i PAOS TWO OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST The recent warm rains hare been of had rebuked, whom he had told she "| like winners," the girl said care- rest of the evening Is? Didn't she KT»at value to central Orgon livestock was too nice for this gathering here lesaly. “Losers always claim fouls,' say that we're to he partners? You men, especially sheep owners. The I tonight. He colored pain'ully. A prig, j She turned to Stevens “Where know what these parties are Ilk«; y»u grass has started and the rain has 1 that s what he was. And she had had t wo wo go from here, here. Tim Tim?" go from ? she asked come and go Are you a quitter? washed the dirt out of the fleeces. mocked him. saying she was an old There was u final dismissal In her The total births In Portland in No­ “You know belter," she reminded (Continued from Page 1) Principal Events of the Week vember fashioned girl at heart And then, attitude. numbered 331. 331. bringing bringing the the j --------------------- —------------------------ ----- w>r . , h . . . . . . V— eer numoereq w*.e this chastest of all Dianas had "I knew," boasted Stevens, "that him. Her voice was languid, dulled, Assembled for information number of births for the 11 months ’ly «way from hint, and paid attention I , * . t«dd a- _ . . . I*. w_a______ lendvrml an Invitation, he had not even though our hostess didn't seal as though Interest had departed from of 1929 to 3866. The month's births to her hostess the night. of Our Readers. I included 186 male« and 148 females. "In days of old," went on Mrs. | vi« wit to grasp It Instantly, but must uh together, we'd be together before clumsily ask her totell him In words the evening ended." Still she lingered, watching a eoupla With operating tests under way. the Clary, "fair ladies were wont to give mount the steps leading from the of one syllable. Callow, that was the "Insight. Intuition, or logical res Residents of Nehalem bay district city of Eugene’s giant power project, \ guerdons to their brave knights—a water, his eyes followed hers. |(e worPi l ‘red from •MriiRr«»" I Manager; But I gave you a day off proposed Great Northern extension lacked; wealth, assured position, and J home, and her parents were nearly into California routed through Malin. about 26 per cent normal, prices have the things which accompany them. y~r , o t o h" To the Minerva, he told her. 1 frantic. Lied about her age, her fam Leeson remembered now that all State, city and American Legion of­ brought good profits. Office boy: Yes. but I'm going to She looked at him thaughtfully. ily. everything; managed to get over through dinner Stevena had called "What's the Idaa, Tim?" Mra. Charlss MscPhsrsoa. 63, was ficials were the principal speakers at try to get In touch with him at a there. Decorated by Joffre himself." across the table to Lucy Harkness, the district legion convention for Mar- Cored to death by p .b u U /t the U i> 'A little tail down the lake, a eoty seance this afternoon, "N ureer asked Leeton. had raised his glass to her. indeed, •upper for two." leu, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Fherson farm near Grande Roads. "At that age?" His acquaintance Tamhlll counties Tteld la Salem re­ Charles MacPhsrson, the husband, re­ had never seemed to take his eyes But we are guests of Mrs. Clary."! Such a quaint thing happened to cently. turned home and found htg w l^ la laughed. "Lord, not Went as ««ter off her. she reminded him "We can't -he run my mother In Paris! talner. Sang. Danced. Heaven knows The air waa rent with shrieks and The Farmers Union of the Ffcirrlaw the bars lot dead. The women VM where she picked It up. Turned down cheers. Quite evidently many of the t ny h ht neighborhood near «'-m has passed alone at the tints of the fatal attack. Why not? Has she said what the London? all sorts of offers for musical comedy women standing waist deep In the The first annual northwestern fur- resolutions condemning the since. Got nearer the front than any water had certain cavaliers whom euanty court for not making an ap­ key show was bald at Oakland, under American roman. Gassed in s sud the auspices of the Douglas County they preferred to be the ones to put propriation for a oounty agent and Turkey Breeders' association, last den attack, was given the right by the girdles of temporary partnership club leader. Pershing to wear a wound stripe. upon their limbs, for they clapped Medford city officials are searching Week. There were 383 turkeys en­ Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of tered la the show, which makes It the their hands and cried certain names. the oatskirts of the city for a site for her!" Leeson, dropping at once Into the the Humane society's new dog pound largest ever held on the Pacific coast ‘Of course I have,” said Leeaon. crawl. In a side glance took In the The Douglas county broccoli crop and animal shelter, which the society "Only, I didn't recognize her.” fact that Stevena was at his right. plans to build as soon as the city fur­ prospects tor this season are very en­ "Well, you must have felf the eve­ couraging, reports Foster Butner, trifle to the rear. He felt an ex- nishes a alts. ning's hate directed at you!" laughed A naw island In the Columbia river manager of the Umpqua Broccoli ex­ the other. “Every man here has been lutatlon at the little triumph. He'd la noted at The Dalles a short dis­ change. The crop has not bean barm- dying of Jealousy You must have a show this hulking brute. . . A hand clutched at his ankle; he tance above the ferry slip on the vd by lack of rainfall. Early estimates ! crag with »he Clarys. to be placed went under, strangling, unprepared Washington side of the river. It has of the crop are at least 100 carloads. *7 j r . r. ,, . . ^°r anTlhlng like this. He could feel Rotny Pittard, McMinnville, was been created by shifting sandbars and He had met Devil May Care! Well, fhat whoerer had unfalrIy deU)ned nnusually low water. sleeted president of the older boys' he was glad that he had not met he. h m w„ uslu< h, . body tQ „ h,m. A bond issue of $60,000 was author­ conference, which held its final meet­ POrllor A waa an ex _ earlier. flfhni-nilaA_ Otherwise— he ings In McMinnville recently. Other self ahead; then he sank to the bot­ ised by the voters of Roseburg at a tremely sane young man—leaving special election held recently, and the officers elected to serve for the year Palm Beach would not have been tom of the pool, as a foot spurned money will be used to retire improve­ are Wilson Bennett, Albany, vice-pres­ easy. In one brief hour at dinner she him and the unfair competitor shot ment fund and interest warrants now ident, and Nell Milner, Gresham, sec­ had left marks upon his soul. He ahead. He came up to see Stevens retary. within a yard of Lucy Harkness. held by local banks. knew that. Now, strolling with the He swam to them as Stevens, his Medford has a school population of The first annual Christmas outdoor laughing crowd toward the pool, with lighting contest at The Dalles was 3647 between the ages of 4 and 20 them but In no way of them, he re­ dripping feature twisted In a trium­ held under the auspices of the Ki- years. This is an Increase of 6 per created In his mind her features, her phant smile, bent over and dipped wanls club. For the best decorated cent over last year's total of 3438 and expressions, remembered all that he his hands below the surface of the and Illuminated house and grounds a Indicates that the total population of had read of her in the fevered Sunday water. Leeson tapped the man on the city is 13,822. During the past 10 the shoulder. prise of $75 was given. years the school population has supplements. 9he could drive an air­ I claim a foul." he said quietly. The heavy storms of the past weeks doubled. plane; she'd shot a tiger; she had and the especially high tides lately climbed mountains; she had skipper Henry Steger, 81, veteran of the Mo­ caused the outlet of Siltcoos lake, ed her own speed boat out of Rum doc Indian war, died at Roseburg at which hag been closed for the last Row on the Jersey coast, and In ex­ three months, to open, and recently the Oregon Soldiers' home as a result tenuation thereof told a thrilled world of burns suiiered when his night the salmon began rushing up the 2H- that she wanted to meet men who mlle river Into the lake on tbelr way clothes caught fire. Steger apparent­ were the spiritual heirs of L'Ollonols. ly fell asleep while smoking, and his t0 the streams that fiow into the lake. dressing gowp and night clothes were Black beard, Lafitte, and the rest. T H E M ARKETS afire when he ran from his room Into Scandal dalways havered about an around her, liut not even Its shadow Portland the corridor of the hospital. rested upon her. Her friends, the Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, $1.34; The Marlon county court has sent soft white and western white, $1.22; a telegram to members of the Oregon press and public—every one seemed to consider her a unique type, one to hard winter, northern spring and delegation In congress urging a larger western red, $1.20*4. forest road appropriation. The tele­ whom nothing smirched. There was, Hay—Alfalfa, $23.50® 24 per ton; gram was Inspired by the refusal of for instance, the tip that had been valley timothy, $20.50®21; eastern forest officials to accept an offer given by a revengeful discharged Oregon timothy, $22.50023; clover, made by the court to match an appro­ maid, to the effect that Lucy Hark­ $20; oat hay, $19; oats and vetch, $20 priation of $100,000 for completion of ness was having an affair with Ted 020.50. the north Santlam highway. Forestry Kelly, the lightweight contender. She Butterfat—41c. officials said that the forest road ap­ was found at his camp In the Cats­ Eggs—Ranch, 29®43c. propriation for the year 1930 had been kills. unchaperoned, a lone woman Cattle—Steers, good, $10.50011.25. allotted, and that no money had been amid a dozen plug uglles. Yet her Hogg—Good to choice, $8.60010. •et aside for the north Santiam announcement that she Had bet twen­ Lambs—Good to choice, $10011. ty thousand on Kelly, and Intended project. Beattie to see to It that thf contender trained Heavy losses In valuations of tlm Wheat — Soft white and western her lands, tillable and «on-tillable properly, was accepted applaudingly white, $1.22; hard winter, weetern lands and In shares of stock, which by all the world. The world also red and northern spring, $1.31; Big are only In part offset by gains In thought It perfectly proper for Lucy Bend bluestem, $1.36. the valuations of town and city prop­ Harkness to have gone Into training Eggs—Ranch, 29®43c. erty and Improvements on both rural with Kelly. She did road work, boxed, Butterfat—44c. skipped rope, and frankly told the and urban property, account for the Cattle—Choice steers, $10011. decline of approximately $2,000,000 In reporters about'It. When Kelly met Hogg—Prime light, $10.16010.7$. assessed valuations in Oregon this the chafnplon she sat near his corner Lambs—Choice, $10011. year, exclusive of utility properties, and wag the first to grip his hand Spokene according to a recapitulation pre­ when the champion was counted out. Cattle—Steers, good, $9.26010.36. And this was the girl, the woman— pared by the state tax commission Hogg—Good and choice, $10. from reports submitted from the 26 she was only twenty-three, but how Lambs—Medium to good, $8.6009. ridiculous to call one who had done count/ assessors of the state. all she had done, a girl—whom he Devil May Care” " — R* 1 , *» ™ iffi® w iJh our many friends and customers a M e rry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Y e a r Nelson’s Leghorn Farm Springfield, Oregon Our Many Loyal Friends in this Community We WisA a Happy Prosperous New Year Willamette Press Springfield, Oregon *»