The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 07, 1929, Image 1

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fy the H o m e
P r in t S hop F i r at
The regular meeting of the Juvenile
Circle of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
I’llie Circle No. 162, was heW Satur­
Officials Inspect Route of New day afternoon with fifteen children
Rond Work and Plan New present. They served a lunch and
Surveys to Begin Soon; Re­ pluyed games until time to go home.
Plans were made at this meeting
moval of Curve in East
! for a large Christmas party to he
Springfield Started.
held on December 7. The children
Contracta for the work on the Me- drew names to determine who should
Ken tie highway between Wallervllle i pur (base gifts for each other. A com-
and Doyle lllll will be let curly tlila 1 mlttee Io handle the entertainment
winter by the state highway com­ was appointed It consists of Alice
mission, according to Information re­ Neet, Bather Wardlow. and Basel
Adams. The program will consist of
ceiver! this morning front II. W.
Libby, nl the slate highway office at music and readings A committee
will ulso he appointed to handle the
Mrs. Bgglmann will
Mr, Libby and several other mem­
provide the tree for the group.
bers of the State highway department
Arrangements are bring made to
spent some time the first of the week provide gifts for all the children pre­
making a very thorough Inspection
sent, whether they belong to the J a
of this section of the highway, nnd
venlle Circle or not
decided upon certain change, which
will have to be made In the surveys
before the contracts can he drawn. ECKERSON TAKES
He stated that surveyors would stain
go out and retrace the former lines
and that the surveys for the changes
would he made at the same time.
Major G. II Kckerson returned
This Is the section of the highway yesterday afternoon from Medford,
that the 1 at tie county chamber of where lie has been since Monday with
commerce delegation went before the Breese monoplane, City of Port­
the highway commission at Portland land. The major flew the monoplane
with last week and requested that It to the southern city und Lloyd Keeny
be Improved. The plans of the de­ took the Arrow sport plane to ac­
partment now call for tin- complete company the major on the flight.
rebuilding of the road between the
While In Medford more than 250
two places mentioned, says Mr. of the city und county officials and
their friends were tuken for rides In
Work on Ibis portion will bo com the four passenger monoplane.
The return flight was made In a
pleted during next year.
The curve on the highway In the Utile lesa than one hour und thirty
eastern end of Springfield will soon minutes actual flying time.
TJje major was very enthusiastic
be a thing of the past. The new
sidewalk hus been constructed, and over the Medford airport and declared
highway officials Minted today that that the cltlxens of that city were to
they would soon start the grading ot lie congratulated on their farsighted­
tthe new section of the road, which ness In establishing a landing field
will eliminate the curve In seven which would attract both the mall
days, providing that the power com­ und passenger carrying planes to It.
The large monoplane will be kept
pany removes their line poles before
that time.
The Mountain Stales at the local field for some time yeL
Power company has promised to re­ | Frequent trips may be made to
move tie poles on Saturday of this various towns to demonstrate the
week, so Indications are that the qualities of the ship during the next
week or two.
work will be completed.
Bennie McElfresh, the set vn year
Driving on the streets of Sprlng-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
flrld while Intoxicated was not a
very profitable undertaking, neither McElfresh who live on South Second
street, and who was knocked to tho
was it a very inexpensive method of
amusement for W. O. Mathews, who pavement In front of the Turner
was arrested here lust Saturday and , Novelty store last Thursday when he
given the sentence of sixty days In i was struck by a passing uutomoblle,
' will probably recover, according to
Jail and 1100 fine Monday morning
when he pleaded guilty to the charge 1 Dr. Wlllkim C. Bondprant, of Eu­
gene, who Is attending the boy.
against him In the Justice court at
Witnesses of the accident vary In
Eugene. Mathews was arrested here,
hut wa# turned over to the sheriffs their versions of the manner In which
I It happened. Some report that the
office for prosecution.
1 hoy w h h running across the street in
fthe middle of the block and darted
'out between two cars Into the path
NEW REPAIR MACHINE I of an oncoming automobile when ho
I Whs knocked down and run over by
A new machine made by the
J the front wheels. Others declare
United States Shoe Machinery cor­ ' that the boy was not run over but
poration was received here Mondny was struck down and shoved along
by W. A. Hall for use In his shoe re­ the street ahead of the car. The
pair shop. The machine wns un­ boy’s father stated yesterday that
packed Tuesday by a representative hts son stepped from the outside
of the machine company, who cams running hoard of a parked car and
here to set up the machine nnd test was struck before he had both feet
It before delivering it Io Mr. Hall. on the pavement.
The machine is a stapling device,
W. D. Morgan fo Eugene was the
which Is designed for fastening soles
on men and women’s shoes with driver of the automobile which struck
Bennie. He claims that he did not
staples instead of thread.
see the boy until he hit him. He
THOMAS W. HEPNER DIES; stopped at once and did everything
that he could to help his small vic­
tim. The car which he was driving
The death of Thomas W. Hepner was not his, hut belonged to another
c.curred at the Hepner home on party.
Route 1. Springfield, early Sanday
morning. Mr. Hepner had been a LINNTON SELECTED
resident of this vicinity for the past
»even years, coming from Bozeman,
R. McRobert Carlton was selected
Montana, at that time.
as one of the district board members
Nine children survive the de­
for the Western Oregon district of
ceased. They are George, Charles,
Loya. -glon of Loggers and Lum­
and Went Hepner of West Spring-
bermen at their twenty-second an­
field; Clifford Hepner of Wostflr;
nual convention held in Eugene last
Mrs. John Lay. Bdna Hopner and
Friday. W. P. Tyson was tho repre­
Ruth Hepner of Springfield; Mrs.
sentative from the local branch of
Ralph Cole of Westfir, nnd Mrs. ¡»ea­
the organization.
ter GnteR of Eugene.
The members further went on re­
He also leaves two brothers, C. A. cord ns favoring nn old ago pension,
Hepner and W. H. Hepner, of Boze­ the curtailment of production to a
man; and three Bisters, Mrs. Z. E. point equal to the consumption of
Sheeks, of Eugene; Mrs. Della Tur­ lumber, nnd selected Linnton as the
ner, Spokane, and Miss Leora Hepner meeting place for tho 1930 conven­
of Bozemnn,
Four grandchildren tion.
also survive.
D rill Night Changed
The funeral services were hold on
Tho regular drill night for the
Tuesday afternoon from the Brand-
statter chapel at Eugene, with Dr. National Gunrd unit has been chang­
Bnrl 8. Childers of tho Christian ed from Thursday to Wednesday,
church officiating. Burial was made according to C. A. Swarts, com­
In tho Gates cemetery at Crow.
THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1928
“The People's Paper"
No. 43
Lane C ounty Fox H arrisbu rg High
W ins Blue Ribbon Com es Tom orrow
It was only ten minutes after the
Breese monoplane. City of Portland,
had left the local airport that It
landed on the field at Cottage (»rove
carrying five Springfield business
men to that city for a noon luncheon
meeting with the Lions club of Cot­
tage (»rove. Those making the trip In­
cluded Dr. W. C. Itehhan, W. F.
Walker. W. K Darnell. P. B. Flanery,
and Major Gilbert Kckerson, the
pilot. Including the weight ot the
gasoline nnd the passengers the
monoplane carried u load of 1360
pounds when It left the local flying
The men ull report that they en­
joyed the flight anti the meeting
very much.
Judges Award Five Other Rib- Postponed Game to be Played
Here at 3:00 o’clock; Boys
bons to Animals From
County-wide Committee Plan*
Confident of Victory
McKenzie Ranch
Big Celebration; Governor
Harrisburg high school will bring
That l.ane county can produce
Patterson and Chairman Van
sliver fox which are as valuable or her football team here tomorrow af-1
more so than any other section ot j ternoon at 3:00 o'clock to play the
the United States was forcibly de­ game which she was supposed to
A group of members of the Junc­
tion City Lions club were guests of
the Springfield club at a 6:30 ban­
quet held at the chamber of com
marce room# last Friday evening.
The gathering was held for the
purpose of fostering better acquaint­
ance among the members of the
several clubs of the county. The
Springfield club was the sponsor of
the one at Junction City. A large
delegation from here went there early
this spring and organized the club.
Senator Ed Bailey, Claude Wash-
hurne and Jake Miller of Junction
City, spoke for their club. Short talks
for Springfield were made by H. E.
Maxey, W. F. Walker and Major G.
H. Kckerson. A male quartet from
Coburg, consisting of three brothers.
Rimer. Melvin and Oliver Gustafson,
und Percy Harrington, sang several
numbers. They were accompanied by
Miss Thelma Cross.
W. F. Walker was In charge of the
general arrangements for the gather­
monstrated last week at Die Pacific have played two weeks ago, but was
The new Springfield bridge will be
Intern,"tlonal Live Stock show which forced to cancel due to the Ineligi­
formally dedicated Saturday after*
was held In Portland from Saturday,
noon, December 7, In a ceremony be­
October 26. to Sunday, November 3, School here will probably be dis­
ing arranged by a committee com­
when one of the silver black foxes missed a few minutes early to allow
posed of delegates of all service
belonging to the McKenzie Silver the students to get out to the field
clubs and Chambers of Commerce I I
Black Fox ranch was awarded the at the Urattain school before that
Lane county. A county-wide celebra­
blue ribbon, and five other ribbons
tion will make the official openln*
were awarded other animals exhi­
The Springfield team has only here and highway officials and good
bited at the same exposition.
’ three more games to win to have a road boosters from all parts of the
The blue ribbon was awarded the clean record of all wins and no losses
state will be iinvited.
McKenzie fox In competition with a to chalk up for the season. She had
H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of the
group of forty others which had her record of not being scored against
State Highway commission. and
been shipped from all parts of the this season spoiled last Friday at
Governor Patterson will be the prin­
United States and Canada.
! Brownsville, when one of the players cipal speakers at the dedication cere­
The most Interesting thing about J there intercepted a pass and ran
mony. Before the dedication meet­
the exhibition, according to Mrs. W. ' across the entire field for a touch-
ing a general good roads banquet
E. Williams and her son, Joe, who : down.
will be held in the Osborn hotel, Eu­
were In Portland during the week. Is
There were more Springfield towns- gene, to which all members of the
that the McKenzie farm does not at­
| people and students at that game highway commission, the. engineers
tempt to raise exhibition stock. They
than from the city of Brownsville of the bureau of public roads, county
make a specialty of raising only first
I itself, despite the fact that the commissioners and other road boost­
class breeding stock, which are not
ers will be the honored guests and
stores there dosed for the game.
generally very valuable for exhibition
purposes. The animals were taken to
The dedication commltteee was or­
Portland more with the intention ot SUNDAY CLASS HOLDS
ganized at a meeting in Springfield
advertising the farm than in an
PARTY AT FRESE HOME last Friday evening with H. E. Maxey,
effort to seek prizes.
chairman; and O. S. Fletcher, Eugene
Many inquiries relative to the
The Junior girls clsas of the Chris- j
secretary. Sub-committees were ap­
Williams ranch were received at tian church held a party last Friday
pointed ag follows from those pre­
Portland and several tentative sales I evening at the home of Dorothy
sent: Speakers committee, F. C.
were begun. The McKenzie Fox I Frese. Myrtle Harvey, teacher of the
Walters, Edward F. Bailey, W. F.
farm is located about sixty miles class, and Mrs. Frese acted as hosts
Walker; banquet committee. Jack
east of Springfield on the McKenzie of the evening, which also marked '
McKy, Melvin Hanson, Harry Stew­
highway, and visitors are always the thirteenth birthday of Dorothy. 1
art; program committee, F. B. Ham-
welcome, according to Mrs. Williams, The rooms were decorated in the
Un, J. W. McArthur, Martin Ander­
who with her two sons are operating Hallowe'en colors and refreshments l
son, J H. Miller and N. L. Michele.
the farm.
appropriate to the occasion were A publicity committee was appointed
served. Many of the girls came in I consisting of the secretary, Mr. Flet­
cher. and the editors of all newe-
Among the girls present for the i papers In the county.
BY CHRISTIAN CHURCH evening were Faye Johnson, Marjorie j
Johnson, Leona Chase, Edna Sever- i NEW STUDENTS ENROLL
The tentative date of the Harvest son, Violet Oakes, the Webb sisters,
Festival which the Christian church Ethel Gray, Marie Houk, Many
is planning, has been set as sometime Young, Miss Ucatlll and Dorothy
W. F. Walker went to Portland on
Saturday to attend the degree team
contest of the 1. O. O. F. lodge which
was held In that city on Saturday-
evening. The contest this year was
between the Hassallo lodge of Port­
land and the Eureka lodge of Pendle­
ton. The Pendleton team won.
Portland's team has won the con­
text for the past several years and
It was quite a surprise, according to
Mr. Walker, to have an outside team
take the honors. Both teams had
forty members present and an audi­
ence of almost five hundred witness­
ed the degree contests.
Mr. Walker returned to Springfield
on Sunday.
during the Wo.t of November 24, ac­
cording to Mrs. Abbie Lynch, general
chairman of the entire affair. The
festival will consist of a sale of vari­
ous Items from booths, several games,
such as fish ponds and some skits of
entertainment, which will be pro­
vided by members of the Sunday
school and other Interested parties,
all to be held In the social hall of
the church.
The Sunday school Is sponsoring
the fall festival and the proceeds
which are realized will be used to
finish and furnish the Sunday school
rooms. This lg the first time such
an undertaking has ever been at­
tempted by the local churcn and the
workers are very much interested in
the success of it. The committee to
handle the event will be announced
Sunday morning by Mrs. Lynch.
A demonstration of various types
of clothes and their manufacture Is
being held this afternoon at Walter-
ville at the home of Mrs. Lawrence
home demonstration agent for Lane
county, is making the demonstration.
She also made a demonstration on
proper nutrition at Central, Oregon,
Enterprise People Here—Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Wilkerson and family of
Enterprise, Oregon, arrived here this
week. They are former residents of
Evening services at the Christian
church will be conducted on a plan
very similar to evangelistic services,
they will be short and anappy, states
Veltle Pruitt, preacher at the church
He will talk on "The Devil's Fire,” at One of the Largest Lists Ever
the service next Sunday evening
Published is Given Out by the
Pauline Stivers, a student at the
Principals of the Various
University of Oregon, will sing a solo.
Schools for First Six Weeks’
For the morning service the pastor
has selected the topic, "Christian
Work. Perfect Attendance is
Leadership.’' Mrs. Cliff Abrams will
Also Very Good.
sing “God Heareth Me." as a solo
at this service.
The honor rolls of the various
schools for the first six weeks periods
Is one of the largest ever compiled
COMPLETES PROJECT here. Every grade in each of the
schools has a representation of one or
Among the fourteen 4-H clubs that more names on the list. The honor
have recently completed their work students are those who have grades
on their projects and which will re­ above 90 In their work. Those with
ceive certificates tor 100 per cent perfect attendance have not missed
work Is the one on route One, Spring- a day of school during the six weeks
field. Mrs. Emma D. Spores Is the period.
leader, and the members of the group
High school students must have an
Include James Baker, Raymond Da­ average of two In all their work to
vis, James Davis and Beldon Stafford. get on the honor roll. The seniors
Each club hns a certain project lead the other classes In numbers of
and It must be completed before the names on the list. The list follows:
Seniors: Jessie Beals, Helen Cran­
certificates will be granted, accord­
ing to Arnold Collier, club leader for dall, Evelyn Buell, Vernlce Hawke,
Ralph Hughes, Jack Jackson, Elma
Lane county.
Lansbery .Thayer McMurray, Gladys
Porter, Richard Prochnow, Nellie
ENJOYED BY MANY Sankey, Audrey Smith, Ethelyn
Stark, Nellie Wright, Londelle Wil­
Twenty-five Invited guests enjoyed liams.
Sophomores: Thelma Baker, Janet
a very plensant evening last Thurs­
day nt the home of Mrs. Clara Faw- Boyd, Doris Chase, Eldos Ellison.
Juniors: Barbara Chandler, M.vrna
ver, at Second and F. streets. The
home had been beautifully decorated Bartholomew, Dale Daniels, Gilbert
for the Hallowe'en party and the Ernsting, Dorothy Fisher, Harold
evening was spent with games, cards Geiger, Mary Hadley, Ruth Lee, Irene
and dancing.
A very delightful Manley, Faye Parsons, Adallne Per­
luncheon was served by the hostess kins Mina Peterson, Violet Runte.
Freshmen; Leila Clark, Beatrice
In the latter part of the evening.
Four new students have been en­
rolled in the Springfield nigh school
during the past week, according to
W. E. Buell, principal. One of them
camfe all the way from Canada, two
are former students who had moved
to another town, and the fourth one
Just enrolled for the first time, al­
though his home is here.
Edna Haverfield has attended the
Canadian high school for one year at
Woodville, Saskatchewan, and hae
Just moved here with her parents,
who plan on making their home in
Springfield. Ilia Apger and Francis
Apger have just returned from Bay
City. Oregon, where they have made
their home for some time. Their
parents have moved back to Spring-
field. and the girls are again attend­
ing the local high school. Vernon
Neet of Springfield is the fourth new
student of the week.
The city street commissioner had
I had crews of men working in various
Gillette, Melba Harris, Lela Max­ parts of the city during the past
well, Beulah Richardson, Merceltne week cleaning out the various drain­
Seavey, Florence Vail, Leola Gates. age ditches and culverts. These, ac-
cc-dlng to Mayor Tyson, have gradu­
The honor roll of the Brattain ally filled with leaves and refuse
during the summer, until they had
become a possible source of danger
Joan Seavey, Margaret Haack, from heavy rains which are expected
to begin here at any time. The city
Carl Stevenson.
fire department has been assisting
Perfect Attendance
LaMayne Black. Delores Casteel, the men by hooking up sections ot
Fern Fisher, Margaret Haack, Pearl hose onto the fire hydrants and
Helterbrand, Nellie Howes, Marjorie flushing out the sewers to make sure
Johnson. Josephine Jones, Hazel that they are all In working order.
Nesbitt, Delores Nice. Druclle Ogil­ Everything is being done to assure
vie, JoLana Putman , Joan Seavey, quick drainage of the city street*
Shirley Smith, Wilmlna Spriggs, during the rainy season.
Faye Squires, Hazel Stafford, Collene
Man is Arrested
Cornell, Lillian Rodeha’ er, Ethel
Herbert Mills, 42, former contrac­
Severson, Woodrow Bates, Lawrence
Chase, Howard Fritts, Lloyd Harris, tor of Wyoming, was arrested here
Donald Kendall, Eugene May, Leon­ Monday by Lane county officers, who
ard Moon, Jack Pederson, Carl had been asked by the Wyoming
officials to apprehend the man. No
has been taken on his case
Barbara Barnell, Flonence May, pending word from that state. Mills
Frances Keeler, Rolland Farnsworth. hag declared that he Is anxious to
return to Wyoming and face the
Perfect Attendance
Barbara Barnell, Florence May, charges concerning the sale of en­
Roscoe Cole, Rolland Farnsworth, cumbered property which are sup­
Floyd Green, Frances Keeler. Flor­ posed to rest against him. He Is
ence May, Margaret Meek, Stephen being held in the county Jail and his
Rice, Vila Wright, Elizabeth John­ wife and family are living here.
son, Mary Moore.
Infant Son Dies
Jackie Bushnell, 16 day old son ot
Juan Stratton, Bernice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bushnell, ot
Francis Jean Dexter, died at the Pacific Christis*
hospital in Eugene early Sunday
morning. The funeral services were
Perfect Attendance
Harry Mills, Robert Lowry, Ralph held from the Walker-Poole chapel
(Continued on Page I)
In Eugene on Tuesday.