TH U R SD A Y . NOV. I I. 11)29 T H E SPRINOFIB^ j D N gW S PA PE T F IR E S TRAIN SC H EDU LI NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING Springfield Stop* MEETING NORTH T" Whom It May Concern: TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: No. 16 at 3:64 A. M Slop to detrain j N otice I k hereby given that a meet „ ¿ ‘7 L ? .!'® r.e by *•” " 'hat UJ al voters being resbtan» I passenger» from Klamath Fall aad m g of the legal voter» being resident ¡a* "f taxpayer» and owner» of real pro- “’ pay‘J" «nd owner« of real prone* jbeyond party In Road ld«trlct No. 10. In Ly lD K"ad District No. 9 iT T No. 8 at 3:46 P. M lam e County, Oregon, will be held i"0 u ,,ty- Oregon, will he held m Hu« connection» at Eugene for a t t h e hour of 1 P M. on the 15th bo„ur ”< 1 f’ M on the 23rd dav J train» leaving 11 60 A M and 7 P M day of Novem ber, A. It.. IP29, at A D - 1929, at the w n the I'leaaant Hill Woodman Hall in , ' ,al1 at Jasper, In »aid Hniut rn«l SOUTH »aid Road D istrict, tt> determ ine determ ine whether «aid No. 7 at 12 47 P M t, r wh«ther Raid road dl»trh-t M im II l»»vy shall U vy a gneefaf fa» * No. 18 at 10 09 P. M Flag passenger» to K la m a t h r it ’ a a U x ot »1538.07 upon all W.»<6.«3 upon all the taxable Drone* passengers to Klamath Falla and (he U x a b „ pr, . ^ rt, ,n Ba(d d ,Btrtet ty In »aid d l.trlct for the P W beyand for the purpo«e of providing funds Providing fund» for work to be done Ba« connection« at Bugen* for | for im provem ent of road* in «aid ?? ’ ’dB road« K. F. C and I or » n i l WANTED-—To buy from ow ner good UOR HALE OR RENT -Six room at the meet- ° * * r«<* No. ». *’ nt Ro*« Improved land, wllb Or without | homo on W illam ette H eigh ts— . train* leaving 11:48 A. M via Stofclyan D istrict 10 ae decided ">K C. P. BARNARD. bulldlrigM. 6 to 30 acre*, aandy land ; Beautiful view of valley, two Iota Una. preferred, near Springfield or Eu- I Living rooom 28 feet long C. P. BARNARD, M i l ........ ....... ... ....... -................. CLINTON iJ u S S 'Btr gene; must he cheap for cash.—H. 1 window» In dining room overlook i County Judge, NOTICE TO CREDITORS O. E. CROWE. S Prather, P,'I7 E. street. Spring I Ing river. Montag clrculaU ng heat- , Notice 1» hereby given ih„, u o ... O. E. All. ,, it„„?„ „ .." i/ ? " ,ng of the ,Pgal ’ " te n b*ln K rw M ent •>««» appointed adm inistrate? * In a period of em ergency, the mule N otice I« hereby given , that Rosa Eugène ’ ---------------------- - Oregon ,1'wnH /m V7 T 'w n .^ 'd * balked ami ho delayed com batting a C, r m ‘u? 1 "'i ” the County 1 from this dan- 'v,* i l , "** ’"'»nth» perty In Road D istrict No. 2, In and has duly qualified 1 7 ’ «mall blase. It developed Into u ourt Of the S tate of Oregon. In and I 1>29 Cownty. Oregon, will be held a? Persona having c la im ,' WILLIAM P LOWER, lh e hoBr of j P. M on , be , 6th day estate are hereby nodfTed conflagration and dentroyed »ixty-two for Lane . ounlv. her final report ... hereby notified and requi* 7 14 21 28 1» r Administrator of Novem ber. A. D., 1929, at the Me- to Present the houses, tw enty granaries, and many | o X x u lrlx of the Iasi will and testa 16 ln 8a,d fh r ™ U,'hp™ “ ™anZ'’verH Jir ta moni of Brunetta D cuttle. D iv ette, de ---------—--------- J____ ________ K enzle BrPlge Schoolhouse . to determ ine w hether manner required by law to said »aid road d istrict sh all levy a special a,JnUnlstrator at the iaw offm» Daughter Born — Mr. ami all taxable £- Peterson at 234 Main Street Fred Wright of Mareóla are for the pur- County, Oregon^ puren!« of u baby girl, which s for Main- «1« months from the date of tlon on all th* f,rst publication of this notice to- horn In Springfield Iu»t week. May. ° 9 3 o ° F bef ° re t h e H th d a y ot 1 final settlem en t estate BARNARD, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN deceased. County Judge Dated and first published this 14th FORECLOSURE ROSA. H. EARNEST. O. E. CROWE, day of Novem ber, 1929. and Lendax S.’hoo^ House 1#2#’ “ Executrix of the la»t will N otice Is hereby given that by County Com m issioner CLIFFORD O. WILSON ■ . , *n Ha'd Road i virtue of an execution and order of testam ent of Brunetta D. Lovett« District, tn O 31 N . , »O determ ine whether saldi ’ l M P E T E H H h Ï 810, . ° f ’ a M > e S tata - Deceased Hale l»HUed out of tho Circuit Court road «llstrlct shall h special nrt>i tax ' N otice of »ale of Governm ent Tim- i- At. t ETERSON, attorney for estate. WIILEI.EH, All rm y ,,i » id u u . ijo upon all vv the a taxable of tho State of Oregon for Lane N 14-21-28 D 5-13 County. October 18, 1929. upon uml . _________ ~ ‘ 4 - 1 p rt>' fn »aid d istrict for the purpose ber- General Land Office W ashington purnuant to a decree given ami tn.ole or providing funds for a new m -a d e r B. C. N otice Is hereby given that Classified Ads (BUYING OR SELLING' F o lt HAI.E or TRADE—Two well located Ixits In Springfield for Eugene pruperty.— Addrnaa I*. O. Ko« 111. Rprtuirflwld tf FAINTING auil Kaln(««inipg lu all It* branch«*. Reduced Prices. Roy Koch CaU I36-J. NOTICE OF HEARINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT N otice I n hereby given,: That the undvralgiied udmlnlHtrator of the es­ tate of John H. Briggs, deceased, tian filed his account for the final se ttle­ m ent of »aid estutu In the County Court for lam e County. Oregon, anil tliat Saturday, the 7lh day of Decent tier. I P2P, at the Court room of said Court. In the County Court House, in Eugene. Oregon, ut ten o'clock In the forenoon, hua been by aald Court filial as (tie time and place for hear­ ing obJiH-tloiiH thereto, and for final settlem ent of Halil ««lute. ALFRED WESTHOPE, Admlnlatrator of the E h Lite of John H ItrlggH, deceased 1. L. RAY. Attorney for Ewtate. N 7-14 31 28 II 5 get results ; SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the Connty of Lane SUIT IN EQUITY T he ChrlHlIan Community of Culver Hill Brotherhood Ltd., a Corpora­ tion, Plaintiff. V*. Edward Graf, Susanna Graf, and the Junction City S late Itank of Junction City, MAY CONCERN: Oregon, a Corporation, Defendants hereby given that a m eet- Yu Edward Graf. Susanna (> r a f voters being resident And the Junction City S tate Hank of owners o f real pro- Junction City, Oregon, u Corporation, Hoad Olfitrict <*• Defendant*: made by the Hon N 7-14 mental regulations approved July 29, Lane County, Oregon w ill h e h t m 7 You are hereby required to appeur ndn l|, ien, '',u.,l|,*"- th" «nd directing W illiam Vincent. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m. at p u b lic, Unity School House ’ in said R o L ? MEETING suit within four (4 i w eeks from the , ,la> "r Novem ber, 1929, at the the A dm inistrator of said Estate to T o WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: auction at the United S tates la n d , D istriet, to determ ine whether saiA date of tho first publication of this aummons In the Springfield New», which first d ate of publication Is October 17, 1929; and you are hereby notified that If you fall so to appear ami answ er the said cotnplnlnt In said suit within four (4 1 w eeks from Lhe suid first date of publication of O i I m summon*, your default will be entered and the plaintiff will make application to the Court for the re­ lief prayed within the complaint t o wit; z. i v-«x* p iu p erij io p u r p o s e s as decided at the m eeting. of July 29. 1929, as to the execution ; That the on« certain mortgage to Kincaid Park, I-ane County, Ore­ — County C om m issioner. dated Jan 19. 1924, filed of record gon, running thence South 60 feet; be sold to the highest bidder for cash C. P. BARNARD. of the contract of sale and bond re­ O 31 N 7-14 In the office of the County Clerk of th en ce East 160 feet; thence North for the highest price obtainable, sub­ quired thereunder. The money de- ___ County Judge Iaine County, Oregon on February 6, 60 feet to the Southeast corner of ject to confirm ation by tho aforeaald O. E. CROWE. posited will be returned It sale Is not NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S S a i f nsa County Court. 1924, and recorded on 1'age 37 of said Ix>t Six (6) and th em e W est 150 County Commissioner. approved, otherw ise patent will Issue EXECUTION IN F O R E C l d a i i b c WILLIAM VINCENT. Volume 66 of the Mortgage Records foet to the place of beginning. for the timber, which m ust be re j ru a tc u o sU R E O 31 N 7-14 Administrator Dated October 21, 1929. of la n e County, Oregon, and executed moved within ten years. Bids will b e! N otice Is hereby given that by NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON W ELLS A W ELLS, A ttorneys. by the plaintiff to the defendants H. L. BOWN, received from citizen s of the United virtue of an execution and order o f EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE O 17-24-31 N 7-14 Edward Graf and Susanna Graf, Sheriff of lam e County, Oregon. N otice is h e r e b y ' g i ; ; n” t h i r " b v i 9 ^ ‘e "’ as9° clation8 o f( 8“ ch S1“ 1®“ 8 ^ « M u r e issued out of thu covering the reul esta te within the BROOKE A BRYSON, A ttorneys. by virtue of an execution a n d orrtn „ v l :‘n d corporations organized under the Cl cult Court of Lane County. Ore- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE said m ortgage described, located In «ale Issued out of the C l/cu H " ciw rt' L“W8 ° f ‘he r n lt ‘'<, Statd * Loan A ssociation, a W ashington gotiable prom issory notes, the pay NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT Julia Travltxky, P laintiff, vs. John pursuant to a decree duly’ e t 7 n “ 7 ' Purchaser the timber on any le„al corporation, plaintiff, recovered Jud»- meiit of which, said m ortgage was T ravllxky, Defendant made by said Court O ctober 8th I ^ ’division will be offered separately w ent against Charles K. Fisher and N otice Is Hereby Given that the executed to secure, lie cancelled and undersigned adm inistrator of the E s­ 1929, In a suit r s - n d in v thJrLt 8'?' before being included in any offer of Juaneta Fisher, his wife, for fhe sum To John Travltxky, D efendant: annulled and satisfied of record, and tate of Ira Cline, deceased, has ren­ T 16 S l R' 1 W ' S“C 9’ W424 64 tOgeth*r with In the name of the S tate of Ore­ which the I^ c flc Savings A P j n ■* larKer that sahl two notes tie delivered up dered and filed in the County Court N W *'« red ,lr 1020 M T' 20 S ' ' " T a t . the rate o f 10% P*r an­ gon: You are hereby required to ap­ A ssociation, a Wash?ng?on c o r n e a for cancellation and for other equit­ of the State of Oregon for the County pear and answ er the com plaint filed don. was Plaintiff and Carl S m ^ i R 1 W" S ec 5 lot 4' re<1 " r 1080 M' ? ural, from Marf,h 3. 1929, and for th e able relief. of lam e his first anil final account again-1 you in the above entitled suit and Elizabeth J. Gimpl his wife and S W ‘4 15° ° T ’ ’ “T ° f 159 57 for taxes P a ­ And you are hereby notified that and petition and that on Saturday nthers were defen,iants wh"ch eve R 4 SeC 35' SW U X W ’4 red fIr togpthpr ‘» terest thereon at th e on October 15, 1929. the above named the 16th day of N ovem ber 1929 at the within four w eeks from the day of cution and order of ?ale Z a s to me 800 M T 2 S " R 5 SeC 3' S W U io 1 Q O i 10% per annum from March the first publication o f this sum m ons, Court made, dated and entered an hour of Ten o'clock a. m. of said day order directing that this sum mons at the County Court room tn the and If you fall to so appear and an­ directed and commanded me to sell S W ' 4 red flr 390 M' red Cedar 239 M' ix i q 9 " 7 8 n d f° r the fur'her sum of the real property hereinafter de T 32 S ' R 5 W SeC‘ 33' ‘ N E * 7 V * 7 assp88mpn‘ P «^ . «nd for be published once each week for a Court House In the City o f Eugene, sw er for want thereof the plaintiff scribed to satisfy certain lien s and ypllow fir 500 M' yellow plne 50 M 7® u ®r SUm ° f ,7 0° for ab«'ract. period of fonr (41 su ccessiv e weeks Oregon, has been fixed and appointed will take a decree against you for charges in said d ^ r e e specified I S W ’‘ N E '» v ,llo w fir 400 M SE’* ,h ®- -®-C° rd!'' and for ,h e furth« in the Hprlngfleld News, and that you ns the day, tim e and place for the the dissolution of the m arriage rela- sp u irteo . VW»« yellow fir 500 M. T. 5 S., R. sum of $210.00 as reasonable A ttor­ appear and answ er the said complaint hearing of objections to Hiild final ac­ tlon now ex istin g between yourself : will on Saturday the w ithin four (4 | w eeks from the date count and the settlem en t thereof of thi» first publication o f this sutn That all objections must be In w rit­ moti«. which ing and fib d with the Clerk of said 1929. Court on or before said dny and time auction for ,o bp 801,1 for 1p8S ,han 81fi0 por M pe<’overed Judgment against the de- tile publication sale and sell at public E SLATTERY, II puoitc auction Tor fQr thp ypIlow fjr $3 Q0 per „ for {he fendante R. A. Morris and Mary ISAAC CLINE, Administrator, thereof is dated November 6th, 1929. cash subject to redemption as pro- Attorney for Plaintiff and the date of the first publication ; v ld c l by law. all of the right, title yellow pine, $1.75 per M for the red H elene Morris, his w ife, for the sum N y Reside nee and P ostofflco Ad FRANK A. D ol’P P Attorney. ISAAC Cl INE, Administrator thereof Is N ovem ber 7th, 1929. and in terest of the defendants in fir. 75c per M for the w hite fir and ° f Six Hundred Fifty Dollars (650.00) dress Is Eng' ■ne, Oregon o 17-24 31 N 7-14 C. A. WINTEHMEIER, O 17-24 31 N 7 14 said suit and of all parties claim ing $1 25 per M for the red cedar. T. 14 together with in terest thereon at the R 2 w Se< 1S- lot 4- red *** W0 £ 7 °S per an“ “m frOTn ,h e 9tl* Attorney for P laintiff by, through or under T h m « t t 7 o*f then, since the 8th d a T o f October ^ d fir 200 M. T. 17 S R. 2 d >y of January 1929 and for th e R esidence. Eugene, Oregon — — -- . . - .. — lurm er sum or ><¿>.00 as a reason* N 7-14 21 28 D 5 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE N otice Is hereby given that sale Issued out of the Circuit Court i Volume 1 of Deed Records. In and for N W ’» red fir 390 M. T. 16 S . R- ® Zonim indingXrne''in" t h e d lr P c t ? <* of the State of Oregon for Lane 1 Lane County. Oregon, being at the Sec 35. 9W>< V W ’s red fir 4861 Mt.: " in the nam e of the County, October 16th, 1929, upon and intersection of the South line of T- 8 s -- R 8 " - S ec- S E ^ NWM »„dgment ’ in terJ 4» F 1?. satlsf7 pursuant to a decree duly given and 8°u»h "D" Street with the W est line , yellow fir 1600 M. noble fir 500 M. r7 a7 ^ r “ tn®dre8‘ ; 3 ttOrney? made by said Court October 16th, Second street in said town of hem lock 400 M. N E ’4 S3V’4 yellow • • fni|nw ,n „ j . ¡ ? s . cos ' a 1929, In a stilt pending therein In i Springfield, thence South along the Br 970 M. noble fir 2600 M, hemlock n . . if. * escribed real which Tile Pacific Savings and Loan line of Second street 210 feet | 11^0 M. T .1 0 S - B e v in n ln v n t n th ^ 'c e lV e s 'i1 «’ ^ ''fe e t: thence N?r7h N E U red f.r 1600 M. w hite fir 200 M. 278 . . . 1r_ „ nn Rn7 ,“d Qf l a m Ù,°', T o w n sh l« 8 *?1 ° n . Richardson, her husband, were de­ beginning, tn Springfield, Lane Coun | red fir, $1.25 per M for the noble * fir and red cedar. $1 00 per M for the ' lh ™ <’3 3> J ? ™ 8hlp , J w e n t y (20) fendants, which execution and order ty, Oregon hem lock and 75 cen ts per M for the ! |? " íhamRatnge J ” ™ <31 W®st o f t h . Dated October 11th, 1J»29. of sa le w as to me directed and com ­ white fir T. 17 S.. R. 2 W., See. 7, ?¿1_ amptt* „ itPr.ld ,an '. and running H. L. BOWN, manded me to sell the real property S heriff of Lane County Oregon. N W U NW14 red fir 740 M. T. 13 S , ^ ® nc.®h Ea8t £1® f®!.1', tJle “ ce ^ or,th 82 hereinafter desecrlbod to satisfy ¡ .ïf 2 « “ i ï .' i ? O 17-24 31 N 7-14 R. 7 W.. R ,c ,X 3 R '. N E S certain Hens and charges In said de­ yellow ftr 1030 M, (dead) yellow fir South 62 feet to the place o f b egin ­ cree specified, I will on Saturday, ning, in Section T hirty-three (33) ta the 16th day o f November, 1929, at NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT | ™0 M. T 28 S„ R. 12 W„ See. 3. Tow nship T w enty (20) South. R ange the hour of One o ’clock p. m., at the N otice Is hereby given thnt the 1 S W ’4 S E ’i red fir 3000 M. w hite fir Three (3) W est of the W illla m ette Southw est door of the County Court­ Eugene Loan and Savtngs Bank, j 310 M, red cedar 400 M. hem lock 100 Meridian, in County, Oregon. house In Eugene, Lane County, Ore- Executor of the last will and testa-J M, S E ’4 SW14 red fir 1080 M. w hite Now therefore, in the nam e of the gon, offer for sale and sell at public ment of Janies O'Connell, deceased, ’ Br 620 M, red cedar 280 M, hem lock S tate of Oregon, in com pliance w ith auction for cash, subject to redem p­ has fib'd its final account In the 360 M. SW H SW14 red fir 660 M. said execution and order of sale and tion as provided by law, all of the m atter of the said estate In the j w hite Br 950 M, red cedar ___ 'n order to sa tisfy said Judgment. right, title and Interest of the de- County Court of Lane County, Ore- hem lock 120 M n™® . ° f Interest, attorney's fees, co sts of su it fendiints In said su it and of all parties gon. and that Friday, the 22nd dav on these section s to be sold for less and ncc'ru(nK co st. t ‘ 8 claim ing by, through or under them ,,f November. 1929. at ten o'clock In than $2.00 per M for the red fir and day th lfi(h . ' ' o a "*£’ or any o f them since the 16th day of the forenoon of s b IU day, ln the : red eednr. $1.50 per M for the (green) ! at the hour of one o'clock ta 7.» October, m 1929. in c or t to e t the rooms s in the Court yellow ftr fir and 50 cents per M for t the , ernoon of said 8aid dav at the th" S g on th l o o tn h e f follow e l t o w t ing n c [ County o „ .,n|y Court p ourt room h e , ternoon described real property, to-wit; se In Eugene, lam Ore-j (dead) lock hite o f iha t h e r-mm»« rnnn»« house laine e Countv, Ore (dead) yellow yellow fir. fir. hem hem lock and and w w hite I w w p e «» s t f r f r o o n n t t d o e o e r nf beep the .1— tim e — and ™ ° or l!ane O r^ - « fixed — • - as - •*-- a I Br. n . T -r 4 a S.. a R n 6 e E t - . See. B e 19. 10 SWV4 a w v . . rront_door the County C ounty Court Beginning nt the Southw est corner gon. . has I— of lot one (1) in Block two (2), In place •e by for tne the n hear- SEV4 en. offer it fo f e r 'e ’ c a . sh h ny the tne said Court court ror ear-; >»!•;v, > , ” eW -ow f |r nr 420 *zo M. m . red red cedar cedar 20 20' K gOn, offer for sale and .« sell Cherry Grove Addition to Eugene, ing of objections to said account M. N EH SW ’4 re-1 red a r .85 M. yellow J at public auction subject to rede mm running thence E ast sixty (60) feet, and for the final settlem ent of said fir 460 M. S E ’i SW tJ yellow fir 1650 ’ tlon as provided by law all o f th« th en ce North forty (40) feet, thence estate. Any Any and all objections to |M , red cedar 100 M. none of the tlm- right, title and Interest of each and W est sixty (60) feet to the W est line said account and the flnnl settlem ent her on tho N E tj SW14 to be sold for - - - - - In - ’• all of the defendants mentioned of said lot One ( t ) . thence South of said estate must be filed with the less than >1.00 per M and none of the said suits, and of all other persons along said W est line forty (40) feet Clerk of the said Court on or before timber on the SWVi S E H and SEV4 claiming by, or under th em to the place of beginning, all ln lam e the date of said hearing. S W ’4 to be sold for le s s than $1.80 or any or either of them In and to County, Oregon. EUGENE LOAN AND SAVINGS per M. for the yellow fir and $1.00 the said premises hereinbefore d e ­ Dated October 17th, 1929. BANK OF EUGENE, OREGON, per M for th e red cedar. scribed, H. L. BOWN, Executor of the L ast W ill and T es­ THOS C. HANTCLL. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon tam ent of Jam es O'Connell, deceased. I Acting Commissioner. S h eriff o f Lane Connty. Oregon. O 17 24-31 N 7-14 O 24-31 N 7-14-21 ¡ N 7-14 21-28 D B O 17-24 31 N 7 4 4