PAGB FOUR OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of ttu Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. THW SPRINGFIBLD N W S a species apart, concerned only with mysterious financial operations on the stock exchange. Aa a matter of fact, they are mostly from the farm* and small towns and they still have to eat. The more they are concen­ trated. the greater their dependence upon the farmer. It Is foolish to Imagine that New- York Is not vitally concerned with every measure looking toward the Improvement of agricultural con­ ditions. THURSDAY, PMC. 12, H>2P A ShouA Worth $200,000 Beautiful Embossed Christinas * Cards, with your nuaie printed on 1 them, are ready for you at Thu News offlca. SUM M ONS FO R P U B L IC A T IO N In the C irc u it Court of the Stste of O regon fo r Lane County. The Seaside and Astoria chambers Cf commerce have telegraphed the Oregon senators to ask President D E T E C T IV E S Hoover to act toward completion of The greatest detective system In i A U T O M O B IL E S the Roosevelt highway in connection the world is the famous Scotland An English maker of "baby” cars, With the Hoover move to alleviate un­ Yard, which Is the crime hunting with a six feet three Inch wheel employment. section of the British Government base. Is starting a factory Io make Plans for the construction of a five- And the best detectives of Scotland them In America. American roads Itory hotel in Bend were announced Yard, its high officials say, were are now good enough to permit little cars like that to go almost anywhere recently by the Pondosa Hotel com born and reared on th e farm. pany. Estimated cost was set at *175,- There are several reasons why except across the continent. There 000. Work preliminary to construction farm boys make gtnwl detectives, af­ are still no through routes front the la to start soon. Reinforced concrete ter proper training Robust health Atlantic to the Pacific which have Will be used. and physical vigor count heavily. not long stretches of dirt, almost Over 500 acres In the Hermiston sec­ Farm boys grow up with the habit impassable in bad weather. If these tion of Umatilla county will be plant­ of observing little things, and most "baby" cars prove popular, American ed to Jerusalem artichokes. This criminals are caught because of little makers will imitate and improve on much soil has been signed up by a clues which they did not notice. The > them. That is automobile history, representative of the Pabst company habit of patience, hard work, without Automobiles were Invented In Eu- and more ranchers are expected to expectation of Instant results. Is in- rope. Gasoline cars were in use Sign. Farmers will receive *15 a ton grained in the boy on the farm, there years before uny were made In tor the crop. j Catching crooks is mostly a Job of America. Europe had good roads to , begin with; roads built ty haul can- Mrs. H. H. Kilgare of Redmond has patient, hard work. just concluded a successful turkey­ Moat of all, farm boys grow up non over. Rut European people have raising venture. In April she bought with respect for law and hatred of had to spend so much for cannon This Paisley shawl, which has been in the family of Francis Scott Key 415 young turkeys from a hatchery and crime, where the city boy, observing that they still have no money wilt, for centuries, is shown here gracing Dcbora Key, a dexerulant ui the raised 315 of them. The past week 1 petty Infractions of the laws all which to buy cars, by comparison man who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner." The shawl will find a perma nrnt shrine in the former resslence at Frederick, Md, of Chief Juattre ■he sold 304 of the birds and 303 of around him, tends to become toler- with America. Roger Brooke Taney of the U. S. Supreme Court, the author of the them graded No. 1. Her total sales i ant of crime and criminals. Cheap cars gave this country good llred Scott decision. Hammond Clary, a hanker and collector of amounted to *1400. Americana, has bought the shawl and will place it with other objects , , . I roads. Perhaps the new "baby” cars relating to American history. Brides ot Key uwru and daughters of Bids for approximately IS carloads C A T S , will compel us to make all our roads Key uien wore Ihis shawl at their weddings. of turkeys, each containing 1S.000 Cats of the Isle of Man are famous perfect. birds, are being called for by the Doug­ because they have no tails. Some- I —-------------------------- - • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ las County Turkey Growers' associa­ body Imported long-tailed cats and • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COUNTY FARM AGENT tion. The turkeys will be delivered the toilless breed is disappearing ♦ GIVES PUBLIC REPORT TH U R STO N ♦ UPPER W ILLA M ETTE ♦ Pecember 4 to 7, inclusive. This will Manxmen have begun a campaign to ' » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OF PAST YEAR'S WORK be the big shipment of the season (or revive the old Manx strain by selec- The young men of Pleasant Hill Mr. und Mrs John Price motored the Christmas trade. O. S. Fletcher, lame county agri­ to Notl last Sunduy and visited their tive breeding. Every farmer knows district have organized the Pleasant Twelve persons were killed and 500 how thls ,8 done j Hill athletic club for basketball cultural agent, has had a very busy son. Curtis Price und family, were Injured In a total of 3955 traffic Eugenlsts say the same process of Those taking an Interest In the club year, according to a summary of his Mr. und Mrs William Culver, from gccidenu in Oregon in October, ac­ ; breeding up to higher standards are Lawrence Ijtlrd, Darwin Baxter, activities for the past twelve months, Eugene, spent Sunday at Bay Baughs cording to a report by T. A. Raffety, should be applied to the human race. : Clifford Baxter. Bill Sharp, BUI Wal- which has Just b « n compiled. ■tote traffic inspector. A total ot 1334 j Slave owners used to do that. But lace, E. E. Kirkpatrick. Harold Dilley Mr and Mrs Walter Platt and fam The county agent has divided his accidents were due to careless driving, 1 even if free men consented to ex- Lyman Tinker. William Kelsey, Allan time among eight major branches of lly, Mr and Mrs Roy Edmlaton and while 431 accidents were caused by ternal control of their matings, who Wheeler. Bill Sharp was elected work this year. They are farm crop family, und Mr and Mrs Jorn Eilinls- drivers falling to give right of way. i would set the standards to be bred business manager and E. E. Ktifia» Improvement, horticulture, dairying, t«a and faintly attended (he Texas E. A. Becker of Woodburn, who is i to? The authorities in charge would rick coach and captain. and general llveetock, poultry, soil picnic dinner at the chamber of com the only tobacco grower in the state, I quarrel over that. Each group would About one hundred dollars was! '"’«"■ovement. agricultural economics. merce in Eugene last Sunday. was in Tillamook recently accompan | insist that its own standards were ,aken 5y the genlorg at thetr c,agg Including marketing, rodent and pre­ The Ladles Aid met with Mrs Tay­ led by a representative of a national - best. lor Needham Wednesday. play "Safety First" which was -onard Heiser, Eugene, and members as the result of their club ventor, has built his brains into a Mary Ann O Flnnerty, an Irish cook days; general livestock, 7.5 days and May McBee, Ixiwell; John lmmel, activities during the year are *5682.39, similar machine for alrplanea, which lady Emma Olgon j community activities, 7 days. Toppenish, Washington, and C. And . according to D. B. Fales, Linn county relieves the pilot of all strain except In taking off and landing I , k “ Hill basketball team 1 The Lane county fair came In for rey Chenowetth, Multnomah; Ir a l.e e , club leader. This was an average of Before long, starting and landing ^ dav * ,v h 7 teftm CresWe11, 8om‘' of ,h<* " mP »«** Oakridge, and Anna Nobel. Eugene; *10.42 for each of the 545 members .. . |rrm ay nigm. 1 also judged the farm crops at the Merle McBride. Eugene and Elfa who completed their projects. The will also be under automatic control,: Several of the Z - " ? Pleasant j * “*•<>" county fair. Warden, Wendllng Club members received *17,382.26 for and flying will be safer than motor-1...........- I Hill have gone dry, and the farmers their efforts, and thsiir aggregate ex Ing is today. ' are welcoming the present rain. penditures were *11,689.87. W. P. Sheridan, principal of the More than *2,000,000 In additional N E W Y O R K ’ Pleaaant Hill public school, Is :on- revenue will be collected by the state Without New York City where fined to his home with an attack of SPR IN G FIELD of Oregon In 1930 as a result ot the would the farmer sell his products? the flu. one-cent per gallon increase In the New York consumes one-fifth of all SUNDAY and MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 and 16 The Pleasant Hill high school are (tote tax on gasoline and distillate the fresh fruits and vegetables ship- having their six w»eks examinations ' . -»»S' gales, according to a tentative estF ped Into the United States, accord- Thursday and Friday of this week. mate made by Hal E. Hoss, secretary Ing to the Federal Bureau of Rail- A letter from T. E. Hauregan, who Of state. As a result of legislation en .road Economics. Every state except taught In the Pleasant Hill public acted at the 1929 session, the tax on the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska and school several years, says that bad gasoline after January 1 will be 4 Wyoming ships green stuff to feed crops and hard timea have hit the cents per gallon, while the tax on dis­ the metropolis. Smoe folk believe farmers hard in Montana and sent tillate will be 314 cents. 1 that the inhabitants of New York are many adrift. Oregon’s assessed valuations, local and utility, aggregating »1,124,988.691, show a gain of approximately *2,700, 000 over valuations for last year, ac­ cording to figures compiled by the Btate tax commission. The increase Is accounted for entirely by utility as- aessments, whl-h Fave been boosted by the tax commission approximately *4.500,000 over the assessments for 1928, whereas local assessments as re­ turned by county assessors show a decrease of approximately *1,800,000. W IT H EU.I0TT NUGENT, CUFF EDWARDS, The Loyal Order of Moose of Marsh­ BOMdT MONTOOMHtY, SAUY STARR. field will construct a modern build­ ing as soon as the building committee NOW PLAYING reports on site and the lodge approves. It Is the Intention to construct of con­ C O M IN G T h e Fam ous Owen crete and close In the business dis­ SUNDAY W it t e r Stage Play trict On a rush trip fronS Eugene to Flor­ ence, north to Waldport and back to Eugene, County Engineer Morse and City Recorder Bryeon made the circuit W ith G A R Y C O O P E R in fi'ne ho'ii'3. A f e « years ago the R IC H A R D A R L E N tn p -, - uid u u.e required three days M A R Y B R IA N at ivixivt Gl ollie .1 W1 1 II e I III alld Cecil <» WII- helm, Plaintiffs. Vs. Il L. Hyland and Mated <>. Ilylnnd, and Pacific S ta te s C r e d it A s s o c ia tio n , a cor* porallnn, Defendants. To II L. H ylan d und Mabel O. Hyland, Defendants: In the Name of the Slate of Oregon: ' You are hereby required Io appear i and unswer the complaint ngulnst : you in Die above entitled suit within ! four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If i you full so Io appiMir und unswer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In Hie complaint. Io wit 1. That the m ortgage re fe rre d to c o lllp la ltll herein lie declared Io lie a firs t and valid lien ii|M>u Hie follow in g described ristl premises, mid a ll th e rm it, to w it; III plaintiffs' fail No. 2 III Block No. 2 III First Addition to Fairmount Heights in same appears on mups and plats thereof now on file and of rix-ord In Iho office of the Clerk mid Recorder In mid fur lame County, Oregon. And Hint the smile lie foreclosed In the manner provided by law. mid said premises sold by the Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, lo snllsfy plaintiffs Judgment. 2. Thai the defendants and each of them, mut all persons claiming by, through or under them, or any of them, be foreclosed mid forever barred from any right, title or In­ terest In or to said real premises, or any part thereof; and for such other and further relief us to the Court may seem equitable In the premises This summons Is published by or der of Hon C, P Barnard. Judge of County Court of lame County. Ore­ gon. I kite of first publication, Decem­ 12th. I* I Date of last publication, January 9th, 1930 IMMEL & EVANS. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Residence and Poslofflce address Eugene. Oregon, D 12 19 24 J 2 9 ber 4M T M * W M T Eugene, Oregon 605 - 609 Willamette St. RAYON For Ladles, U N D IE S M lts e t and C h ildren Bloomers, Shorts, Brassieres, Steplns, Combinai Ions, Gowns und Pajamas. 4 9 6 *° 5 4 .9 5 BELL THEATRE ox McDonald "SO TK3S IS COLLEGE C itte H er A Fete H A N D K E R C H IE FS H e a v y cre p e De O v in e , c u t-o u t em broidered h andkerchiefs. 49c See O ur New Rtock O f H an d k erch iefs— . l i i a t arriv­ ed for Christ maa. 8my “ Merry With A BELT ‘THE VIRGINIAN’ 100% TALKING! ACTION ha*ve In fa n Ala heal h e r nviv iacea. P enh , 1