PAGE TEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S Christmas f Bargains illllilU)IÎMllBIWJehtl!:!:rü:iiiUt'::i!l!;:ï!llilUtlllUI«i‘U‘iaiuui,>,-n,.11u.„,.U!,..„r„.u...H, ........................... ltIUaK»(il»lltUJIliaiUinitlUli¡MlllimU2lltlllCliilM.i:;u.:iUBnillJinilllUr;iJKH!Ilí;.:;^i!,:¡! Lb _____ ___________ _ Kennett’s, Springfield, Ore. W ith counters piled high with seasonable m er­ chandise, with the Christmas Spirit prevailing throughout the store, we are going to put forth every effort to m ake it both pleasant and pro­ fitable for you to do your C hristm as Shopping at this store. You are going to find m erchan­ dise in abundance conveniently displayed, and at prices th at will m ean real economy to eco­ nomical buyers. Shop early and avoid the last m inute rush Don’t Wait» Shop Early RAYON SWEATERS Come in green and peacli colors, suitable for both men and women. MEN’S TIES Come in a great variety of pattern s and priced {Jiic 98c MEN S DRESS GLOVES Updressed kid and Mocha. Silk lined and unlined. $5.50 V!,1,|ca for___________ 5 3 .9 5 MEN’S HATS All latest shapes. Good colors .liid priced from $1.98 to $4.50 8 LADIES’ SILK HOSE Comes in all the w anted shades. Allen A., Berkshire and Id a Maid -£ 1 , 4 9 Guaranteed Leather Billfold and Cigarette Case With silver initial buckles and Belt-O-Gram. $2.50 to $3.00 Packed in beautiful values ................... 5 1 .9 8 nias BLANKETS Assorted plaid patterns. Spe­ cially priced a t Boys’ Sweaters 5 1 1 0 5 2 .9 8 5 3 .7 5 INDIAN ROBES M ercerized ribbed top. Come in French ,Nude, grain and Wack ........................ 48c B eautiful pattern s. Size 64 by 78 in. A beautiful gift. Men’s Silk and Wool UNION SUITS Conies in cream and white. P riced a t ..............Suit 5 6 „50 LADIES’ BLUCHER OXFORDS Come in tan and black 54 95 LADIES SHOES N atural bridge arcli support P aten t, black, and tan kid Cu leath er ...................... OVAL and Y NECK PULLOVER STYLE AN IDEAL PRESENT FOR THE BOY $2.48 LADIES’ HAND BAGS Large oval shaped, beautiful trim m ings, Sam son m ake, and JgSj g g g u aranteed _______ AMITY LEATHER PURSES T here is nothing better in purses and bill folds; and m akes a nice present. Prices r a nge TOILET ARTICLES Bulk Perfum e, Toilet W aters, Fa.ce Pow der and Cream s. All priced a t a ridiculously low price for the holday trade. Men’s Fine All-Wool UNION SUITS 100% wool of th e very finest quality. Priced a t ... 5 5 .7 5 W right and Cooper’s m ake Whether it is for Wife, Mo­ ther, Daughter, Sweetheart or Friend — Every Item Quality Merchandise that You Will be Proud to Give and One will be Proud to Receive. _______ 5 5 .9 5 _______ 5 3 .9 5 5 2 .4 8 Practical Gifts for Ladies LADIES’ WOOL and VELVET DRESSES 5 4 .2 5 YOUNG M ENS OXFORDS E x tra heavy sole. Pebble grain biack and tan.. 5 6 .5 0 LADIES’ HOSE Ladies’ Pat. Leather TIES G oodyear W e lt......... $ 4 BOYS’ OXFORDS Blucher Toes. Size 2i/2 to 5. MEN’S OXFORDS Come in black and tan. Good­ year Weit. W eyenberg and Craddock m ake 5 4 .9 5 C hrist- ............. - S 2 .S 8 Ladies’ Patent BLUCHER OXFORDS With m edium heels, fancy trim m ed 5 3 .9 5 Sizes 1 to All sizes ......................... 2 5 c HiCKOK BELTS 5 4 .8 8 11,1111_____ 7 5 c »>> 5 5 0 0 25 Dozen LADIES’ SILK HOSE Big range of colors. LADIES WOOL GLOVES W ith striped turned back — — _ ___ ______SSc LADIES SILK HOSE The fam ous Allen A. and B uster Brown Make. Ail in the w a rte d shades ........... 9 8 c » z rÄ ss LADIES’ BEMBERG HOSE Full fashioned. Come in the latest sha des ............ 8 1 .1 9 UTA MAID Ladies’ All-Silk HOSE, with colored tw in panels. In all --------------- $ 1 .1 9 PARIS GARTERS And Sleeve H older com bina- tion. A beautiful C hristm as box MEN’S SILK HOSE i ’iain colors. $1.00 values. Priced special ai______ 7 9 c ______ ivi .N ’G FANCY SILK HOSE A ¿ reut vaii' ly of patterns. MEN'S RAYON HOSE Fancy patterns 48^ MEN’S Silk and Wool HOSE Plain ai'il an-'v colors MEN’S HEAVY WOOL SOX Come in white and gray coin 48c Rayon Pajamas and Night Dresses A large stock to from. Prices from select VEST AND BLOOMERS 9 8 C & 5 1 .9 8 5 1 .6 9 to 5 2 .9 8 RAYON SHORTIES LADIES’ KERCHIEFS A large asso rtm en t to select from in C hristm as boxes, ran g ­ ing in price from 5 C t o 2 g c Silk Jersey Priced at 50c LADIES' OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS LADIES’ HOUSE SLIPPERS Suede with pom pom trim - iniRg .................... 9 8 c Made of genuine Amos- keag O uting and fancy silk braid trim m ings 51 79 OUTINGS Ladies and Men's SCARFS Beautiful asso rtm en t of p a t­ tern s and m akes. A splendid present. Priced from RAYON SLIPS Come in plain and colored B eautiful ex tra heavy Beautifully trim m ed. Ex­ stripes, 36-in. wide. Good R ayon Slips, all colors and ceptional value at 9 8 c Heavy quality 2 2 c siz"s _____ 2 5 c up toS 2 ,2 5 5 1 .4 9 ART GOODS Including Pillow Slips. Ap­ rons, Towels, Baby Rom pers, and Dresses. LADIES’ FANCY APRONS Black Sateen and C retonne Priced a t 9 8 c and 5 1 .2 5 LITTLE WOMEN’S SPORT HOSE A REAL BUY In H am m ered Brass, and a good asso rtm en t to select from. D on’t overlook this section. Three Strand Genuine DELTAH PEARL NECKLACE Tiun s ..old regularly at $10. .-'pot la! C hristm as price 55.95 SINGLE STRAND PEARLS W hite gold clasp. Special 5 1 .5 0 25c KENNETT’S, SPRINGFIELD OREGON CLASPS and BUTTONS Men’s Collar Buttons. Cuff B uttons, and Tie Clasps, all priced at Real B argain Prices. HAND BAGS A genuine lea th er Hand Bag m akes a w onderful gift for m en or women. A NEW SUIT M akes an excellent gift. Have him a suit to m easure. Ibices from $25. up to $45. Many of them with two pair of pants. A fit guaranteed. T1 e famous M. B ora and Na 1 tion Line 1