Try the H om e P rin t Sh op Firat TW EN TY-SIXTH YEAR THE SPRINGFIE ------------------S I ’ItIM ,)■ ||; |,|» McKINNIS building to BE REMODELED TO SUIT COMMUNITY MEETINGS \ .\K c o u n ty , O R EG ON • £ IN SCHOOL DISIRICÍ NEWS T h o m p s o n F a m i l y ST0P s , gns H a s L a r g e D in n e r “ The People’s P ap er” L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N placed BY WORKMEN FRIDAY TO ENFORCE MEASURE A community hull may lm starteli 12969784 In Hprlngflnld after the first <>r the Children of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. The stop street ordinance recently Will Start School and Carry year In the upstairs of the McKInnl» passed by the City Council is now In Thompson Meet Together hitlhlltiK A committee represent lux Passenger« on Big Field in the Springfield Chamber of < ’i . m i n e n . Net Warrant Indebtedness is effect. The placing of stop signs on on Christmas Day Lower at End of Year Than Addition to Operations at espei-ta tu sign u lease nn the up all streets leading Into Main street One Of the largest family gather­ It Has Been for Many Springfield Airport in Noar ’" ‘“r’* «ub-lei tho varl- automatically made the ordinance ef­ Years; Outstanding Warrants ings to he held In Springfield this fective at once. There has , oils service and civic organizations of Future. < hrlstmas occurred yesterday after- the city. n Radio Control Station for North Less Than Month Old. non at the Woodman Hall, when the ""rn” trouble with motorists who are Mr McKInnls Is remodeling the Aviation school and passenger and South Airways in Oregon The net warrant Indebtedness or children of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. not accustomed to stopping before 1 carrying rights on the Medford air­ building upstairs for a hull and club to be Located on Emerald Thompson and their families gather entering Main street, but as a whole port has been awarded Io the Ecker rooms, lie will kalsotnlne, paint and diool district 19 Will he almost »6.000 ed for a Christmas dinner and tree at Heights; Land Leased for son Plying Service. of Springfield, renovate the building to suit the needs less after warrant 60 and all others 1:00 o'clock. the new regulation has worked out Purpose. and will he (iterated by Major (I II of immtnudlty gatherings The main issued before that have been paid The gathering is now almost an an­ very satisfactory. Several motorists Kekerson In addition to the manage hall will he 32x(3 feel, and there will __ nual affair with the children of Mr. have been warned and arrests will be , Í 1 The establishment of a _ F'ederal tnenl of the Springfield airport The he six other rooms for club and (lining than It was a year ago, according to ami Mrs. Thompson An effort has ma rvlce will also he maintained on These figures Indicate that the and decorated for the event by the will be drawn on the pavement. lllds for the construction of the new send out radio beams over the north the Hprlgflehl port hy him building to bouse the Hotels drug school district Is gradually paying oft Roberts brothers, who have done this and south course, which will control Students now In the course of In­ store are now being received by Mr. Its Indebtedness, and that the flnan for the past several years. a radio compass In the planes. Three NEW POLICE OFFICER structions will be finished up at the George Stanley, of Eugene, who Is •lal status of the district is better Immediately following the dinner radio operators will be stationed here Pprlngfleld port or taken to Medford going to erect the structure, which than It ha* been for some time, thinks APPOINTED SATURDAY the entire group gathered about the to broadcast« the signals when the for their additional Instructions, It will house the drug store when It Mr Hughes, who states that the net large Christmas tree for a program new station is erected. There «■ Is announced H. R Davis, better known as Bill will he moved to make room for his warrant Indebtedness at this time Is and exchange of tokens. Havls, was appointed Chief of Police another 8tatlon at Chehalis. Washing- The Kekerson Dying Service has grocery store, he expects to much better than It has been tor Those who were present at the for Springfield by the police commit'- aBd theFe WiI1 be “ ke,y »t a franchise on the Springfield air­ open this' spring In the present loca­ many years. Mr and , Mrs. L. E tee of the City Council last Saturday ” iOrd' according to an official of port, calling for the keeping of one tion of the Kelels' store. ; The Indebtedness will Increase ThompHon ... ,r a,ld Mrs Welby afternoon, to take the Diace of Kon tbe departlnent of commerce, w ho who airplane In flying condition on the Two bids have been received up to again from now until July, when Stevens; Mrs. Beatrice Gay; Mr. and ne,h Giles, resigned. has been here on two occasions lately field nt all times To fulfill this thia morning by Mr Stanley. They an,rther tax payment will be madei I Mr" EarI Davis is ti I" I l l / i l i i . e f , , • A « _ _ as .. a Roberts; Mrs. Maude Bryan former po'llce "of’^Zr selecting the site. agreement a plane will be stationed of this city, were from the firm of Hargreaves and but the Increase will not be a n y iand dauKb’**r. Chystal; Mr. and M Local people who have been doso rs. having served In that capacity before here, according to the major Major Lindsey, of Eugene, and George Per­ greater than it was for the same perl- KarI Thompson and daughters. La- the appointment of Mr' cil'es"'who 8tudents <>' aviation in the last few the aPP°'n«ment of Mr. Giles, who ----- — -------..w Ex kerson and James Stovall are kins, of Springfield one other firm od last year, and the Income will be ' ’‘rne and Kathryn; , Mr and —x Mrs. F. has held that office for OT almost r ™ > i------- . . “ 1381 and Ie» a year. months declare that beason light partners In the venture nt Medford has taken out a set of the plans, and alrnoNt thi» name D. Thompson and children, Esther, —------------------------ radio beacon are tw o link» i . . ns well as Springfield. beacon are two links In a chain was expected Io submit a hid very Jean and Donald; Miss Marguerite .of developments which is destined to ROYAL NEIGHBORS ELECT soon. Hurd, sister of Mrs. Floyd Thompson; CAST PLEASES AUDIENCE make Springfield an aviation center JOHN FISHER PASSES No exact date has been set for the i Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Barrett and family NEW OFFICERS FRIDAY in the next few years. W ITH PAGEANT SUNDAY I. AT HOME NEAR DONNA opening of the bids, but It Is expected r I Light was turned on and tests made Mrs. Dodd Miller was elected oracle that they will he o|H*ned during the The pageant "The Birth of Christ." ney. all of Eugene; Mr. J. M. Thomp­ of the Royal Neighbors at their re of the new air mail beacon last Fri­ John Fisher died at his home one week, and thnt work will begin which was given at the Baptist son. Mrs. Bryan's father; and Victor gular meeting held at the home of day evening for the first time. The mile east of Donna on Tuesday even­ soon afterwards. Fogle. church on Sunday evening at 7:30 ing at ft. 00 o clock, at the age of 70 Mrs. William Stearmer last Friday big revolving lights flooded the town The building will be built on the lot was well presented and pleased the years. evening. Other officers who were and surrounding country, and could be between the Sutton block, which Mr REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS large audience which filled the audi­ elected are Mrs. I. M. Peterson. vice- seen for many miles. Mr Fisher was born In Indiana, and Stanley has recently purchased, and BIG CHRISTMAS PARTY oracle; Mrs. Georgia Nettleton, chan- married Lydia Burkenbln« In that the Wright and Sons' hardware and torium to see the production. The church choir sang several numbers state, ills first wife died In 1907. furniture store. -------- cellor; Mrs. Ina Scrivener, recorder- KENSINGTON CLUB HOLDS und some carols to help the cast. The A hrlstmas tree and all the neces- Mrs Ida Cline, receiver- Mrs Emma having nine children, two of whom CHRISTMAS PARTY FRI. pageant depicted biblical soenes of “ w k lt 7 7 Pre*ent at ‘he OlBOn’ mar8ha11: Mrs. Ida Morelock died In their Infancy. LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS events surrounding the night of the weekly meeting of the Rebekah lodge sentinel. He moved to Oregon In 1913, and Mrs. S. C. Wright and Mrs. A- J, on Monday evening. Each guest METHODIST CHOIR SING Nativity. married Nancy Sterling, of Eugene, The retiring officers of the Royal Morgan were Joint hostesses Friday brought a gift which was numbered A short talk by the paHtor. Rev. where he lived until 1928. when he A full church turned nut to greet Ralph Mullholand, on "God Sent as it wes received at the entrance, Neighbors are; Mrs. William Stear­ evening for the annual Christina« moved to Donna Two children were the singers at the Methodist church on Forth His Son” concluded the even- and later in the evening each person mer. oracle; Mrs. Sadie Lambert, party of t' Kensington club, which born to this union. was held the W’right home. A present drew a number to determine vice-oracle; Mrs. Georgia Nettleton, Surviving Mr. Fisher sre his widow Sunday, under the direction of Arah Ing program chancellor: Mrs. Ina Scrivener, re special guest for the meeting was Mr«. Hoyt Rae. when they presented the i For the morning services the 8un- which gift was to be theirs. and the following children Mrs corder. Mrs. Ida Cline, receiver; Mrs. ! W1Uiam Portland, who sang The committee in charge announc­ Frank Marshall and Mrs. Zona Mar cantata "The Christ Child." by Hawley day school provided a program of ex- Emma Olson, marshall; Mrs. I. M . i 8everar soI° 8 during the evening. at the evening church hour. i erclses and the pastor delivered a ed that Santa Claus was too busv shall, of Eugene; George Fisher, ot Peterson, sentinel. Little Peggy Wright acted as helper The following people had solo parts short sermon and could not be present. All his on the topic, "They Ottumwa. Iowa; Mrs J. W. Mays. , . for Santa Claus and distributed the helpers were also working and he January 15 has been set as the date gifts. Junction City; John Fisher, Eugene; In the cantata: sopranos, Mvrna Bar- Presented Cnto Him Gifts." ger and Mrs W C. Rebhan; contr- didn't have any extra clothes, or he f°r tbe ,n8tallation of the new officers, Miss Norah Fisher. Salem; Lalimer altos, Mrs, 9. 8 Those present at th emeeting were Potter and Mary MUSICIANS ENTERTAIN would have let someone else wear ~ Fisher, Eugene, Mariiy Fisher, Salem; Mrs. William Price, Mrs. Rosco« one of his suits. Devereaux; bass, Fred Buell. William RELATIVES GATHER FOR and Nell Fisher, at home. There are Perkins, Mrs. Guy Wright, Mrs. Lar­ AT LIONS LUNCHEON Pollard and John Devereaux; tenors. Mrs. Lee Putman. E. E. Pyne, Os­ 16 grandchildren and four great son Wright, all guests, and Mr«, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Ernest McKinney and Paul Potter wald Olson. Elmer and Stella Find- grandchildren who survive Mr. Fisher. j Clarence Chase, Mrs. Levi Neet, Mr«, Ted Charles and Ed Scrogglns, ley. and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett were In Those In the chorus were Mrs. The funeral will be held from the A large gathering of relatives was Charles Poole. Mrs. J. T. Moore, Mr«, both of Eugene, where they are con- charge of the program. Paul Hrattnln, Ilia Bartholomew. Mrs, Eugene chapel of the Walker Poole held at the home of Mrs. Emma C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. C E. Swarts, Mia« I V\. K, Burnell, Velda Bortholomew, i ducting classes In musical Instru­ funeral home on Friday afternoon at i Olson and her son. Oswald, for I Ed“a Swarts, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. Mrs Willis Bertsch, Mrs. W. e ments, appeared on the program for Entertains Parents—Dr. and Mrs. Christmas dinner. 2 00 o'clock Interment will be in the' Odin Olson of Lawrence May, Mrs. L. E. Basfordj Buell, Theo Bartholomew, Dorothy the regular weekly meeting of the Mortensen entertained Mrs. Morten Laurel Grove cemetery. Bridal Veil, Oregon, a brother of Os- ' Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs. Harry Whitney,’ Lions club at their luncheon last Bailey, Mrs. H. Foss, Miss Hurd. sen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. wald. arrived Sunday for the holi-! Mrs. W. K. Barnell, Mrs. W. C Rel> Doris Meyers. Mrs. II. (}. McElhaney. Friday, and pleased their audience Schnetdky, at a noon dinner on days. John Halpin, an uncle and Sam han. Mrs. John Henderer. Mrs Will STEWART HOME SCENE OF with piano and saxaphone solos, Dorothy May Potter, Mrs. W. C. A ! ( thte hrlstmas Later in the present entire day. party drove to’^ afternoon w " 0? Gallow GaI'°Wa>'- b° 'h ° f Ta<’(’ma- were also Wright. Mrs. McMurray. Mrs. W. C. speaker was to have been NEEDLECRAFT PARTY Rebhan, Mrs l>. A. Wooley and Mrs. - P a y lr° Ve tO ,he W R Present, as was Mrs. B. E. Lansbery | Wright, and Mrs. A. J. Morgan. William Rixlenhongh, sopranos; Eve­ from a college In Albany, hut failed j Wallace home at Jasper, where they and family of Westfir. Mrs. Lansberv to appear. The Christmas party of the Needle, lyn Buell. Mrs. A. It Brown, Mary craft club was held nt the home of Devereaux. Mrs. N W. Emery. Mrs. S. c. W RIGHT HOME SCENE Mrs. IL M Stewart oil last Thursday E. E. Fraedrlck. Mrs. s. S. Potter, ! OF CHRISTMAS DINNER afternoon with ¡1 covered dish dinner. ! Violet Ritnle, Jule Pollard, altos; j Immediately following the dinner _ Ernest McKinney, Paul Potter, Sam Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wright enter- < hrlslmas party was held, during the j Bartholomew, Frank Barthoh >mew, P. i tained their children together with ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ colirae of which Ihe gifts were distri­ A. Wooley, tenors; Fred Buell, John ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * -» + * * 4, * their families at a Christmas dinner buted among those present In a very Devereaux, William Pollard, S. S. 1 at their home yesterday. The home novel manner. Such things as length Potter, and A. II. Brown, basses. was beautifully decorated in Christ­ ot noses, and sizes of the Individual's mas colors for toe gathering. In the mo'ttlrg Miss Charlotte Hill­ feet were duly considered In Ihe mat yard played a violin solo. Those who were present were iir. ter of presenting the gifts Io Ihe re­ and Mrs. James Elder and children, cipients. Mrs. W. 11. Pollard told family gathering held Dan. Mervln. Allen, and Harry, all of Ihe members some of Ihe things Milwaukee; Mrs. William Price. Port­ AT HOME OF MRS. WILSON which she saw while on her trip to land; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright and Chicago this fall. /lL U S tn .f\T E D BY O C N A LD R ILB Y children. Scott, Teddy and Peggy; Mr. One of the larger family Christmas Tho next meeting will ho held at gatherings in Springfield was held and Mrs. Guy Wright, Eugene; and CHAPTER I. Ihe home of Mrs. Dan Crites, in Eu­ nt the home of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson to .... the pretty brunette beside him. Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright and their ; ‘Don’t I?” There was a harsh "Tho game Is this,” announced Mrs. gene, on January 2. Mrs. Floyd on Emerald Heights Tuesday even­ . . . . . . . . Ä X S C J " " “ •* “ a Clary. Flushed . Westerfleld will assist her at that ing, when a large number of close illy with the gray eyes, the effects . of time. . . excitement and a hum,d ‘yphofd- I Wish to goodness some friends and relatives gathered at her generous mouth and the smooth youth HIGH MASS HELD HERE Those present at the gathering wore homo for a Christmas dinner and a tropical night, not to mention one tiny body'd think of a party that didn’t of her. "And where did you learn so glass too many of the champagne BY FATHER D. P. CURLEY Mesdames Clifford Wilson, C. O. Christmas tree pnraty. mean swimming with your clothes on whose bursting corks had lent a I've two dinner suits down here; one's much about me, Mr. Leeson?” ■Wilson, Dan Ckltes, Floyd Wester Those who were present were Mr. The young man's embarrassment Father D. P. Curley conducted high field, T. Thompson, George Carlson, and Mrs. H. B. Mulkey and their Fourth of July tone to the party, she been ruined by salt water; I refuse to ! was painful. mass at the Catholic church In Spring- R L. Drury. F. W. Walker, E. E. May, children, John, Mary, Margaret, and stood upon a chair and waved a bunch *1 dldn,t mean that . . . that I knew field yesterday at 10:00 o'clock in the W. II Pollard, Allan Kafoury, Harry Wnyne, all of Portland; Mr. Otto J. of ribbons. Sh-sh. said the girl. "When Mrs anything about you. only . . . well, you forenoon. A Christmas tree and Her guests eyed her languidly. Mrs. Clary chalks her Stewart, and Mrs. Fisher of Eugeno, Wilson and his children, Mnrgnret cue she usually are wholesome. I don't care If it program was held following the mass. Clement Clary—"Cooper” Clary's sec­ pockets the ball." who was nn Invited guest. and Otto, Jr., of Salem; Mr. and Mrs ond wife, who had cost him, he not angers you or not. That's what you Several Springfield people attended “Honest, you seem rapt and ex- are. E. 9. Riddell and children. Bob and Infrequently said, hell, headlines and the midnight mass at the Catholic E n jo y R eading “ N ew s” cited and everything. Sigrid, of Eugene; Mrs. W. H. Riddell five millions In cash (the first Mrs. For a moment lt seemed as If she church in Eugene on Christmas eve, A postal enrd from Mr. and Mrs. of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Why shouldn't I be?” demanded would take Issue with him, debate the beginning at 12.00. H. P. Batchelder, former residents ol Kenneth Wilson and daughter, Patri­ Clary had refused stocks, bonds, other the girl. trivial matter; then she laughed, negotiable instruments, or real estate, this city, who nro now living In Ix>ng cia, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford The lawyer shrugged. patted him lightly on the cheek, and BABY SON CHRISTMAS Beach, California, states thnt "wo Wilson and son, Mac; Hobart Wilson when she had finally had yielded to "I don't know. Only, you seem a said: his demands for a divorce)—had a look forward to the weekly visits of and Donald Wilson, of Springfield. shade different from the rest of the GIFT TO LOCAL PEOPLE "Really, you're a sweet boy; And— reputation for putting a bizarre touch crowd here. Nicer, not so . . . . 80 the 'News'.” The Batchelder's aty, Little Patricia Ann Is Just three Into every party she gave, and those but you mustn't tell It to a soul— rowdy.” well nnd enjoying the sunny weather months old and made her first visit A Christmas present In the form of sometimes I'believe that I am an old- present were willing to stop flirtation, In Ixing Beach. They stnte that lt Is to her grandmother. "Just a dear, home-loving maiden, fashioned girl . . . at heart. Remem­ an eight pound baby was one of the scandal, and talk of real estate for tho kind io make some man happy, exceedingly dry there now. many gifts which greeted Mr. and ber mo kindly In your evening ¡a moment. Mrs. Ivan Anderson this year when a eh?” Jeered the girl, "Now tell me Going to Monroe—Joe Gerber leaves ' prayers, won't you?" and the Jeer in Leaburg Man Here — Arthur W. today for Monroe, where he will 1 "We go to the pool," said the I'm wholesomo, and ruin my evening son was born to them at the Pacific her last sentence banished the effect Frazee of Lenburg, was a visitor In spend the balance of the week with hostess. completely.” Christian hospital in Eugene Tuesday of intimacy that hed been created by Several guests groaned slightly. the city this week. "You don't mean that," said Leeson, her earlier words. She moved slight.- morning. This Is the only Christina« friends. One young man, Billy Leeson, turned j blushing. baby which has been reported for the (Continued on page 2) city this year. Starting This Week - Read It! A R TH U R SOMERS ROCHE