PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1929 TOWN AND VICINITY Here From Marcóla Hen Merrill of Marcóla waa purchasing auppllea In the city yesterday. VICTIM OF TRAIN WRECK GOVERNMENT WARNS STATE CAME FARM NOW OUT OF HOSPITAL FARMERS TO CO SLOW MANAGER WRITES OF IN PLANTING WHEAT BREEDING EFFORTS C. B. Wetael. employee of the Here From Lowell— Mra. Prank Fischer Lumber company anti mem ­ Go cautiously In planting wheat, la Snyder waa In the city yeaterday "Yrm must look to the game ber of the train e r e * which were Vielt nt Phllom a'h Mr and Mra from her home In latwell. Muhawk R esident Here Vie Unni breeders of thia country for your the advice of the governm ent to the forced to Jump for their live» last m elt waa In Hprlngflidd Monday «' K Kenyon aprili Monday at 1’hllo- future supply of upland gam e birds. farmer*. week when the trainload of loga H«e New Aaslatant — Alice Mae meth. murnlng troni Mohawk R estraining laws alone will not In­ I/aat year the governm ent Issued a which they were bringing down from Ixiotnla of Eugene assum ed her dutlea Trent People Move Mr. W II. laat week aa offlt-e aaalatant to Ur. crease, or even maintain, the auppl;. sim ilar warning In regard to potatoes Marcóla was wrecked, has been re­ Reedaport People In City Mr and We m ust produce If we would de­ Mra Conrad arrivai! In Springfield lloKurt and fam llly of Trent have W N. Dow In hla dental office The Departm ent of agriculture leased from the Pacific Chrlatian stroy." moved to Roanhurg, where they Huiiduy eveiiliiK l» spem i n f e * iluya says that In view of the general ten­ hospital In Kugene, where he wan Doctor* Flab— Dr. Carl R iettep lare, T he above I* an excerpt from an dency for the eipnnalon of at reage taken for treatm ent o f Injuries which have a amali farm Vlaltlng Mother Mr und Mra Dr. W N Dow, and Dr. II M I’eery artlele written by G ene Htmpaon, in the prlndpul exporting countries, he received wheh hé Jumped with hla Man Injures Back O. !.. Stratton, of Kugene spent Sunday on a fishing superintendent of game breeding for B e r r y M o o r e a r e lo ie f r o ll i l 'o r t l a n d It seem s doubtful w hether prices of com panions from tile rapidly m oving visiting at the h o m e of Mra Moore a em ployee of the planlnic mill, la auf trip. the atate ol Oregon, and also super wheat In world m arkets In the next train, fie was badly c o l not* bruised, ferlng with a atralned hack, which mother, Mra A K. Bartlett Inlendent of the state game farm few years will average much above but suffered no hróken bonete Hi* h e received laat weea while lifting Pendleton People Vlelt— Mr and which Is located a few mile* north (hi) ¿ ye,B of , hp r1i y(.ari( That companions on the train, which b e­ H»re From Oregon City Mr and Botile p o lea . Mrs. John Dawson of Pendleton left of Springfield, which was published un)eBB unfavorable conditions re- came uncontrollable when the brake Mra l.tnll Mellen of Oregon City aepnt the week-end here nt the home Sprnda Day at Newport — Mra yeslerd ay for their home follow ing In a recent copy of American Game, suit In a series of unusually low rod on the en gin e broke, also Jumpci*. hut were uninjured. of Mr and Mra Kd M< llee on route 2 Clara Fuwver motored to Newport a short visit here at the Carl I’hette the bulletin of the American Gam* kyields. place home. Mrs. Dawson Is a sister protective association, Sixty thousand feet n t saw logs Sunday and brought hack her m other Last year the warning In regard to Former R eeidente Vlelt Mr and Were Imported From China Mra W E Colllna, who had bean of Mrs P hetteplace. potatoes w asn't heeded and serious were piled up in a canyon when the Mra Hkiwt Harper are here from In the article Mr. Sim pson des ()yerproduf.tlon prices and left ' «lx cars Jumped th e track and sent vlaltlng there for aome time. I'oiiullle. apeudliiK a few ilaya with 1 their cargoes on an eight hundred R eleased From Hoepll *l The sm all crlb es the operations of the two field upon field unharvested. frlenda lu thia city. Editor's Mother Here Mra WII Parkin girl who recently underwent Oregon game farms for the past year With the Federal Farm Board In foot fall. Hum N. Maxey, of Ellensburg. Wash-1 an operation for appendicitis at the and tells of the m ethods being used Returne From Cranta P*ae K E action, and a great national coopera- ............................. - ........¡1 Morrlaon retunieil Kuturdav evening ve being set up for the w heat Inter­ “THE CHRISTIAN RACE” that Judge O. N. Denny brought the for an Indefinite visit with her son from that Institution and Is now from tlranta I'uaa, where lie had gone ests, grow ers generally are inclined SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC first Chinese ringed-necked preasant on a tiualneaa trip earlier In the an<( daughter tn-lnw, Mr and Mrs. her home. to see better days ahead and whether ' — • 1 "mr H E Maxey. to the state from China in 1880, ano week the warning will be widely heeded Is V eltie Pruitt, preaober at the Vlelt* Parent« Mr und Mrs Wayne that his widow now receives a pen Christian church, will preach on the Chest Bruleed Mrs Mary Itlggi Hawke of Salem were visitin g their slon of >50 per month from the state , problem atical. Return From Trip Mr and Mra The governm ent warns that drought , topic The Christian Rare, at the Joe Is’linon llave rclurm-d rerently ” 1 Marcóla has heen recelvlng medí parents In the city over the holidays gam e fund In recognition of the - ~ | . v i. v m ->v n o t an a n « n lp io t m lv t ie n e f it n r tc e a i morning services at his church next from a lw o weeka* slay In San Fran •'*1 Ireatnient hero for Injuries lo Mr Hawke Is a son of Mr and Mrs. service rendered to the state . by her m aF not B0 auspiciously tx n tit pr s __ ______ _ ~ He will also sing a solo as next ypar- T oo late drought damaged »unday cisco und other northern California her ch est, whlch ahe recelved last W allnce lla w k e, and Mrs. Hawke Is late husband. som ewhat the w inter wheat and more a part of the services. week when the car which she was a daughter nf Mr and Mrs. Pete points. A side from estab lish in g the rlnged- In the evening he will preach on i seriously cut Into the yield of spring driving home In the foggy w eather Tom seth. necked pheasant as the leading up­ Spend* Sunday With Parent* — hit one of the approaches to a culvert wheat In the United States, Canada, the topic “Going the L im it” »p eci3l land game bird In th is state, Mr. Jerry Adams, em ployed al the Spring and I he impart caused her to lie I m usic will be provided. Visit* Son Here Mr and Mrs Stnl| son has also achieved greater I A ustralia and Argentina. field bakery, went Io Porllulid to thrown against the steering w heel. , The Bible school m eets every Sun­ II. G iles and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. su ccess In experim ents breeding the I United S tates farm ers must expect spend the week end with Ills parents causing painful Injury to her chest. day morning at 9 45. with classes for Waldron o f Medford were visitors Hungarian partridge than anyone else | to m eet In the future continued keen In thut city. T he Christian ifcideavor here over the week end at the home | n thin country. He has dem onstrated com petition In export m arkets from all ages. Return From Trip Mr and Mrs m eets at 8:30 every Sunday evening. Regi*t*r at Springfield Hotel R M II llu n tly have returned recently of K enneth Giles, ch ief of police Mr. ,h a l the Hungarian bird can be Canada, A ustralia and Argentina. Sumner, Portland; L. Foshuy and G from a trip which took them to and Mrs G iles are the parents of , raised In captivity with a reasonable li oward of Sacram ento w««ri* regls S a le ,,. St H elen , an,I Astoria The Ih’‘ an* ..Mr" Waldron assurance of su ccess, although It is U«reil at thè Springfield hotel durlng , r(p nor, h waR madj# by way ((f Is a sister of Mr. Giles. im ore precarious than the breeding o f, pheasants, and requires different me- thte past week-end. I |Mr„ nnd and for , be re„ Irn lr(p NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT j thod* of ..andlm g the birds during Vlalta at T illam ook—Mra W Il Springfield thpy chose thè rnnst MEETING ' the laying periods and in the laying route to Cornelius I’uaa and then W allace of Jasper has gone to T ills , fields. T o whom It may concern; mook, where she will spend a week down the west aids highw ay from N otice Is hereby glvpn that a Mr. Sim pson raised 435 Hungarian Newberg vlaltlng with her staler In law. Mra m eeting of the legal voters being , . . COMING SUNDAY resident taxpayers and owners of partridges to maturity during the C. J Hears Quest* Leave for Homo— Mr and real properly In Road District No. 5. past year, and is optim istic over the Elderly Woman R ecovering Mra Mrs Charles Meade and daughter In 1-nne County. Oregon, will he held possib ilities In this field of breeding Mary Buchanan la reported to he re- left Springfield Tuesday morning for at the hour of 2 p. m on the 30th day of November, A D 1929. at the covering from a recent Illness which l-°a A ngeles on their way to their Nomlnate Officer* I-ower Camp Creek School House in has kept her confined to her bed for home nt R ockville Connecticut. They said road district, to determ ine whe- The first nom inations for officers the past few w eeks will follow the southern route and re- ther said road district shall levy a I of the Rebekah lodge were made at , ' turn up the Atlantic seaboard. T hey special tax o f >879 49 upon all the | m eetlng o f the mem bers last , ... .. __ • pent Week-end at Albany Mr and irr)V(.(| 8prln)rfl„|(, o „ ThUMdav taxable prop« rly In said district for the purpose of providing funds for the | e ’ ‘,n ln * ^ rther Boml,la- Mrs Gilbert Karnes, and their .laugh Mr, tip keep o f road In D istrict No. 5. tions w ill be made at the m eeting ley. Donna Jean, spent the week-.....I |arr, (()ok ,h e|r Newpnrt C. P. BARNARD. , next Monday and the election ot iMtkui Awy *■ Luuse Hijenda at Albany ut the home of Mr. over Hunday and Monday to show County Judge new officials w ill he held the last ot Knrnest’s parents. O. E. CROWE, Novem ber or the first w eek in them the Pacific ocean and more of t ou n ly ( om m lssloner m x ' V isits at Medford Mrs A It Van the scen ery o f Oregon. N 14-21 2s December. It Valzah left Springfield Sunday morn 'III lng for an Indefinite stay with rela­ tives Melvin Rice took her to tli southern Oregon city In hla auto mobile. XUhat thou ia'^t so shall ye -Hear DOLORES COSTELLO GEORGE ^ O ’BRIEN Portland People Here Mr and Mi • A iih r e v Harrington und fam ily from lAirtland arrived In Springfield on Saturduy In visit at the Arthur T ay­ lor home Mrs. Taylor Is a sister of Mr Harrington, A SPECTACLE OF TME AGES Folks, we are Pleased Vlalta Father In Law Roy Wors wtek spent A rm istice I»ny here with his wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson Mr W orswh k has his horn«' on the Lorane highway, southw est of HUgune. I THE AUDIBLE SC R E E N S PREMIER SPECTACLE OF THE AGES 3 YEARS TO MAKE WITH THE KINDLY ItECEI’TION GIVEN OUR GRAND OPENING OE OUR NEW STORE IN SPRINGFIELD. ON EVERY HAND YOU WELCOMED OUR RETURN AND WE ARE INDEED MOST HAPPY TO BE BACK. WE WILL MAKE EVERY EEEORT TO SERVE YOU WITH THE BEST MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST W eather Good on Coast Mr. and Mrs Marlon Ad.tniH motored to Marshfield Sunday anil returned to thia city Monduy evening They re­ port thut the w eather was very warm and com fortable there I Spends W eek-end at Cottage Grove — Miss Maxine Snodgruss returned on T uesday morning from C ollage Grove, where sh e had heen spending the past several days visitin g with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hill. Guests at E lite— Among the guests who Hto|i|ied at the Kllle heli I during | the past week end were Irn Baldwin, I Pongrn; Mr. und Mrs. Robert N eet, Jasper; A. Johnson, C. B. W ldestrom , ! both of Portland; II. Coney. Eureka, Oallfornla; Frank Engstrom and J. Hills, Portland. Visit at W estfir Mi < Emma Olson, | m other of Oswald Olson, and Mrs Claude Lansln-ry w ent to W estfir oil Friday of last week and returned to th is city Monday morning. W hile nt W estfir they visited at the home of Mr ami Mrs. 1». E. Lnnslnry. They are sister and brother-in-law of O s­ wald Olson. •» Meet Friends at A shland— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merrill and their dangh ter, June, left Saturday for Ashland, where they met Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deploy, who now reside in Culliornla. ,| T he people had an enjoyable visit, together, and the Merrill fam ily re | turned Io tin Ir home here' on Mon­ day evening. 7)UR NEW STORE IS ARRANGED, OUR PEOPLE INSTRUCTED AND 0 1 R POLICY WILL RE TO GIVE THE UTMOST IN SERVICE THAT THIS COMMUN­ ITY DESERVES. CAREFUL BUYING OE HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE AND SELLING AT POPULAR PRICES HAS ALWAYS INSURED US LIBERAL PAT­ RONAGE. ITS COLOSSAL v _ NOAHS BUT NO ADVANCE in FOX PRICES PRICES. __ A VSfAÏPNPP R P n ^ V IT A P H O N p D u lT U b f i u IT I 'f > WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU CAN EXPECT ALWAYS TO SAVE. *• Special! BIG BARGAIN EVENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY Special! Men's Wool Mixed Underwear $5 to $7.50 Ladies' Hats, many styles $5 to $7.50 Beautiful Silk Umbrellas. Your choice Wool Mixed Blankets, full size Men's Suits and Overcoats 4 Ladies' Coats Ladies’ Dresses. Your choice of any Dress in the S 1 .7 5 S»l.9 5 S 3 .4 5 $ 3 .9 5 $ 1 8 to $ 3 0 $ 1 0 to $ 2 5 . Store $ 7 .9 5 We offer Great Bargains throughout the whole store Friday and Saturday UlililililUllllllltlllt Stop With Grandmother Bud Sav­ age of Marshfield and Miss Lucille Ohlften of Porllnnd were g u e sts here Saturday at the home of Mrs. llurl M cPherson, grandm other of Miss Ohlson. T h ey were enroute to Mnrshfleld, where they were to spend the holidays with the parents of Mr. Savage. Mr. Savago Is em ployed In Portland. $2 in New York h li Buy Here and SAVE iuiiuimti’¡miniiui!iniiiiiiiinwininiiHBiiniitxriinniini!;!rúii,n!;::Bihiijiíi4iiii:i i STARTING TODAY! CLAIK.A BOW IN The Saturday N ight K id " PREVIEW THURSDAY NIGHT paramount Qictiae iiuiimiiiiiiiii Fulop’s Department Store 3 3 4 MAIN STREET 100 per cent ALL TALKING s PARKLING f u n : Peppy parties. And the luscious Bow personality. “The Wild Party” girl slingin* the slang—and how! Buy Here and SAVE SPRINGFIELD SE N N E T T COMEDY and EUGENE-SALEM I GAME