Try the H om e P rin t Shop F irst THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW EN TY-SIXTH YEAR HI'UINGFIKIJ), LANE COUNTY, OREGON- PROF. VELTIE PRUITT NEW PREACHER AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH OILING ASKED EOO | Professor Veltle P ru itt I him accept- •«I n cull extended to him Sunday by i III« Springfield Christian church to County Chitinber Adopt» Re»o- ,.... Ih,.lr IlllnlH„.r w,„ lution Asking Thnt Stretches in ti„. pulpit there at both the of Present Highway be Oiled morning mid evening services nest Early Next Year, and all Hun,I*y- »»rultt 1« ot a stranger to 11« has Ire- He i ' lb« local cogregullon Portions Soon Improved. P atent R ights For Ointment A re Sold THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1920 ESTIMATE LEVY FOB CITY I I 528,839.00 Denver Concern to Exploit ■ Merits of Ketel’s Arnber- O-Latum. Budget Committee Meets Tues­ day and Drafts Financial A medical product, which wan first Program for Year; Streets. compounded by a Springfield drug gist, and which wua manufactured Police and Fire Departments hero for several yeurs, will soon be­ Increase. “Th« Psopl«*« Paper” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 41 Vallier A gain in Charge ot Street MATERIAL ARRIVES Mayor to Make Appointment Following Commissioner Steel for Big Structure on Thurman’s Resignation Ground and Revolving Light A change In the street department Tower Will Probably 8» will lake place next Monday, accord­ Erected Soon on Em» raid ing to Mayor W. P. Tyson, who says Heights. he has received the resignation of quently filled the local pulpit during come nationally knowu as a result of O. C. Thurman, street commissioner. A request that all port Iona ot Ui« the past tew years. the sain of manufacturing rights re­ Material for the large revolving For running expenses and bonded Mayor Tyson will appoint George Mr Pruitt has been on the faculty cently to u large Denver concern. M< Kensle highway up to alulc stand- Indebtedness for the Town ot Spring Vallier. former street commissioner, beacon light to be erected by the dards he oiled between Springfield of the Eugene Bible university for federal government on Emerald The compound Is Amber-O-Latum j field for 1930 It will be necesaar" to and Sluter« next xprltig wns mud« In the punt six years In the rapacity of I chest ointment, originally compound raise 12H.H9924 by taxation, accord­ to fill the vacancy until appointments Heights, Springfield, is on the ground are made the first of next year, and a resolution passed by the l.nne voice Instructor, lie Is now bead of ed by John Ketels In his drug atore ing to the estimate of the budget and It Is expected that the structure 1'ounly Chamber ot Commerce at Its the vocal department and has forty , here. He has recently sold the ex­ committee, which met Tuesday even­ will ask the council to ratify his ap­ will be put up soon. Harris * Wright* pointment at a special meeting of meeting In thin city Thruaduy even eight pupils, to whom he gives fifty- 1 clusive right to manufacture and ing. This Is 1400 more than was Albany contractors, have received lug Tb« reaidutlon ulao naked that four private lessons each week He I I market this ointment for a period raised In 1929, and If the assessed the council Monday night. the steel and other material and will Mr. Vallier was street commis­ all tb« unimproved portions of lb« j will continue In hi« poaltlon aa mu ale of twenty-five years to the LaRue valuation of the town grows any the sioner until the first of this year soon do the work. The big tower, 6« highway be Improved to «tat« aland Instructor at the Bible university Laboratories at Denver. He will re- levy should be approximately the under the former city administration. feet high, will be topped with a light arils us soon as funds were available. while serving as pastor here. than can be seen many miles. i celvu a royalty on each package of same as this year. He has been building roads and The r.-aolutlon request. If carried The Pruitt family will continue to (,lt, product that the company sella, The actual running expenses of the The large beacons are being pat up out. would mean that all the highway make their home at 1403 Villard I and they In turn have agreed to ad- city were Increased more than 1400, streets for many years, and has a to light the air mall route along th« record of being a thorough street m>m Nimrod to Sisters would lie street, Eugene, which will make II j vertlse It extensively In the larger but lees money is required for bond Pacific coast. One Is to be erected oiled continuously, and between Nim­ easier for him to fulfill his dual role dally papers ot the United States Interest this year, since some of the commissioner. at Albany and another below Cottage Mr. Thurman, who was appointed Grove. rod and Waltervllle the county road of preacher and teacher. They have i un(1 o¥er Ur