4 PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pafcllahed Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY. Editor. btered as secon d atasi! matter, February 24, 1903 at the >etftH Springfield, Oregon postOTlce, MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Owe year In Advance------- »1.75 Three M o n th s _____75c • I t M on th s.............................. $1.00 Single Copy ........ ........6c THURSDAY, O CTO BER 17. 19?9 AVIATION CENTER RUSHING INTO TH E AIR THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1929 OIL T H E McKENZIE HIGHWAY fa rm e r p a sto r of the S pringfield HIGH SCHOOL PAPER LOCAL RESTAURANT ! M ethodist ch u rch from 1920 to 1924, MAKES BOW LAST FRI. IS RE-DECORATED ! w as in th e city for a sh o rt tim e o a Every foot of the McKenzie highw ay th a t is up to sta te sta n d a rd s should be oiled from T he firs t issue of the Ju n io r C lass T h e E agle cafe on Main s tr e e t has ' M onday. He was on his way to Bend Springfield to S isters this com ing year. P a rts E choes, th e official high school been "com pletely red eco rated d u ring | w here he w as to hold his first q u a r­ of this highway which have not been improved p ap er w as d istrib u te d a t th e high th e la s t few days. New w all paper te rly co n ference sin ce being eleetd to sta te stan d ard s should be rebuilt in 1930. The school last F riday. T he ed ito rs for of a very a ttra c tiv e p a tte rn has been to h is new post a t P o rtlan d recently. th e nine pages m im eographed publi­ He w as also plan n in g on in v e s tig a t­ McKenzie was one of the finest sta te highw ays cation a re try in g a new idea th is put on th e w alls, th e w oodw ork has on which im provem ents was started , yet it now y e a r and a re a tte m p tin g to have an been painted, also th e booths and ing som e m a tte rs p e rta in in g to his tables. New light fix tu res have also appears a t the present ra te th a t it will be one illu stra te d cover ready for each is­ been in stalled to tak e the place of church body a t R edm ond w hile e a st of th e C ascades. of the last completed. We have loitered along sue.. D aisy T o m seth and B arb ara the fo rm er ones. Rev. Y arns is now m aking his hom e W illiam G oodm an, th e p ro p rieto r, with this road long enough. County officials C handler w ere th e cover a rtis ts for a t Salem . He w as a p a sto r at O regon the first issue. s ta te s th a t he is co n sid erin g the and the people in general should now insist A sk it w as p resen ted a t th e w eekly placing of a new neon sign in front City before he w as given the new th a t this road be com pleted a t once. position. assem b ly T h u rsd ay m o rning to a d ­ The governor’s party which m otored up this Since the establishm ent of th e airport a t j highw ay Septem ber 29 retu rn ed com plaining Springfield, the people of this vicinity have taken j how “terrible” the road was. We are glad that to the air and Lane county bids to becom e the I som eone in au th o rity realizes th at the McKenzie aviation cen ter bf Oregon. Since Septem ber 29 highway is not w hat it should be. m ore th a n 1600 people have flown, according to , ,, • , . , , : * , . „ & T ourist travel on this highw ay is not half reports com ing from the airports in Springfield ¡, , and Eugene 1 1 three or four years a S°> aad m any local people have quit spending holidays on the Certainly never before have this m any people river because of road conditions. People take rode in airplanes over a period of two weeks in the attitu d e “ why travel the rough and dusty any p art of Oregon outside of Portland, and it JMcKenzie when th ere are good pavem ents and Is doubtful if even the big city can break this oiled m acadam roads elsew here.” Lane county record. With this wave of “airm indedness” is suffering m ore tiian people realize because oi sweeping over us Lane county can be expected the poor condition of this road, and the fam ous r/v lizizintti one z v r. z- of » i ' 4 the V» . . 1..» ,11« „ aviation centers , lzr rvnnLv ,.,¡11 4." ous if z. this 1. • condition 1 • , • to become leading on Viz, McKenzie will 1. be . . !« infam ex­ the coast. ists m any m ore years. • • • W ith the opening of the big field here Lane county has three first class airports and two air DIGGING OUR GRAVES WITH A SKILLET . „ „ , . . . , schools running „ full blast rn in o g out pilots. - ------ tu -------- ....wav. h a ir io » mu- A Ilian .. Whose IS w hite aiiu a n d nas h a s nveu lived lOIlg long ' to ' acquire ' ‘ ' C ottage Grove is not to be overlooked w hen i enouBh som e wisdom and reta in good counting airports. T h a t city h a s a good field ,iealth> said to us the o th er day th a t a frying and is lighting it for em ergency night flying. J’au 8eldoni w as eal|ed into use a t his house, i l l • i . I n a t cdubctl us to reflect on just how m uch of Considerable m oney is now being expended on it. .th e hum an's food was prepared in frying pans T he dedication of the Springfield m unicipal or skillets’ and if you’ll do likewise you m ust ad- a irp o rt with the governor and a corps of higj, Illi, ,lia t this kitchen utensil has it all over others sta te officials in attendance, was the biggest single air event ever staged in this part of Ore­ We all know th a t fried food is hard to digest gon. This dedication, and the advertising sub­ and we all know th a t indigestion and stom ach sequent to it, to g eth er with the alm ost n a tio n ­ ailm ents a re the basis of the m ajority of our sicknesses. Yet th e housew ife, chiefly because wide reputation M ajor G. H. Eckerson is g etting it is th e easier way, will work th old skillet over ... “ u wm w u i k m e oiu sKinec over- am ong pilots as an ace flyer, has put aviation j tim e and when the husband goes to the restau r- forem ost in the m inds of our people so m uch ' a n t twice o u t of th ree tim es he will order a fried th a t they have stood in line a t the airp o rts the 1 nieak last three Sundays w aiting for rides. We hum ans do a c t funny and fall into all While these local events have stirred us to k*nds of habits even when reason tells us they m uch activity we m ust not im agine th a t we a r e l are bad and could be easily corrected. T aste and pioneering the way. P a rts of the east are m uch ' 8Peed wil1 get the best of com m on sense any ahead of us in aviation and m ost of the large lam e tinie w hen it conies to eating. B ut it m ight be cities have several fields. T he sta te of New well any day to ask ourselves “Are we digging York has been plotted into fields and airports our graves with a sk illet? ” and reports are now th a t an av iato r cannot fly In any direction in th a t sta te w ithout being w ithin seven miles of a t least an em ergency Nearly 1000 acres in Brazil have been planted landing field. Those who would say th a t one to bananas by an Am erican com pany. field is sufficient in Lane county have not had • • • their eyes open to aviation. They are the sam e ones who gasped when the second service statio n was opened in town. • • • ! i.' of his place of business. v ertise the paper. Lloyd M adison and Jo h n L ynch, to g e th e r w ith th e a s­ T he Second (e x c ite d ly ); “T he F o rm e r Pastor V isits sista n c e of th e e n tire ju n io r class Rev. T. D. Y arns, d is tric t su p e rin ­ bell’s gone for th e elev e n th ro u n d " took p a rt in the p resen tatio n . Much B ruised B oxer: "Oh, let s sit te n d e n t of the e a s te rn d is tric t of , O regon of the M ethodist church, and th is one out." Fenders Damaged Sunday Two autom obiles being driv en by W. A .T u rn er of H a rrisb u rg and M. K. D uree of E ugene, collided a t the c o rn e r of 5th and Main s tre e ts S un­ day, re su ltin g in two broken fen d ers and a broken bum per. D uree was driving &n autom obile w ith a C alifor­ n ia license and said th a t he was a stn d e n t a t the U n iv ersity of Oregon. PU ZZLE—Send your nam e and a d ­ d ress and get a new and d ifferen t puzzle FR EE — one th a t appeals to your im agination— m ore fun than a crossw ord puzzle. If you a re good a t puzzles, you m ay win a 1930 Dodge Six Sedan or one of th e 24 Other prizes to be aw arded in a great ad v e rtisin g cam paign. W estern News Co., 1944 H azel St., Salem , O regon. New Zealand has a law taxing foreign sales­ m en on the prolits they m ake in that country. • • • Germ any led the world in tin* increase of m er­ chant shipping during Hie last fiscal year. R em em ber the g reat cause of fatigue su g ar in the blood. I insufficient We have your favorite kinds. ST G Ci! M A N N ’ In the m a tte r of th e e s ta te of B erth a Cox V incent, D eceased. < ubisaaiiiai^CiiaaiBBnwaBnwiiiinnwimHniffliiiiwL-^nifinitnnmi^iniifl N otice is h ereb y given th a t under and by v irtu e of an o rd er of the C ounty C ourt of L ane County, O re­ gon, duly m ade by the Hon.’ C. P. B arnard, Ju d g e of said C ourt, on the 10th day of O ctober, 1929, au th o riz ­ ing and d irectin g W illiam V incent, th e A d m in istrato r of said E s ta te to m ake sale as such A d m in istrato r, of THE DELIVERED PRICE OF THE tile real p ro p erty of said E sta te h e re in a fte r d eescribed, I will, from and a fte r I the 10th uay oi N ovem ber, 1929, at the office of W ells & W ells, Bank of C om m erce B uilding, E ugene, O regon, proceed to sell for cash a t p riv ate sale, the follow ing described real p roperty, to-w it: An undivided one-half in te re st in and to L ot T h ree (3) in Block One (1) of D. G. Mc­ F a rla n d ’s A ddition to C ottage Grove, 942 Olive Street, O regon; or so m uch th ereo f as may be n ecessary. Said re a l p ro p erty to EUGENE be sold to the h ig h e st b id d er for cash USED CAR LOT 7th and OAK for the h ighest price o b tain ab le, su b ­ je c t to confirm ation by th e aforesaid ^illll'IUliinilllUIHIIIIliinilllKIIHWIlHII (iiiiiHiiiiitiiiuiiuiiihiiii.Tim^HtiiHiyiiKfinniiiiimintMnnmiKtuinHiitiMiiiHiHitiiiBBtUHiiiiiiii C ounty C ourt. W ILLIAM VINCENT, A d m in istrato r. W ELLS & W ELLS, A ttorneys. O 17-24-31 N 7-14 BEFORE BUYING CHECK Chevrolet Six MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. OREGON «mura Life-TimeiTub in the new Thor Agitator We a re proud of th e a tte n d a n c e at the recen t stat-> fair and b oasted 40,00 a tte n d a n c e in one day. W e w er ra th e r shocked a t a new s item from T o ronto, C a n a d :, com plain in g of th e a tte n d a n c e at th e ir fair th is yea.- which w as 05,000 less th an la s t year. T he bad w eath er w as said to be the cau se of th is d ecrease in atten d an ce. T h en it was sta te d th a t 1,974,000 had atte n d e d u te fair j in th e tw o w eeks th a t it lasted . T h is would m ake an a v erag e a tte n d a n c e of 154,000 a day. Only $252 D ow n N o te th e s e new T lior F eatu res T h is leads us to conclude th at th e W illam ette V alley h as m ore room for m illions m ore population th an it has a t p resen t. B eing fa m ilia r w ith th e clim atic conditions of th e sectio n s from w hich (his en o rm o u s a tte n d a n c e was draw n from we a re p ersu ad ed th a t th is valley h as every a d v an ta g e in su p p o rtin g a d en se population, o ver th a t te rrito ry . T h e world has yet Io d isco v er Oregon. PINKY DINKY is "W h ere th e S ervice is D ifferent" W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y S P A R S E L Y S E T T L E D The postoffice departm ent recently notified (M olalla P ioneer.) all postm asters to interest them selves in aviation locally— prom ote fields and proper a ir m arkers. It Is d ifficu lt for us to u n d e rsta n d th e difference of It is said th a t — a list of those v cities w d en sity sectio n H s m of l the com ---------- iv iv o n i ithout iu u u t t air in - — of • population . in . . o som u u i e c O CVUUH i lt ? e e U a S st L as C O U l- ports were soon to be compiled and ordered t h e > ared with the W illam ette V alley. O ccasionally we find postm asters to report w hat progress was being ■llld old diner bem o an in g th e fact th a t th ere a re too m any m ade in their cities. In o th er words, the go- i people living in o ur section an d w an tin g to ta k e to the V P r t llllP llt P Y n n o iu zi t> v /w l --------- 1 .1 .1 . H i l l . . * z. vernm ent expects t to prod the laggard cities h ills to avoid a th t ................... e congestion of population. along in the developm ent of flying fields. G overnm ent owned and operated m ines thro u g h o u t the world will produce about fifty million tons of coal this year. • • • IS ONE OF BEST SOURCES OF QUICK ENERGY A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T I C E OF SALE OF R EA L PR O P ER TY Editorial Comment. All signs point to the fact th a t “ we a in ’t seen nothing y et” com pared to w hat we will see in the next decade in aviation—even right here in Springfield and Lane county. • • • CANDY 1. L ife - Tim e Tub— ovea baked porcelain enaxnet inside and out. 2. Beuuty— such as you hart never seen io a washes Top Tub— O n width o f the tub itself. 4. By Terry Gilkison Rubber Guarded. Vibro tton Proof Ltd. 9. N ew Speed— N ew Kited nets to Clothes. 6 . Simple. Compact. Easy ft operate. General trie M oto r. Eleo 7. Big Capacity. Does ea tire waahins lo 2 hours 8. Famous Thor Quality. 9 . Amasdug Low Prices— <3 0 to |6 O lest chaa any washer o f com pti* able quality. gives you this new develop­ HE beautiful green tub of the New Thor Agi­ ment plus—a host o f other tator is baked porcelain en­ features—at the lowest price amel—inside and outside. ever asked for a quality You might look for a fea­ Thor. See it. Examine it. ture like this in a high priced Note its sensational price. w asher — but T h or now T / W iL L VOU S E E - W H E N I OTOPPBD T H 5 E E M P S . S M IT H d A V E MB A P ie c e . O P C A K E A N P I S A ID ’ T H A N K '? - A N D - i M E S A lP $2.50 down. Washer w ithout Ironer, $6.33 m onthly; w ith Ironer, $9.46 m onthly. D on ' t m b m t io m M ountain S tates P ower C ompany DR E C MEADE O P T O M E T R I/T IA W e / T g ™ AVE 4