THURSDAY. DEC, 2«. 1929 PAGE THREW -------------- aoee to Portland—Mr*. Joe Lemons I made a business »rip to Portluod the Classified Ads f th, circuit Court 0, th< j WORK GETS UNDER WAY 0J FOR FOREST SURVEY I latter part of the pant week. She | Oregon for the County of Lane. 1 lloy O. ('aims and Kila Cairns, returned here for the holMays. Actual field work In an attempt t» Plaintiffs: Vs. Charles McVay aJkl L. Z. McVay, heirs at j make a survey to determine tb* NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON law of A. P. McVay, Daniel _ amount of standing timber in fho EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE McVay and Ann McVay, deceased Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- and all the unknown belrs a t , United States was started this j tn<- of an execution and order of sale law of Daniel McVay and Ann ) ?noath In Washington county. Issued out of the Circuit Court of McVay his wife, Charles McVay and ! Provision for making this survey the »late of (tregou for Lane County A. P. McVay his wife, and L. Z. .. _ . „ McVay; M R. Flower, and F lo r e n c e ’ ** ,ncIudwl «» th® Forest Resear«* Nov.mber 27th, 1929, upon and pur­ suant to a decree duly given and made Flowers his wife, Lillian Travis. act- tatrod“,,u ,n ” >e above entitled suit within and Lee Travis, heirs at law of L. M T R A IL T O RAH Q T O D IF Q described real property, to-wlt: passengers to Klamath Falla and ALTA KINO, Attorney for Estate. four weeks from the date of the first KAIL » ’ O K IES Beginning at a point 282 feet South Travis, deceased, Karl Churchill and 1 KAIL _____________D 6-12-1926 J 2 publication of this summons, and If beyond. 1 Churchill bis wife, Howard AGAIN IN S. P. BULLETINS of the Southwest corner of Ix>t 2 In you fall so to appeur and answer, Hus connections at Eugene fot Block 4 of J. I. Jones’ Addition to Churchill and ----- Churchill his wife, Estate of Mortimer L. Hasbrouek, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via Sis- Cottage Raymond R. Churchill and ----- Chur- Grove; thence South 68 fees; Chapters of the story entitled apply to the Court for the relief klyou line. Deceased. thence East 212 feet; thence North 68 shlll hlg wife, Olive Fay McDougald From Trail to Rail” a story of th» prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: NOTICE TO CREDITORS feet; thence West 212 feet to the place Myrta Doan and E. B. Doan her hus Notice Is hereby given (hut L. O 1. That the mortgage referred to NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON of beginning. In Section 33, Township band, all heirs at law of Anna Chur- bnlld,n< ot railroads In Oregon ar» Hulln has been by the County Court In plaintiffs' complaint herein be 20 South of Range 3 West of the Wil­ chill, deceased, and to all the un- again being printed In the Souther» EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE of the. State of Oregon, In and for declared ____ to — _- be a ____ first ____ and valid lien lamette Meridian, In Lane County. known heirs at law of Anna Churchill, ( Pacific Bulletin. Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Oregon. deceased, and to all whom It may <«- Lame County, appointed administrator °P°n the following described real j The latest chapter to be printed tell» tue of an execution and order of sale Dated this 27th day of November, 1929. concern. Defendants: of the estate of Mortimer L. Has- premises, and all thereof, tawlt: Issued out of the Circuit Court of brouch, deceased. In the name of the 8tate of Oregon ot the deTel°P®ent of the east sid» H. L. BOWN. Ute State of Oregon for Lane County Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. yon and each of you are hereby ”n® from Portland sonth, and of th» November 22nd, 1929, upon and pur- N 28 D 6-12-19 26 snmmoned and required to appear race with the west side Une to get i x ” ,; : ': , ¡ r ? j ’ ,” auant to a decree duly given and ^ in .r \W oe„r . “ Tt, c°™plaint «'«J the line completed first. made by said Court 21at day ot a sal nut you in the above entitled S«lta d>, of N o ,.« b ,r . I . . . , * " j n ' .n T ' f Ct" k • od HenOTd»' November, 1929, In a suit pending IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Court and Cause on or before four An Interesting Item In the story STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE I (2 u n i iw I n ant* f°r I-*0* County. Oregon. therein In which the Inter State weeks from the date of the first pub- Is the maiden trip of the “J B Ste- COUNTY AdnilnlatraV/ir nf ih * v»$ • » IMime b« foreclosed In Fidelity Building and Loan Associa­ llcatlon of this summons, and If you ven,„ the f|r8t ]ocomot)ve mak- M oX ei I M a r t e n n ’ a ° ' *h" mann<* Provided by law. and said tion, a corporation, was plaintiff and Ambrose Dennis, Plaintiff, Vs. Lillian fall so to appear and answer said . A F W IIF F I Fit | Premises sold by the Sheriff of Lane Clara L. Jones Miller and others were complaint for want thereof the plain-, a trlp the 8tate on th® track» Dennis, Defendant. A. E. WHEELER. County, Oregon, to satisfy plaintiff . defendants, which execution and or tiffs will apply to the Court for the which later became the Souther» N 28 D 612 -19-26 judgment. der of sale was to me directed and To Lillian Dennis, Defendant. relief In their complaint prayed for Pacific railroad. This ,s the « « f 2 That the defendants and each commanded me to sell the real In the name of the State of Oregon ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE OF and " i“, , Uke which was exhibited dur- property hereinafter desecrlbed to of them, and all persona claiming by, you are hereby required to appear ment and decree as follows: T h a t, 6-12-19-26 gency, thence north 79-67’ west 183 J. LEWIS JOHNSON, feet to place of beginning. i “ * fore8ta- «cording to reports from Administrator. Also; Commencing at the northwest ‘h® , U“'ted State8 D®Partm®nt o t H. E. SLATTERY, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NATICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Attorney for Administrator. corner of lot twh (2) of Brooklyn, an Agriculture. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that the un­ D 6-12-19 26 J 2 of Lane County, s jc a « d a 689 ««« Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ dersigned administrator of the estate In the Circuit Court of tho State of addition running thence south on the Oregon west „ * a total t°t“ ° f 844 man™ USPd Oregon for Lane County. tue of an execution and order of sale of C. L. Webster, deceased, has filed SUMMONS Issued out of the Circuit Court of the final report and account, and the Inter State Fidelity Building and line of said Lot two to the north line ‘‘«htning-set forest fires were ro­ Loan Association, a corporation. ot the right of way of the old street Ported on the 22 national forests o t In the Justice Court for Eugene »tate of Oregon for i^ine County County Court of Lane County, Oregon, Plaintiff. Va. Elmer M Baker and car line running between Eugene and Oregon and Washington In 1929 District, Lane County, Oregon. December 2nd, 1929, upon and pursu­ has fixed and appointed Saturday, the Faya Baker, his wife; W. C. Brown Springfield, Oregon, thence north-_________________________ _ Oregon Adjustment Association, a ant to a decree duly given and made 11th day of January, 1930 at 10 o’clock and Martha M. Brown, his wife; easterly on and along said north line a » « » .* .- ___ Corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. Tom by said Court November 29, 1929, In A. M„ In the County Courtroom. Eu Carl Akin and Mrs. Carl Akin, his to the. west line of a tract of land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Payne, Dof-.ndant. a suit pending therein In which the gene. Oregon, for final hearing lu wife; Defendants. sold and conveyed by F. L. Hake to Department of the Interior, Unit»« To Tom Pa. i'e, Defendant. Pacific Savings A Ioan Association, said estate, and any objection should To W. C. Brown and Martha M. James P. Shanks; thence north on) 8tatea Land Office, Roseburg, Or» In the Name of the State of Ore­ a Washington corporation, was plain­ be made or fllod on or before such Brown, Defendants: and along said west line of the gon: You a t' hereby required to ap tiff and Anna Farmer and others time. gon, November 29, 1929. In the name of the State of Oregon, Shanks place to the North line o f ) pear and answer the complaint which were defendants, which execution FOREST EXCHANGE Dated and first published December You are hereby required to appear said lot two of Brooklyn, thence w est' Notice is hereby given that on has been filed against you In the and order of sale was to me directed 12, 1929 and nnswer the complaint filed on and along said north line of lot November 26th, 1929, Frank Ö. above entitled Court and cause within and commanded me to sell the real KAREL WEBSTER, Jewett, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, you In the shove entitled two to the place of beginning. all weeks from the date of the first property hereinafter described to Administrator Estate of C. L. Web­ against suit within four weeks from the date Also; Beginning at the northwest filed application No. 018853 under publication of this summons, and If satisfy certain liens and charges In ster, deceased. you fall to so appear and answer the said decree specified, I will on Satur­ D 12-19 26 J 2-9») ot the first publication of this sum­ corner of the Donation Land Claim of the act of March 20. 1922, (42 Stat., mons. and If you fall to so appear Daniel McVay and wife Notification 465) to exchange all of Sec 36. T 1 plaintiff will ask judgment against day the 4th day of January. 1930, at and answer, the plaintiff will apply No. 3283 Claim No. 82. Township 17 N., R. 10 E„ W. M., within the ML you in the sum of $60.60, together the hour of <”>e o'clock P. M.. at the NOTICE to the Court for the relief prayed for south. Range 3 west W. M. In Lane Hood National Forest for the ap- with Interest thereon at the rate of southwest door of the County Court County, Oregon thence south one proximately 7 acres located in th» six per cent per annum from the 1st House In Eugene, lj«ne County, Ore­ Notice Is hereby given that the In the complaint, to-wlt; FIRST: That the plaintiff have and hundred and sixty five fee< and eight SE(4 of Sec. 19. T. 20 S.. R. 4 E., W. day of December, 1926, and the costs gon, offer for sale and sell at public undersigned have petitioned the Com gnd disbursements In this action; auction for cash, subject to redemp­ mnn Council of the Town of Spring recover Judgment against the de­ inches or to the North boundary of M., within the Cascade Nationai and that the money attached by the tion as provided by law, all of the Held that the following described fendants, Elmer M. Baker and Faya the Pacific Highway as now located. Foreu!. plaintiff In this action be paid Into right, title, nnd Interest of the de­ real property be vacate«! and taken Baker, his wife, nnd W. C. Brown and thence easterly on and along said ; The purpose of this notice Is to Martha . M. Brown, Court to pay said Judgment, costs fendants In said suit and of nil parties out of the City Limits as follows: ... his , , wife. , In the north boundary of said Pacific High- allow all persons claiming the land» claiming by, through nr under them Beginning at the Southeast corner ” ,m of 60 with Interest thereon way and distance of two hundred and selected, or having bona fide objeo and accruing costs. This summons la served upon you or any of them since the 29th day of of Rlock Six of Brattaln's Addition at the rate of ten per cent per an twelve feet six Inches, thence north tlons to such application, an oppor- by the publication thereof once a November. 1929. In or to the following to Springfle Id. Oregon; running num from and after the 1st day of two hundred feet and thence westerly tunity to file their protests with th» week for six successive weeks In the described real proper''-, to-wlt: thence due east to the West boundary October, 1929. and until paid, and the two hundred and twelve feet or to Register of the United States Land , Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any Ix)t ten (10) nnd th • North 11 feet of H. L. nnd T. B. Stewart's Addi­ sum of $150.00 as a reasonable at - the place of beginning. Springfield News, In accordance with Also; From the Northwest corner | such protests or objections must bo an order made and entered the 14th and 9 Inches of Io' nine (9) all In tion; thence due North to the north- torney fee herein, together with Its of the Daniel McVay and wife Dona- j filed In this office within thirty day» day of November, 1929. authorizing Block Five (5) in Shelton s Addition i corner of said »tewart’s addt- costs and disbursements. SECOND: That plaintiff's mort tlon Land Claim No. 82 in township from the first publication of thio and directing the service of summons to tho City of Eugene. I.ane County, ,,on. thence due Eagt to the City by publication. Dnte of first publi­ Oregon. i Limits; thence due North to K street gage nnd Judgment based thereon be 17 south Range 3 west W. M. run notice, which first publication will cation November 21, 1929. Dated December 3, 1929, I if the same were extended; thence decreed to be a first and valid lien south 2.49 chains, thence south 78-30’ ; be in The Springfield News, at H. L. BOWN, HAROLD J. WELLS, due West to a point North of the upon the prt'mises described In tlie east 7.28 chains, thence south 8.94 Springfield, Oregon, on December Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. place of Beginning; thence due South complaint, and described as follows, chains to the initial point of this des-119t'n, 1929 and In the Hood River Justice of the Peace. cription; thence east 315H feet to a Glacier, on Dec. 19th, 1929. I D 5 12-19-26 J 2 to-wlt: N 21-28 D 6-12-19 26 J 2 » 1 i « » - to the place of beginning; containing Lots 7 and 8 in Block 2, all in Onyx point 100 feet west of the west bound- , HAMILL A. CANADAY, 225Vk acres of land, more or less, and ary line of the Pacific Highway, being | Register, all lying and being within the Town Plat, Ijtne County, Oregon, THIRD: That the property above the southwest corner of a tract of ; D 19-26 J 2-9-16-23 Limits of Springfield, I,ane County, described he sold In the manner pro­ land sold to Hiram L. Mooney and Oregon. vided by law for the sale of real Lloyd E. Mooney, July 7th, 1922. , (2) of Brooklyn to the south line of All persons having objections to property upon execution In fore­ which deed Is recorded in Vol. 132,) t'.ie right of way of the old street car said proposed vacation are required closure, and that the proceeds of page 472, Lane County, Oregon Deed railway leading from Eugene, Oregoa to file them with the Recorder of such sale be applied first, to the ex­ running thence North 23-30’ west ! to Springfield, Oregon, thence east- Km, Phone 149 F isso Moving DR. W. N. DOW said Town on or before January 20th, penses of said sale, and second, to 80 feet; thence North 76-16’ east ISO, e«‘ly on and along said street car D e n tis t SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER 1930. the satisfaction of plaintiff's Judg­ feet to the west line of said Highway; ' right of way to where the same In* First National Beak Building WILLIS BBRTBCH, Prop. PAUL HADLEY ment herein, and the overplus. If any thence North 21-30' west along the tersects the west line (or west lino Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon PEARL HADLEY «Nies: RODKNBOUOH OARAOE there be, be paid unto such persons west line of said highway 121.26 feet; i extended) of the said Samuel D. H. A. BRATTAIN 6M Main Btroot Office hours, 9 A. M. to $ P. M. as the Court may determine thence weet 3.43 chains; thence south Claims land. thei$ce south on and MOLLIE B. SCOTT FOURTH: That the defendants, 3.36 chains to the place of beginning along said weet line to the place of Evenings by Appointment Long Distance Hauling a Specialty E. M. BRATTAIN. beginning all in Lane County. Oregon. and each of them, and all persons In Lane County, Oregon. D 19-26 J 2 9-16 claiming by, through or under them, And that the above-named defend­ Also; From the northwest corner or any of them, be foreclosed and of the Daniel McVay and wife Dona­ ants and each and every one of them forever barred from any rlghL title tion Land Claim No. 82 In township be forever barred and enjoined, and ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE DR. N. W. EMERY In the County Court of the Stats of and Interest in or to said real pre­ 17 south, range 3 west W. M. run all persons claiming by, through or DKNTIBT Oregon In and for the County ot mises, save only the right of redemp­ south 2.49 chains; thence south 78-30' under them or any or either of them eapt 7.28 chains; thence south 6.58 be so barred and enjoined from tion allowed by law. Lane. •irtten Bldg. Phone 20-J FIFTH: That the plaintiff be per­ chains; thence east 5.43 chains to the claiming any right, title. Interest or IN PROBATE. Residence Phons 163-M the Estate of Lydia A. Huston, mitted to bid at said Sheriff’s sale, Initial point of this description thence estate in said real property or aa.y part and that the purchaser at such sale south 21-30' east 121.26 feet; thence thereof and for such other relief a» Deceased. De« Springfield, Oregon be entitled to the Immediate posses­ north 74-15’ east to the center of th4 to the Court may seem meet and To Whom this may concern: Pacific Highway as now located; equitable. This summons is publish­ sion of said property. 228 Main 8L Resident»« 125 C BL Notice Is hereby given that I, SIXTH: For such other and further thence northerly along the center line ed by virtue of and In pursuance to 6IJ Guard Huston, the undersigned, am relief as to the Court may seem of said highway to a point due east an order of the County Court of the <>M (tonerai Law Practice the qualified and acting admlnlstra equitable herein. of the place of beginning and thence State of Oregon for the County of tor of the Estate of Lydia A. Huston, This summons Is published once west to the place of beginning all In I^ne made and entered by said Court I. M. PETERSON deceased; that all who are obligated each week for four successive weeks Lane County, Oregon. on the 13th day of December, 1929 or­ Full Auto Equipment Attornsy-at-Law to said estate shall pay same to me; by order of the Hon. O. F. Skipworth, Commencing at the southwest cor­ dering the summons to be publish»« lAtdy Assistant and that all who have claims of any Judge of the Circuit Court of the ner of the Samuel D. Calms land In once each week for four successive Cltr Hall BuMdlng kind against the said estate shall State of Oregon for Lane County. the Daniel McVay and wife Donation nnd consecutive weeks In the Spring- present the same to me at the law Springfield, Ora. The date of the first publication of Txind Claim Notf. 3283 Claim No. 82 field News, a weekly newspaper of office of my attorney, Henry E. Slat­ this summons Is November 28th, 1929, In Township 17 south Range 3 west general circulation and that the date tery, 717 Willamette Street, Eugene, and the date of the last publication W. M. in Lane County, Oregon, run­ of the first publication thereof wW FRANK A. DE PUE Oregon, within six months from the hereof la the 26th day of December, ning thence west on the south line of be December t9th 1929 and the date date of the first publication of this 1929. A TTO R N EY A T LAW I the said Cairns land extended to where of the last publication will be the 16th notice, which notice Is published for 1MMEL A EVANS, said line Intersects the west boundary day of January 1930. NOTARY PUBLIC the first time on December j , 1929. JEWELER Attorneys for Plaintiff. line of Lot three (3) of Brooklyn, a FRANK A. DePUE, GUARD HUSTON, Attorney for Plaintiff». Residence and Postofflce Address: sub-division of Lane County, Oregon, Repairing a Specialty Button •prlngfiat« Administrator Eugene, Oregon. thence North on and along the eald Residence: Springfield, Oregon. BulltflnB Orsgan D 6-12-19-26 J 2 N 2« D 6-12-19-28, west Use of lota three (9) and two Springfield, Oregon D 19-26 J 2-9 IB (BUYING Pit SELLING I b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y I GIT RESULTS) J ,Wilktr-Foijli Chapul Funeral Directors D . W . R oof I I