« T ry the H om e P rin t Sh op F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS S I’UINCEIEI-I). LANE COUNTY, OREGON- TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAH Woman K illed in A uto Accident FINISHED TUESDAY Locnl Light is One of Forty- seven Being Erected in State; Five are in County. All Will be Turned on at Same Time When Last is Constructed. Work on the beacon ««war and light on Emerald Heigh'» was com ­ pleted Tuesday by « craw of three tueu working under the direction of G. A. Illnley, of Halt Lake City, Utah. The beacon la now uwulllng the Mtrlnglng of power lines Io the top of the hill no that the light can be tested . The light will not he turn­ ed on perm anently until ull of the llghia betwiM'ti Iteddlng and Portland have been com pleted. The beacon consists o f three large llghia The largest one la aet ul an angle of one und one-half degrees, and revolves one com plete lorn »-very ten seconds II la pointing akywurd and Illum inates a large circle In the aky with every revolution The other two llghta ur>- known ua course llghia. They are aet stationary to throw their light In tw o ruya, one north und the other south along the route of ull the helicon lights on the coast. L ig h t V is ib le Sixty M iles According to Mr Illnley the largest light will keep the uv'^tor posted us to ..i1 position amt proxim ity to the cut u, while the sm aller llghta will direct him along the route of the ulrwaya. The large light la one thousand w atts ami, with the use of unipllflcutlon liqises, throws out a ray equivalent to two m illion candle- power. This light la visible for five m iles In ordinary fog and can he seen fur sixty m iles on a clear night. The course lights are five hundred w atts each und throws off a light equal to three thousand candle power. MANY COMING TO P.T. DISTRICT MEET SIX MEN ARE JAII ED FOR POULTRY THEFTS EARLY SAT. MORNING Six men are being held In the l-ane county Jail, three serving one month sentences for vagrancy and three awaiting action of the grand Jury following their arrests here and In Eugene early Saturday morning, after deputy sheriffs had followed the men mobile In which she was riding most of the night and had watched A large delegation of parents and them take 26 dressed chickens, three turned over tw ice on thn Pacific highw ay Just south of T angent, be­ teachers Is expected here Huturday I dressed geese and some turkeys, from for the all day program of the lam e the plant of the Swift company. tw een Albany and Harrisburg. county Institute of Parent-Teacher Springfield entered the scene of Mrs Uluru Fawver, her daughter, organizations which Is to he held the night chase when one of the men who was driving the car, received a In tlx- M ethodist church, beginning at crossed the river and went to a house sprained neck, u sprained left knee, 10:00 In the morning The m eeting on Ninth and K streets. Here the and several laxly bruises In the «am« Is an open one and all parents and officers found thrpe live turkeys, nine accident. Mrs E. W Collins. J r . a teachers In Douglas and Dane coun­ ducks and five chickens when they daughter In lay, escaped with inluor ties have been extended an Invitation arrested the men and Investigated bruises. to attend. the house. Crowded O ff Road Dan« and Douglas counties com- ' It is believed that the men were all According Io Mrs. Fawver. she was prise the tw elfth I’. T A. district In or part, of a gang of roost thieves, driving about 25 m iles per hour und Oregon and will have a Joint m eeting who had been robbing farmers and had tried scverul tim es to pass a car here with the lam e county organiza­ townspeople of their flocks for the uhcad of hi r, hut every tim e she tion us hosts for the day. past several months. The owners of swung her cur out to pass the other the fowls found in the house have C ounty P resid ent to Preside muehlne the driver would turn over Mrs. Ethel Parker, of Elmira, the been located and have received their to the left side of the road und stop birds. her The accident happened, she county president, will preside at the Jack McDonald, George Ryan and m eetings, and will extend the greet­ stutes. when she soundixl her horn Hugh McNamara are being held in und attem pted to pass the other cur ings for the county council. The m em bers will all be registered the county Jail at Eugene, pending after severul unsuccessful attem pts. at 10:00 o ’clock and the opening ex ­ action of the grand Jury. Their ball Khe turned out to pass the machine when the driver ahead of her cut ercises, con sistin g of prayer and has been set at 41500 each. The other over short to the left side of the road, group singing will follow im m ediate­ men who are serving the Jail terms are Ed. Sullivan, Oscar Olson and forced her to drive off the gravel und ly after. William Gorman. causing her car to skid Into the ditch Mrs W illiam Brice, of Portland, the ! The arrest of the gang followed the and turn over tw ice. The driver la-w president o f the state Parent- ahead of her did not stop Passing T eachers association, will open thn catching of one of their number try­ m otorists look them to Alabny. m eeting proper with a word of greet­ ing to steal a pair of pants in Ka- ing from thn sta te congress. Miss foury's store. Police took him to Jail Born in O regon .Mrs. Collins was born near C or-; M oselle Hair, o f the Extension d ivi­ and he Implicated the others. vallls, June 1(1, 1887. She ami her sion at the U niversity, will make a husband had been making plans to short uddress on behalf of that , CENSUS SUPERVISOR IS observe their fortieth wedding anni­ Institution. APPOINTED FOR DISTRICT versary yesterday, Novem ber 27. F ie ld S e c re ta ry Com ing She Is survived by her husband, E. i Mrs. Charles Roe. of New York The appointment of Joseph H. W. C ollins, Hr.; three d au gh ters,, City, National Field Secretary of the Koke, Eugene, as district census Mrs. Clara Fawver, Mrs. Erank Par­ I*. T. A., Is on a visit to the Pacific •supervisor for the southwestern rish, und Mrs. Bud G riffin, nil of coast and will have actual charge of Oregon district was announced this Hprlngfleld; two sons, Harvey Collins m ost of the day's program. She will ’ week by the director of the bureau of and Edgar Collins, Jr., both of Spring j make tw o addresses in the morning. census. Mr. Koke has taken the oath field; four brothers, 8. E. McBee, of She will first explain the "Parent- of office and is beginning to organize Springfield; J. W. McBee. Hoquiam, i Teacher Movement" and after some for the work. W ashington; II. B. McBee. W enat­ group singing, she will talk on "It's ' The actual enumeration will be chee. W ashington; and U. F. McBee. Place in Education." ‘ done next spring. Enumerators are Eugene; two sisters. Mrs. W. C - A covered dish dinner will be , paid by the names secured and pos- Campbell, Spokane, and Mrs. Erank ' i served to all present at noon. A slbly will work for 30 or 60 days. It Bartholom ew, Springfield. j group of local ladles will have charge Is said that a competent enumerator A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 47 THURSDAY, NOV. 2H, 1929 Mrs. E. W. Collins, Sr., Dies When Automobile Turns Lane County to be Host to Over on Highway Members F r o m Douglas. Mrs E W Collins, Hr.. 62, of this State and National Officers city was Instantly killed Sunday after­ Coming to Take Parts on noon ut four o'clock when tho auto­ Program Here Saturday. "The People's Paper“ SUTE OFFICEBS TO C h am b er C alls in Other Or­ ganizations to Consider Purchase. Chairman Van Duzer Present® Structure to People and Gov­ The purchase of the McKlnls ernor Patterson Receives It building on Main street near Second at Ceremony December 7, for a community hall will be con­ Band to Play, sidered at a meeting of heads ot civic and service organizations of Springfield called Friday evening at the Chamber of Commerce. The building, remodeled and repainted, with a new roof ready for occupancy. Is being offered for $6500 by the owner. The chamber of commerce Is call­ ing the meeting that the matter may be studied and a decision reached. Invitations to be represented by three delegates each are being made to th Dions club. American I^eglon, National Guard. Doyal Deglon. Civic club and American Deglon auxiliary. A community building has long Ix-en wished for In Springfield, and it Is believed by some that the re­ modeled McKinnis building will be very satisfactory. However, unani­ mous support must be given it by the various organizations to make the venture successful. The building would house the theatre and national guard armory downstairs, a hall 32x50 feet upstairs and several club rooms, dining room and kitchen. An architect has figured the changes in the building and the owner has made his price based on the building remodeled. Thanksgiving Day Very Quiet Here No Public Entertainment Planned; Some Leave For Other Places is -------- a very quiet Thanksgiving day is The new Springfield bridge will be presented to the people of Oregon by H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of the highway commission, and accepted for them by Governor I. L. Patterson, according to a program arranged by the dedication committee at a meet­ ing Tuesday evening. The Odd FeF lows band of Eugene will play at the dedication of the bridge at twe o’clock, December 7. The dedication ceremony will be presided over by Mayor W. P. Tyson, who will call on Mayor H. E. Wilder, Eugene, and Chairman Van Duzer and Governor Patterson for ad­ dresses. The ceremony will take place at the west end of the structure. Preceding the dedication servlcee a dinner In honor of the highway commission and engineers will be held at the Osborn hotel in Eugene, Frank Jenkins will be toastmaster, and addresses will be made by Sena­ tor Edward F. Bailey, chairman of the Dane County Chamber of Commerce highway committee, members of the highway commission, county court and engineers for the commission and bureau of public roads. Men and women interested in good roads are invited to be at the luncheon In honor of the commission. The purpose of the luncheon is good will and closer understanding and fo-«peratlon be­ tween the commission and the people of this part of Oregon. Invitations have been issued to mayors, chambers of commerce and service clubs in every town In West­ ern Oregon to be present at the affair. being spent by the people of Spring- field today. No church services are The lights are all controlled by being held, and no public entertain­ special autom atic self-w inding d o ck s, ment has been prepared. Most of the NEW OFFICERS ELECTED which are adjusted at W ashington. I). citizens are staying home enjoying <’ , according to the meridian In which BY CHAMBER FRI. N IG H T their turkey dinners. Some of them they ure used. They are so adjusted have family reunions, while others W. A. Taylor was elected president that they will alw ays turn on the have been invited out of town for of the Chamber of Commerce at th« ligh ts exactly one half hour before Leaves G reat G ran dch ild ; of this phase of the convention. j can make from $5 to $8 a day. Any­ the day. Several of the Springfield monthly meeting held in the chamber sundown and turn them off again one She also leaves her father-in-law - At one-thirty Mrs. Roe will con-\ one wishing to work as an enumera­ people have returned to their homes rooms last Friday night The other hour after sundae every day of the and mother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. E j duct a parliamentary drill period tor should write to Mr. Koke at for the day. The schools are to be officers elected were C. E. Wheaton, year, regardless of the changes In 8. Collins of Springfield, and tour . with discussion. She will also make Eugene. Appointments will be made closed tomorrow and this has made vice-president; C. E. Kenyon, trea­ tim e of sunrise and sunset. grandchildren and one great grand­ I two addresses In the afternoon. Her after an examination has been passed j it possible for many to leave town surer; W. K. Barnell. Carl Olson. F*. The beacon was erected by the Har­ child. by the applicants. i (Continued on Pa~e 6) B. Hamlin. W. C. Wright, and Jes» rison and Wright com pany of Char ! Mrs Collins was a mem ber of the [ first will be on the "National Scope Seavey, directors. lotte, North Carolina. They are 1 Baptist church of Springfield, a mem j of the Parent-Teacher Movement.” effect the playing of Reed Hemming- and the final one will deal with the W. K. Barnell. Jess Seavey and F. specializing In title erection of bea­ way, former member of the Spring B. Hamlin were elected permanent cons and In lighting airw ays, and America In Eugene, and of the Re-1 j manner of organization of P. T. A. field squad, would have on the team. associations. have been awarded most of the con­ bekah lodge here. It must be said to hts credit that he representatives from Springfield to Cup W ill be Presented tracts from the United S tates govern- I The funeral services were held played the outstanding game for county chamber meetings. Mrs. Charles E. Hunt, of Eugene, ment for this work. The candidates for the offices wer« Cottage Grove, and also, without ex­ on Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'­ president of the Eugene City Council M any Beacons E rected ception. the best punter on the field. nominated at the meeting held In the clock from the B randstetter chapel of Parents and Teachers will present The crew that was here the first In Eugene. His punts were always well timed, last part of October They will be Rev. Ralph Mullholnnd of the week have been working their o f the Springfield Baptist church the trophy won by the Dane county Cottage Grove BOWS to Spring- accurate, and not too high. The Installed at the last meeting of the field Team For First Time in Springfield punters were seldom year, which will be on December 27, way north from Redding. California, j f |(-ja t,-d and Interment w as made councll at the Grants Pass convention | this fall for having the largest In i Many Years. and will soon com plete a network of ! jn Season Ends able to make a good kick. Their I-nurel HUI cem etery. The retiring officers are F. B, crease In members of any organiza­ th ese lights from California to Wash- , With No Defeats and Only attempts were usually blocked or Hamlin, president; W. A. Taylor, tion in tho state. Ington. They have erected fourteen the punts went wild. Three times vice-president; W. N. Gossler .seer«- W. W. WAKE AND HIS SON One Score Against Locals of the beacons between Ashland and , Mrs. W. K. Barnell will sing a solo, the locals tried to ’kick goal and tary. and C. E. Kenyon, treasurer. BUY MEAT MARKET "Hasta Manana." meaning “Until Springfield. They will build thirteen The Springfield high school foot- three times the Grove boys rushed : The gecretary lg appointed by the more betw een Springfield and Port- ! Tomorrow," by Al. Hegbom. . Her | ban ,eam cIoged its schedule for the In on them and blocked their trys. ; pregident and no announcement hae W. W. Wake an I son. Ira Wake, land heforp the full group of 47 daughter. Barbara, will be her ac-' year Iagt Friday afternoon on the , T w o Injured , been made Rg yet o( any new ap- lights are turtied on for netual service. have recently purchased the Sani­ oompanlst. Mrs. John F. Ketels I Rrattaln field by a very thorough , Philip Hesey, left end for the Cot- 1 pointment. tary Meat Market from F. O. Bennett. It Is expected that It will take will also appear on the program with downing of the much-touted aggre tage Grove team, was hit on the . Several reports were listened to, about three weeks to finish tho Mr Wakp and son have had con- a reading j gat Ion from Cottage Grove, by a j left temple with a player’s shoe I including the report of the delegattoa construction work, and a little longer ' « y l e n e e I-. meat ma-kets Word has been received that the score of 18 to 0. This was not only early In the first half and was un- .are they can all be turned on. I ,n E,“ Pnp anrt o,hpr c,,!es b-forP which went to Portland to urge th« newly organized P. T. A. group at a great game for the spectators In conscious most of the game. He These lights are located approxtm- i r"’n,n< ,o SPrh”'f'pl<’' the sidelines, but it was a beautiful came to Just before the final whistle j Improving of the McKenzie highway, Ira Wake has lived In Hprlngfleld Canip Creek Is sending a delegation the delegates to the county chamber ately ten miles apart, depending for the convention. manner In which to close an alm ost! blew. for some lime and has been employ­ meeting at Creswell last Friday, and somewhat upon the condition of the perfect football schedule. | Pohn Lynch also received a bad , the suggestion that a new building b« gmiind. There Is one of these bea­ ed at the Sellln Meat Market In FOUR L INSTALLS NEW | blow early in the first part of the ' Seven games played, seven game« purchased for civic purposes. cons located south of here, near Eugene. second half. He made several passes Mr. Bennett has moved to his OFFICERS MONDAY NIGHT Creswell, and two more near Cottage during the half and seemed unable up for them as against 6 for their WORKERS COMPLETE Grove. Another will he erected ranch Just south of Springfield on A very good program and good eats opponents Is the record of the local to recognize his teammates. He was the Pacific highway, and will live near Coburg and one near Browns­ RED CROSS DRIVE taken out