The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 28, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY. NOV. 28. 1929
T h e re will he no a tte m p t m ade
h ere today to esta b lish u w oild's
for o u tsid e
M ajor
K ckerson's h e a lth is slid), thtit it
will e n d an g er him to m ak e th e a t ­
tem pted loops
In stead , th e m ajor,
accom panied by a Mr. Beam*, rep re
se n ta tiv e of th e B reese A ircraft
com pany, of P o rtlan d , left tile local
airp o rt in th e P ity of P o rtlan d on
T uesday
afte rn o o n
M edfonl.
w here they will d e m o n s tra te and ex
h lb lt th e ship d u rin g th e T h a n k s­
giving holidays.
Rem em ber Steddon, a pretty, un
Each bit of scenery through which morse, run to lift her from the
sophisticated girl, is the daughter ot she was to flash had been made ground.
O thers helped up Tom
* kindly but narrow-minded m inister
In a sm all, mid-western town. Her ready the day before. Perforated Holby.
rain pipes were reinforced by men
He had knocked him self uncon­
Rew. Doctor Steddon, violently op- who would play a fire hose or two scious when his head struck a rock
■osed to what he considers worldly upon , he haples8 actreM . The gale in the road. His cheek was ripped
things," accepts motion pictures as
Lloyd K ennv w as given his private
the cause for much ot the evil of the was to be provided by an airplane and gushing with blood.
He came to his senses at once and pilots license last F riday, when he
p resent day.
with a propeller mounted on a truck
cough, ¡'em em ber goes to see
Mem inspected the settings she forced a ghastly laugh.
and M ajor K ckerson flew Io P o rt­
retherick, an elderly physi­
Mem scream ed with fear for him land for th e ex am in atio n .
cian who is astonished to find her
"W hy do they build that fence She had not yet realised her own
In a bad plight. P resses by the
Ja m e s S tovall, th e p a rtn e r of
doctor, Remember adm its her unfor- around the wind
m achine?" she escape. She was all pity for Tom M ajor K ckerson In th e K ckerson
Holby, and anxiety.
tunate affair with
asked Kendrick.
Plying se rv ic e , Is le a rn in g to fly
Elwood Faranby, a poor boy, son
"It's nothing," he said. Then he
ships. H e m ade his first solo flight
e f the town sot. As Remember and
Dr. B rethtrick discuss the problem, the propeller and getting chopped to staggered with dread of what Mem last S atu rd ay and m ade sev eral
would have looked like now If he
a telephone m essage brings the news mincem eat, said Kendrick.
flig h ts and lan d in g s S unday a fte r
th a t Elwood has been hidden in an
had waited an Instant longer or mis noon before a large crow d which
After an hour of preparation the
accident. Dr. B retherick persuades
sed his aim at her knees.
g a th e re d
to w atch
K ckerson go
R em em ber to go W est, her cough arm y was ready for battle
He drew her from the vortex of
serving as a plausible excuse. Un­
A gentle rain fell from the pipes. the propeller, which was subsiding th rough his hag of stu n ts.
able to bear the secret any longer.
Rem em ber goes to her m other and The fire hose, aimed up in the air. with the dying snarl of a leopard
added its volume. The wind m achine that had missed its pounce.
H er m other agrees with the plan set up its mad clatter. The w ater
• • • •
of the doctor. Mem leaves town. On and the lightning tilled It with
the train Mem accidentally m eets . . .
M otorists will no lo n g er have lo
Tom Holby, movie star, traveling sh atterin g fire
ed to see the rushes of the night
w orry about the a b ru p t cu rv e In th e
With Robina Teele, leading lady ot
Then Mem was called forth. She stuff.
the movies, who are the cynosure
ciUtch»xi her cloak about her and
K endrick said. "T hat came near M cK enzie highw ay In th e east end
all eyes.
The train comes to an
a portrait of you walking out of town. T he final work of rem oval
abrupt halt, a d isa ste r haivng been
of the cu rv e w as eompletiHl y e s te r­
like driving through a slightly rare- of this world.”
bet out and walk about.
narrow ly avoided, and the passengers fled cataract. She hardly reached
Tom Holby did not speak, but he day by a crew of highw ay road
At Tucson Mem m eets Dr. Gal­ th e pillar at the edge of the porch. , reached out and. seizing Mem's hand w orkers, w hen they finished spread
braith, a pastor, who knows her
lng the g rav el co a tin g over the
father. She m iscalls Tom Holby 'Mr. clutch« d it for a moment, caught a wrung It with an eloquence beyond
Woodville' in order to m ake her quick breath, and flung down the w ords. H e seem ed to be squeezing n r w ly gruded p art of the road w hich
elim in a te s the curve.
L arg e steam
fancied suitor seem more real. While steps. And th at was that. All this her heart with clinging hands.
the G albraiths are aw ay, she w rites preparation for one m inute of action
She was consumed with an Im­ ro lle rs w ere used to pack th e gravel
them as well as h er p arents th a t she
She was taken to a warm room patience to begin a new picture at into th e loose d irt to p rev en t a u to ­
baa m arried 'Mr. Woodville' and that
they are to live in Yuma—for which and w rapped into blankets until the once, and to be busy with life and m obiles from sk id d in g w hile cross
ing the new stre tc h .
place she buys a ticket.
next scene was prepared. She was love, beauty and delight.
A rriving there she falls in with the supposed to have run a long distance
And yet, when Tom Holby, after
movie com pany of Tom Holby. Tom
M a rria g e Licenses Issued
insists th a t she become an extra and between the last scene and this, and they had left the lot, asked her to
th e past week m arria g e
ride with him for a bit of air. told
la m ost cordial to her. She finds she m ust en ter it wet.
herself in the movie game.
At length she got her signal and her he adored her and th a t she was licen ses nave been Issued by the
A fter her accident, Mem receives a went forw ard again, head down, into adorable; when he courted her with county clerk to the follow ing Alvle
U tte r from Leva M ema-ic, inviting
deference and m eekness and pleaded W rig h t, C heshire, and Q ussie C ruzan.
her to Hollywood, and stating in her
D uring her absence a telephone for a little kindness— her heart D ex ter; J Calvin Arnold an d Z aneta
le tte r th a t she can get h i? a position
i pole and a tree had been brought froze In her. She could not even M eaklns. both of E u g en e; N orvel
In a film laboratory.
P ierce. E ugene, and Paulin.- Mi
Mem gets a Job in a film laboratory down by the
storm and photo- accept a proffered beatitude.
but loses i t She m eets a Mrs. S turgs
u was her
W ilbur
She looked at him and thought— herson. S p rin g field ; Ja c k
from her home town, who talks of the
and G arn et C lark, both of S w lssbom e;
evils of the movies and says th a t the business now to clam ber across the and s a id ;
D resser
M argaret
■tars are forced to sell their souls, pole and push through the branches
many people love you, M arshal
Mem has a le tte r saying th a t her
the (ree an(j go fight her way Tomm. You belong to the public, G allow ay, both of E u g en e; Fred
m other is coming to Palm Springs. QUt Qf the picture
The wind m a. and you couldn't bring yourself down W atts. Crow, and C arrfe 1 leren, N otl;
and Mem goes there to m eet her. i>he
Ja m e s S tin so n . Ju n c tio n c ity , and
decides th a t she will sell her soul to ^hlne had been shifted several times, to really loving little me.”
The wind man in his confusion for-
"Oh, but I could! I do!" he cried. V erla W ilson, P o rtla n d ; C|e<> Chut
get a job in the movies.
Mem gets a tryout with the Ber- got to notice th at the property man Damn my public! I don't care for lock and T helm a Sly. both ot
E ugene,
«jnorid movie company,. She finds her- pad f0 rg0tten. in th eir confusion, to anything but you.
■elf posing with Claymore as her de-1
. . .
rector? obeying his commands in a 3et “ P the fpnce bp,ore the Propeller.
But I haven't had my public yet,
kind of stupor.
111 was a fte r m idnight now and every- and I love It. Ju st now the only N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON
Mem is trained to be a sta r and in body was numb with cold, drenched love I can feel Is acted love.’
N otice Is h ereb y given th a t tiv vlr
due course her first picture is finish­ with the promiscuous rain, and a
"Then let's have a rehearsal," he tu e of an execution and o rd e r of sale
ed, and she is being "lent ' to the little irresponsible. T heir working
suggested cynically. But she shook issued out of the C ircuit C ourt of
com pany starrin g Tom Holby. She
th e S ta te of O regon for Lane C ounty
will play the leading woman in Hoi- day was already fifteen hours old her head. “ I want to laugh. Tommy," N ovem ber 22ml. 1929. upon at: I pur
b y ' s new picture.
su a n t to a decrei duly given and
Meanwhile, Claymore has got Mem more.
m ade by said C ourt 21st day o |
aw ay to himself.
Holby had
"T here's a new Charlie Chaplin N ovem ber. 1929, in a suit peodln •
Mem and Claymore become more
he said. "W e might get th e re in In w hich th e In te r S ta te
and more Interested in each other
F idelity B uilding and Loan \ socia-
Out riding one day Claymore takes of a ravine, and was half frozen in in.”
t 'o ’i. a co rp o ratio n , was p ln ’n tlff and
Mem in liis arm s, and she does not his soaked clothes, but he stayed to
‘‘Let s try" said Mem.
Cl' ra I. Jo n e s M iller and o th e rs w ere
They are interrupted by a Match Mem through this scene.
Holby swung the t;t- around.
1 ib '.'elidan'
w hich execution and or
holdup man who takes their money.
She struggled with the m aniac
“Tommy," said Mem. ' what i ¡ <'er of sal'- was to m e d irected and
Now Go On W ith the Story
I hurricane, stum bled and fell across comedy? I'm sick of all these i rv - ; com m anded m e to sell the real
p ro p erty
h e re in a fte r d esecrlb ed to
^•s the telephone pole, th ru st aside the ing scenes and em oting all ov r tb
•atisfy c e rta in liens nnd c h a rg e . In
Claymore, brooding deeply in
; wires, lifted herself and breasted place. I w ant to be a comedlenn
"id b er< e specified, I will on S a tu r
e a rn est soul, felt that he owed Mem
” the 28th day of D ecem ber, 1929
the wind again, drove into the wreck Do you think I could be one?”
gome atonem ent.
He m eant It
'b e hour of one o’clock P. M at the
of the fallen tree. The branches
“I don’t think so,” said Holby.
■ o:
'iw est door of the C ounty C ourt-
nobly, but it sounded crude when he
whipped her wet flesh cruelly. The with scientific candor. "You never bouse in E ugene. Lane C ounty Ore-
Checked the car in front of h er little
lightning Just ahead of h er blistered m ake me laugh. You don't laugh ?on. offer fo r sale ami sell at public
home and took her hand and said;
I au ctio n for cash, stibji et to red em p ­
her vision like the white-hot irons much.”
"If you'll let me m arry you I'll see
driven into the eyes of Shakes-
“No, but I'm going to!
I think tion as provided by law, all of the
¡rig h t, title and In te re st of the d e­
th a t my wife divorces me."
' peare’s Prince Clarence. The wind If I ever love anybody really. It will
These divorces of convenience blew her breath back into her lungs. be a g reat comedian. Do you know fen d an ts In said sill' and of all p arties
I claim ing by. th ro u g h o r u n d e r them
marked the new fashioned way of If she had not gained a little support any com edians who a re n 't m arried. i or any of them since the 21st day of
accom plishing old-fashioned
rig h t­ from one stout bough of the tree Tommy?"
N ovem ber. 1929. in or to th e follow ing
described real p ro p erty , to-w it:
eousness. He w anted to m ake her she could never have reached the
"Lots of ’em," said Holby. "A | Lot 8 In Block 3. K elsay ’s A ddition
■‘an honest woman.”
m argin of the picture.
sense of humor keeps a man from to E ugene, In Ixine C ounty, O regon,
Mem laughed nervously.
K endrick's h eart was glad w ith getting m arried—or staying m arried D ated N ovem ber 28th. 1929.
"No th a n k s!” It was as unin- trium ph as he saw her pass out ol long."
S h e riff of L ane C ounty. O regon.
■plred as possible, but then It is not the cam era range. He called "C u t!”
They took In a Chaplin show and
N 28 I) 5-12 19 28
easy to make a brilliant answ er to and the cam era men were jubilant on th e way home she snuggled
a stupid suggestion. She felt th a t as each of them shouted “O. K. for close to Holby in the car. Yet when ) N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON
She m ust improve on it a bit, but me»”
he spoke tenderly she made fun of
Notice 1 r h ereb y given th a t by vlr
she helped it a little when she
Then K endrick heard scream s of him, giggled, and rem inded him of
obliged. terror, wild howls of fear. He ran bits of the picturpe th a t had amused | file of an execution nnd o rd e r of sale
‘ Ju st as much obliged,
1 Issued out of the C ircuit C ourt of
Good night."
i forward and saw th e blinded little her. This enraged him.
the S ta te of O regon for L ane C ounty
i figure of Mem still pressing on
"I’m going In for comedy," she j N ovem ber 27tb. 1929, upon arid p u r­
Two days la ter she began to work straig h t into the blur of the airplane said. “It's the only thing worth su a n t to a d ec re e duly given and m ade
: by said C ourt N ovem ber 27th, 1929.
w ith Tom Holby's company. Holby propeller.
while. All this te ars and passion In a suit p en d in g th e re in in w hich the
described the p art she was to play,
His h eart sickened. She would be business m akes me sick.”
In ter S ta te F id elity B uilding and Ixmn
read to h e r the big scenes.
sliced to shreds. She could not
Holby fought out In his soul a A ssociation, a co rp o ratio n , w as piain-
People m ake love unconsciously hear the yelb-d w arnings In the decent b attle of self-sacrifice liefort ' tiff am| C K Clendenin and others
w ere d e fe n d a n ts, w hich execution mid
at tim es and in the tru est court­ noise of the machine.
he b ro u g h t h im self to the h eig h t of o rd e r of sale w as to m - d irected
ships never a word is spoken. Two
The operator shut off his engine, recom m ending a rival.
and com m anded me to sell th e real
souls trav el m ystic gardens to­ but the propellers still sw illed at a
"T h ere’s Ned Ling; h e’s looking p ro p erty h e re in a fte r d e scrib ed to
geth er and come to deep under­ speed th a t made them only a whorl for a pretty leading woman. He's sa tisfy re tra in lien s and c h a rg e s In
standings without th e exchange of of light. The w itnesses were p ara­ not Chaplin, but he's awfully funny said d ecree specified, I will on S a tu r­
d ay the 28th day of D ecem ber, 1929
a syllabled thought.
lyzed by the horror of the moment. in his own way. If you’re so hell-bent a t the hour of one o'clock P. M at the
Mem was so wooed by Holby.
Tom Holby broke from a night, on a comic career get your agent to so u th w est door of the C ounty Court
H ouse In E ugene, L ane C ounty, Ore
m are th a t outran the imm ediate go after him .”
gon, offer for sa l" and sell at public
The orders had gone forth to rush beauty of the girl w alking forward
“Ned Ling,” she mused. "Yes, I've 1 auction fo r cash , su b ject to redem p­
th e Ilolby picture to a conclusion. to a hideou ; fate. H e ran and dived seen him. I may make a try at him 1 tion ns provided by law , all of the
Big night-storm pictures had been for h< r like a football tackier, hooked a little la te r.”
rig h t, title and Inter, it of the d fond­
a n ts In said su it and of all p a rtie s
scheduled for the final takes, and his left, arm about h er knees and
B ut w hen she reach ed h er horn"
on the final m orning the first scenes flung her backward, th ru stin g his th e re w as so m eth in g w aitin g In a m - : ? lalm lng by, th ro u g h or u n d er them or
any of them since th e 27th day of
w ere begun prom ptly at nine. Ken- right arm and his head beneath her, bush fo r h e r—a le tte r from h er N ovem ber, 1929. In or to the follow ing
drlck promised to le t the company ao th a t wh( n „he gtrucki h er HhouI. father.
described real p ro p e rty , to w it:
B eginning at a point 2G2 feet South
go a t three to rest for the all-night 1 ders were upon his breast, her wet
of th e S outhw est c o rn e r of Lot 2 in
grind, but it was not until half past hair like seaweed fell across Ills
Block 4 of J. I Jo n e s ' A ddition to
seven th a t the day’s work was done. face.
M istress: “I am not quite satisfied C ottage G rove; tfience S outh 58 f e e t: •
At nine they w ent to the firs t of
th en ce E ast 212 fe e t; th en ce N orth 58
She opened her eyes In a chaos of 1 with you references."
the sets. The California night was bewilderm ent. Ju st above h er the
Maid: "N either am I; hut they are fe e t; th en ce W est 212 feet to th e place ,
of beginning. In S ection 33, T ow nship I
black and cold. The night In the flying propeller blades were glisten­ the best I could get."
20 South o t R ange 3 W est of th e WII- '
story was one of tem pest and battle. ing the light of the sun arc.
la m e tte M eridian, In L an e C ounty, ;
Tom Holby m ust run an autom obile
They were still revolving when the
She (at th e piano): "T h at last note Oregon.
Into a ditch and m ake a desperate wind m achine man, leaping from the was D flat.”
D ated th is 27th day of N ovem ber, 1929
w ar against four brutes who were post w here he had stood expecting
H e; "T h a t’s w hat I thought, but 1
S h eriff of Txine C ounty, O regon
Instructed to put up a good fight.
her fate and his own eternal re- didn’t like to say anything,”
N 28 I) 5-12-19 28
Ira Nice Is having som e remodel
Illg work done on Ills home.
Jo h n T ay lo r, from
visited Ills
b ro th er,
home agalli from
M cKenzie
Bridge, w here they have heeli em
ployed tile past few m onths ill fo rest
rese rv e work
Mr C harles N eedham , from Call
In d ian C reek, forzila, s p e lli lit e past week end with
C hurles, last Ills father, Mr T aylor N eedham
Mr and Mr M aiming from S an ta
Lafe Mnuri' Is visiting Ills d au g h ter. Pe. C alifornia, visited Mr and Mrs
M rs lle rt W eaver.
T aylor N eedham Iasi week
Mrs W illiam R ennie is ab le In he
up a fte r a alckuesa w hich kept h er JUNIOR CLASS TO OFFER
In lieil for six w eeks.
Mrs Kay R ennie, who u n d erw en t a
T h e Junior c I u s h al the high h i Insd
m ajo r o p eratio n In P o rtlan d some
tim e ago, has Im proved enough to will present th e ir one aet play "Eu-
leave the h o sp ital, hut Is no! able to te r the H ero" at the high school
assem bly period next W ednesday,
conn« hom e yet.
John Conley has bought u new c ar acco rd in g lo Miss C lar„ W agner,
John K dniiston Is the ow ner of a th e ir coach.
new Kurd cur.
A. W W e a v e r was p ainfully hurt
M onday by Ills hull.
Mrs Kav Baugh Is 111
Paul Je n k in s and fam ily a re m oving
to E ugene T h an k sg iv in g ilav.
Mr and Mrs llcrln -rt W eiss hove
moved lo E ugene
Mr and Mrs P ran k T ay lo r and
sou. H erb ert, from E ugene, w ere look
Ing a fte r p ro p erty In te re sts h ere on
T hu play Is lining put on to ra ise
fluids for th e Junior cla ss tre a su ry ,
and will eosl every person u dim e.
T h e cast Is as follow s Anne C arey,
Daisy T o m seth ; Itu lh C arey, D orothy
F is c h e r; M,rs C arey. B etty A n d er­
son ; and
H arold
Ixiw son,
H ulett
Dress Sale
D w nln Kindi
fro m K la m a th Palls are v is itin g Mis:
lle e rs m a
llev Pistils .from Eugene, preached
Inst S unday evening in ll.-v M ille r's
N ext S u n d iv . D ecem ber L will he
Rally Day at th e S unday school A
goal of Dll Is set, follow ed by u I n in
ket dinner.
T h e P. T. a and schools a re put
tin g on a p rogram D ecem ber fith
Word has been ....... lved by Miss
lle e rs m a Hint h e r nephew . Melvin
Knell, w as m arrie d In K lam ath Palls
u few days ago
His m any friends
h ere all wish him fu tu re hap p in ess
Ja v G ran t and L aw rence B axter
V alues to
i lln ls
Values to $4.98
S I. 98
8 th A venue
H a t & D ress Shop
42 8th A v i W est, E u g e n e , Ore.
D on't
fo rg e t ws give S A
Green Stam p«
All Coats
and Dresses
Reduced ’/3 to
Open a ch arge
accou n t
Kay’s Coat & Dress Shop
8 2 9 W illa m e tte
T l
“Make your
money make
more money”
is th e title of a little leaflet
that is yours for the asking.
In it you will find a concise s ta te ­
m ent of the plan of financing
R est-H aven Memorial Park. Every
step in this plan Is explained, and
evry question clearly answ ered.
T his plan is of in terest to you
for ju st one reason: It offers you
an opportunity for an invest­
m ent th a t is not. only safe, hut
unusually profitable.
You owe It to yourself to know
about R est-H aven. T he least you
can do is to ask us- by mail, or
by telephone for one of these
leaflets. If the facts it contains
fall to in te rest you, t h a t’s au end
or the m atter. You can read the
w hole thing in two m inutes. But
you c a n ’t read it unless you iiave
it. Ask u s for one.
R est-H aven
536-7-8 Miner Building
Telephone 830