PAGE TWO OREGON STATE NEWS OE GENERAL INTEREST fam ous d etectiv e. ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE tu re w as film ed, w ere given an op­ p ortunity to get rid of som e of th eir m id-V ictorian fu rn itu re , barn doors and any o th er artic le m ade prim arily of wood, which could be added to the enorm ous pile to be ignited in cele­ bration of the football victory. ♦ » •♦ *♦ « ♦ ♦ *« ♦ ***» * T he sen io r class play "S afety F irst," w ill be given a t th e high school gym nasium a t P le a sa n t H ill Principal Events of the Week F rid ay and S atu rd ay of th is week. T h e P le a sa n t H ill high school g irls Assembled for Information have organized a glee club w ith Mrs. E E. K ilp atrick as leader. T hey will of Our Readers. ap p ear In public for th e first tim e a t th e S en io r play next F rid ay and In prep aratio n for w in ter n early S atu rd ay . h alf a mile of w ater m ains in Bend F ran cis P hibbs and A lbert M athew s h a re been put below th e fro st line. have been elected yell lead e rs a t the D edication of K lam ath F alls' new p le a s a n t Hill high school. T hey a re C atholic church, recently completed a t to choose tw o girl a88l8tant8. a cost of »100,000, was held recently. T h e p |ea8 an t H ill g irls won from F ire th a t started from a source not th e S an ta C lare g irls in b a sk e t ball yet explained destroyed a hop ware- last W ednesday by a score of 24 to 4 house a t Dever, seven m iles north of The boys lost to th e S an ta C lara boys Amboy. by a score of 15 to 14. A new high population record w as P leasan t H ill high school held its •stab llsh ed at th e sta te p en iten tiary hom ecom ing last F rid ay n ig h t, Nov- when th e books showed a to tal of 780 em ber 29. In a gam e of b ask etb all priso n ers. . th e alum ni boys d efeated th e school L adino clover seed producers have *eam by a score of 21 to 19. The form ed a perm an en t organization a t alum ni g irls d efeated the g irls ’ team R edm ond to m ark et seed produced in by a score of 23 to 8. A fter th e gam es cen tral Oregon. | a feed w as given by th e high school. E ight cougars were killed In C urry i M rs B ert B eav er' wh° w as °Perat' and Coos counties in one week. Six on ln E ugene tw o w eeks ago, ex- w ere p resented a t Gold Beach for ! pects *° re tu rn 1° b e r hom e a t Plea- i sa n t H ill n e x t Sunday. bounties and tw o in Coquille. Mrs. M o rn in g star expects to b ring C onstruction of th e first unit of its h e r fa th e r, who w as serio u sly in ju red dry kilns a t th e p lan t site on the west R ain ier w aterfro n t has been started in an au tonioblle accid en t recen tly , by the U nkefer H ardwood company. to h e r hom e in C loverdale, j M iss C ora Jo h n , who is teach in g N o rth w estern n u t grow ers held on th e coast, sp en t T h an k sg iv in g day th e ir annual convention a t Newberg, w ith h er fam ily a t P le a sa n t Hill. D ecem ber 4. In addition to addresses M isses Alla, Je ssie , and V erna M an­ th ere was a display of n u ts with prizes ning, and R obert Jak ew ay s and son, Offered. Jo h n n ie, of Springfield, w ere a t An inventory of all roads, bridges P Ieasan t H lll Sunday. and railroad crossings in Clatsop coun- Miss N ina Dilly, who is aten d in g ty is being m ade by the county court i busine88 8choo, ln p o rtia n d. for .he purpose of obtaining liability hom e f()r T h an k sg fv ln g vacatIon. insurance. I p w S m ith and E. B. T in k e r w ent W ork h as been com pleted on th e to P o rtla n d on b u sin ess W ednesday m ain tru n k line and laterals of th e : of th is w eek. w est end sew er in St. H elens, and as­ T h e w om en of P le a sa n t H ill will sessm en ts ag ain st the property are hold a C h ristm as tre e m eetin g a t the »73,860.11. hom e of Mrs. T. F. K. bier, D ecem ber The Benton-Linn turk ey pool has 19. L ad ies a re ask ed to b rin g th in g s been dissolved because of the lack of for th e g irls of H um bold H all in birds to make a carload shipm ent. E ugene. ’ Only 1200 of the 1800 birds required C ry stal B aughm an and A rah Nell w ere in sight. A rnold, w ho a re a tte n d in g S tate u. J. W. Llewellyn, Southern Pacific N orm al school a t C orvallis, sp en t railroad teleg rap h er a t C rescent Lake, 'i a a n k sg iv in g week-pnd at th e ir w as killed in stan tly when his autom o­ hom es in T ren t. bile skidded on th e Icy surface of the E m ery H yland, who is a tte n d in g Dalles-California highw ay n ear Laplne. O regon S ta te College, w as hom e for T he proposed purchase by Des­ T hanksgiving. chutes county of the D eschutes hotel p roperty for a county farm is opposed by a Bend cham ber of com m erce com­ ♦ THURSTON ♦ m ittee appointed to Investigate the • * 4 - 4 > 4 - 4 > 4 - * * * 4 - * + * 4 > * m atter. Miss M ildred P rice, who teac h es a t John Shook, one of K lam ath coun- ’ Tlle D alles, sp en t T h an k sg iv in g vaca- ty ’s best known pioneer resid en ts, is ! tlo n w ifh b e r p are n ts here, dead at th e age of 87 years. He was ! Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n P rice sp en t a veteran of th e Modoc w ar and was T h an k sg iv in g day in E ugene with one of th e first lum berm en in the th e ir d au g h ter, Mrs. A rch Shough. county. Mrs. Je n n ie E d m isto n an d Mrs. R osa B aughm an and son, H ow ard An installation of two eight-million candle power beacons on th e top of from Eugene, took T h an k sg iv in g din the Richfield tow er a t Salem has been n e r w ith Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r P latt T h ere w as a b ask etb all gam e last com pleted. Sim ilar beacons have been installed at G rants P ass, Rose­ W ednesday evening betw een th e Lor burg and Eugene. an e high school boys and fh e T h u rs H. E. B rotten of C loverdale recen t­ ton high team on th e local floor. The ly killed a snow-white goose on Devil's L orane team won. lake whose wing spread m easured 7 T h ere w ere 66 p resen t at Sunday feet from tip to tip. It weighed 18 school on R ally Day la s t Sunday pounds. Snow-white geese a re rare T h ere w as a b ask et d in n er ami in th e In the northw est. aftern o o n Miss Goldia Sm ith, from W ith a larg er assessed valuation, Eugene, talk ed on week day Bible approxim ately »60,»00 more than last school. Mrs. Ire. Nice and Miss Doro­ year and with a budget $4000 less than th y T rav is w ere appointed on a com the present year, taxpayers of Curry m ltfee to m ake a rra n g e m e n ts for th e county are facing a reduction of sev­ sam e. eral thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs. T ay lo r N eedham and Ray M itchell sp en t T h an k sg iv in g at O ctober exports from th e A storia d istrict increased in value »235,000 C ottage G rove w ith relatio n s. Mrs. Ray R ennie w as able to re tu rn over exports for October, 1928, despite a 3500 ton drop in tonnage. This was to h er hom e h ere T u e sra y from P o rt­ due to an increase in salmon ship­ land. w here she u n d erw en t a very m ents and a decline in lum ber. serio u s o p eratio n som e tim e ago. Miss Goldia S fa rr, p rin cip al in th e A com putation of the potential horsepow er of a dam and generating g rad e school, sp en t T h an k sg iv in g unit at Big Eddy m ade at The Dalles v acation w ith her m o th er a t O akland, by United S tates engineers shows that regon. 217,436 horsepow er could be g en erat The (trade and high schools spon- ed, enough to supply Industrial power : sored by P. T .A., a re giving a pro- for P ortland and the Puget Sound dis tr a m and pie social a t th e T h u rsto n trlct. i h all n ex t F rid ay evening. TH E M ARKETS Portland THURSDAY, DEC. 5th, 1929 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Boxes, b arrels, window sh u tte rs, d escrip tio n w ere plied on high for th e bonfire in th e rally scene of "So T h is is College,” Sam W ood's new all-talking, singing and dancing com edy d ra m a for Metro-Goldwyn- M ayer w hich is com ing to the Fox- LIVE FISH ARE SHIPPED M cDonald T h e a tre n ex t week-end, sta rtin g W ednesday. IN CRATES; NOT CANS H ouseh o ld ers in th e neighborhood All fish do not need t o be kept in of th e U n iv ersity of S o uthern C alifor­ w ater to keep them alive. M att Ryck- nia cam pus w here th e collegiate pic- man, s ta te gam e com m issioner, found ’ NOW P L A Y IN G th is out recen tly when he went to a will be used to s ta r t fish of th e ir tyu„ P ortland depot to receive a ship­ In the sloughs of th e W illam ette and m ent of cans of blue catfish from the Columbia rivers. S acram ento rtven in California. Much to his su rp rise he found the fish CHURCH GROWTH, TOPIC packed in crates instead. FOR SUNDAY SERMON No, they w ere not dead. They had "A G row inig C h u rch ” is th e topic been w rapped in wet gunny sacks I for tbe g unda y m orning serm on a t and very much alive, despite the fact ; tbe C hristian church nex t Sunday, th a t they had been out of the w ater in the evening th e W om en’s M ission for th re e days before they were fin­ ary society will be In c h a rg e of th e ally released in the McKenzie hatch- program . A special m ale and ladies' ry. q u a rte t will sing a t th e evening T hese fish, thirty-six in num ber, service. ,‘mtinuuituuttiuitwsiiii«ninitiui.'ij«iiintaiiiiiiiiiu!iuiii9iii:ini!i!iiiiii PREVIEW T O N IG H T J.C.PENNEYC0. GEORGE BANCROFT 'M IG H T Y 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. — r i T H m BALATON »»pnond Ms t+on -Wbmtr Otand Fox McDonald From Toyland’s Busy Streets Come These “Little Jim” All-Steel Mechanical Toys COMING SUNDAY The Return of SHERLOCK HOLMES 100% T A L K IN G MYSTERY Brightly colored dump trucks—fire engines and ladder- wagons—trucks—roadsters . . . just the toys that all little boys like to find awaiting them on Christmas morning I Sturdy steel construction—wind them up and away they g o ! (\.nd they’re only— DRAMA w ith Each 4 CLIVE BROOK lIlIIlUIIIIHUÜIIIIIIlüHlllllllllitlltllllllllllllllllllllllllüllllIIllllliiailWUlUUlülBlMBBIIIIIIIIIIItnillllüimilHIIIUlilllllHIIMlIllBlllllHlillllllllMmitlllll We are Glad to Have Been The General Contractors ON THE NEW Springfield Bridge And take this means of expressing our appreciation for the confidence the people of Springfield and Eu­ gene placed in us in erecting this magnificent structure which will bring two growing communities closer together. ‘THE M IGHTY" AND "RETURN CF SHERLOCK HOLMES" AT McDONALD W heat—Big Bend bluestem , »1.38; •oft w hite and w estern white, »1.24; hard w inter, n o rth ern spring and w est­ Six d ifficu lt c h a ra c te r sh ad in g s, ern red, »1.22%. each req u irin g th e u tm o st in h is tri­ H ay — E astern Oregon tim othy, »20.60 0 21; valley tim othy »19@19.50; onic skill, w ere d em an d ed of G eorge alfalfa, »18019; clover, »16; oat hay. i B ancroft, P a ra m o u n t's deep-chested | s ta r In his n ew est all-talking featu re »16. "T he M ighty" now playing a t th e B u tterfat—47c. . Fox McDonald. E g g s -R a n c h . 31@50c. B ancroft Is first show n ns a cow ­ C attle S teers, good, »10.25011. erin g d raft dodger, in tim id ated by Ilo g s —Good to choice, »8,75010. W arn er Olnnd, th e lead e r o f his L am bs—Good to choice, »10.50011 I "m olt." H e e n te rs th e w ar ns a p ri­ Seattle W heat — Soft and w estern white, vate. w ins p rom otions th ro u g h nets w hite, »1.25; hard w inter, w estern red i of b rav ery , nnd em erg es a hero. His reg en eratio n Is acco m ­ and n o rth ern spring, »1 24; Big Bend ! co m plete bluestem , »133. plished nt. th e end of th o p ictu re In Eggs Ranch, Sl@ 48c. ! one of th e m ost sp e c ta c u la r clim axes B u tterfat 47c. , ev er screened, when h e lead s e C attle -Choice steers, »9.500 in 25. 1 m ighty corps of m ounted police of Hog»—P rim e light, »10.25 0 10.35. fleers In p u rsu it of h is oiil gang. « . . . Lambs -Choice, »10.25010.35. Spokane S ta rtin g Sunday, a t th e Fox Me- C attle S teers, good, »8.250 10.25. i Donald, will be th e L ane county H ogs Good anil choice. »9.50. j p rem ier of "T h e R etu rn of Sherlock Lam bs Feeder lam bs, »8.2508.7». H olm es,” w ith C live Brook in the role of Dlr Conan Doyle’s world Toy LINDSTROM & FEICENSON General Contractors Portland, Oregon.