER olomew, Eugene, Elmer Harlow, Eu-
gene, and Lee Turner, Eugene.
Rodent Control—C. A. Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue were
hosts yesterday for a Christmas din­ Dorena, O. W. McFarland, Cottage
ner at their home yesterday to their Grove, Charles Mallette, Junction
Most cherished among the gifts bestowed by
children, who gathered from various City, W. L. Wheeler, Trent, M. Gilles­
the passing year ls the memory of the pleasant
pie, Eugene, and Ray Bower, Crow
parts of the state for the occasion.
Those present were Dr. and Mrs.. Stage.
relations with those whom we have been privi­
Home Economics—Mrs. F. B. Har-
Wilmot C. Foster and children, Billy
leged to serve.
and Margery; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. De- low, Eugene, Mrs. Ralph I>alrd, Cres-
Pue, Jr., of Portland, and their daugh- well, Mrs. George Kappauf, Eugene,
' ter Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. 81d Mrs. J. W. Maxwell, Eugene, Mrs. H.
In appreciation of the many courtesies shown
Snow, Astoria.
H. Gunther, Junction City, Mrs. Clyde
us we wish you the season’s kindest greetings
I Dr. Foster is a former University of Wright, Creswell, and Mrs. Stephen
Oregon and Portland Medical School McKeun, Blachly.
and a Happy, Prosperous New Year.
student, and is now at the Mayo
------- .---------------------
Brothers clinic at Rochester, MInne
Wins Roller Skates
sota, as a consulting surgeon.
Margery Jollffe won the pair ot
No Civic Club Meeting
roller "kate" wh,ch were *,ven away
There was no meeting of the Civic laat week by Egglmann's confection-
club on Tuesday evening, Christmas , ery fc>r tbe mo8t wrappers saved
eve. This was the regular night for from » certa,n brand of can,ly'
Don’t Forget the
club, but it was decided not to hold
———————— —
the meeting, as It would greatly in-
8pend Day- at Dallas—Mr. and Mrs.
terfere with the observance o f ; B. F. Flan ery spent Christmas day at
Christmas eve In many homes.
1 Dallas with friends.
Agricultural Body
Names Committees
Here’s to 1930
graann’a (grrrtinga
“3 Live Ghosts”