THVHHDAY, NOV. 21, 11)2» • THURSTON THE SPHINriEIELT) NEWS ♦ M rs Taylor Needh a in mud« u trip with (ba Olaan family to Hulein luut week. ( ’row husket hull («unia playetl III« Thuraton high mi lumi team» mi the local floors. Th« Thuraton girls' t«am won hut the t'row hoys’ t.uni won by mi« Hion ìli« Thuraton basket hull it huh will motor to Vitto next Friday «inn­ ing where they will pluy ih« team there. Mr mul Mrs lie r ie n Walaa ure M i « Jo v rp h in r M r K im , w ho was iiiuking plana to move to Kug«n« th« rrownnl us Hu- greatest m erm aid ol A la r m u at the r r r r n t s w im ­ I uh I of thia month, whir« Mr W«laa m ing meet l.rl.l m H a w a ii The la employ. d fr o n d .h ip garlands of the islands, Mr mid M m A (’ Weaver inoloriil or Iris, a n shown « ro u n d h rr rinds. to Hull-ill tuai Thursday Io vlull li l y for aeverul days Him returned their hou Clifford Th« I' T. A and high mid grade io her hom« Wednesday. ai Imola ur« plunulng un «ntnrtulu The luullen Aid meets with M ra moni for ilo- near futura Charles Taylor Thursday. Mina Goldlu Hlnrr, prlin-tpul in Ih« Mr mul Mrs. Dl.-k llurhlt from gru lli! HI buoi, visited her slater, Mia. Hnellatrom visited their mother, Mra. Montgomery, ut Corvullla. lust week Beulah llurhlt I uh I Sunday. Him Endicott hua gone to British Mr. mid Mra. Henry llurhlt und son Columbia for un ludnflnli« utay. Wayne ure visiting at the lurwrence Mrs. Maker bua been enjoying n Gossler home, und Mr. llurhlt la help rlalt with her mother from Junction Ing Mr. Uosaler dig hla potutoea. N otice of School M eeting Ik mr' /J n « ” Couni'j11«!'^ <«>'<1. “lid to vote on th. of levying a Mp«*t lal th.. fia.,’. | t<»"1 needed by the aulil school district durlns ima m .1 ‘“'.‘ o* “ Ju,le 3°' 1H-H' ,,n<,,,,K "«* 30. 1930, Il f r .m h r" 1,,Wll"{ bud'“ ’‘ “"'1 include» the Ulnounla to be rece.Ve.l *, ho". fu"J' 1 n ,"‘l- «'••nientudy a. bool fund »pedal dlatrlit lux, mail ull ollie,- money» of the district. nr .malt n proposition m eetlnp Is held in connection w ith the annual school m eeting , the fo llo w in g provision of section 232, School Law s 192», should be observed: U n til the ballote are counted at least one hour a fte r the time •e t fo r the m eeting in d is tric ts of the second and th ird e l m » « , any legal v o te r Of the d is tric t shall be e n title d to vote upon any m a tte rs before the m e e tin g BUDGET _ _ _ From From From From From E stim ated Receipts county school fund »tule achool fund elementary a.liool tund tuition for puplla below high a.-hool county high school tuition fund for tuition and $6.500 00 1.300 oo 6,000.00 100 00 ttu tla p n rtu tllill 6,600.00 250.00 Itcielpla from ull other aourcea Total estimated receipts (Items I to 0, lac.) 910.(1.... 0 E stim ated E xp end itu res Eiemen- High tary School Total I. G E N E R A L C O N T R O L • Clerk • Compulsory education mid census Huppllea • Elections mid publicity • Legal servi. « (clerk's bond, audit, etc. $190 00 40 00 $110 00 20 00 60.00 36.00 10.00 20.00 20 00 30 00 T o ta l Expense of G eneral Control II. IN S T R U C T IO N — Supervision ITIndpula H onogruphers and o th e r office u a slstn iils $626.00 $26(0.00 $2000 00 (96.00 T o ta l Expense. Supervision I I I . IN S T R U C T IO N — Teach ing $6,356.00 • Teachers • Sup| II« a (chalk, pu|>er, etc I Other expenses nf teaching $16.400 00 10.546 00 4.MI HO f.f.u mi lim ilo 200 00 Total Expense of Teach ing $27,245 0O IV . O P E R A T IO N O F P L A N T • Janitors mid other employées • Jmiltors' supplies • Fuel Light und power Water Telephony Other exuens« of operation $1900.00 180.00 400 00 105 00 140.00 105 00 46 00 $1045 00 220 00 315.00 226.00 140.00 70 00 65 00 T o ta l Expense of O peration V. M A IN T E N A N C E and R E P A IR S $4,945.00 • Repair unit replacement nf furniture and equipment $100 00 • Repair and malntnnunee of building and grounds 20000 $300.00 600.00 T o ta l Expense of M ain ten ance and Repairs VI. A U X IL IA R Y A G E N C IE S $1,100.00 • Library Books $180.00 Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies VII. FIXED CHARGES • Insurance ....................................... . $200.00 $250.00 Total Fixed Charges VII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS • New furniture and equipment $150.00 $360.00 $180 00 $450.00 Total Capital Outlays $500.00 IX. DEBT SERVICE ITInrlpal on Warrants Interest on bonds Interest on warrants ............ ...................................... ............ $4.500.00 3,800 00 1,400.00 Total Debt Service .................................................................... X. EMERGENCY $9 700 00 E m erg ency $1.000.00 i •Items marked with an asterisk (*) are those most commonly used by school districts of the third class T o ta l Summary of Estimated Expenditures For school year fi-om June 30, 1929 to June 30, 1930 Personal service sum of I-l-(l), (2), (3). (4), (6), 11-1- (1), (2), (3), (4); 111-1(1), (2), (3), (4); IV -l-(l), (2), (2). (3); V J-l-(l), 2 (1 ), 3 (1), 4 (1) ............................... $34.545 00 Supplies 1-2; 112; 1112; IV-2; VI 1 (3 ), 2 (2), 3 (2), 4 (2) 1,485.00 Maintenance and repairs V-l-23 .............................................. 1,100 00 Debt servire IX 1 2 3-4 5-6-7 8 ................................................. 9.700.00 Miscellaneous sunt of 1-3, 4, 6; 11-3, 4; III 3. 4. 6;IV-3, 4. 6, 6. 7; VI-l-(2), 3 (3), 4 (3), (4); Vli-t, 2. 3. 4; V11L4, 5, 6 3.170 00 Emergency X I, 2 ........................... .................................... 1.000.00 Total ........................................... $51,000.00 RECAPITULATION Total esllmated expenses for the year (surns of Items 1-6, Il 5, III-«, IV-8, V 4, VI S, V II-S, V1II-7, IX-9, X-3) $51,000 00 Total esllmated recelpts, not Inelitdlng proposée! tax 19,650.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $31,350.00 Indebtedness Amount of bonded Indebtedness (Include nil warrants Is­ sued by vote of electors) .................................................. $71,000.00 Amount of warrant Indebtedness on warrants Issued and endorsed "not paid for lack of funds” 8,962.69 Totol Indebtedness (sum of Rems 1, 2. 3) .................. ........... $79,962.69 Dated this 18the day of November, 1929. I). J. DEALS, Chairman, Board of Directors. Attest; WM. G. HUGHE8, District Clerk. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST The Central Civic Council at Med­ ford has pass'-d a resolution protest­ ing against removing the equipment of the old Heekman bank at Jackson­ ville to the museum of the Oregon Historical society at Portland. Principal Events ot th« Week Slate prohibition operatives took part In 69 arrests for liquor law vio­ Assembled for Information lations In October, according to George of Our Readers. Alexander, state prohibition director. Fines Imposed aggregated $7120, with Otho Kcknriley, 90, one of the best Jail sentences totaling 730 days. known of the old settler» of the Cove Apparently $20,000.000 was spent la section, died recently at llot laike. Oregon by tourists this year, accord­ Kplendld progress la being made In ing to the report made af the opening the half-mile cut-off In the Dayton- session In Medford of the convention Kulem market road neur the south of the Oregon Auto Camp association city limit« of Dayton. by Clinton A. Ambrose of Portland, The Menifee Lumber compuny build­ secretary. ing on the Old Oregon Trull, about The Mount Angel Business Men's five miles east of La Grande, was to­ club In preparing for the dedication tally destroyed by fire. of the recently completed Mount An- Five Inch«» of mow blunketed the g.-IGervals market highway In the McKenzie Fuss district hut the puss near future. This road will cut the dis­ Is not closed, according to stage driv­ tance from Mount Angel to the Pacific highway to 5’/4 miles. ers who came across last week. John A. Hlmtnons, 78, of Yamhill, The United National hank of Astor­ ia. capital $160,000, has applied to the has never had a shave in his life. It comptroller of the currency for per­ was revealed when Mr. Simmons earn« mission to organize ns a national bank. to McMinnville and entered the whis­ The Independence corn ahow was ker contest which was held as part of well attended, and was the most suo the McMinnville American Legion ceaaful In point of Interest and dis Armistice day celebration. Totals of 1,031,421 pounds of milk playa In the history ot the organlza and 50,621 pounds of butterfat were tlon. Fire destroyed the top floor and produced by the 1936 cows In the 86 roof of the four story Commodore herds tested In Tillamook county dur­ apartment houae at The Dalles and ing October. The average production caused damage estimated at nearly per cow wag 642 pounds of milk and 27.03 pounds of butterfat. $30,000. Removal of all gasoline pumps from From 14 acres of Willamette river within buildings and prohibition of ad­ bottom land In the Edward Winger farm In the Pleasantdale vlqlnlty, 910 ditional pumps along street curbs or bushels of Golden Dent corn was pro­ sidewalks are provided In an ordi­ nance passed by the city council of duced this season. Albany. The ordinance affects both Nine hundred thouaand bushels of private and commercial garages. wheat were shipped front Jefferson Fire which broke out In the repair county recently. Many Deschutes and Jefferson county wheat ranchers re shop of the Parker Jenkins Motor company at Corvallis spread quickly celved $1.13(4 a bushel. through the garage, ate Its way Into The government Is making a pre tke Evans Motor company and caused llmlnary survey for a forest road to between $11,000 and $13.000 damage $o the top ot Mount Emily, and Union the two garages before it was brought county may cooperate by building a under control. road from La Grande to connect. Workers and officials of the Slus- R. C. Hplnk, for 17 years a resident law national forest have had to con­ of Chiloquin and for four years a Jus­ tend with 76 man-caused fires since tice of the peace, has been fined $400 January 1 this year, and 11 persona and sentenced to 100 days In Jail on have been convicted on charges of a charge of driving while intoxicated. setting fires, according to a report The Northwestern Turkey show, compiled by R. S. Shelley, supervisor sponsored by the newly formed turkey of the forest. breeders' association. Is to be held at Multnomah county has remitted to Oakland. December 14. Hundreds of the state treasurer $312,000 of its sec­ dollars' worth of prizes are being of­ ond half taxes, aggregating $1.023,- fered. 804.60. Counties which have remitted The Lorane highway between Eu­ their second half taxes In full are gene and Lorane Is being worked over Jackson, $77.156.81, Malheur $3),- extensively by the Lane county court. (83.10, Jefferson $13.152.73 and Sher­ The surface has been badly rutted man $24.870.71. by heavy trucks hauling sawlogs and The public spirited citizens of Ball­ cord wood. ston held a regular old-fashioned Angelina Romero. 5. daughter oPMr. shingling bee there a few days ago, and Mrs. Joe Romero, was turned to and put new shingles on half of the death when her tent home caught fire roof of the Ballston community at Klamath Falls. The child had been church. The men did the necessary left at home asleep, while her parents shingling, while the women prepared went visiting. a dinner for the workers. The dedication of the new- highway The city of Cottage Grove has re­ bridge across the Willamette river at tired $40,000 in water, sewer and Springfield has been postponed until street bonds during the past year and December 7, to suit the convenience has added only $3000 In street bonds. of Gov jrnor Patterson, who will be The city has been steadily reducing the principal speaker. Its bonded indebtedness for a number The new gymnasium of the Amity of years and has already retired $60,- high school was dedicated recently. 000 of a $100,000 water bond Issue. This is approximately a $16.000 struc­ During October 34 hunters employed ture, built of hollow tile and stucco, by the federal biological bureau and and «quipped with stage and seating the Oregon state livestock board, capacity for about 700. worked a total of 907 days and took With a balance of $979.556 more 323 coyotes. 41 bobcats and one stock- than a month ago the financial con­ killing bear, a total of 365 predntory dition of Jackson county Is good. animals, according to Stanley G. County Treasurer predicts that with- ett, In charge of predatory animal con­ lu six years the entire warrant In­ trol. debtedness of the county will be clean­ Because of the many serious traffic ed up. accidents near the west end of the Reforestation ot a tract of land 1400 Marion-Polk county interstate bridge, acres in area on Youngs river In Clat­ plana have been completed by the sop county will be started In Decem­ state highway commission for partial ber by the Crown-Willamette Paper reconstruction of the west approach. company. It has been announced. The New decking will be laid, whleh will company has already reforested about be covered with a non-skid prepara­ 6000 acres In that county and a policy tion. of planting land as fast ae It la logged Falling of about 4000 dangerous has been established. snags along the Mt. Hood Loop high­ way from three miles west of Sandy THE MARKETS to Hood River Meadows, and from the Portland Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, $1.29; junction of the Loop and Waplnltla •oft white and western white, $1.17; cut-off to the Clear Lake road, has hard winter, northern spring and been completed. It took four sets of falters more than two months to com­ western red, $1.15(4. Hajt—Alfalfa, $23023.50 per ton; plete the work. A freak cabbage having two well de­ valley timothy, $20020.50; eastern Oregon timothy, $22022.50; clover. veloped heads, each weighing 10 $20; oat hay, $19; oats and vetch, pounds, a carrot whose growth was arrested when It was prematurely 919.50 0 2 0 . pulled, weighing 2-% pounds and meas­ But ter fat—47c. uring 16 Inches around the top, and Eggs—Ranch 32 0 50c. a quince that measured 15 inches Cattle—Steers, good, $10.25 011. Hogs—Good to choice, $9.25010.25. around and weighed 24 ounces, are on Lambs—Good to choice, $10.60 0 1 1 . display at Sheridan. Seattle Two score Four-H club boys and Wheat — Soft white and western girls, winners of awards at the state white, $1.16; hard winter, western red fair, Portland livestock exposition and and northern spring, $1.16; Big Bend east Oregon livestock show, were the bluestem, $1.30, guests ot the chamber of commerce at Eggs—Ranch, 33054c. La Grande recently, with an attend­ Buttertat—46c. ance of 226. Cattle—Choice steers, $10 25 0 1 1 . The Cushman -heese factory start­ Hogs—Prime tight, $10.30010.40, ed last Bpring by II. M. Biberstein of Lambs—Choice, $10.25010.60. Monitor and lately sold to the dairy­ Spokane men of the vicinity la to be Incorpor­ Cattle— Steers, good, $9.26 0 10. ated with a capital gtock of $3500 Hogg—Good and choice, $9.50. under the name of Western Lane Lambs—Feeder lambs, 9808.50, Cheese company. PARB FIVX H»vs Many Guaeta—Dr. and Mra. Carl Phetteplace were hosts to several of their friends over the weekend. Among those at their home were .Miaa Elsie Jaxohaon ol Corvallis; Dr and Mrs. Ralph Milne of Powers, and Mr. E J. Loney of Marshfield. The guests attended the football game between (). H C. and Oregon at Eugene Saturday after noon. Old Neighbors Meet—Mr and Mrs. George Hall of American Falla, Idaho, visited the first of the week at the Frese home here. The Hail and Frese families were neighbors many years ago In l-iaho. Mr. and Mra Hall are enroute to San Fran­ cisco, where they will visit with his mother Mr. and Mrs Chandler ot thia city are also former neighbors of theirs PAINT for« 1-0) Your Kitchen Floor * One q u a rt is enough fo r an average flo o r A cm e Quality Granite Floor E nam el is a durable, high gloss finish that is especially reco m m en d ed for kitchen floors. It is easy to apply and dries quickly with a fine elastic film that w ean and w ean. Available in popular and modern colors. Also fine for basem ent steps and cem ent floors. OOlIff OEirUjfty A general purpose varnish that car be used for exterior work and for interior surfaces. Great Lakes Spar Varnish will protect and beautify your front door or it can be used on w oodwork. Has a brìi- S, lian t gloss fin is h th at w e a n . VANISH ' fo r ;• 01TM 0É or i H S S IP F •’ VSE 1 70 WRIGHT &. SONS 516 MAIN STREET PHONE 18 T H S H OUI1 O l CO LOB' COMPLETE XL -for this U ’■ f manna N'e’V RCA RADIOTA SI DOW N is all you need as fin t payment All-Electric.^ Beautiful Contale-Type Cabinet 12 Months to Pay H e re ’s a chance to enjoy the m arvelous new R a d io la 3 3 . . . w ith o u t digging deep in t o y o u r pocket. T a k e 12 m o u th s to p ay . O n ly a »m all dow n paym ent !• neceaanry. A ll you want in Radio is in the Radiol» 33. It'» superb in tone and p e rfo rm a n c e . . . exquisite In appearance. Y et am axlngly lour In price. A n d the R C A ¿ ro en dah iU ty b kept alive by the M ountain State« Power Company service guarantee! Coma In today and let ■e demonstrate thia fine ln»tr w e n t Io yo«$ Four other b eau tifu l models. Screen Grids, Super Heta, in Console and Table cabinet«. M ountain S tates P ower C ompant