The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 05, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    tenlng to the house to tell Mr. Jeffs up the old Jail. Boys removed bars
of the strange occurrence, found frow the windows, the girls scrubbed
| that his employer had dropped dead. the whole building, and the school
authorities installed cooking appara­
Children Now Use Jail
tus where the girls cook hot lunches
Danby, Vt., Dec. 5.—The town Jail ( for the whole school.
, here has been turned over to the
Motor to Albany.—Mr. and Mrs.
, school children of the village for a
clubhouse. There has been only one P. C. Eggimann motored to Albany
prisoner in the jail for thirty years, Saturday to be guests a the Turkey
so the town board decided it was dinner held there that evening by
hardly worth keeping up. The child- the Albany camp of the Spanish-
ren have done all the work of fixing American war veterans.
boats com ing up the W illam ette river to Spring-
field, he m ight be rem inded about th e Swiss
navy. B ut S enator McNary in a telegram to the
editor of this new spaper says he will be glad to
recom m end to the next C ongress th a t a survey
m ade looking tow ard navigation of the Wil-
river from P ortland to Springfield. We
One year In Advance....... »1.75 Three Months ......... 75c
Six Months......................... »1.00 Single Copy ............5c
believe this will be found feasible by dredging
shoals and building a system of locks. Certainly
m any rivers of the world are navigated th at have
LANK ONLY PART WAY IN ROAD SYSTEM not the possibilities of the W illam ette river.
If only half th e lum ber (1000 cars) th a t leaves
The dedication this week of the new Spring-
M rs. V ir g il M cC lure o f L e xin g ­
field bridge tu rn s attention to the sta te road Springfield annually w ent by barge, think w hat ton.
Ky., who was elected President
program for Lane county. T here are 301 miles a saving there would be in freight rates. From of the American War Mothers suc­
of designated s ta te highways in this county. Of the trend of the lum ber business ju st this saving ceeding Mrs. Thomas Spence of
Milwaukee. Wis»
th is mileage, according to the last highw ay de­ m ight m ean the difference betw een profit and
Stimultes Egg Trade
p a rtm en t report, 52 are paved, 11.5 miles oiled, loss in the industry.
91 miles graveled and 133 miles are not up to
To the people of W est Springfield navigation
Warsaw- Poland, Dec. 5th.—Be
s ta te standards.
h .
n w i _ xx
x ,
cause she is responsible for starting
of th e W illam ette m eans control of
e x.wwu
flood the fatj of egg eatlng
xxx th
among .. the
It is this 133 miles not up to state standards w aters, and th a t is an im p o rtan t item locally, young women of Poland, poultry'
w e are interested in now—the McKenzie, W illam­ C ertainly we can join the rest of th e W illam ette farmers of the whole nation of Po- j
ette, coast and Roosevelt highways. Much state valley in asking the governm ent to m ake this ,and contributed to the cost of an
!egg of solid goId which was given to |
road construction will be done in Lane county im provem ent.
Miss Anastasia Zabloka. Miss Zab-
next year, but a great deal m ore rem ains to be
e a a
( loka is regarded as the most beautiful
done. The situation calls for closer co-operation
ful woman in Poland, and her state-
betw een county and sta te than ever before.
ment that she attributes her beauty
The bridge dedication S a tu rd a y afternoon is t0 an exclusive (iiet Of eggs started
Lane county, also, has m uch to do on county
an event this com m unity has been looking for- all the girls who want to be beautiful
ro ad s outside of sta te highways, despite the fact | ~'ard “to" f o r ‘the“ la s ? f o u r
years. It has been a to eating eggs, greatly stimulating
th a t for the last ten years she has been a leader long, trying struggle to get the bridge financed ,he P°ultry industry
In road building. T here are 1320 miles of county
and to iron out the difficulties so th a t it could be
Live Up to Bible
roads in Lane. Of this am o u n t 417 miles are
put into use. The governor and the chairm an of
Los Angeles, Dec. 5.—John Qiuincy
graveled, 313 miles dirt and over GOO miles are
sta te highw ay com m ission will be here to offici­ Murray, a retired grocer, left his
still unimproved.
ally dedicate the stru c tu re for fu tu re use. L et’s property to his three grandchildren
In the last decade this county has bonded it­ all tu rn out and give them a hand.
on condition that none of them de­
parted from the teachings of the
self for two million dollars, and spent the am ount
bible. Moreover, his grandson must U
on roads, besides, she has raised hundreds of
never wear a Charlie Chaplin mus­
thousands of dollars by tax atio n every y ear to
T aco m a’s and S eattle’s plight w ith low w ater tache, the granddaughters may not
c a rry forth the program .
bob their hair or use lipsticks, and
and electrical pow er sh ortage proves the value none of them may go to the movies
B ut we m ust rem em ber th ere is still m uch to
of standby system s w ith steam plant auxiliaries. without losiing their share.
do in road building besides m aintaining the m any
All the prestige these cities have built up for ecutors of the Murray estate have
miles of road already built, which are being sub­
cheap power is now lost in a few w eeks of decided that the deportment of the
jected to heavier and heavier traffic.
three heirs, who are all grown up,
has followed Bible teachings so
Now is a good tim e to tak e stock of ou r high­
that they are entitled to
ways, both s ta te and county, because we m ust
their inheritances.
still continue to advance.
A prom inent C hinam an who cam e to this
country to study econom ics and governm ent
Lilies Herald Death
was told of th e wonders of prohibition. “But,
Swansea, England, Dec. 5.—After
when does it b eg in ?” he asked. T h a t is charac Mrs. Alfred Jeffs, wife of a prominent
citizen, died a few years ago, the j
teristic Chinese hum or for you.
President Hoovers Arm istice day plea for
white lilies which she had personally
freedom of food and passage for women and
tended ceased to bloom, although I
the stalks continued to grow. A few 1
children during w ar is a noble effort, b ut we
E astern new spapers have revived the co n tro ­ days ago they bloomed again for the
fear im practicable, even if adopted by nations
over the sh o rtest poem in th e English first time in years, but the blossoms
while at peace. Rules for w arfare have been
Years ago the New York Sun gave the were blood red. The gar.lener, ha -
m ade for centuries, but in th e four years of
world w ar they were all forgotten in the heat of prize to this one, entitled “Fleas.”
conflict. War in the fu tu re will be m ore fero
cions than ever, and whole populations of
H ad ’em.
countries will be m ade to suffer and be subjected
to the sam e tre a tm e n t as th e soldiers. Modern
Fashions in skirts and hair a re g e ttin g longer.
science and the airplane have provided deadly
doesn't seem to be an y th in g m ere m an
weapons which will be used ag ain st cities, ports
about it, but we wish some wom en could
and countryside. Nations go to w ar to win, and
selves the way they look in th e half-w ay
deadly gases and high explosives a re effective
w eapons which will not be discarded for obso­
lete methods, no m atter w hat statesm en have
previously arranged.
The sunshine which bathed the upper Mc­
Uncle Sam insists on a
bi-annual examination
Kenzie the last two weeks while the W illam ette
What is imperative for
valley was fog locked, em phasizes the possibili­
safety will safeguard
Eugene city council plans to curtail expenses ties of this region as a w inter playground.
your eyes too.
by reducing the size of street light globes. Poor
psychology for a city about to open a million
dollar light plant. If all the people followed th a t
The C hinese-R ussian w ar h as becom e so fero-
exam ple the new big plant would be idle or op- cious th a t the Russians are throw ing cabbage,
__ 14- W E V T 8 t h A V E
erated at a heavy loss. Expansion ra th e r than We expect to hear soon th a t the Chinese have
curtailm ent is the wise program for Eugene now. 're ta lia te d with ripe eggs.
T lis
Reasons h or Apprehension
T hem D auo H o $$-F iy $
ju s ’ D omtmeam
N uthim ’ B ut Tfcou&Lt
/ '
By Albert T. Reid
is o n e o f
R ed
A re You Looking A h ead?
Do you wish your nam e listed am ong those who are a
If you do, a business college train in g will be well w orth
while, and Eugene is the place to get it.
H ere you will receive as thorough a training a t as reaso n ­
able a ra te and in as sh o rt a tim e as in any o th er school.
It's a Good School
Ask About It.
Eugene Business College
A. E. ROBERTS, President
Telephone 666
Miner Building
Eugene, Oregon
The m ost delicious selections of candy have been es-
especially prepared to m ake th is C hristm as a glorious
F or real wholesome, tasty candy try any of E ggim ann’s
com binations.
F G “Where
G the I M
A N N ’S
Service is Different"
W hy n ot Trade in Y our
Old Car
on a Good Ured Car
7th and Oak
942 Olive St.
133 West Broadway
Eugene, Oregon
l o u r D o lla r s
F a r th e r
I n P u rc h a sin g
I n P r ic in g - ~
In T ra d in g in~
Your dollars go farther w hen you purcha
today’s P ontiac Big Six because It is th e
only au tom ob ile in its field w hich com bine*
big car bodies by Fisher . . . a 200-cuhic-lnch L-head
en gin e . . . th e H arm onic Balancer . . . th e Croas-flov
R adiator and m any other im p ortan t advancem ents.
• . . V ou save on operating costs because o f such
features as P on tiac’s crank ,.se ventilation a y * « —
• • • it® G-.Vl-R cylinder head . . . and its u nu su ally
durable brake linin gs. And P on tiac’s rem arkably
long life also works to your advantage on a trade-la
appraisal. . . . See th e Pontiac Big Six today. R ide la
It. Drive it. And th en let u s tell you ab out th e p la a
o f purchase w hich m akes It so easy to own thia »—
o f th e low-priced sixes.
r a a t t e e B Q M > , # 7 « ta M V S . /. a . » . N n t t a e , Mirk.,
vH a» M M T. a a j
a t * < a k a a rk a ra r u a J a r a n t a i
C a a a ra J M a t a r , H
I I i - o « a r . y a M a t ^ l a a a . a t l . l
a t , t t k t a a tra a a t t .
who have a new plan
f o r serving you better
T ry
T h is E x p e r i m e n t
D riv e In today at any
R ed, W h ite and B ine
Station o r Garage.
Aak the D e a le r —
“ W h a t la thia Im prov­
ed aervlee you have
to o ffer? ”
S T A N D A R D O il. C O M PA N Y
Springfield, Oregon