I THUItHDAY, DHC. 12, 1929 thè RPRrworrnj> N m PAGE T H R E B MANY WORKING DAYS ARE LOST AT LUMBER MILL H. S. CONFERENCE DATES AND PROGRAM CIVEN Junuury 10 unii 11 huvti h««n m lei'led uh ih« dal«« for III« T«nlh Annuii) III k I i Milioni C onferm ici ut III« Unlveralty of Oregon The eonfurene» thln year wlll li« illvlded Itilo flv« aeetlons, uditori of tn'hnol (m|i»rH unii yourbooks, proni d en ti ni Klrln' leu« i l e » , «tuilenl body offirari. unii principili» o f I i I r I i sitinola. Karl M l'ullett, reglatrar, and l*ay Fonter. ntudent, ure In cliurge of thè program urrungeinentn thln your. Geraldine rarrar, noted opera star M o I im I » | ii iiU,n» rifilili all parta o f 1 and concert nnger announced at Ih« northwent huvo been Inviti li lo j Ridgefield, Coon., that aha plana to retire from the stage on her fiftieth )■« preiont ul III« conferenc« tu muke birthday. February » . 1932. iulilr«m «i unii lo tak e u d iv i puri In thè round Inido «lini uhh I oii », wblcli PUBLIC INVITED TO (orni on« of Ih« importuni feuturen ■ ANNUAL COUNTY MEET of III«*« meeting». OF SCOUT LEADERS The offlcem who wlll prenlde ut Ilio vurloiiH NedliiiiH of Ih« confi-r- T he annual m eetin g of all banc enco are Hurney Cumeron, Hujem, county scoutm aster« and those Inter president of lit« student body officers M ted In their work will be held at association ; Lucille liable, W ushing th« Chamber of C om m erce rooms In ton high school, Portland; president Kugen« on Monday even in g. Decem- of the girls' league association ; und t,«.r to Th» m eeting wlll take the lhidley McClure. Iletison P o ly te c h -1 f u r m of u banquet, which wlll be nlc high school, Portland, presldout followed by u pageant put on by of the press conference. ¡a ctiv e Hcouts to dem onstrate and 11 Th« visitin g dntegates will be en- j | U»tr»te the reports of th« year's ti rtulned by th e U niversity stu d en ts Work s t a reception und banquet, und will j Springfield bun been Invited to attend the opening basketball gwmeu „elect one Hoy Scout Io appear In of the year ul Mi Arthur Court Frl- pageant In full uniform, equipped day and Saturday night« when the with pack, troop flag, umd colors. Oregon team s m eet a team from The selection has not been made yet W ashington state. The Scout selected and th e Scout Springfield high school delegates m asters will he g u ests at the ban­ to the con feren ce have not yet been quet. New officers for the ensuing elected , hut they w ill probably bn year w lll be elected after the re- selected next w eek, according to t ports and the pagtant. W K. Buell, principal. The tick ets for the dinner will be fifty cen ts each, iuh I everybody In- LETTER SENT FROM CHINA terusted In thin work Is Invited to CAUSES INTEREST HERE In clu d in g lad les, says It. <’. ______ nf the Annual I Merrill, chairm an The war In China Is more than a M eeting com m ittee. The local mem bers of the Lions war on paper, If the scrapping In that country Is responsible fnr the Scout com m ittee which Is sponsor­ condition of a letter which the N ews ing a troop Is H. E. Maxey, chati- has Just received from a m issionary mun. and W. C. Ilebhan and W. K. In China. The letter was mulled In Burnell. Shunghal on Novem ber 7, and was D elivered on Devember 3. The Interesting thing In connection with the letter 1« that the envelope appears to have been opened and has been allowed to get very w et at at som e tim e before It reached tho shores of the United States. It was marked In Sun Francisco to Indicate that It hud been received In bad condition. The letter ;as w ritten by llev. H. G C. Hallock, and tells of the effect th e A m ericans have had on the cu s­ tom s and habits of the Chinese dur­ ing our C hristm as holiday period. Hunt Duoka Sunday— Frank Bmlt- Register at Elite -Am ong the guests non, W. K. Harnell, and Riley Hnod- at the Kllte hotel during the weekend grana went duck hunting on Sunday, were Hilly Percy, A. Johnnon, Mr Highly nuven mid one half working hut were not auccensful In bugging attd Mrn. F. W. Force, and Robert dayn were lout ut tho Booth Kelly any. They went out neur Hrownnvllle Caatle, all of Portland; and R. Pol- lack, of Westfir. mill hero during th« month of Novem- und Albany. ' b«r na tth e reimlt of accident« to employ«»«. T he accldentn which euuHi'd tho Ion* of tim e ranged iron, a broken buck to an Infeclnd finger Frank Holmen fell from a lumber plln on N ovem ber 14. und fractured neverul vertebrae He had lost 23 ! dayn from work a the end of th« month. Thia wai the moat (terlou* I accident of the month. T he other 1 accldentn Included on« In which | Frank W orley Injured hla foot with a I plckaroon «lipped and « tru c k him In the foot. Discharged from Hospital—J. C. Churchill wan discharged from thd Pacific Christian hospital In EugeM last Sunday following an lllneM which kept him In bed for many - days. A FIRST MILL ACCIDENT OF MONTH IS ON DEC. 5 tb'lvln Doane was the victim of the first accid en t to be reported at the December. He pinched a finger be- I tw een a (ruck standard and the bed ' on D ecem ber 5, and lost several days work. Cottage Grove Man Here — D. M Shaw , nf C ottage Grove, was a v is i­ tor In the city the first o f the week. C onsults Physician Matt Sm ith of Marcolt w as In town Monday to con ­ sult a local physician. Oexler R esident Shop»—O. M. Mat­ hew s of D exter was purchasing sup­ plies In the city Monday. Many Register at Springfield Hotel —T wo California people, F. C. Tailor and Fr«d R alston, of I-xxll, California, were registered at the Springfield hotel over the week-end. Other gu ests were F. C. Montgomery. Cor­ vallis; It. E. O'Brien, Aberdeen, W ashington; R. H Larson, W endling; Ray Manning, Portland; and M L. Sm ith. Floyd Maye, W. B. Morland, Jam es Thom pson, H. A. Moody, F. A. Shepherd, and W. H. Glover, all nf Albany. THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR KIDDIES AND GROWNUPS Our tremendous stock of Toys, Novelty and Useful Goods makes this truly the Christ­ mas Store ot Springfield. Here something can be found foi every member of the family at prices that will be in reach of your Christmas purse. We have searched all parts of the world and have one of the finest selections ever offered In Springfield. From our large stock we make a FEW SUGGESTIONS Fancy Art Dishes Hand Painted Imported Piece» Pictures Candle« Toilet Set« Purses and Bags Dolls of all Kinds Doll Carriages Wagons Carta Scooters Lamps Inctnse Burners Shaving Sets Vases Flower Bowls Book Ends Mirrors Baskets Stationery Crockery Aluminum Ware Rubber Aprons Perfumes Hosiery Handkerchiefs Drums Horn« Balls Books Tree Decorations Candles Candle Sticks Cut Glass TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE “The Store of Thousands of Christmas Gifts’ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON I. O. O. F. BUILDING CHARGES REDUCED on extension telephones and telephone service connections .We take pleasure in announcing a reduction in tele­ phone charges, effective January 1, decreasing the ooht of service to telephone users in Oregon. These reduc­ tions include: SAFETY COMMITTEE NOT SPONSORING A CONTESE - 1 The announcem ent which was made last week of an essay con test to lie sponsored by the 4-L organisation was erronoun. and no such con test Is being contem plated tills year, accord­ ing to m em bers of the Safety co m ­ m ittee. An old copy of tho rules and re­ gulations for the co n test which was held last year, was unintentionally circulated nnd gave rise to the story which appeared last week. R E D U C T IO N IN CHARGES FOR BUSINESS A N D RESIDENCE FL A T RATE E X T E N S IO N TELEPH O NES, 25 cents per month. For example, the monthly charge for— B u sin ess d e s k e x te n sio n (n o w $ 1 .2 5 ) w ill b e red u ced to $ 1 .0 0 Oakridge Resident Here — Mrs (lyxle McPherson of Oakridge w as i transacting business In Springfield 1 Gifts That Will Please the first of the week. Perfumes and cosmetics in dainty gift sets, bottles of cut or fancy glass—the ideal for gift giving, and always certain to please those who receive them on Christmas morning. Take the time to inspect our stocks when shopping for gifts. B u sin ess w all e x te n sio n (n o w $ 1 .0 0 ) w ill b e red u ced to 7 5 c . ( R esid en ce d e s k e x te n sio n (n o w $ 1 .0 0 ) w ill be red u ced to 7 5 c . ’ R e sid e n c e «sotf e x te n sio n (n o w 7 5 c ) w ill be red u ced to 5 0 c . Injured Woman R ecovering—Mrs. ’ H illy Hood, of M ascots, who was shot recently by her husband, who later turned h is gun on him self. Is y m aking fine progress In her recovery, according to her physician. It Is be­ lieved that she will be able to leave the hospital In a few days. FLANERY’S DRUG STORE j • E L IM IN A T IO N O F SERVICE C O N N E C T IO N CH ARG E in all cases where telephone instrument is already connected for incoming or outgoing calls. ••THE R EXA LL STORE” Visit at Marcóla— Mr. nr.d Mrs. J. W. S teven s spent Sunday at Mnrcola I visitin g at the Chnrles I’nrls home. PHONE 15 SPRINGFIELD Going Lihe w Hot Cakes ’E have sold hundreds of beauti­ ful Christmas Cards the last few weeks, but we have re­ ordered more so that we still have many cards to select from. Nicely Embossed and Engraved Christmas Cards with name printed on them priced for 25 cards and en­ velopes $2.00 and up. From now until Christmas we will give 24 hour service on imprinting names on Christmas Cards. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Opposite Postoffice R E D U C T IO N IN SERVICE C O N N E C T IO N CH ARG ES— For business and residence extension telephones F ot residence main telephones For private branch exchange telephones Tbs present charge of $2.00 w in be reduc­ ed to $1.50 The present eharge of $3.50 w ill be redac- ed to $3.00 The present charge of $3.50 w ill be rsdua* sd to $1.50. These reductions are in accordance with the fundu- , mental policy of the Company, which is to provide It, the best possible telephone service at the least Jf cost to the public I I T he P acific T elephone . A nd T elegraph C ompany i HL * RLWJWT, M $ « a ,_ 4