* THURSDAY. DBC. 12. 1929 1 HE SPRINf{FIELD NEWS WOMEN KNIT ANO SEW f FOR RED CROSS RELIEF I TOWN AND VICINITY PACE FIVE I ................... a I University High at Eugene; Febru- storm ing trip , which w ill open on I ary 3, Corvallis, here; February 8, December 19, with Toledo, at Toledo. University High, here; February 12, The next two evenings they w ill ¡E u gene High, here; February 16, tangle with teams at Slltea and at I Albany, here; February 21, Cottage Newport. O ther games are b< Ing Thuraton Man C a ll*— Ira Gray w»» Grove, here; and February 28. Cyr- , «ought for December 22. MarCola Man Her»— W. M. Kiddle The pur­ Volunteers Aid Through M otor punhualng j vallls, there. supplloa here yesterday. of Marcola wua a vlaltor In the city pose of the advance games la to put and Canteen Corps— Send tho first of the week. the local team up against competition Admittance of High School Nurse Ha» Cold -M l« a Kdlth Kill« 8quad Is Announced Gifts to Service Men. before the first game on the district Into this Classification Makes hua a aevere cold thia week. Transacts Buelneaw—lla rr y Veatch The number of pLayers on the first schedule. D efect* may show up and was In the city yesterday from hla Possible for Team to Com­ ..e ra llln i Ilia dnvs of Ilia World Fall Creak Man In John Hhultx o f squad was cut this week to 13 men can be remedied before a vital game home at Lew ell, looking after busl- pete for State Championship They are Ralph Hughes. Richard i ha« been lost War. many women «lili make pajaii as Fall Creek wits a visitor In Uie city neaa matters here. and oilier hospital gnrmema. many on Monday. at Salem. ’ Prochnow, Fred Buell, Freeman knit sweaters, ami ....... than 2.600. Squires, Everett Squires. Thayer Lowell Woman In Town— Mrs. It (mi) surgical dresaloa* acts rolled by Goes to Albany W. <’ . Miiorgnn M iasio nary 8ociety Meets Springfield high school was given ' M cM urray, John Morrison, Lloyd volunteer workera for the American went Io Albany last week-end on u baker, of Lowell, waa a vlaltor In added athletic recognition last Sat­ 1 Mattison, Hersey Tomaelh, Frank Hprlngfleld yesterday. T h e W omen’« Home Mkeelinary |(. d I'roa« Chapter« all over (he na business trip. urday at Corvallis when the coaches Mersdorf, Clinton Hartm an, Harold tlun. In tile rear Jmt closed. society of the Methodint church met From Thurston— Ralph Kuugh of and other representatives of high Geiger, and Jack Hulett. The hoaptlal garments are elven to From W endllny John Downing at the church parlor« Tuesday after­ veterana and the anrylral ilreoalngs Ko wua a huaineaa visitor In Springfield Thurston waa a caller here the first schools In thia district of the state Road T r ip Planned noon for thetr regular monthly busl- to civilian or V alerin«' Bureau ho> (he middle of I he week. of tho week. voted to admit the local high »chord The coach Is working the boys n ew meeting Mr«. W illiam Gent» pítala, or wherever needed. Many Into the class "A" group of partici­ hard now In preparation for a barn- Is the president of the soctety. Chapter! alao malulaln well stocked Cam p C reek M an H e re .1 T . Iloa» LITTLE DAMAGE DONE pating athletic teams. The decl«lon oloaela of surgical tlrnsslnga and Knr wua In the city from hla Camp Creek means that Springfield will be sched menta. In order to be prepared should WHEN TWO CARS COLLIDE uled to play the other das» “A" home on Wednesday. a disaster strike their communities teams tn the district and w ill also he Volunteer workers make children's On Business Visit Scott M iller of A broken wheel and a bent d Prop. •’*/» vi' 334 Main Street •iv e