1 T H U R S D A Y , DEC. 5th. 1929 PRESIDENT ENROLLS IN RED CROSS A very in te re tin g le tte r is pouted on tjbe bulletin board a t th e high school. The lett. i w as received som e tint? .ig o by E rn est M cKiwiey, Spanish in e t-y c to r a t the school irotjj) the d ire c to r of ed ucation in M '^fco f t W'“= - j j n “d oiy Manuel V elasquez A ndrade. T he le tte r is in rep ly to a le tte r I w hich th e I.“« v'J in s tru c to r had pre- viqusly sen t to th e M exican ed u cato r askin g if it would b e possible for th $ ir stjudeiUs to |x c h - nge le tte rs w ritten In th e lan g u ag es iq which they w ere studying. In his rep ly th e D irecto r of Mevi- Can education s ta te s th a t he will be pleased to c a rry on such inter-com ­ m unication as w as sug g ested . He w. ns th e re a d e r, how ever, th a t the s< hools of Mexico close th e ir y ear on Dei em ber 1, and th e new y ear does not begin until th e first of F eb ru ary . Mr. M cK inney stated th a t le tte rs would probably be exchanged la te r in the year. B eautiful Em bossed C h ristm as C ards, w ith yo u r nam e p rin ted on them , are re a d y for you a t T he N ews office. R EPO R TS ARE H EAR D A T M E E T IN G OF M O TH ER S T he re g u lar m eeting of the M other’s Club w as held a t th e hom e of Mrs Allen K afoury in E ugene on M onday evening. T he evening was sp en t in a discussion of the course on “Child T rain in g ,” by Bolton and Bolton. Two c h a p te rs w ere reported upon with pap ers by Mrs. Floyd Thom pson and Mrs. W inifred Cooke. Mrs. C’lar- ; euce C hase read a review of several | m agazine articles. T h e next m eeting is to be held at the hom e of Mrs. H enry F andrem . T hose p resen t a t the m eeting Mon­ day w ere M esdam es Levi N eet, Carl B hetteplace, W. N. Dow, Clifford N el­ son, L aurence M offitt, Alton L aS alle, W. C. R ebhan, H enry F andrem , Shay,. W. N. G ossler. Floyd T hom pson, W inifred Cooke, C larence Chase and ! Allan K afoury. P R IN C IP A L OF B R A T T A IN SCHOOL HAS T O N S IL IT IS G lenn Wood, principal at the B rat- tain school, was unable to m eet his classes M onday and T uesday of th is „ „ n rer d! 2 ‘ Hoover’ w h0 ' • also president of the A m erican Red Cross week due to a bad a tta c k of to n sil­ enrol , In the annual Roll Call of the society, which o ccur, from Arm istice itis, w hich kept him a t his home. Day to Thanksniving Day, Novem ber 11 to 28. Mrs. Ida A dam s served as substi- ■ tu te te a c h e r for Mr. Wood darin g his illness. W e don’t fo rg et th e kiddies We hav e a b eau tiru l a s s o rt­ m ent of Toys, Dolls of all types end o th e r useful gifts fo r the ch ild ren , and priced so rid icu l­ ously low on all g ifts th a t everybody well can afford it to give a ch eerfu l C h ristm a s for the children. Santa Claus Headquarters in Springfield Moody's Deep Curve P recision L en ses This is the third time we have completely changed our lens grinding machinery the better to meet the newest needs in newest lenses. sd6i H l 7 . ra?Ci inCry -nd CqUi;Pment for Srindinfb surfacing, polishing and edgmg opthalnuc len.es ,s completed and ready to serve your optical needs qu ckly and accurately. We know lenses for we have been grinding them for many y e a rs ; we know eyes, for fitting them with right glasses has been our exclusive business for a life time. K W|C lnv,tf *he pu,i*lc l,° see this up-to-the-minute grinding laboratory, the only one between Portland and San Francisco of this kind le n « } y \SaPreCia,iZie 'ateSt Patented opthalmic wide angle, precision ! " ’ th i “ I-6 C ear tof the ver-X ed&e- We have ^ e exclusive franchise and Eugene °" X 1Censees for making and prescribing these Tillyer lenses in PACK YOUR CHRISTMAS BAG WITH USEFUL GIFTS AT Fuiop’s Department Store HUNDREDS OF DIFFERENT ARTICLES CAN BE GOTTEN A T ottr STORE THAT WILL BE BOTH A PLEASURE TO GIVE BF CEIVE. THE VALUE OF THESE USEFUL GIFTS WILI NOT OVT v YEARPPRECIATED ° N CHRISTMAS I,AY BUT THROUGHOUT THE TiA,,yc r .lens« are nationally advertised as the most scientific lens made. 1 he American Optical Co. own the patent and are the largest manu­ facturers and dispensers of opthalmic lenses in the world. They are capitalized at many millions of dollars and have wholesale branches established in 156 cities of 50,000 population or over in the U. 3. and Canada. Our shop forem an’and expert grinder is Linn Buley, who was employed U-, m the same capacity tor nine years at our former location at 881 Will- am clie trect. Tins is no new or untried venture with us but a continuation Oi I lie most dependable and efficient prescription service, the excellence of winch only long experience and expert knowledge of eyes and lenses can give. 1 lie lightness, brightness, efficiency and appearance of lenses depend on the gla-s used, how they are designed, the machinery on which thev are ground the skdl of the man operating the machines and the accurate adjust­ ment of the nam es or mountings used for holding them. ' , Our TILLYER lenses are ground from imported and domestic optical giass, carefully selected ami inspected—designed to harmonize with your features -ground on the most modern machinery known—finished by expert lens grinders—placed in a mounting careful study shows is the best—and fitted by skilled specialists, all under one roof and an individual undivided responsibility and a system that approaches perfection because it is the de- velopinent of many years of practical as well as theoretical experience. Easy to buy and easy to wear and no fancy prices. Bargains that will make Your Christmas Shopping Dollars Go Farther: ______________ FOR MEN_____________ For Christmas—the Suit or Overcoat. Specially Priced supreme A 5 1 5 — 5*5 _ltts ___________ S48S $5.00 Boys’ All Wool Heavy Blazers Spe­ cially priced $3 ¿5 Beautiful Cloth Shirts, in all shades ------------------ ----------------- & L 5 2 .4 5 5 5 .0 0 Wool Hose 5 0 c to S I 45c Mt'ii s L e a th e r C o a ts. C l o v s . s h i r t s am i $1.50 beautiful assorted Men's Ties in latest patterns. Special price for Christ- I llilS G i f t s ................ «w 38 East Broadway ............. Mootfys De*p LVr» JVedjIof, f/ense* Facto-* on S 2.95 S 4.9 5 $1.50 Ladies’ Felt Slippers for C hristm as Gifts Special price $6.00-$l0 Sixteen Rib Silk Umbrellas. Spe- ( nil price ¡or C hristm as Gifts .. 53