PAGB s a OREGON STATE NEWS Choice Produce is OF GENERAL INTEREST Grown in Locality Principal Events of the Week Cucumber, Black Pop-Corn and Apples Are Displayed in Assembled for Information Window Here of Our Readers. TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS P. T. A. WILL HEAR DELEGATE REPORTS ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSDAY, OCT. 21. 192» ♦ ♦ THURSTON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. R. 1’. Mortensen and Mrs The first number of the Blue and George 1‘rochnow returned to Spring Gold M essenger, the Pleasant Hill field Friday from Grants 1'usa, where hlgll school paper was Issued Octo­ they had gone to attend the state ber II. I'bc staff con sists of Albert I'ureut -Teat hers' association conveli Mathews, editor; Floyd Mannev, us tion as official d eleg a tes from the slstant editor; Sheldon S lu ts. liter- Springfield organisation. aray editor; Avis Mi I-aughllti, liter­ The two ladies will give their re­ ary editor; Francis Phibbs, school ports of the convention ut the regu new s editor; Del S luts, sports editor; lar m eeting of the Springfield 1'. T Raymond Hills, business m anager; A. on Friday of this week. Matters Verna W ile' . advertising manager; pertaining to the entertainm ent oi Hugh W allace, m echanical superin­ the la n e County Coucll o f the I’. T tendent; Earl Drury, column con A., which is to have its annual ductor. m eeting here next month, will also The «fourteen schools entering thi­ be discussed at the m eeting ll league for basketball In the year The Lana County Council was of 1929 are as follow s; I'row. Cres­ awarded a silver eup at the conven­ well. Coburg. Doreuu. Lorane, Santa tion for being one of tthe three Clara, St. Marys, Pleasant Hill, county groups to show the largest Thurston. Vida, Elmira, Triangle gain In m em bership during the past Lake, Wnlker and Mohawk. The year, Mrs Parker of Elmira ts pre- I , P leasant Hill high school schedule sldent of the la n e County Council. Is as follow s: ♦ LION FEEDERS GATHER: SURPRISE MRS. TRAVIS Mr. and Mrs Frank Crumpton anil A large party of Springfield people fam ily from lfc4 less than last year's total. tw enty six mem bers ut the family Dec. 6—Open Grove. realtor. It was grown on sod ground present for the event Mr mid Mrs Visitors to Crater la k e national which had not been cultivated for Dec. 13— Elmira at P H. HI. Lumbermen of the West coast are Anda Calvert from Junction City park thia year numbered 138.435, ac- ten years. No fertilizer was applied, Montgomery drove up on Friday and Dec. 20— P. H. at Creswell. was In Thurston Monday, looking uniting in an effort to induce the De- j eerding to figures of the department but the corn wag kept well watered the Frese's went on Sunday Jan 3— P. H. at Mohawk. after his bees partment of State at Washington. D e f the Interior, an Increase of approx­ Jan 10— P H. vs. Ixirane at Eugene during the dry season. C., to attempt to persuade the Japan- j George T ravis, who bus spent imately 15,000 over last year. WOMAN EATS ONLY The kernels are as large as much ese government to revise the new V M c A several m onths In Mlnto-sota, re­ A young elk with five-point horns of the field ccrn grawn around here, BABY FOOD 3 YEARS tariff on lumber, which they have ’ Jan. 17— P. H. ut Elmira. turned home Tuesday. He will take was recently mistaken for a buck deer and pops into large, soft snow-white "For 3 years 1 ate only luihy food. recently put Into effect, and which i Jan. 24— P. 11. at St. Marys. up his work In high school. ■nd killed by a La Pine hunter be­ masses. Almost every ear in the en­ < verythlng else formed gas Now. Feb. 8— Mohawk at P. H. III. Pacific coast lumbermen claim Is thunks to Adlerlka. I eat everything tween Crescent and La Pine. The an­ G irls interclass basketball gam es I tire plot was perfectly developed discriminatory toward the Russian D e m o n s tr a te s R a d io and enjoy life."- Mrs M Gunn. imal weighed about 400 pounds. out to the very tip of the cob. Even the FIRST s|>oonful of Adler­ lumber Interests. A resolution ask will start October 21 What promises to be one of Baker Approximately four kernels were (ng this action was adopted last week J esse Phelps is working for George ' w illia m Rodenbough Installed a lka relieves gas on the stom ach and county's most productive mines is be­ planted in each hill and these hills rem oves astonishing am ounts of old at a meeting of the West coast turn Ixird. who has taken a contract for K olster radio at the W t) W hall w aste matter from the syatt-eu ing developed on Love creek on lower averaged about ten stalks each dur­ logging under Moore S Moore In the lust night. The radio will not be left Makes you enjoy your m eals and bermen held at Tacoma. Powder, 20 miles east of Baker. From ing the season. Including the suckers, m ountains south of l'leusust Hill. American lumber manufacturers there perm anently It was Installed sleep better. No m atter what yoa atx to 19 tons of coal are mined dally. have Cr**vd for your stomnch and none of which were pulled out. and contend that certain Japanese cititens to provide music for the N <>. W bow Rev. and Mrs W A. Elkins of Eu­ els, Adlerlka will surprise yoa — The Oregon grand lodge, Knights all which produced large and heavy who have monopolies on large timber gene were calling on friends ut P leas­ dinner, which waa served at the hall. Fl->n«-ry'a Drug Store ef Pythias, brought Its 47th annual oars of corn. i holdings in Russia were Instrumental ant Hill lust week. convention to a close in Portland with O th e r V e g e ta b le * Displayed in framing the tariff to benefit their Miss Grace Farnham, foreign nils- ' tha Installation of officers. Next Other interesting items on display own personal Interests. slonary from Yotsuya. Toklo, will year's convention will be held In Port­ at the real estate office Include a H. J. Cox. presblet of the Willam­ talk to the Interm ediate and senior 1 land. cucumber and rvo apples. The cu­ ette Lumbermen's association, who Endeavors next Sunday evening One hundred and fifty thousand cumber is also from the garden of was present at the Tacoma meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Bert John and fam ily baby trout hare been placed In the Mr. Walker. It Is nine and one-halt declared that all of the lumber manu­ Umatilla river at Bingham Springs inches long and has a circumference have moved Into the house form erly I factured in Lane county at the pre­ by the state game commission. The of thirteen and one-fourth inches. It occupied by Roes M athews anil sent time !s sold at markets on the fish were from the hatchery at Bing­ is almost perfectly shaped and lg family. railroads. He also declared that the ham. very solid, two things which one sel­ tariff would affect lumber manufac­ Herbert Egbert. 59. twice member dom finds in a cucumber as large as turers in this district because a d e-: CONVENTION REPORTS of the Oregon legislature and for a the one on display. The two apples CIVEN TO W. C. T. U. ! crease In exportation will mean that I E c tq e n e % number of years president of the state are from the orchard of T. J. Maxwell part of the lumber which was pre­ farmers' union, died at his home in who lives near Chase Gardens, and ^^ JlW iilam nR s viously marketed by water will be The regular meeting of the W. C. The Dalles, following a paralytic who has a very fine crop of apples sold at railroad markets In competi- - T. U. was held Monday at the home stroke. this year. tion with lumber already being of Mrs. William O. Hughes. Reports Many people from Seaside have Analytical Eyosiqht Examinations marketed there. were given of the county convention joined in the cranberry harvest in -the Scientific Visual Correction MUSIC SELECTED FOR held recently at Eugene. A report Clatsop county bogs. The total crop Precision ben» Qrindinq Laboratory of the state convention being held at FATHER-SON BANQUET REBEKAHS TO HAVE of the Delmoor bog. the largest on < Charaes Ro Higher Than Ordinary lDork Elsewhere Pendleton will be given at the SECOND PENNY DINNER Clatsop Plains, will be about 7000 The committee working on the ! November meeting, It was announced bushels. Father and Son banquet which will The women of the Rebekah lodge E. H. Batson, traveling agent for be held here early In November, an­ are planning the second of a series the Oregon State hospital, suffered nounced this morning that they had of penny cafeteria dinners for to­ bruises and lacerations when he was secured Claude Neely of Eugene to morrow evening, beginning at 6:00 attacked by a deer which had escaped take charge of the music for the at the I. O. O. F. hall. The general from a corral near the state peniten­ evening. He has secured the men's j public Is Invited to these dinners, tiary in Salem. quartet from the Eugene Bible uni- ' and is assured of receiving good Ben Cox, Cayuse, Is naturally a sober verslty as singers for the evening, meals for the money, according to man, but he almost, asked a doctor to and Veltie Pruitt, the new Christian , the chairman. analyze the water he had been drink­ Mrs. O. H. Jarrett Is general chair­ ing when he discovered that the four- preacher here and also director of point buck he had killed at Emigrant music at the Eugene school, will man of the October dinner. She win sing. be assisted by Mesdames Girard. springs was a doe. The name of the speaker for the Lansberry, Snodgrass and Louk. More than 600 summer recreation­ evening will be announced very soon ists visited the nine dominant peaks by the committee, stated W. A. of the Deschutes national forest on Taylor, a member, this morning. which lookouts are located, last sum­ mer. according to records computed SCHOOL CENSUS TO by forest officials. Ceaar posts from Marshfield are be­ START HERE FRIDAY ing hauled on trucks by R. C. Holman of Talent to Klamath Falls. The haul William G. Hughes, clerk of the from Marshfield to Talent is made in local school district, announced this ERE’S the latest Thor. And that means one day. Holman loads his trucks with morning that the census of school the most modern washer— for Thor potatoes on the return trips. children will be started tomorrow leads the world in the design o f washing As the result of injuries suffered in morning. The district has been dl- a half-hour barehanded fight with a flded into six sections to speed up machines. maddened bull, Isaac Boyer, 35, of the work, and six local women will By actual test—this is the only washer o f Bethel, was taken to a McMinnville do the counting. its type that thoroughly cleanses shirt cuff* hospital in a critical condition and and collars in one washing without soaking. was not expected to live. DINNER AT W. O. W. HALL By unanimous vote the city council See its many advanced features. See it* WAS WELL ATTENDED at Ashland approved the ordinance marvelous new beauty. And look at it* requiring a permit for the construc­ amazing low price. One hundred people were present tion, remodeling or repair of any struc­ at the seven o'clock dinner which the ture within the city limits, in which Neighbors of Woodcraft held at W. the amount involved exceeds 3100. O. W. hall last night. An extempor­ THE MARKETS aneous program was offered follow­ Portland ing the dinner. A beautiful dinner D ow n Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, *1.85; cloth was won by Sam Richmond. Is th o S e n s a tio n a l P ric e eoft white and western white,*1.19%; hard winter, northern spring and west­ EASTERN STAR HAS N ote these new Thor Features ern red, *1.17%. Hay — Alfalfa, *22.50023 per ton; SILVER TEA TODAY 1 I i / r T im » Tub— oven baked porcelain t a ­ valley timothy, *19.50 0 20; eastern im e ! inside and out. The members of the Eastern Star Oregon timothy, »21.50 022; clover, 2 lieautf—such as you have never torn in a *19; oat hay, *18; oats and vetch, are giving a silver tea at the home washer. of Mrs. Will Wright, 660 E street, »19.50 0 20. 3 IF«/» Top Tub— the width o f the tub hsel£i Butterfat—47 0 5 1 c. this afternoon. An Invitation is ex­ Eggs—Ranch, 28049c. tended to all ladles of the town to 4 Rubbrr Guard»»/, V ibratim p rm j l id Cattle—Steers, good, *10010.50. be present. 5 N rw Sptrd— N tw K m dnta to CJuba. Hogs—Good to choice, »10.25011.35. 6 Simp!», Compart. Rurf to operate. General Lambs—Good to choice, *10.50 011. Electric Motor. Albany Resident Visits—Mrs. Ro Seattle 7 Her Capacity. Doea entire w ashing In 1 Howry, Wheat — Soft white and western bert Sears was here for a few days It's the box back model that •white, *1.20; hard winter, western red visit the fore part of the week. «2.50 d ow n. W asher w ith o u t Ironer, «6.33 8 I ’amaut Tbor Quality. fashion leaders are wearing. and northern spring, *1.19; bluestem, m onthly* w ith Ironer, «9.46 m onthly. Smartest fabrics, too. Keeps 9 Amazing lo w Pric»—«3 0 to « 6 0 leas f a s «1.35. Clergyman (at the dairy): "Re­ you warm and well dressed. any washer o f comparable quality. Eggs—Ranch, 31 050a. garding the milk you deliver here— ” See them at our store. Butterfat—61c. Milkman (uneasily): "Yes sir?” Cattle—Choice steers, *9 50010.35. $19.75 “1 Just wanted to say that I use the Hogs—Prime light, *11.25011.40. | milk for drinking and not for chris­ Lambs—Choice, *10.26 010.50. tening.” Spokane Cattle—Steers, good, *9.60010. Hogs—Good and choice, *10.500 Gerald: "Jane’s very romantic, isn’t «10.85. she?” Lambs—Feeder lambs, *8.7509. Gregory: "Yes, she wants every declaration of love to have a ring in it.” Dr.RoyalQick _______ OPTOMETRIST________ [ EYES [ examined s CLASSES F IT T E D The Amazing new Thor Agitator $30 to $60 Less Than Any Washer of Comparable Quality H -------------- Only--------------- $252 This Topper G et’s Them! M ountain S tates P ower C ompany J. c. PENNEY co. â