THURSDAY. OCT 31, 1929 T im s crino nn.P nbwa PACK THREW TRAIN SCHEDULE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Springfield Stop* FORECLOSURE , w .. , . . N oticeJ » h e r e b y that by deralgned,* A.*"a’ t o i i S . ‘S k to T p < X NORTH No 1« at 3 54 A. M. 8top to detrain ( virtue of an execution and order of tor of the entate of Umm- "n" "“»T passengers from Klamath Fall ami »»•« *»»“«<* out of the Circuit Court deceased, has filed hln Final A r e n n ^ beyond. " ,p « U te of Oregon for l-ane l„ the County Court o f l X No 8 at >• 4« P M ° Unty- ° Clob,-r n,2#' UIM,n »»d Or‘ «"n- and that November 9th S» i , pursuant to a d ecree given and m ade at ten o'clock In the fo r em a n • !, '*^ 5 Bus con n ection , at Eugene for by «aid Court on the 18,h day of at the County Z « ¿“'SS leaving 11 50 A M and 7 P M <>'tober, 1929, In a null therein pend gene. Ixme County Oregon h . . \ * SOUTH *"« ,n *b lch the W estern Loan and fixed by »aid Court a» the’ Ilulldlug Company wan plaintiff and Place for hearing and conrtdeH n! No. 7 at 12:47 P. M No 15 at 10 09 P m n . e Ralph T. Gilbert, et al, were defend »aid account. ® r A* Ht/,p f ° r »nt*, width execution and order of The date of first ouhliraHrtn k i _ passengers to Klamath Falls and sai- to m e directed UBd COM- O cto b er 10th. 1929. P " be,B* I beyond. manded me to sell the real property A. C. BARRETT, Adm inistrator FOR HALE or TRADE- Two well P O U N D -I ah I lea' Gold Wrlnt W alch E o li RENT House or Rooms Bus connections at Eugene for hereinafter described to satisfy cer- ALTA KING, A ttorney for E state Call located L it» lii Hprlugfit'ld for Owner run have nume by Identify at 1165 North Fifth street tra in , .eavktg , , « A. M via «M t,yen > N 7 Eugene property.- Address I*. «». lo g p r o p r i ) .md p in in g for t h i n --------------------- ------------1 Box I !• 1. S p rin g field If ____ ~ 23rd day of N ovem ber, 1929, a t the ud yitrllnemenl. N ew s office. Stitch es Taken— Several stitc h e s MarCota R esid en t H ere Mr« M u - itt . . h "ur o f f,np o ’clock p. m , ‘n at ine the ru 9UMMON8 * p TAINTING utid KnlHutnlnlpa In nil Its were n ecessary , o close a flesh W ilson of M a r c ia w s . in MrH ».(. i. Houlh» « » ‘ front door of the County T ' l L CIRGGIT COURT OF T H » Riddle R esident Here Mrs Curtis branches. Reduced Prices. Roy <» n the city ('our, House In Eugene, Lane County. HTATE OF OREGON FOR THE am p num ber 'tw o* Ha,,,r', “y J “ l,ln * «n friends. Oregon, offer for sale idu t „rr,_ _I. - and _ j sell ■■ at . i COUNTY ’T k f ’ Kf rfs •» x OF -» re _ LANE. . - - - N ew m an ca m e to R prtngfleld o y e r I p¡,,y,„. Ilf ' Koch CaU 126-J , ‘‘r NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S a a i s n»« PU? ’‘C a,lctlon for ra"h' »object to H^ n»« * Holdredge, Plaintiff, VS. th e w eek end to r e c e iv e m ed ical Jasp er, receiv e,! S a lu x i v NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT » . r Saturday when b e ! EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE “» „----------- Provided by — la “ ' Mrs. Lewie ‘ Harris.’ ' ---------- . — __ „RI Amanda / . atten tlu u . was struck on the head by an Iron IN TIIE I'OI NTY COURT OF THE of the right, title and in terest of the ™ °°r® now Amanda Bowen; N obte tong STATE OF OREGON, IN ANO virtue C®r bprpby given that by defendants in said action In or to the Trowbridge; the unknown heirs o t Q oe. to M arshfield- Hr. It P. Mor­ FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE, -------------- ---------------- . or an execution and order of; follow ing described real property Mrs^ Augustus C. Herrick; Amanda In re E n isle of Margaret A. Lur tensen made a business trip to Marsh NOTICE OF F , ^ r ^ L E M E N 7 ' “ - - U f / , ^ 7 V X ,X t S , . K £don; tb® unknown heirs ot St n, D eceased John B Rigdon, deceased; W illiam field lust Haturduy. Beginning at the Southw est corner McFarland and Etta M cFarlan" N otice Is hereby given that A r f.h ' o u n ,y ’ O c,"bpr 9th, 1929, upon and To whom thin muy concern: M Daugherty and H T II«“ rnA'ad I ’ W "¿J“ d"PrPp " ”>y “nd of l«ot numbered Six (6) In Block — — — “ — ' - u VUJUl w P i e L John McFarla nd; A lbert N otice l- hereby g iv e n that I, the numbered Seven (7) FIrst Addition NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT m in is ,r o to r , o f the " e »', a te " T i o h n McFarland and Abbie M cFarland, CoUrl O c“ ’b®r ___ undersigned, have filed In the above 8th, to Kincaid Park. Lane County, Ore­ his w ife; J. J. Barbre and L. A. " J "u 1 ppn,lln6 therein In N otice Is Hereby Given that the G. G riffin, d e c ea sed , have filed their entitled Probate Proceedings niy final account and rep ,7t a . '; h, ar Iflc Savings * Loan gon, running thence South 60 feet; h *’ w ife: Lucinda T hayer final account, that the Court hag net undersigned adm inistrator of the E s­ thence E ast 150 feet; thence North “ Wll"blngton corpora- 60 feet to the Southeast corner of | and John A. Thayer, her husband: the lim e for hearing thereof to he al tate of Ira Cline, deceased , has ren­ w ith th e Clerk of the County Court H, „ " ~ e , Saturday th e H " o 7 ? ' ' ^ . --------------------------- “ Jameg M cFarland; Margaret W ebb 10 00 o'clock a. Ill November X, 1829; dered and filed In the County Court and ana the ,1.« Court Court has has s set . \ p.,a,r,tlrr »"d ’ Carl Gl »aid Lot Six (6) and thence W est 150 ^ ,,zahpr^ J Glmpl, hl« wife, and Stephen M Webb, her hun- ami all persons having any objections of the Htate of Oregon for the County ¿6th day o f O ctob er 1&29 at 10 on feet to the place of beginning. band; Charles M cFarland; Peter W? e w h ic h . Ihireto, shall file (lie name In writ of tame his first and final account o ’clock In the forenoon, in th< Dated October 21, 1929. Guernsey and Clara J. Guernsey, a“*"1 "rd, r ° r »alc wa» to Ing In nuld probate proceeding on or and petition ami that on Haturduy < ounty Court Room In the Court , h H. L. BOWN. the 16, h day of November 1929 at the , ¡ ,,OU"B House of of "“ said County aa as the t h e ' time lim.* ',*rerte law - a 'l of the right, title ISAAC CLINK. Administrator. in the County Court of Lane County, i The Christian Community o f Cnlver Mary J. Jordan, deceased; and EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE al,d Interest of the defendants In Oregon, and that N ovem ber 2nd, 1929 sal Brotherhood. Ltd., a Corpora FRANK A. D el'I'E , Attorney. all other persons or parties un­ r„ « o „ i„ .,s lra,or berebr Klven that by hv''thrm .rh“^..0 * a" C alm ing at ten o’clock la the forenoon thereof ISAAC CLINE, Administrator tlon. Plaintiff, Vs. Edward Graf, known, claim ing any right, title, O 17*24-81 N 7-14 v rtUe a n expuution and order of u* or under them or any of at the court house In Eugene, I«ane Susanna Graf, and the Junction in terest, lien or estate in the real »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court ,h<‘m l,,nre the 8,h day of October. County. Oregon, has been fixed by City S tate Bunk of Junction City, property described in this com­ , of the S la te of Oregon for I«ani- ,D or to ,b e follow ing described said court as the tim e and place for Oregon, a Corporation, Defendants plaint or claiming- by. through or I County. October 16th, 1929. upon and rPal Pr°Pprty- to-wlt: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION hearing said account and settlem en t To Edward Graf, Susanna Graf under any of the above named d e­ I pursuant to a decree duly given and B eginning at the N ortheast corner No. 015779 ___ ________ _ thereof, the date of first publication and the Junction City S tate Bunk of fen d an ts; D efendants * '- — 'o f Lx), one (1) In Block thirteen (13) Department of the Interior, U. S. ™ade , by »»‘d Court October 1 5 t£ being October 3rd. 1929. , „ Junction City, Oregon, a Corporation, To Mrs. Lewig I>ewls HarH«- N oble Lind Office at Roaeburg. Oregon. | • "u,t pending o Pr!ngi!*'!d' according to the map of «son, I »“ B JM'ndlng therein In DENNIS COOTER, t v *:™' Harris; Ih-frndun ts: ----------« . ----- " " which The Pacific Savings and Loan 1 „ p rln rfle,d' recorded April 5, 1872 in! A dm inistrator^ ¿ r° wb" dge;. tb® unknown heirs of Septem ber 26, 1929. You are hereby required to appear Ion. a “ W ' ashington "corpora-1 y olum ® • 1 of - — n,lpd Records. In ¿nd"tor ! ALTA KINO, A ttorney for E state. ' *frs A ugustus C. H errick; Amanda A ssociation * and answ er the com plaint filed N otice Is hereby given that Ulla D. tlon, was _____________ ____ being at the s plaintiff and W illiam , W. , e County, Oregon, O 24 31 ! ¡jnhn i l v - ?,d0“ unknown heirs heirs of of O 3-10-17 3-10-17-24-31 n d ’, i _ a i he “ngnown against you In the above entitled Brendel, of Vida, Oregon, who, on W hite and Mary Á. W hite, hl«" wife ¡ ln’eraectlon of the South line of I ______________________ ; ~ ° hD B- Rigdon, d eceased ; W illiam suit within four (4 , w eeks from the October 27, 1924, made H om estead I McFarland and E tta McFarland hie and Mabel Richardson and Archie 8ou ,h "D" s tr e e t with the W est line date of the first publication ot this Entry No. 015779. for S E ‘< of SE<4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION w i f e ; John McFarland; A lb ert’ M o of_ j5 £ ° n d street in said town of j sum m ons In the Springfield N ews Section 21, Townahlp 16 8 ., Range 2 Richardson, her husband, were de ¡ Springfield, thence South along the i Farland and Abbie McFarlaad, hie fendants, which execution and order which first dal« of publication Is East, W illam ette Meridian, has filed W est line of Second street 210 feet BeParI,’len 1 of the Interior, U. S. P Bat bre and L. A. Barbra, of sale was to me directed and com­ October 17, 1929; and you are hereby notice of intention to m ake three- thence W est 87ty feet, th en ce North I *-and Office at Roseburg, Oregon, bis JT11®' Ludinda T hayer and John notified that If you fall so to appear year Proof, to establish claim to the manded mo to sell the real property 210 feet, lo the South line of th e! ^ P te m b e r 26, 1929. , Thay er> her husband; Jam es Me- desecrlbed to satisfy and answ er the said com plaint In land above described, before E O. hereinafter said suit within four ,4) weeks from Iinmel. United S tates C om m issioner, certain liens and charges In said de­ County Road, or South "D” street ' N ot|ce Is hereby given that Carl j . > f ®rla n « ; Margaret W ebb and 9te- th em e East 87*4 feet to the place of i ? 7 Bnapn' of v ,d a - Oregon, who. on „ 5 ^ . , ebb’ ber husband; Charlea the said first date of publication of at Kugene. Oregon, on the 13th day of cree specified, I will on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 1929, at beginning. In Springfield. Lane Coun May 26, 1925, made Adjoining Farm M cFarland; Peter B. G uernsey and this sum m ons, your default will be November, 1929. H om estead E ntry No. 015918 for 5, ara 1 Guernsey, h is w ife; Roy T. the hour o f One o ’clock p. m., at the ty. Oregon. entered and the plaintiff will make Claimant nam es as w itn esses: N E U Section 27, T ow nship 1 « the. unknow n hpJrs o f Dated October 11th. 1^29. Southw est door of the County Court­ application to the Court for the re Carl J Sw anson, o f Vida, Oregon. S., Range 2 East, W llllam ette Merl- i tbl? Ann McFarland, d eceased ; H. L. BOWN. house In Eugene, laine County. Ore­ lief prayed within the com plaint, Emery C Daiigheohaugh, of Vida, Sheriff o f Lane County, Oregon. dlan, has filed n otice of Intention to ¡C * ,” j ° T B h*ire ot Jonathan Mo- gon. ofTer for sale and sell at public ,<> wit: Oregon. auction for cash, subject to redemp­ O 17-34 31 N 7-14 m ake three-year Proof, to estab lish f c rlandJ 'ieceased; Carrie B ccm s; That the one certain mortgag« claim to the land above described. a nnk“ow n be>™ ot T. J. Bccloe, tion as provided by law. all o f the deled Jan 19, 1924. filed of record L, O. Holeman, of Vida. Oregon. before E. O. im m el. United S tates 1 x'L*.*9*’1;., Fra,'}k Adktns and ----- - right, title and Interest of the de­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT Com te the office o f the County Clerk of D. J. Dkinoho, of Vida. Oregon. m issioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on Adk*“£ ’ b'8 °>lTe» O atee a»d ROBERT B. CRAWFORD. fendants In said suit and of all parties lAine County, Oregon on February 9. N otice Is hereby given that the \ j G ates, his w tfe; Robert Baker A cting R egister. Claiming by. through or under them E ugene Ixxm and Savings Bank. the 13th day of Novem ber, 1929. 1924. and recorded on Page 37 of Claimant nam es as w itn esses: lit-san . Paker' bi» »Bfe; WtlfSun O 3 10 17 24-31 or any o f them since the 15th day of Executor of the last will and testa­ V olum e 66 of the Mortgage Records of Vida Oregon i d v d 7 T Jordan, his w ife; October, 1929. In or to the following ment of Jam es O'ConDell. deceased, - V ila D. - Brendel. of loine County. Oregon, and executed - Danghenbaugh, of go • | the unknown heirs o f Mary J. Jordan Emory C. Vida, described real property, to-wlt- NO*'ICE FOR PUBLICATION by the plaintiff to the defendant* has filed Its final account In the ; d ecea sed ; and all other persons or Beginning at th e S ou th w est corner m atter of the said estate In the i Oregon. No. 016804 t n tv 1 _ < — Edward Graf and Susanna Graf, i parties unknown, claim in g any right, County Court of l-ane County. Ore n j i T f v m J n ’’“' Ore* ° n' of lot one (1) In Block two ,21, In covering the real e sta te within the Department of the Interior, United “ tie. Interest, lien or estate Jn th e Cherry Grove Addition to Eugene, gon and that Friday, the 22nd day 7 R (^ f r T said m ortgage described, located In S ta te s Land Office at Roeeburg, rTal property described in the com- of Novem ber, 1929. at ten o’clock In : R BERT E. CRAWFORD, running thence East sixty (60) feet, lam e Connty. Oregon, be cancelled Oregon, October 4, 1929. A cting R egister p alnt herein, or claim ing by, through and annulled, and the Inst two ne­ Notice Is hereby given that Elmer th en ce North forty (40) feet, thence the forenoon of said day. In the O 7 ° r under of the ab°v e nam ed gotiable prom issory notes, the pay V. B issell, of Eugene. Crow Stage W est sixty (601 feet to the W est line County Court rooms In the Court _______________ 0 3-10-17-24-31 defendants. D efendants. m eat of which, said m ortgage was Route, Oregon, who. on October 20, of said lot One (I I, thence South house Ir, Eugene, I-ane County, Ore I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION *“ “ame ° f lh ® State 6F Or#' executed to secure, tie cancelled and 1924. made H om estead Entry No. along said W es, line forty (40) feet gon, has been fixed as the tim e and j gon: You are hereby required to No. 016452 annulled and satisfied of record, and 016804 for 8 W U Section 33. Township lo the Place of beginning, all In Lane place by the said Court for the hear- I aPPfar and answ er the com plaint ‘ that said two notes be delivered up 16 South, Range 1 W est. W illam ette County. Oregon. Ing of * objections to said account t DePartnlent Interior, U. S. filed again st you in the above en- Dated October 17th. 1929 for cancellation and for other eq u it­ Meridian, has filed notice of Intention and for the final settlem en t of said Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, titled suit within four w eeks from H I, BOWN. able relief. „ estate. Any and all objections to Septem ber 26. 1929. the date of the first publication of to make three-year Proof, to establish And you are hereby notified that Sheriff of Lane (o u n ty , Oregon «aid account and the final settlem ent N otice is hereby given that Emory this sum m ons, and if you fail so to la I in to the land above described, on October IB. 1929. the above named before E. (1. Immel, United S tates O 17 24-31 N 7-14 of said estate must be filed with the Glayton rfeughenbaugh, of Vida, appear and answ er, the plaintiff w ill Court made, dated and entered an C om m issioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on Clerk of the said Court on or before Orpg°h- » h o . on March 31, 1926,1 apply to the Court for the rellel CITATION order lug thnt th is sum mons the 15th dny of N ovem ber. 1929. the date of said hearing. made H om estead E ntry No. 016452, prayed for in the com plaint to-w it’ be published once each week for a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE EUGENE LOAN AND SAVINGS for S E ’* «1 N W U . Section 27. Town- FIRST: That the plaintiff is the Claimant nam es ns w itn esses: period Of four ,4» su ccessiv e weeks Hugo Urenlim, of Springfield, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE BANK OF EUGENE. OREGON sb lP 16 s • Range 2 East, W lllnm ettp owner in fee sim ple of the follow ing In the Springfield News, and that you COUNTY OF LANE. Executor of the I^ s t W ill and T es Meridian, has filed notice of Inten- described prem ises, to-wit: R F. D. No. 2 nppear and answ er the said complaint Ix-ster Nve. of Springfield, Oregon, In the m atter of the E state of John ,am ,'n’ of Jo"»’» O'Connell, deceased ,lon to makp three year Proof, to Commencing a, a point 32.74 ch ain e within four (4 1 w eeks from the d ale O 24-31 N 7-14-21 ps>ab'ish claim to the land above W est of the Southeast corner of th e R F. D. No. 2. J. T hom as. D eceased. of the first publication of this sum Minor W eagnor. of Springfield, Ore­ described, before E. O. Immel. Unit-1 John Stoops Donation Land Claim To Leora A. H arkins; Jasper W. m ons. which first date Is October 17. gon . R F. D No. 2. Thom as; E lsie J Marston; Albert M NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SALE ON Pd S ,a te » C om m issioner, at Eugene. No. 41. N otif. 6505, Tp. 19 S. R. 1 W. 1929 EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE GrpFon- on the 13th da? of Novem- W. M In Lane County. Oregon, rut»- E. W eagnor, Springfield, Oregon, Thom as; Lee D. Thom as; John H. E SLATTERY. ning thence North 24 degrees 23* Under and by virtue of an order Í beL’, R. F. D. No 2. Spores; Mary F. Sm ith; Frank Attorney for Plaintiff East 8.37 Chains; thence North 24 nam HAMILL A. CANADAY. Spores; Sam uel Spores; Leila Rea- of sale and decree of foreclosure - Claimant _ , , es . as . . . . w itn esses: My R esidence and Poatofflce Ad R egister rick; of the ihn Circuit Court ~ ot e iu d egrees 40’ W est 17.15 chains; th en ce Issued nut out of i „ n a , I,. , _ Brendel, or vina, Oregon. Irene R ennlnger; Daniel fsauori d ss is Is E u g en e. O regon. North 40 degrees 51’ W est 8.3T d r r e iss 17-24-81 N 7 14 O 10-17 24-31 N 2 Spores; Carrie Moore; Marvin the State of Oregon and County of ( arI J Sw anson- o f Vida, Oregon. chains; thence North 44 degree« Spores; W illiam Pow ers; Mary Bol Lane on October 8th, 1929, In a s u i t 1 r* ° . HoIpl” an. of Vida. Oregon, W est 6.81 chains; thence North 4» Frankie Pow ers; Kate Harkins wherein W. C. Rebhan, Eugene Kes- G°rri» J- Donoho. of Vida. Oregon, degrees 55’ W est 10.28 ch a in s;: ter and C. E. W heaton as plaintiffs ROBERT E. CRAW’FORD, Mary D eadm an:—G reetings. ____ thence South 41 degrees 31’ W est 4 8» the name of the S tate of Oregon, j'recovered a Judgment again st the A cting R egister. O 3-10-17-24-31 pba*ns to a point 3.21 chains south o f J You are hereby cited and required to Lorane Timber and Milling Company j the most northerly northw est c o m e r I appear in the County Court of the a» defendants In the sum of $45001 S tate of Oregon, for the County of together with interest thereon a t ! NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE , N of the John Stoops Donation Land Office Phone 176-J Res Phone 176 M " 1 Claim No. 41, th en ce South 5.69 la n e , nt the Court Room thereof, at the rate of 8% per annum from May) FORECLOSURE Bee. Phone 160 P l»«o Moving Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. , . . . (Chains; thence W est 21.92 ch ain s; Eugene, In the County of la n e , on 10th, 1927; the further sum of N otice Is hereby given that by thence South 33 S4 cha)ng; thenc< General P ractice, Special Attention SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER . 33 M ®baln’ : thp T uesday, the 12th day of November. $500 95 taxes paid; the further sum 1 virtue o f "an "execution and order o f ! to O bstetrics and D iseases 1929, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon of 1460 attorney4« fee« and $11.00 saie j«'Ued out of the Circuit Court of W ILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. 4 r 3 chains to th e plaee of be- — ♦« -a«,» x 4$„ k ------------- a . »aie isauea out or tne circu it cx>urt of ginning, containing 160 01-100 acreo of that day, then and there to show co sts and disbursem ents and a de­ the S tate of Oregon, for Lane C ou n ty,, of land, more or less, of Children. O ffice' RODENBOUGH GARAGE together w ith cause. If any you have, why the peti­ cree of foreclosure against the said 633 Main Street First N ational Bank Building Septem ber 30. 1929. upo’i and pur-1 all the right of w ays and privilege« tion of the A dm inistratrix herein, defendant, which said decree was lxm g D istan ce Hauling a Specialty i4-;0 A (*ecref Klven and made by thereunto belonging, all in the Coun- Springfield, Oregon praying for an order to sell the real enrolled and docketed In the office SUi\n •aid Court on the 30th day of S e p -, ty of Lane and the S tate of Oregon, property of said esta te, should not of the County Clerk of said County tember, 19*,9, In a «ult therein pend , A lso the Southw est quarter of the be granted and the Adm inistratrix on October 8th. 1929. and an execu- Clerk ot I « . ln w h ich J ,. P R ainey and A. E. N ortheast quarter of Section 17, authorized lo sell the real property tion issued thereon bv the 1929 I a W®I® J " " " " i , ^ u l m , Tow nship 19 South Range 1 W est o f DR. W. N. DOW DR. N. w . EMERY desecrlbed in said petition and d es­ said Court on O cteh er 8th am commanded to sell the following ‘q rn,,b and Emma Matilda Sm ith the W’illam ette Meridian, containing D e n tis t cribed as follow s, to-wlt: DENTIST First N ational Bank Building Com m encing at a point sixty (60) The Northern H alf of the South < Ln real 1 A ,so ,hp South h a ,f of the N ort*- Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J rods South of the One-Half Section Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon — ........................ . Corner betw een S ections 36 and 36, | w est Quarter and the Southw est commanded me to sell the real wegt quarter of S ect| on n , ,n T ow a. R esidence Phone 153-M Ofilce hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Î2 i 8” ’p « S o u th .’Range Ì W ert o ï ï h . Township 17 South. Range Four (4) ¿ u a r te Z o í t h e " ^ u t h w e s r Q « a 7 t e r E vening« by Appointm ent and the N orthw est Quarter of Sec ™ 1 f y , _„t8 t h Àn w , " !” npHe Meridian, containing 8» W est W illam ette Meridian; running Springfield, Oregon ® ' f ---------- thence East forty (40) rods; thence tlon Twenty-Two, In Township Nine 18a,d d*CrTP nf Range r>nviane Coun n. aAN*Lmail» have not. nor have any of them , an y ty. Oregon, containing approxim ately at ,hp front door of the General la w Practice W est 464 feet; thence North 60 rods right, title. Interest or lien upon said ' | Connty Court House In Eugene. T,ane prem ises. to the place of beginning, containing 280 acres County, Oregon, offer for sale and fourteen (14) acres in Lane County, I. M. PETERSON N otice Is hereby given that n m V the m e title uue m THIRD: That of the Saturday, the 9th day of November, j 8P’’ Pr ? a lm n X n n«f nrovMed Plaintiff in and to said prem ises h e Oregon ; Attorney-at-Law H tte »nrt in tlrert forpyPr fi«’ptp