Try tha Horna P rin t Sh op Firat TWKNTY-HIXTII YEAH THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS STATE SURFACING ROAD S E C « EAST SPRINGFIELD, IA N K COUNTY. OREGON- RE-ROUTING OF BUSES NOT TO BE EFFECTIVE UNTIL ONE MORE WEEK ondary Coating of Rock I t « r some tim e ye t, according W. E. Huell, principal of the Hprlng­ Within Few Days; Eugene Ito W. E Head, manager of the buaea which operate out of Euguue. fleld high school, was named vice- Repairing Highway Around it was thought that aervlce could president of the fame county division Dam Near Leaburg. of the Oregon State Teachers' asso­ > L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N THURSDAY. NOV. 14, 1929 B u ell V ice-Pres. of L ane Teachers I The twenty minute service he Have 'tween Hprlngfleld and Eugene, which Springfield Teacher« . approved by the city council at Place« on Program at In­ Three Mile Stretch to Get Sec*' th e ir last meeting, win nut be stitute. All Attend. “The Psople*e Paper* IN AUTO ACCIDENT A n o th er V ictory i A Won B y S.H . CIGARETTE BOARDS ¡AND STREETS TOPIC Football Players Set for Con­ test Here Tomorrow with Six Automobile« Damaged in Junction City Team. i Bill Board« Showing Sugges­ Crash«« During Past Week; tive Signs, Street Grading Another clean victory was added Pop Bottle« Scattered About and Traffic Talked Along to the long list now held by the Street When Truck» Collide local high school boys last Friday With 1930 Budget Adoption; at Intersection. afternoon, when they marched out Order Fire Hazard Vacated. have been alerted over the new ciation yesterday at tha closing ses­ W o rk on portlona of the M cK ensle bridge the aecond week |n November on the Brattaln field and completely highway, which la to be completed but the alowneaa with which the sion of the two day Institute, which I c - B Ba«’cb of Bugene was knocked / swamped the football aggregation Cigarettes, street grading, thia year, la being ruahed thia week, work on the fill la being done has was held at the Woodrow Wilson I ““conscious for several minutes, and , from Harrisburg high school with a traffic regulations came in for « Junior high school In Eugene. D. A ) received a broken rib and several according to W. II. Libby, resident made It impossible to route the score of 40 to nothing. The game round of discussion along with the engineer for the state highway de heavy buaea over the rough ap- Emerson, principal of tthe Cottage ) cuta ab° “t his head which required was fast and a bit rough at times. 19.10 budget at the council meeting partment. The three mile stretch proaches, according to the manager, - ^ ro** bl8b achool, was elected pre- , ,our »tltches, late last Thursday night sldent of the association. j when the automobile which he was ““ th“t the I Tuesday evening. The budget was Just east of H p rln gfleld w ill receive T ra ffic H am p ers W o rk e rs Insurance Moffatt, principal of the drlvlDK collided with another car rlshurg coach had to use In the game, Its final working for the present year I A considerable amount of traffic passed as framed by the budget Lincoln school, was selected as one drlven by W. E. Hummer of Hpring- as many of the players were left at In the next few days, he stated. i •* passing over the new structure 1 committee at the October meeting, day, however, despite the of the delegates to the state conven- ’ ,ield at ‘he lnt,f section at Fifth and home because of poor scholastic C rew s have been busy on thia sec ' each averages. They tired before the and taxes were ordered levied In the tlon, which Is to be held in Portland, ; Muln »traets. The Oakland car which 1lon a ll w eek, p u ttin g on loose d irt i roughness of the fills, and the work game ended, but played a good de­ December 26, 27, and 28. ' Harch was driving, and which be- sum of 828,899.24. uud w orking It Into the large rock that Is being done. The first large Noverai Hprlngfleld teachers had J longed to Frank Griffin of Eugene, fensive game until the final whistle Church Would Ban Billboards to form a solid foundation, and to group of vehicles to pass over the was completely demolished. Garage- isi.-w. A commun'catlon from the men ot p revent trucks and autom obiles from bridge went over a week ago Sun­ places on the programs during the Tip. two Squires brothers were the Baptist church asked that an The continual line of cars institute. Mr. Muffati led a depart­ men who have examined the wrecked skidding about. T h is w ork Is e x ­ day ’rjured slightly during the ordinance be passed prohibiting passing over the fills, which must mental section on city grade schools. car estimate that It will cost more to bo\ pected Io he com pleted today. repair the machine than It was worth i*ar ■ * will be able to play with cigarette advertising appealing to Others from Hprlngfleld who led con­ move slowly due to the roughness ot Apply Rock Surface at the time of the wreck. A bumper t i ’ team mates tomorrow after- boys and women from using bin- ference utscusgloUM were W E. Buell the road, have been a large factor In O n ly one h a lf of the base coating, the delaying of the work, and motor­ and Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. Page i on the Willys Knight, driven by Sum- r o, when they meet the Junction boards within the city. The council the la y er of one and one h alf Inch team here in the next to the I had been informed that this form of ists are requested not to drive over served on the nominations committee. ner, was bent and was the only da­ t rock, w ill be applied to this stretch mage done to It. la t game of the season. They have advertising was to be discontinued the bridge during the working hours Several prominent educators of this fa ll T h e fin a l surfacin g w ith fine Barch, who Is an employee of the dei’«s ted the boys from Junction be- after the first of the year and It was of the day until the work has been Ihe state addressed the group of 600 rock w ill be m ade next spring Lyons garage east of Springfield, was fort. confidently expect to re decided to wait until then before completad. teachers. The major part of the two Nothing further Is to tie done with taken to a doctor’s office here, where peat their former actions, according J taking any action on the request. Fill Work Ends ¡days were devoted to sectional meet- this stretch beyond the three miles his wounds a .-re dressed, after ht The A. C. Mathews company has ¡n*M and **»«“•»*<»»» of distinct prob- regained consciousness. Cross W alks to be Maarked this fall nr winter, according to Mr. lems. The final game now on the sche- The council ordered lanes drawn l.lbby. There are several large fills almost finished work on the fills, The second accident here happened All the teacher« of the schools In dule will be played the following I on the pavement at street Inter- on this portion of the road, all of only a small amount o> dirt to put Sprlngfl.XI were In attendance at th e !“* ’ °'CloCk Sa,urday «nooning when a Friday with the Cottage Grove team sections for pedestrian traffic cross- In the larger ones which form the which are newly constructed, that delivery truck owned by the Purity meetings. — — —— — I Ing the principal corners on Main West approach. The state highway will settle a great deal during the Bottling works of Eugene, and one ot FATHERS AND SONS MEET (street Whether metal markers or department and the Hprlngfleld Sand winter, und the surfacing of these the large trucks owned by the Guthrie ANNUAL RED CROSS paint will be used will be decided by aud Gravel company have taken the AT METHODIST CHURCH places would only create a waste of construction company collided on the street committee. After the ROLL CALL STARTS funds und material. Traffic will con­ rock which was used In the founda­ North Fifth street and Broadway, tip-! FOR ANNUAL BANQUET crossings are marked efforts will be tion for the old building on Mill tinue to he routed around by Thurs- j ON MONDAY MORNING ping over the light delivery truck and , ton during the winter and until the street which was torn down last completely ruining the contents, con Slxty-peven f ^ i and sons at- “ nM U ’mt> ’ e accl ents. new portion cun he opened In the week, and have used them to form The annual Red Cross roll call for slating of several cases of bottled pop tended the annual father and son. a retaining wall on the south side of banquet which was held at the ^ he 8treet con,n>ittee was instruct- spring. Hprlngfleld will begin early Monday and other soft drinks. the west approach. Two lanes of School children who gathered In Methodist church on Tuesday even- ® d by the nlayor t0 br,n< in a report morning, according to Mrs. C. E. Repair Leaburg Road gravel have been spread on the West Kenyon, who has been selected as large groups had a great time for a tug. The three churches, the Metho- In regard to making all streets enter­ The rough stretches of road around side and the east approach will soon general chairman of the drive this while. salvaging unbroken bottles diet. Christian, and the Baptist ing into Main street and Fifth and A Leaburg, where the power dum Is receive its first coat of gravel. year. from the cases, which were scattered , churches all united in having one street stop streets. being constructed, are gradually be- ; The formal dedication of the Street to be Graded Ing repaired. The city of Eugene has ' A final meeting of committees will all over the road. Ralph Hepner was large banquet this year as has been One block on M street near Kelly ’ the custom In former years. Due to an agreement with the highway de­ bridge will take place on December be held this afternoon, at which time the driver of the delivery truck. The front left wheel and fender of conflicting events last year, how- in Sunnyside addition was ordered canvassers will be selected and given partment whereby they must build 7th. the automobile belonging to Leighton ever, It was Impossible to have the graded and graveled on petition o f their Instructions by the chairman. portions of the highway which they the property owners. A petition to had to move and m ust repelr a ll parts , SCHOOL BOARD VOTES SUM The drive workers will visit every "'’’f'Ft't of Hprlngfleld were broken Joint banquet Sam Bartnolomew acted as toast- ! gTade a“d 8uriace Third atre«t fron» In ju re d d urin g th e ir w ork there T h is F O R RADIO CONSTRUCTION business place In the city on the first Monday morning when hia car col- days of the week, and will make an Hded with another machine owned master, and Introduced the speaker; C to D was referred to the street work Is being rushed now and must Funds for the purchase of «uff|. attempt to call at all of the residences i by A- Weed, a farmer residing of the evening. Walter L. Myers, of comm,ttee tor investigation. be completed this yenr. Work on the straightening of the dent materials to construct a seven 1 during the week also. near Vida, at the Intersection of 7th the faculty of the Eugene Bible unl- Dryped Fire Hazard hlghway In cast Hprlngfleld lias been I tube all electric radio receiving s e t 1 The “«nual Red Cross membership and D streets. verslty. He gave a humerous talk The factory of the Dryped ChemF The right fender and the running to the boys and men. The male ra* comPany In the McKinnis build- delayed until the other portion of the were voted by the school bourd Bt | ’*ucs are 81.00. board of the Weed machine were de- ) quartet from the Bible university ing has been condemned by the their meeting last week. The set Is road cun be finished. mollshed. being built by the students In the CHINESE BOY SPEAKS sang several numbers and Claude Pba*e Bre marshal’s office as a haz­ All of the accidents »nlch were physlrs class at the high school un­ ECKERSON FLIES SHIP AT SUNDAY SCHOOL reported were caused by the failure Neely led the group in community ard, the mayor reported to the council. Oils, parafine and other der the direction of Ernest McKinney, singing. TO MEDFORD AIRPORT Instructor. Leonard Jee, Chinese student at of one or both of the drivers to heed Ladles of tthe Methodist church highly combustible materials la Three hundred feet of regular In­ the University of Oregon for the ordinary driving regulations, ac­ prepared and served the supper. Major G. H. Bckerson and James I large quantities were stored there and If a fire started it would practio Htovnll, his partner In the Bckerson sulated copper wire was donated to pnst reveral yeurs, will address the cording (o the filed reports. W. A. Taylor was general chair- Two other machines being driven , .. ally be impossible to put It out he- Flying Service, Inc., left the local the class last week by the l*aclflc in» mbers of the Hunday school at man of the committee in charge o f » n.„ . u_. , fore n Springfield ln com- time. snow blanket foil shortly before he welnefs, cake and chocolate. "everal times on liquor charges while pany with Jess Smltson, local fire Th city fire department boys are here. He was serving a court sen-¡chief. They were well pleased with returned to this city. Those present were Lottie Gay, now the possessors of a new all tence when he died Guy Wright of Eugene and Hnrry Shirley Smith, Jennie Jackson, EASTERN STAR PLANS general conditions here, according to electric radio, which was purchased Wright of Hprlngfleld drove to Port­ Louise Coglll, Jane Elizabeth Ander- A thorough Investigation of the Smltson. Only a few improvements BENEFIT CARD PARTY for them by the city council at their land Sunday to bring homo their Hon. man’s personal effects Indicated that were asked by the men. Elizabeth Johnson, Lillian last meeting Tuesday night. Funds parents. Mrs. Wright had been Rodeheaver, Drucllle Ogilvie, Ethel The Eastern Star will hold a for the purchase of the set were In­ he has a wife In California but also The most important one was the spending the past week with her Severson, Donna Severson, and Mrs. benefit card party at the home of Indicated that the man had made a cleaning up of the imriammable mate­ cluded In the city budget which was daughters In Portland. determined effort to get lost from his rials at the Dryped chemical plant Fred Frose, the teacher of the class Mrs. 8. 0. Wright on November 23, adopted at the meeting. relatives before he died. b«>glnnlng at 2:00 o'clock. Small Improvements were also asked The members of the fire force are From Cottage Grove—Mrs. O. R. He was butled Tuesday by the at the Lincoln and Brattaln schools. Hag Minor Operation — George Mrs. W. K. BarneU is chairman of very pleased with the new set. and Homlngwny was n visitor In the city Frnnks of Jasper underwent a minor the committee in charge of the Brandstetter funeral home with a The school board met to consider the Tuesday from her home nt Cottage operation on Ills head last Saturday. party. She will be assisted by Mrs. will find in It the means of enter- very simple graveside funeral eon- Improvements and ordered a new taining themselves during their long d ^ i hv asL o ? ' Grove. He I r getting along nicely. Hora’chnrch of gong for the Llncoli school and a Will Wright and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. hours o„ duty a. the fir. station the Lighthouse Temple, Eugene. new hose at the Brattaln school. 1 ™ “*