TIIUIIBDAY, NOV. 21. 1929 T in e RPRINGFIKI.D NEWS ' wheel bruised* her side, and neither did she. I - Hut she forgot to debate her duty or to think of her soul Hhe thought . only of the rapture of this com ­ munion and her arm s stole around ' his neck and she clenched him with 1 all the power of her arms Mem, sw ooning she knew not whither, was awakened from her mad rapture by a low voice across her shoulder “Horry io Interrupt you folks, but I need your money-" Hhe turned and found h erself blinded by the glare from a motor halted at a little distance. Dazzled as she was, she could see the gaunt hand that held before her a black pistol with a glint outllnglng Its ugly muzzle. Claymore was san e enough to at­ tem pt no resistance, though he al­ most perished of chagrin. He en dured the Insolence of the masked stranger who stole the chain and a w allet and the loose sliver. SOTO ILLU S TR A TE D by D O N A LD R I L E Y " R im tm b tr Steddon, a prstty, un self protection, a disgust for a hollar to wish he would get It said, so that sophisticated girl, la the daughter of than thou ealf-astaam, these are the she rould know what her answ er a kindly but narrow in In dad m inister In a sm all, mid western town iter am iable attitudes of mind that make would be. for popularity. To be a miser o f one's father, Mho felt a baffling uncertainty of Nav. Doctor Staddon, violently op- , graces, a coddler of one's virtue, Is herself. Khe could not Imagine Doaed to what he considers "worldly to be unloved and unlovable what she might do or say. Hhe bad things," uccopts motion pictures as the cause for much of (he evil of tho | Ho many a man will gamble, break not had much exp erience of men, present day. Troubled with a a law. risk his career, his health, his hut enough to know that before long cough, Rem em ber goes to sea life, gi't drunk, steal, slay, and play he would Initiate the Immemorial Dr. Brsthertck an elrtv'rty physl j the f<«>! rather than face the reproach i procedure that start., with an arm clan who la astoulshed to find b a r '.u . . , _ ,, In a bud plight. Pressed by the that he Is a m ollycoddle, a I’urltan, adventuring about a w aist and a u prig, and a Pharisee voyage after a kiss doctor. Item, tuber adm its her uufor- And many a woman who would j Sh e told herself that the only lutiutu uffalr with Elwood Faranby, a poor boy, sou not yield for love or luxury must j right and proper thing to do would of the town sot. As Hvmember unit have consented for fear of seem ing he to resist, protest, forbid, and pre Dr. lirethtrlck d iscu ss the problem, a telephone m essage brings the news Io be overt rood, stingy, coW, sub­ vent at any cost the profanation id The blackguard held his clubbed thut El wood bus been kldden In un normal, unsportsm anlike. her sacred Integrity. If necessary, accident. Dr. Uretherlrk persuudes Mem bad n i n e been swept beyond she must fight scratch, scream es­ pistol over Claymore's head a mo­ lt> member to go W est, her cough tin- moorings by a sum mer storm of cape. run away, appeal for help to ment, then forebore to strike, and serving us u plausible excuse. Un­ able to bear the secret ally longer, devotion to young Farnaby, her ‘first uuy passer-by, or. as a last resort, dropped from the step with a last Remember goes to her m other and love. Now she was to feel her an leap oyer tlo- cliff and db- for honor’s ' warning i oufeaaes. "Hit pretty now and keep ’em up chars cut adrift by tile gracious ges sake. H e r m o th e r a g re e s w it h th e p lu n lure of goodfellow shlp with a co l­ till I get goln ’ or I'll—" Hut who was Hint Hhe and who of th e d o c to r M e m le a v e s to w n O n His car shot around the curve. league. was tliiil H erself that told each othpr the t r a i n M- l i t accidentally m e d s Claymore brought down his ach- T o m lio lb y , m o v ie s ta r , tr a v e lin g so many things? w i t h I t o b ln u T e e le , le n d in g lady of T h e O c é a n D r iv e s tr e tc h e d along were too much H erself told Hhe that Mr. Cluy- Ing arms. Tliey tlie m o v .e s , « h o a r e Ib v e y u o s u r o ol a fo r e n t o f p a in i» Ilk i- lin g e .•ocre more couldnot be treated us an asham ed of th em selves to return to a l l eyes. The tr a in c o m e s to an u u ls d a r k a g iiln s t th e g a u d y w est. ordinary ruffian, an Insolent, out­ their post about Mem’s shoulders. a b r u p t b a ll, u d ln a i t e r b a ,v u g be en T h e a u to m o b ile s o f e v . r y m a k e w ere rageous b e t o u t a n d w a lk u b o u t. knave, a fiend. He hud A perverse rem orse filled their narrowly avoided, and (lie passen gers so many that tlo-y were like one big treated her with most d elicate and souls with confusion; a rem orse be­ At 1 ucaou Mem m eets D r. G u l u u t o m o b lle , o r a t le a s t a chain on kindly courtesy from the first, he cause of a wrong rem orse, a disgust b r u llb , a p a s to r , w h o know s bur , , , ,, , , had given her Ills admiration, his for an unaccepted tem ptation and for father. S he m is c a lls T o m liolb y Mr. whlch "IM "" b1“' k bends W oodville’ in order to m ike her T h e i r lig h t s w e re c o m in g out now praise, his devotion, his mute but being so tem ptahle. fancied »ultor h v i i u in u r e re a l. W h llu lik e e a r ly M tarft p r ic k in g a t w i l i g h t evident affection the G u l b ia i l l. s a re a w a y , «Io. wrllM . Uv y . - r .„ ¡ h - s a n d m i l - - the high A woman never quite forgives a If he loved her and revealed his them us well as her pureuta tl.ut she . , , ., , , , .«■ ... i. ,o ■ . w a v m o u n te d a n d w r it o i l a lo n g th e love, she could hardly reward his man for not dying for her at the bus married Mr. Woodville und that " they u r e to liv e In Yuma -for w h ic h s le e p « o f p r e c ip ic e s , h u g g in g th e patient chivulry with prompt in first opportunity. She probably n ev er, place t»he b u y » a ticket. r o c k ti to le t pamr c a r a f t e r c u r w ith gratitude und and fear. quite forgives him for dying, either. violence Arriving there »he fallw in with th o j. m ijw fla R h ln g in f r o n t o f b lu r r e d That would make her the Insulter, So the clever man evad es the sitn- i m o v ie c o m p a n y o f T o m H o lh y . T o n i atlon where a choice Is required, as ' not him. liiMlMt» that »ho become au extra and ,g ’‘I H la most cordlul to her. Shu finds *•> alm ost every hay where there I Hhe must be gentle with him, and the virtuous man evad es tem ptation ' h erself In the m ovie game. was n hit of space a motor hHil drawn ask him kindly to forbear and not while It Is yet far ott. A f t e r h e r a c c id e n t, M e m re c e iv e s a ,.|(W„ t 0 t l l p r , | f f M| „ j„ | n , he l) a r k i TO BE CONTINUED spoil the pleasant friendship that l . l l . r fr o m L e v a M e m a -tc . i i . v l t i n g ,.n ,.h (. „ r # w h (.p |p (| „ , ! she had prized. h o r to H o lly w o o d , and u L iln ig In n«i l e t t e r t h u t She c a n g e t h . a p o s it . >ti h " “ ' •"«'hor In a s tr e a m of cars j If Mr. Claymore should propose Shoots O ut T oo th , B ut— In a film laboratory. ( There was a strange Influence In ' marriage, that would make his car-, M e in g e ts a Job In a film laboratory this recurrent m ystery. Everywhere | esses a ccep tab le—according to som e ..S a n ta n d er, Spain. Nov. 21— Thomas : Morales didn’t want to pay a dentist. I but lo s e s It. She m eets a Mrs. Hturga lo v e r s w e re hiding th em selves In canon», though not to all. But he from her home town, who talks of the So he placed a pistol behind a painful Mem fell could not marry her and sh e did not ev ils of the m ovies und says that the c o iis p lc u o u s concealm ent. front tooth and pulled the trigger. stars are forced to sell their souls disgust at the first dozen, amuse- want to marry him. She did not want The bullet was deflected by the tooth Mem has a letter saying thut her ment or contem /it for the next fifty, I , o marry anybody Just now. She so that It tore through his left cheek. m other Is com ing to Palm Springs, i t.>|eren ce for the next, and— was a free woman in a free country and Mem goes there to m eet her Hhe j He Is now In the hospital, m inus the Hhe wag not free, haw ever, from d ecides thut »he will sell her soul to I Claymore did not speak of them or tooth, but convinced after all thkt he anything else. He w as too busy the w itchery of this night, this get a Job In the m ovies. Mem get» a tryout with the Iter-j tw irling the w heel and gauging the dream, the vast yearning of this should have gone to a dentist. jBioud m ovie com p an y, Hhe finds her- n ttle d istan ces la-tween the edge of m ountainous beauty. She w as not , se lf posing with Claymore as her de- , ht. p ||ff #n(, (hp carR wh1„ „ (, free of the d isa ster of d esire, the GAS MADE HER CROSS, rector, obeying his command» In a past. hunger to be embraced and kissed CAN'T EAT OR SLEEP kind of stupor H alfway up the canyon his head and w hispered to, the need to be Mem Is trained to be a »tar and In "When I nte 1 would bloat up with due course her first picture 1» flnlsh- light ransacked a black cove and kept warm in the cold lon elin ess of gas. I couldn't sleep, was cro ss and ed. and she 1» being "lent’’ to the found no motor In possession of the j the world nervous. Adlerika has given m e real company starring Tom Holby. She Her thoughts spun giddily In her I relief."— Mrs. M. Meyer. will play the leading woman In Hoi- estuary of night. And here, to Mem's dumb astonishm ent, he nhruptly mind, nil entangled with a skien ol Adlerika relieves stom ach g a s and bv's new picture. _ antic >u. -a. cting M eanwhile, Claymore has got Mem stopped the car, swung In off the rom threads. Hhe was young sourness in TEN m , inutes. «_ A _» »7 on BOTH upper and low er bowef, It re- away to him self road against the w all of nibble, and j and pretty and tim e w as w asting mPVPg old w aste m atter you never N ow Go On W ith the S tory relaxed with a sigh of exaggerated her flow ery graces. Som e one ¡thought was In your system . Let fatigue. Adlerika give your stom ach and bloomed. He never said anything,, how ever, bow els a REAL clea n sin g and see ’’Well," he groaned, “th is Is W hile she debated with herself, ag that he might not have said before drive! I'll rest a hit If you d"n t ; doubtless Innumerable women have how much b etter you feef. It w ill surprise you! F lan ery’s Drug Store. a crowd He never tried to hold her mlinl. Pretty here, eh?" p ligh ts. Claymore's own mind was hand or snatch a k iss or filch un em ­ From their cavern of gloom they a chaos o f equally ancient platitudes brace. Mem was con stan tly set looked across a fathom less ravine of a m an's philosophy. quivering with expeetnney that he to n mountain on which the risen At length he found the courage would make an advance, som e ges- moon poured a silent Niagara. In or the cru elty to slip h is arm about f>ture of endearm ent, yet alw ays un­ the dozing radiance a crenniv shaft Mem's w aist and to draw her close able Io deride Just what she would of yacen stood, a candle blown out to him . H e w as alm ost more do If he did. lint he didn’t. In a deserted cathedral. alarmed than delighted to find that The picture ami Ils final retakes The night air was of a strange she hardly resisted at all. were finished on a Saturday after gen tlen ess, and the cars that shot He took her hands in his and noon. There was an evening's Idle­ past threw no light In their retreat. w hispered, "Your poor little hands n ess abend. Claymore asked Mem There was a long, long silen ce are co ld !" Io take a drive In his car, a long Then he kissed them with cold Up» that filled Mem » lib a terror she farew ell drive nhoiil Hie fam iliar could not fall to i njoy. She could that he lifted at once to hers and and unvlslteil roads. She accepted ) w hether she heard her own found them warm and strangely like m eekly, thimi-thlng told her that • ,lot h e a r t h e a ls o r h is but excitem ent a rose again st his mouth. th is drive was Important Io her fate. was athrob together In the little lie was as much am azed as If hers Som ething w as alw ays tellin g her roach that had brought them so were tile first lips he had ever kissed som ething. Nine lim es out of ten sw iftly to this rem ote seclusion. —as If he had Just Invented kissing. It was false, but sh e forgot Hie fail­ Claymore wns dumb so long that Then In a frenzy of wonder he ures and recalled the coincidences. Nobody had yet asked Mem Tor Mem had lim e to cease to be afraid closed her In his arm s with all his b er self-respect «« IU1 Initiation fen i of what he would say. and to begin power. H e did not know that the PAGE THRKR Do Your Turkey Shopping NOW! Don’t wait until the la st m inute—let us know NOW w hat size tu rk ey you will require and you’ll h a re a fresh- killed one exactly the size you ordered delivered to your hom e on T hanksgiving m o rn in g . We are noted fo r reliability, co u rtesy and well as for th e high quality of o u r m eats. sendee, as INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART Phone 63 PRA TT HOLVERSON Before You Go Away • plan leisurely "with your own Southern P acific agenL> Avoid the hurried choice of o u t-o f- town buying. Stan on your trip confi­ dent chat you are going she best way, and that no annoying com plications will mar it. Whether it is a trip of a day or a month, South or East, to San Francisco or to Europe, yowt resident agent can he of utmost value to you. Your rail ticket b o u g h t here w ill check your baggage and be accepted on the stage c o n n e c tin g with Southern Pacific trains. In buying "travel” remem­ ber the slogan of your local merchants, "It pays to buy in your own home town.” Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent Phone 65 no compromise with goodness !... the Camel blend is a real smoke! or nn Initiation rile. She was paid ' . a w eekly wage based upon her | her uno- . 1 and ability, her experlec fu ln ess. She w as paid 1 In coin Ob the realm. and fall ac- • Her price would cording to the general m arket for 1 m oving pictures and her sp ecific value. Her em otions and her beauty w ere com m odities, and Steddon stock would be quoted on the Soul Ex­ change aa tho demand for It rose and fell, as the bidders for It In­ creased or dim inished. Claymore had been chaperoned by the company nnd h is own reverence for discipline. But now sh e was o u tsid e his authority. Both were ou tsid e the Bermond lnclosure. And , -they were as h elp less together ns any other tw ain whom nothing re­ strains or separates In the undertow o f passion. T h ey were two em o­ tional people w ithout a barrier. A m ong the cou n tless things said about the how s and w hys of women's surrenders one m otive seem s to have been too much Ignored, though It m ust have exertod a vast Influence as women go more and more Into the worlds of b u sin ess, of art, and of freedom with only th em selv es for their guardians. Good sportsmanship, a hatred of smuggery, a contempt for too careful ■ ------------- BEAUTIFUL C a m e l» are made for the knowing ones who seek the pleasures of a good smoke, end these sm okers may be assured that the true Cam el quality w ill always be maintained. Christmas Cards Camels were originated and made to prom ote the pleasure of smoking. The m ost perfect blend that the greatest experts know how to make is the secret of this really wonderful cigarette! The most modern and skilful processes are employed in bringing this great cigarette to perfection! The pick of all Domestic tobaccos for satisfying taste, the rarest Turkish for added fragrance! Camels are vastly preferred by knowing smokers because they appreciate th e so o th in g good n ess of ch o ice tob accos p erfec tly b len d ed . Printed or Engraved Sentiment with Sender’s Name. A large variety of these beau tifu l cards are a t T he Springfield News office fo r your selec­ tion. O ur lines a re exclusive in th is territo ry . EARLY BUYING OF CHRISTMAS CARDS INSURES YOU A BETTER CHOICE BEFORE TH E DIFFERENT NUMBERS ARE DEPLETED ’ when they learn the difference they flock to Com e In and look over ou r card s o r phone for a salesm an The Springfield News C 1029, R. J. Remold« Tobacco Company, Win«too*Sel«m, N .C . Camels