THURSDAY, IH*’, 26, I »2» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FTVg TOWN AND VICINITY Rsturna H o m . Friday- M r . Frank Hnyder of Laurel ra tu rn .it to her hum . h .ra on Friday of Iasi week. Return from Portland Parry Wfl lliitii. returned from Portland Huuday nftar a abort vlalt in (bat * M r and Mr< W j||u m field “? , * * ’ l“ ‘* r<,turned * Sprlng- f d , " U r maDy mon,ha of ‘ " » e lin g In thia and adjoining «tales a . a re- Prom Thuraton— lra Gray waa on a ahopplng trip here on Tueaday fram h l. home In Thuraton. A fte r getting acquainted with the boye aad girl», Santa Claw« passed out a «tick of eandy to each. .P resen u tlve of a national, Thureton R.aidant H e re - luiwrence Goaaler, of T h u n. w .a in Spring field purcha.lng aupplle. Tueaday. ) A tte n d . Funeral— M r and M r. Vlaltlng with B r o th a r -M la . Theda John Parker warn called to Marcola Perklna, of Seattle, arrived Sunday on Sunday by t h . death of Mra. Par­ io apend the holiday* with her bro­ ker'* mother. ther, George Perklna. Vlaltlng from Portland Klale M Raadaport People Vlalt — W alter IMvIa. of Portland, la .pending the Conrad and hla .m a il »on», of Heed.- holiday« In thia city vlaltlng her port. are here for the holidays vlalt- mother. Mr». Hannah Leply. Ing hla mother, Mra. Nancy Conrad. • Annual Dinner Held M r and Mr». Bert Vincent of Blue R iver are »pending Wedaeseday and Thursday the C. C E. E Wheaton Wheaton home, home. The undersigned a iim i.i . m n rsaay at at the the estate of W llltam H C ollins? The" * two have been having reased. has filed hla final account In the,r Chr,lltn,aa and Thanksgiving Coumvttc i . ' i i t h A ? ,d ‘?sta‘ e- wl,h »he dlnner" together for the past seven -gon. and an o r t e / ‘ h’a . C^ n ty’ ° r ’" te* D year" Wllbout lnterru PHon. M r. ( and entered of record oy J b e V o ^ y " " W h* 8ton weBt “ > V ia- N O T IC E OF f i n a l S E T T L E M E N T o rd ic ’^ u . U T a u' ' t .. A ” rcd ’ .m7,h■««■ «pe«! * Dated at r-ugene, Eugene, Oregon, Oregon, thia this 2 ith studv flood ---- ----- . ---------- . Aaaiata at Store Ralph (la k e . a . V la lt. S l . t . r Mr« Charlea Parla hert* the r,r” uf »h® week PROBLEMS AFTER RAINS D“ S & , ” ’ COI.UK8 al.ted at the Sneed grocery »tore of Marcóla. ,p e „, Sunday here visit-'j T r . n u e t . Bu. , n. BASEMENT STORE during the ruah prior to the Chrlat- A dm inistrator of the C M " d *>' of Ing at the home of her slater, Mr» W a H e rv .H , « ra n m ^ ^ 1 « ^ . « ’ J u ,^ 7 maa holiday*. H- Colline, deceased. Eighth and Willamette, J. H. Steven.. »he city thia week. * h gh * “ ,er which flooded the IM M E L A EVAN S, Eugene, Oregon Vlalt from W endllng— Mr. and Mra Attorneys for the estate. country last week, and which tied up Service Station M«n III— V irg il H D 2fi .1 Hay Wallace of W endllng ware guest, From Camp Creek— Charles Hack the traffic over the Pacific highway Jone. was III ,he first of the week. , rw at the lx>ply home the flrat of the of Camp Creek called on friend« In and w»» unable to be out at hl« place (he city thin week to Eugene for several hours when the week. of business. “ rive r left its banks and crossed the Famlllaa O ln . T o g . t h . r - W . II V id . M .n In Tow n—John Wilson Of 1 M a b J * w '.T T h u r i ^ L " ? *“ • °' pavement near Judkins point. Some G illette and fam ily were Christina» Vida was among the people ,„e " „ X y ' cord wood, which was piled li^ low gueeta at the home of M r and Mra city doing Christmas shopping on places floated away and some fence« H L. G illette on Wednesday. cfIecking over our stock we find that we have heavier Tuesday, Vlalte M other— I>r. C. O. Van Val were damaged The shoulders on the stockB than usual at the end of this year on account of the Agent'« «on Here- -Russel Olaon. «ah. of Portland, spent Christmas day W o T V . S i w ' a lm • • » h e lv “ X ; ^ highway were loosened In a few places A rrives for Holidays— Lula loo ter here with hla mothor, Mrs A .B Van •on Of Mr. and Mra Carl olaon. but were eoon repaired. The flooding of Portland, arrived here on Satur­ - b .n d V k' l” ve"lorJ’ aI,’ 30 with new mer- Valaah. arrived Sunday for a week** visit of the highway again near Judkins day to apend the holidays with her with hla parent* during the holiday*. Oakridge Jteelflent , Here — 'Mrs. point brought several of the state en­ mother. Mrs M ary C. Magill. Bdlth Rhoades, of Oskrid was gineers here for an Investigation as Spend« Holiday« with M o t h e r - M r. HERE ARE A FEW JANUARY SALE ITEMS: Visit« Daughter— Frank Wetcher among -the- m any «hoppers',n "the city to possible means of preventing and Mr«. John P. I*arker spent the Tuesday Portland on Tuesday C h r is ,« ., holiday, with h l. m o th e r., left Bprlngfleld 1 ^ 7 2 fey * PortU,,d future repetitions of the same thing. J° hT p .e B “ i ± ” ' r lngfleld; parents. Dr. and Mra. W. C. Rebhaa. alaba of pork with the rind taken o ff - J“ MP M d John Rossman, who Have Queets from Portland— Maud Mr. and and the meat carved so as to make I t 1 *“ ° l Sprln* t,eld T h « "» « » Here from Grants P Gorrle and Em ery Fay, of Portland, Mr«. Roland Moshler, of Grants Paa*, look like huge chunk, of fa, with a enter,a,n9d at lh * L ig h t-, were Christmas gueata at the Gorrle * hom® ° “ Christmas eve at a Joint, ■re spending the Christmas holidays cranberry In each fold home on route 1 Tueaday evening here at the home of Mr. Mnshler'a and Wedneaday. parents. M r. and Mra. 8. O. Moshler. ( JANUAR Y SALE ’ 1 iS S <1 m 11 ......... ........... - 2 5 c Spending C hrlatm a* at W allo Mr u, « -a u .» L n d fc i th cOri ,“ r a , 7 W allowa. parents w .t l X“ Buahman'a j Gueata at Springfield Hotel— F. C. Montgomery w e. re g d at the o , her, d“ rtne MRS. EMMA MAY STOWELL WES FRIDAY AT ENGENE Mrs. Emma May Stowell passed the week , here aw *y at the PacIGc C h r is t i« h M p lU I nils* Heine, of Medford; and Charles *n Kugene on Friday afternoon at Harrison, of Vida. > 00 o'clock. Bhe was <3 years old Ragleter a , B l.w -A m o n g thoae re “ t,m * ‘ “ d ” * Ur vlved by her husband. Ulysses Show- glstered at the E lite hotel during the ell. of this city; three sons. Howard past week end are Elm er Ewan, of Stowell. Wepasklwln, Canada; C lar­ Glendale; Charles Boyd and Alvle ence Stowell, Donald. Canada; and Jones, both of Albany; N. Larson and John Stowell, Medford; one daughter Have Chrlatmas Dinner— Mr. and 8. O. I«each. both of Portland. Mrs. LaVerne Potenanche, Ponoka. re. Snodgrnss and sons. Jack and Leave for Seattla— M r. and Mrs Canada, and 17 grandchildren. farte. from Shedd, and Kenneth Do The funeral service* were held from A. E. Wood and daughter. Bobble, I^ssus, from Cottage Grove, were left Springfield Sunday for Seattle, the W alker-Poole funeral home In guest* a t the Riley Snodgrass home where they w ill spend a week visit­ Springfield on Tuesday afternoon, here for Christmas dinner. ing at the home of M r. Wood's with Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Methodist church, In charge of the Here from Salem— T ru bert Hender­ parents. service«. son was a guest at the home of Mr. Student Hera — Dale Phetteplace. and Mrs. J. M I«areon on Saturday «on of M r. and Mrs. H. E. Phetteplace REQUEST REGISTRATIONS •*vening. H e went duck hunting on Is spending the Christm as vacation Randay and returned to his home at FOR DRAMA TOURNAMENT here with hla parent*. He Is a student Ralem late that evening. at the University of Oregon medical Plans are already being made at Here From San Francisco— Miss school a t Portland. the U niversity of Oregon for the Helen M artin of Ban Francisco, a r­ Drive to Portland — Mr. and Mrs. fpurth annual tournument In which rived In Springfield on Tuesday Clifford Wilson motored to Portland the first ten high schools of the state morning to spend the holidays at the Into Tuesday evening following the which apply for entrance are Invited home of her parente, Mr. and Mrs. dinner at his mother's home here, to to come to the campus with one-act B A. Washburn. he the guests at the home of his w ife’s Plays and compete for the state Assistant Principal Home— V irg il parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mclxuin. championship. No play may be more McPherson Is spending the vacation than 36 minutes In length of perform- ! period at the home ot his parents, Motor to Toledo— Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ance. They are all held at the Guild M r. and Mrs. S. M. MoPhoraon, of Wade motored to Toledo on Tuesday theatre on the campus and are open this community. Mr. McPherson Is afternoon to apend the Christ mas to the general public. Many more high schools applied assistant principal a t the Dalles holidays friends and ICIttUYPR relatives ....... •* “ with aa.vjssw ao mm ~w ----- ...s.a ov.ivrv/in fappilUU IOT fo r Junior high school. They were expected to return this Pntron<’® In the tournument last year afternoon. »han could be accommodated, and Holne from 8chool — Misses Fxlllh has been requested th at registration Baton and Lucille Richmond have Motor to Tualatin— Mr. and Mrs of the high schools be made with Miss returned from Ashland, where they W. H. I^amhert and Mr. and Mrs. E. Mozelle H a ir at the Extension divi­ ere attending the Southern Oregon W. Baldwin and sons, Donald and sion of the University not later than Norm al achool, to be the guests at Gordon, left Springfield on Friday February 16. the home of th eir parents In this for Tualatin where they w ill he the Previous winners of places in t city during the holidays. guests at the Bill M artin home for tournament have been Eugene, M il­ Chrlatmas. waukee union high, Henley high ... R eturn* from North Band — Mias Klam ath county. Roseburg high, and, Maurlne Lombard has returned from Spend Day at Junction C ity— Mr. Jefferson high In Portland. North Bend to be a guest a t her and Mrs. J. M. loirson and fam ily mother’« home during the holidays. went to Junction C ity Tuesday even- Famlllee Gather— The G. M. Gerber Mia« Lombard la teaching In the Ig, where they were guests for Christ- fam ily was host to the O. E. Oerber North Bend high achool tills year, and ma eve and Christmas day at the was * teacher h e r* durin g the paat homo of Mrs. Laraon’a father, Char­ and W. W Squires fam ilies nt a Christmas dinner yesterday at their achool year. les Toftdahl. home. Hem« from K lam *th Falla— Audrey McPherson has returned from K la­ math Falls, where she Is employed as a achool teacher, to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r McPherson. E. i GRAY’S BUY EARLY- Year-End Sale Ivory Soap Flakes, 25c s i z e ..................15c Baby Whole Clams, can ............... .. Richter’s Malt, 8 lb. tin ........................7&c Sardines, regular 5c, 5 c a n s .................. 22c Deviled Meat, 10c size ........................... 7c He Shasta Tea, green, half pound pkg 27c Sandwich Spread, 10c size .................. 7C Shasta Tea. green. 1 lb......................... <7C Palmolive Soap, bar .............................. Heinz Vinegar, pint .......................... Sun Maid Puff Raisins, package .......10c Gray’s Kraft Bag Coffee, 3 lbs.......... Sun Maid Nectars, package ................ 10c Gray's White Bag Coffee, 1 lb........... .. 42c Thompson Malted Milk, 60c size G rays Red Bag Coffee, 1 lb........ 39c Choice Sliced Peaches, 2»^ tin 39c ..... 23c 89c Gray’s Yellow Bag Coriee, 1 lb....... 36c Van Camp Sardines, large oval _____ 10c Purex, quart bottle ........................... 15C Shrimp, regular size, 6 cans ................87c Dill Pickles, 2 ^ tin ............................. Moorhouse Mustard, 10c size .............. 7C Plm entoes, 18c size ....................... Pimentoes, 10c size ............... ........ Macaroni, 4 lbs.............................. French Salad Mustard, 15c size ..........12c F’ancy Mackerel, 2 cans ................... 25c Rainier Ginger Ale, 2 bottles ........... 25c Rainier Orange Dry ................................-,5C Calumet Starch, 3 packages .................21c 8c Assorted Jam, 15 oz. j a r s ........... Libby Apple Butter, No. 1 tin ........... Pure Sugar hard mixed Candy, lb. Fresh Creamery Butter, pound ....... 23c 13C 10c 40c 25c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. Table Queen Squash, each ................ 1C Hubbard Squash, pound .................. ic Cabbage, pound ............................... Oranges, pail full ....................... 2c 39c