T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop P irat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS t w e n t y - s ix t h year O H S BIG CROWD Ti-KINCKIKLI). LANE COUNTY, OKKCON' A L IV E NEW SPA PER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 49 THURSDAY. I>E<’ 12. )•> -•. SUNKVSIDE PEOPLE TAUilNB SECESSION Bridge Lights On Way FromFactory “ The P«opl«*t Paper" Pass Not Closed Say State Officials Crossings Being Made Daily; Highway Officials Warn George C. Stanley will Remodal Public to be Careful. Not Satisfied With Progress in Building and Open Another Improvements in Addition as Twenty Inches of snow had fallen Store Similar to Those in Made by City; Whole Elector­ at the summit of the McKenzie high­ Eugene When Drug Store ate Would Decide if Issue way yesterday afternoon and was Moves. falling rapidly last night, according Is Raised. Sixteen Fixtures Ordered to Provide Illumination for New Structure Here Governor Patterson and Chair­ man of Highway Commission bight fixtures for tin, new Spring Dedicate Now Springfield field bridge are now on their way to Span Saturday at Impressive this city, according to Information received hero thin week by W K Exercises. to Information received In Eugene by A real estate deal is now being Barnell. local manager for the Moun Threats of secession were heard the State Highway Department. They from the Sunnyside district at the estimated that If the snow fell all made whereby George C. Stanley, of Governor 1 L. Patterson and II Inin States Power company, which ! meeting of the Springfield city coun­ night, as Indications seemed to point Eugene, will acquire the Sutton build­ „ Van Duxer. chairman of the State organization la ordering the lights Highway commission came here last at the request of the County Court. cil Monday evening While none of )hat # wf)0|d tben, ,g probably forty . ing at the corner of Fifth and Main, those bar king the movement appear- of gnow at ,he pagg now The It had been hoped that these lights Saturday. und on one of the finest from William Sutton, of Burns. The afternoons we have hail this fall, might have been placed before the j ed at the council, other residents of b)gbway not el-wad, however, as | building now hoses the Ketels drug the district who disapproved of the repijrtg have gtated. went dedlcatisl the new »200.000 Spring bridge was dedicated, hut due to de­ move were there In case of emergency. yM(erday and ,t (g expected store and several offices on the se- field bridge spanning the Willamette lays In ascertaining Just where the river between Hprlngfleld an■ this week. •brale hb eighth birthday, apd he Officials of the State Highway de- The purchase price of the building while the dedication wus taking place. very similar to those now used for i The Sunnyside people were told In partment office at Eugene declared was not made public. teems very proud of them. street lighting In Springfield, will be Mayor Tyson Presides ' order to get out of the city limit» It this morning that they would not ad Fourth Store Here Mayor W. I*. Tyson presided ut the . p|a(.„d on the steel superstructure of would take a vote of all the people vise anyone to try crossing the pass Mr. Stanley stated this morning exercises and Introduced II K. WII- lbl, bridge Itself and will hang over 1 of the city, and that assessments unless It was very necessary, as the that he plans to open another store der, mayor of Eugene. Governor 1 roadway of the bridge und 1 against property wiuld have to be crossing becomes more difficult with in Springfield similar to the three Patterson and Mr. Van Outer. Mr. ' illuminate the bridge. I paid up. every additional fall of snow. which he now has In Eugene. Just Von Outer presented the bridge to (l)b( announcemen__________ 1 Deacon; Messrs. Hteenerson and Mil- ,be valuable ore which they have lings history of Lane county pub 8(ewardg re. now awaiting spring and street from the new bridge to the rivers. “ X .P ..........r. 4WW P K « ,„ . M W ’ _______ when It will be east city limits as soon as stop signs j F g Ham,jn> president of the local LIONS WILL BANQUET weather, FOOTBALL SQUAD FRI. conditions ,"roodg Joh„ C. Ketels. Tyler; and D. W. 1 trucked to Springfield, from where are installed, according to a motion Cbamber of Commerce, has received It will be shipped on cars to Tacoma passed by the city, council Monday a telegram from Senator McNary have given way » >e .. . Crites. Trustee for three years, and oiled highways, and the climatic high school football were all installed at for Hn gn,e|ting road to the mine ' night. . 9top ~ signs will be placed on statin 8tating he was going w to Introduce , The Springfield , in . . h ia i- I he ir e «11 ielting . 1 The ne roau g m tbat a i uv . . . > .v i- e o in iiu c e e r rn s w ,n . _________ m“’le r ‘“ th ‘¡ i I the T h time of their election. A general passabl„. but ,t lg not very good all streets leading into Main street a bul In congre8s asking for a survey team, the principai of he condition gmokPr and social time followed the vet county road crews are doing In the nxet few days. of the possibilities of future naviga- and WHUam Baker, the coach, will region In a pitiable condlll . ••d by Walling to be we n g meeting and election- ___ «->__ a i - . work « . i nn h. m ad th e re T The h « at»»* ia h w a v department illa m e tte from Portland all be guests of the Spring! e o considerable on i the road there state h highway department will will I t)on of the W Willamette mountable, no longer concern us." club at a banquet Friday evening at and by next spring trucks will be furnish the signs and erect them. It t0 Springfield. He also traced the early history of able to go even beyond the Rowena lg expected that the stop streets wllL Eugene Chamber of Commers the Chamber of Commerce rooms at transportation across tho river be­ ODD FELLOWS OPEN mines to the l.nekv Boy mine, about ( prevent accidents at the intersections. I a,so received telegrams from 6:30. There will be no regular nooB have also tween the two cities alnee the oignnl- NEW EAST ADDITION meeting of the club Friday. one mine farther. ■ Snator Wesley L. Jones and repre- W. K. Barnell, F. B. Hamlin and Dr, zatlon of the county. TO THEIR CEMETERY Ore Assays HiOh METHODIST MEN TO ! sentative John W. Summers, of W. C. Rebhan form the committee In M any at B anq u tt One hundred and fifty pounds of Washington, assuring them that they cbarge of the banquet. They have r*» ORGANIZE COUNCIL Two hundred and fifty people were A new addition of 300 cemetery ge[)t (o Tacoma recently MONDAY EVENING wil1 support any effort to have the commended that the banquet be very gathered at the Osburn hotel ut noon lots hns Just been opened up at the assayed. The returns showed ON upper Columbia and Willamette rivers jnformaj and M a consequence therB for the banquet. Tho crowd was |jlure, Cr„vo cemetery by the that It was worth $48.80 per ton. be po get program fOr tbe even- much larger than had been expected . Spr|ngfb