PAGE SIX tfk ILLU S T TR A T TE BY .U S RA E D D BY D O N A LD R I L E Y / / ¿* H e w as so thwarted and rejected He made comic exits from her that he sent her home alone. She presence, swearing he would never was grateful for that. see her again, and comic returns She toiled all the while at her own But Mem would only flirt with him. technic. When she finished the 1 and with anyone else who amused short comedy with Ned Ling she was her. drawn hack to the Bertuond studio for I Tom Holby came back front the the principal role in a big picture, desert browner than ever, leas subtle. She was not yet to be starred, bu, ¡more uudeni.hto , L ‘X . 7 e fot^lu Divorces are loathsome " "They™ pretty popular, though They re more decent than the old way - a n d divorces are as ancient as the world. Moses brought down heaven the easiest system '* "Yes, but Christ said—” "Christ man "ever said ’X l u nothing T ^ i , about from Zh she was to be featured with a young hard for her In the spirit of the hero He only allow ed a *" He only alio man to get It on man. t live Cleland. who was spoken he was playing at the time, a man one ground.' of as Tom Holby's successor. who acted on the theory that the He look her in his arms, but Ment Young Cleland fell a prey to her cave man is woman's Ideal und that was not in a jumbling mood, and growing fascinations, but he was ' she prefers above all things to be withdrew henwnlf. She wanted to so much her business rival and their caressed with a club. ponder a while longer. pro fessio n al love MMM »,'rr such Bui th e se h.ghlv ad v ertise ,! tactics, - . . . duels for points, that she could no, were no, to M em ', liking, at leas, a, When she was under Tom Holby's ~ iour in m love, m e moment. m om ent. When w n e n be he grew grew fierce I «twill <> convinced th .I think of him M as uu an «uM amateur love. J the spell, eho she w .s easily herself Autuors, actors, directors Iloti assem b led She felt as titty as J ami wages. hardships and dl», o u tein . all Instead of niarriuge they tulkmt she looked to Ute farthest girl lit th sltmpless malaise, and bad press poverty. ultimate seat up under the hack notices. No one had talked hard tltnna rafters. And site tsntlil have flung h er u n its longer or loudad than Itormond . . . . . ■ — I Sh’' pi'foted the little apeeeh dial iibout him and kissed him. H aving heard hl... croak of disaster tler.nond s publl, tty m an has w rit, ell M littisv \l A lisiin lions w as ut Hie sta tio n to so il long. Ml I lent .. assumed is . Iter contract .1 for her and afterward w ondered set, .Mett! off F o r Ills lust fling hl, would be canceled. Ileruiond sent for what she hud said. There was a rilltul Iter d raw lin g room with flow er« her and she went prepared for the cloudburst of handclapplng an,I ,, poor things that died ami w ere i guillotine. He said; stilv,, from the orchestra dial swept flung from the p latfo rm by III,, p orter. "I like you. Miss Kteddon. You've Iter front lit,, slug,, into lit,» wings. latng after their spell had been worked hard I flntl that the ex­ Ami that was that* forgotten. Hie sad ga«e of lions ns hibitors are wiring In tllve us more She did not know that one of Hie Steddon stuff. Why don't you slur town's wealthiest men was lolling he cried giioilhy haunted her She hud murmured to him, "When Iter What the exhibitors say goes In a fauteull down front and that I make a n o th e r p ic tu re or two I mar —as far as It can. her beauty and Iter terror smote him decide to he sensible, and then tf W e ca n 't s ta r von now Hut I be­ Ills motto hail been. •'Ho after you are still liev e In you I w ant people to know wltat you want, and bring II horn, "I shall he walling." said lloas. you And ™ when th e good Utiles com e He prided htm s.df on himself on he,ng being a u go go And he gave up with a groan "Marry . So .. I . I, . go on navlng von v.,,‘7 . ------ I «’’Her who V.'*’ liuil “ “ ‘V not " ’A often ° f“ ’n conn- bi ba'»'< ulty about , B yoU; l ubine East—,O P hlllv ( ’h i , ' * ,' " wn . \ a T y : , „ : ; ’ g , / ; : ‘z New York n il • », » h i «» and <»< ;\ x ,,w' Boston. I h,,T ly — 7 "' . . .. A ustin lloaa cam e hum bly to Mem « • . 1 Philly, ( hi., all the hlg clthm, and let i » e HhOl1 W“ awake“^ ,n her j fist that had .tou t muscles for a and an actress S b . had been of a picture, ..... " T PrelenSe th‘S raW| dr‘VinK bttr> and SHe br° URh‘ ,he »>'"« ">«> »‘‘tress made the per eci " e l l pay -V your tra v e lin g .. , •- . 7 *-*-------------•— 7 ------ 7 - ...... , - ln a t made the P‘,rlec’ perfect l,ur 'raveling youth was Tom's successor. ' e blood • - - - I lb ^ i “° Se * Sl“ h ° f her cotob,naUon- Claymore had left his and HO -vour •’»" «>’ Holby was out in the Mojave ' elbow. , autograph o u r guest" g u est elDOW autoaranh „„ on her h e. .«„■ lour desert on location, and his absence I She railed at his awkward con- ' Then a rich man fell Into her orbl, "O f course' co u rse! Mem „ ------------ ---- * r,cn >eti into her orbit M, m , cried pleaded for him like a sUll. small fusion, but thereafter she was ou, and wanted to put "big money" back -ver so kind of you." voice that interfered with i the mur- when he called called. ,,, .__ t . _____ , _ _ . ~ .. „ 7 At B uffalo and ( ’l«,v»»lan,l nhe ........ |uiUH<>i| to conn* bt'foro e huge • { - ............. . . . th . ........ ....... audl- Mom for a m an w hose nam e 1 . I dalntineHH Met him nuulver. e x p en ses , Bhy ,,hy. ashamed o h a l n „(, ()f expenses <)W„ lie was " he» »he renched C hicago ah,• found a w aitin g her a long le tte r from the m a n ag e r of the m oving picture house lit , ’ulverlv lie Im plored h e r to visit her old hom e tow n und m ake a n ap- penrunce u, his th e a te r lie prom ised tliu, eVerylMsly would be th ere. T h is was, success Indeed! To up- p ear In New York w h s triu m p h , but to appear In h e r n a tiv e village was alm o st a divine vengeance «1<’»K • •¡h e r o ic beauiv; and Mem was lack dated d . .... ,0 find herself feeling sorry for him "A nd I te Plty was a dangerous mood for her He might have won Mein via pity. T h e ab an d o n ed su ito rs of Mem If he had no, trie,I to win her from her career. He was a monopolist by T O BE C O N C L U D E D every sort. Inheritance, anil he wnuted all there an old actor and accepted his apol i talked so large that he frighten,«1 of, humiliated devotion She had fallen out of love with ogles and his company home. was of Mem Boas had one terrific Do ns well by your children as ( her love. I „ herself. Bermond sent bushel of ,l< flowers rival, the many headed monster. , __ . , w i n a a uu sn et ot "How wonderful." she said on the your parents did by you. Munday business was driving . Io , her drawingroom. I This . . love .v -o u ess w as driving lin.* „ n ., r.-..i> tn Mannerisms that directors or o _, . , u siu a11 und He ni m 7 7 r7V * ,OVOd bV Mem frantlC- th” “°w fruit o It Is not hunt to pry nn actress School ut Hie Methodist t'hurch It ilia, there were reporters from the stage, bu, It Is hard to keep every Sunday at » «5. critics pointed out, or that she dis­ one man for fifty years! ndvt. had played, as In the traditions of ,o "giy'e her covered for herself, vexed her to a good send-off. “I could love you for a hundred." her girlhood, love was a thing that her off There Is a courtship thnt distraction. It was a strange thing Tom groaned. "Let's get married the public alone can offer, and no 1 H«a Toneil« Ou, Edwin Brown, cfinie once and never came arain < o - » <_ to recognise in herself a fault that and quit wasting so much time." ~ t 1 a‘" form of polyandry Is Irreslstable to j a local physician's office Monday. avoid these recurrent tricks, she v», .w . town w,,re announcing her. and In most of the women who have b,««»n | “I don't suppose any woman ever e was. passionately paragraph and advertisement she lucky enough to ge, on the stage or I Estate ,,f Mortimer L. Haibrouck. grew self-conscious, and people said gave up her career when she got interested in several men. finding wag celebrated But so ninny others she was getting a swelled head when married." the screen and Io win success there. D eceased. each of them fascinating Just so fa r.' were N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S she was most in a panic. What they also claiming the public eye! “How do you mean?" One day Bertnnnd summoned her and faultful thereafter. Instead of N otice 1« hereby given that L. G took for conceit was the bluff of a "Most women have been brought giving herself meekly to the bliss ot Other new-comers and favorites In to his New York office and said: Hulln has been by the County Court rabbit at bay. Impregnable esteem. she was UBDElinr debating its - up for the career of . housekeeping. . . “ A matrimony, ouv "How about getting bark to work of the State of Oregon, In and for And all the while the longing for ? a 0' tbem ’ hat “> « ’visabiUty. practlblllty. and profit People who had come from <’al- for you l^ine County, appointed administrator a home, a single love, a • irtnal do and scolded them when they did She must be at hear, a bad woman- verly were claiming Mem as a fellow- again? I've got n great story t . o t ,ho ” f Mortimer I, Has and they need you buck at the studio brouck. deceased average life, alternated with in sets something else. They learned how ' one of those adventuresses citizen and feeling that they gained On your way hack you can make | All persons having claims against of cynical defiance for the conven­ ‘o ®a>te dresses and sew and cook. Then came The Pause Hard times some mystic authority from mere personal uppeurances a, four or five ’■state are hereby notified to tions. and that was their business. When 9trUck the movies so hard that in vicinage. Some of them called upon cities, but 1,'s back on the Job for ' ,he,.," am®’ duly "‘“ted and She was in a marriage mood and they married they Just moved th e ir , the studios they became no times her In person or by telephone und you. eh? That’, right* That’s u j ‘h'" her heart and her friends gave her shop over to their husband’s h om e,1 at all. set her heart agog «"’’d «>r>" ! L. 0 . HULIN, conflicting counsel: Don’t marry an and expected him to provide the raw Most of the motion picture fac- The night her own picture was Bermond offered Mem neither ' Administrator of the Estate of actor! Don't marry an author* stock and tell them what to do with tories disarmed entirely, and the rest shown she stepped out before what ease or devotion—-except devotion to ’ *“ rbr,iu<' k ' D eceased Don’t marry a business man! Don't It and scold them if they didn’t do It. of them nearly. The Bermond Studios seemed to be the world In conven- her publication He offered her loll " " ^ ' z V' d B I’ l9 -‘g marry anybody.* or spank them.’ kept one at work, and It was not Ned Ling was one of Mem's most “But you’d be hugging other girls Mem's company. She was stricken abject worshipers. He had taught before the camera—and other men with terror as she confronted her her the mechanics of comedy, and would be hugging me." problems. helped her tragedy thereby. With­ “As long as it didn’t mean any­ What could she do now—not to out being able to laugh at himself, thing.” perfect her shame, but to make a he had taught her to ,augh at herself “But it might come to—” living? She would be poorer than and at him. ‘‘Well, for the matter of that, a her father. She would have to dis­ He grew morbid for her. He cast lot of hugging goes on in a lot of continue tthe Installments of that away his fears of love and his horror homes—and outside of them. No i "conscience fund" which she had of marriage and his sense of humor guaranty ever went with marriage been sending to Doctor Bretherlck. at the .same time. He flew into tem­ that was good for anything, and She could not even pay the install­ pests of anger at her unresponsive­ there's none now. We’ve got as ments on the numerous vanities she ness and became a tragic clown at good a chance as anybody.” had bought for herself at the shops. whom she could not help smiling. But what if we should fall out? Her lovers were as defutured as A nd N ow Greatest of all- The Electric Refrigerator adds good cheer to the A twater K ent Screen-Grid A Beautiful Christm as Gift *f» o polo reunion when the whole family pother round the new electric re frig e ra to r. I,'» the center of holiday festivities — the salad and dessert maker for every meal. With an electric refrigerator you con be hostess anytime and forget about des­ sert making. No matter when friends drop in unexpectedly, there's always a dainty, tempt­ ing ice or mousse ready Io serve from the electric refrigerator. Let Santa Bring the Fam ily a G. E. Refrigerator Let the family awaken Christmas morning to find a new General Electric Refrigerator in the kitchen to safe­ guard them throughout the year—yes, and for many years to come. THERE IS AN ELECTRICAL GIFT FOR EVERYONE Percolator», $8.45 and Waffle Iron«, $10.00 . Irons .............. . . $3.95 Hot Plates . . . 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And m o r e — for it's the great­ est Atwater K ent ever made I Let us demonstrate today — no ob ligation - and show you what a fa( N up M O DEL 55 M O DEL 60 TABLE - . M ODEL $ 1 3 7 .0 0 $ 1 5 3 .0 0 - $ 1 2 2 .0 0 All Complete with Tube« Terms Wright & Sons HARDWARE FURNITURE PAINT