••♦ *« ♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ ****« * HOMECOMING BIG AFFAIR • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e with the legend of the Flood as Its Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kahler, at theme, Is com pelling and fascinating Pleasant Hill. ■ Tlie producers, looking about for a Many resid en ts of Pleasant lllll at I n lv w sity of Gratton, Kugene Nov I Mrs. Kay Ronnie underwent a ms- Miss Crystal Baughman, who is at Mr and Mrs Sain t'rlteser are the story which would enable them to 14— (S p ecial). — Everywhere on the I Jor operation In the Portland sanl tended the funeral of Mrs. Gra Belle tending the S tate Normal, spent the purouta of the only A rm istice Day make a picture that would have a V niversity o t Oregon campus, stud ' tarlum last week. She la getting H iggins, in Eugene. Tuesday. No­ w eek en d with her parents at Trent baby to be boru In Springfield this trem endous popular uppuul. were en ts are preparing for what will along nicely. Her sister, Mr» Verna vember 13. The pallbearers, all men year which the N ew s reporter has given a scenario by Ibirryl Francis 1 from Pleasant Hill, were Mr V. K. prove to be the moat auspicious Sm ith, is taking care o f her son. boon able to find The baby is an Zaiiuck, entitled "Noah's Ark." In It THREE MILL WORKERS I Jordan, Mr C, T. W illiam s, Mr home-coming celebration ever held in Gordon, while she is away. eight and one fourth pound boy and they discerned possib ilities for a ARE HURT IN ACCIDENTS Eugepe. Under the direction of a Mlse Veda Gray, who teaches at | Barnum. Mr. Andy (»Isen. Mr. George was born early Monday morning m agnificent, spectacular production. student directorate headed by Keith Lorane, and Mrs. Hugert Gray, who Kelsey, and Mr K. P. Mitchell N otices of three accid en ts which The child's name wae not selected Tliat was three years ago, ever elnca Mrs. H iggins, who has been pro­ Hall. Matrshfield. many aub-commlt- teaches at Notl, spent their vacation have happened at the Boott»Kelly when ib is was written Warner Broe. have been at work on minent in educational, religious and teee will uae the coming w eek a» the at their hom es here. lumber company mill sin ce the first Noah s Ark." Gn Its first show ing social activities at Pleaaaut Hill (or final opportunity for rounding up the Mr. Gray, who has the contract on Novem ber 4, when W. It Smith CLARA BOW SEEN IN "THE Is was hailed as one of the moat , many years, passed aw sy while at­ m inute d etails of the occasion, which for logging for the W alters-Bushong the plant. The first one was the In­ SATURDAY NIGHT KID" Im pressive pictures ever made it occu r, next Friday and Saturday. , t im b e r company. Is moving his tending Sunday school at the Pleas jury of Frank Holm es last Monday com es to the Fox McDonald Bunday1 ant Hill Christian church. The con A splendid vehicle is provided for b>r four days November Ik and 1«. "Home to Honor maehinea on Mr, C lem en ts place. morning, when he fell from a pile of gregatlon were singing the opening Oregon" baa again beep accepted as where he has his cam p runulng lumber and fractured tw o vertebras Clara How. the "It" girl In the ph­ | hy mn when suddenly Mrs. H iggins the slogan for the home-coming event iltre, "The Satunkay Night Kid"— Mr. and Mrs. John Price enjoyed fainted and never regained con­ He Is recovering, but he will be th is year. her third all-talking production, kept from his work for som e (Into a reunion of their family last Sun­ sciousness. She w as 60 years old Lange Group Expected which conies to (he Fox McDonald day. T hose present were Me. and and is survived by her widower, A. yet. That the home-coming will bring The second accident also happened Theatre for a three day run begin Mrs. Curtis Price front Notl, whe re­ J. H iggins, and two sisters. Mrs to the university cam pus the largest nlng today. cently returned from U tah; Arch i Thomas I’lerce of Eugene and Mrs. no Novem ber 4. when W it Smith crowd of alum ni ever to assem ble The play deals with the lives of struck his elbow against a protrud­ Slough and daughter, Patricia, from May Manning, of Tacoma. W ashing here for any one occasion has been the lads and lu ssles who earn tnei, 1 for ing piece of lumber while loading vorid aj k - .. n 11.1 I K,1Kpn»i Miss Mildred Price from 1 ton. Mrs. H iggins was born at St verified by Jeannette Calkins, secre „ .. _ „ , living at the big departm ent stores . .. . .-x The D alles; Perry ¡’rice; Mrs. L ittle Daul, M innesota, July 1. 1S69. and a car. His arm was Injured and he for IATA H »liimni dOd/u'ialii^n tary of i inn the alumni association, u-H who of the metropolis. The "II" girl her­ lost several days from work Wilburn and tw o daughters from cam e t o ‘Eugene In 1904 She was a Values to 918.75 estim ates the total will reach 2000 self Is "Tile Saturday Night Kid,' The third accident happened on W llfert, besides member of the Christian church and When the thousands o f graduates Salem " , ' , and , Teddy 'K ° It is a role that calls for a full range Novem ber «. when Frank R Worley . . „ „ the host and hostess Eastern Star. pour Into Eugene for the event, they of tile em oilons. She rages, she was Injured. A picaroon with which Miss Eva I’hetteplace. who Is Mrs. Emma Pehrson mother of w ill be greeted by sym bols of w el­ pouts, she loves She wears coy co i 25 HATS Œ1 Q o teaching at Blackley, spent Armis­ Mrs. Andy Olsen, left for Toledo. he was trying to straighten a Jam Values to 94 9 8 * * ’ * ' ® com e all ever the campus. A huge tum es and formal ones of lumber on the sorting tables tice Day at her home here. W ashington last w eek, where she arch with Neon signs will be placed Jam es Hall, who played opposite slipped and struck him In the foot. who at the entrance of the campus on “ Miss " Maggie , Grant, „ , is teach- will visit for several weeks Miss Bow In "The Fleet s In. ami Thirteenth street ln* ,h " year at sp^n’ ‘” e fcelna May Oliver, character nciress The Pleasant Hill teachers have . week-end with her parents. Mr. and From McKenzie Country —- Mrs of the New York sin ge, provide th e! One o f Ute most colorful of the . . „. , _ . , been attending the Teachers Instl- Mrs. Charles Grant here. Milo Thompson was in Springfield numerous ev en ts scheduled for the tute in Eugene. leading support for the flaming yesterday from her home at Thom p­ haired Brooklyn actress week-end is to be the traditional Mrs Rlchard Hart ls enjoying a EUGENE OREGON Donald Kahler, who is attending s o n s Resort on the M cKensle high rally and parade Friday night. Jam es v,8,t from her m o,her • • • » Normal school at Monmouth, spent way. Raley, Pendleton, is in charge of the Thurston basket ball team s motor- The Idea of making a picture event, The fam ous noise parade of pd to Crow last Friday, where they old is to be revived this year, when ' ¡da-v ed the team s there. The Thurs- eteam rollers, excavators, autom obiles ton klrls won and I*1* Crow boys trucks, horns, sirens, rattles and , ,eam won. every piece of noice manufacturer Ray Rennie and Mrs. Homer Imaginable w ill shoot its w ay down I P hetteplace motored to Portland last ♦ ♦ AT OREGON THIS WEEK • Z . . . , T ♦ H T U R ? S . T Y O 7 N * • ♦ ♦ Z UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ Dress Sale 5 7 .5 0 5 1 4 .5 0 8 th A venu e H a t & D re s s S h o p the line of march Dance Friday Follow ing the rally festiv itie s in the downtown district, the Journat ism Jambouree will be held in the Armory under the direction of the students in the School o f Journalism of the U niversity. The w o rld s premiere o f "Ed's Co- Ed,” the cam pus movie, will be shown at the McDonald theatre at 11 p. m . at a midnight m atinee. Saturday to visit Mrs. Rennie, who Is in the hospital there. They returned home Sunday. Powers—for Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Lou Porter and son. L eslie, and daughter, Laura, from Llnslaw. took supper at John Edmls ton's Saturday evening — DEPARTMENT MAKES RUN TO ROOF FIRE Chief Sm itson of the local fire d e -. partment answ ered a call at 12:30 POLICE DOC BITES BOY Tuesday afternoon to put out a fire at th e A1 Johnson home on North WHO PLAYS WITH HIM _____ Mill street. The fire was believed Arthur Kibby, of W est Spring- to have been started from an over- field, was bitten by a police dog heated stovepipe and burned a hole with which he was playing near his In the roof about one foot square home on Tuesday. The boy's skin before the fire could be extinguished, was lacerated in several places and There was no other damage. it was n ecessary for a local physi- _____________________ cian to take som e stitch es. It is not believed that the dog was SICKLY BOY. 7. GAINS 15 LBS— RATHER HAPPY vicious. The children were playing with h'm and he apparently bit the “My ooy. 7, would not eat. I boy unintentionally. gave him Vinol and the way he eats and plays now m akes me happy. He Entertain 500 CHib gained 15 pounds.”—J. F. Andres. Vinol ls a delicious compound of Mr. and Mrs. W elby S teven s en iron, tertain oi the m em bers of the 500 cod liver peptone, ’i? “ ' e etc. t .c \ The The _i„k u , i,a . _ « su . , e... ____ Tw? rirwTi uuiue oiten atlas sev- C lu b nt ,k„i„ .hnir hnmu n R 9 T bottle often adds sev a. h eir home last Friday even- erai pounds w eight to thin children ing. A good number turned out for or adults. Nervous, easily tired a verv enjoyab'-' -v e n '-g . The anemic people are surprised how h ostess served refreshm ents follow- v in 'd give3 nf>w pep- sound sleep aDd lr „ ,,iavj . ? a B,.G appetite. T astes dolicious.— K efels Drug Store. k lit ! V A New Dining Room Suite B E S T .™ Z CHAIRS HAVE A FANCY BACK A N ,, DIAMOND LNE.TH e Î w OR 8 SCTS ™ AW E 7 PIECE SUITE A NEW FLOOR $84.50 V a rn is h is s u ffi­ cient to cover the average floor. B eautify your floor» w ith A cm e Q u a lity Floor-Roc Varnish. It is a heavy duty var­ nish that is prepared to stand extrem ely hard wear. Varnish your floors w ith Floor-Roc Varnish and in a short tim e they are ready for use. a y — W orks freely under the brush. i *v5 unusually low price. and one A nn Chair. All are m ade of hardw ood, with blended wal- A a a n u t finish. B uffet m easures 21x48 inches and IP H O table 38x50 inches closed or GG inches open. 7r ,5 6 pieces complete Tw o m odels to choose from a t $18.75 We have 2G p a tte rn s in Library Dining Tallies to choose from Brices from 5 1 8 .7 5 t<> 5 4 2 .7 5 C hairs to m atch, with lacquered w alnut finish New Patterns and Weaves WE CORDIALLY PHONE 18 H O U 8B C P C O L O I" Set includes Table, B uffet, 3 Dining NEW SHIPMENT OF RUGS WRIGHT & SONS T H I Made of hardw ood with w alnut veneers. B eau­ tifully finished lacquered top; pedestal base. close it o u t of o u r stock we have m arked It dow n to this P«r q u a rt 516 MAIN STREET Library Dining Extension Table WE HA VE JUST RECEIVED A is recommended for in terior surfaces — walls, ceilings, woodwork. I t is the perfect kitchen finish because it does not absorb grease, d irt or moisture. A cm e Q v ality In terio r Gloss Finish is easily washed and covers surfaces like a flat p a in t A ll J z \z \ 1 ¿¿7.00 $ 2 .9 5 to 55 75 p C T (jt A cm e Q u a lity In te r io r Gloss Finish modern shades. V lH S SU ITE CAN RE HAD Includes— Table, B uffett, 5 Dining tf»-« C hairs and one Arm C hair to m atch V We have juBt one of these suites left and In ord er to O n eUuartofAc.me W 8 PIECE SUITE 6 piece Dining Room Set B r u ih n o t In c lu d e d In IW i o ffe r ^ uaUty i' ^ o r- ^ c W Two Furniture Specials for Acm e Q u a lity F lo o r "ROC V a rn is h T AS ,LLUSKATBI> Includes— Table, 5 Dining Chairs, and One Arm C hair x h t e t ,v , to , M u , ok T ,T S .J T ' " K ' « o n î ü s - A, W INVITE \ OU TO LOOK AT TH IS SPLENDID DISPLAY - - J lR S T - F U K 1 V ÏS H YOUR HOME IT TELLS W H A T YU ARE IRA F. POWERS FURNITURE CO. 11th and W illam ette EUGENE, OREGON