Try the H om e P rin t Shop F irtt THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y -S IX T H Y E A R CITY BUDGET BOARD L SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. BLACKSMITH SHOP W ILL BE REBUILT DECLARES OWNER The A1 Senseney blacksm ith shop which burned to the ground in a bad night fire last W ednesday, while the Five Freeholders to Meet With owner was in California, will be re- Council on October 22 to ( Luilt on the same site, according to Frame Estimates; S. P Mr. Senseney, who arrived in Spring- field the day afte r the fire. Actual Wants Bus Franchise Chang­ work of rebuilding will be started ed Over Bridge. as soon as the debris can be cleared away. The budget com mittee to make up i About three thousand dollars, most the 1930 expense estim ate for the ' . „ ¡of which represented tools, was the town of Springfield was selected “ at ‘ estim ate which , Mr. ,, H 6 Senseney placed a meeting of the council Monday upon his loss this week. He carried evening. Each councilman and the no insurance on the building or the m ayor chose a freeholder to assist equipment. the council in the work. They are W orkmen were busy the first of George Perkins, C. E. W heaton, Roy the week repairing tbe bui;dings be. W Carlton, William Donaldson and ■ longing to Dr w H. Pollard which George Vallier. The first m e e tin g , were pa,.tly burned „y ,he f(re will be held Tuesday evening, Octo­ The fire was one of the most ber 22 and 7:30 o’clock. stubborn ones which the local fire Fog No Problem a t A irp o rt S u n day THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1929 "T h e People's Paper” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 40 C1A/ARTG CAIMII V IQ F ootball Team to FULDP10 REOPEN ^ ^ I d rfllV IlLl Id M UHS H IN AUTO ACCIDENT . . - .... . . . . . NEW STORE IN CUT Sunday Program Draws Large ¡ Crowd; Waco Plane ------- Home Field Tomorrow Repainted Springfield People Have Ribs, At 3:15 P. M. Lease Two Rooms in Stevens- Collarbone, Broken in High­ Perkins Building on Main Another of the advantages of the The first home game for the way Accident Near Albany; Street and Prepares to Take Springfield municipal airport over Springfield higu school football team Auto is Burned; Passengers will be played tomorrow afternoon many of tile others in the W illamette Possession November 1st valley was dem onstrated here last Taken to Hospital. when the U niversity high school After Remodeling. Sunday when Major Eckerson took his ships from the hangars and went into the sky for four hours before the fog had lifted sufficiently over Eugene to perm it complete visibility of the city, and before ships were able to leave the ground there with any certainty of finding the field when they desired to land. The major was hauling passengers here at the one cent per pound rate many hours before the ships a t the E u­ gene port left tile ground. About one hundred and fifty more 1 people took their first rides at the local field Sunday, and several thousand more drove out and w atch­ ed from time to time during the day. It was very evident last Sunday that Springfield nas one of the fore­ most fliers in the country stationed at her port here In the person of Major H- Eckerson. This was indicated by the m anner in which team is booked to cross the river Five Springfield people were badly and try to turn the tide which has A new drygoods and furnishing« shaken up and three of them received until the present time carried the store will be open in Springfield severe injuries yesterday afternoon local boys to two successive vic­ about November 1 by Julius Fulop, at 3:30, when the automobile being tories. for many years a m erchant here, who driven by C. E. Swarts turned over It is expected that the entire ag­ W ednesday leased the Stevens- on the highway about half way be­ gregation of players will be out and tw een Albany and Jefferson. The Perkins building on Main street, be­ •n uniform for the game tomorrow, automobile caught fire immediately which the boys confidently expect tween Third and Fourth streets. and was completely demolished by to win. There is not very much W orkmen were busy early this the flames. It was necessary to cut available inform ation as to the rela­ m orning removing the bales of hop« out the rear end o. the auto to re­ tive strength of the two teams. The which have been Btored in the build­ lease the passengers, who were im­ University high men have not had ing and in tearing out the old p arti­ prisoned within the flaming machine. M c K lin N ow Councilm an force had to contend w i.a for some the benefit of two previous m atches. tions preparatory to the remodeling M. J. McKlin was elected to fill tim e The passengers were C. E. Swarts, ch arred lum ber continued to The game will be ca-led a t 3:1b of the building, which is expected to the vacancy of W. P. Tyson, who has ! smoider over the w eekend and fire driver, Mrs. C. E. Swarts, Miss Edna be complete by the first week of been elected mayor. Mr. McKlin has officials made another run to the Sw arts, Mrs. Mary Kessey, and Mrs. on the field adjoining the B rattain November. school. The classes of the high served several term s on the council site of the fire Tuesday morning to Alice Johnson. Mrs. Sw arts has Mr. Fulup Btated when here ye»- before. He will fill the com m ittees sprinkle w ater on a pile of wood three broken ribs, Mrs. Johnson has school are conducting a contest in in which Mr. Tyson was a member. which threatened to burst into a broken collarbone, and Miss Swarts the sale of season tickets which are terday th at he wanted to move into the new location Just as soon a« 8 . P. W a n ts Franchise has several cuts about h er legs, the good for all tue home contests. fram es again. Two gam es and two victories is the remodeling could be completed. Ho A request for a franchise to oper­ result of flying glass. The others ate over the new Springfield bridge COUNTY CHAMBER TO wer9 badly bruised and shocked. record made thus far by the Spring- left la st night for Portland, where and to change the routing in the They were taken to Albany for field high school football team. The he will purchase stock and fixture«. r ( r T T C i M i r u T ikl c i t v . MEET TONIGHT IN CITY; the large crowds of people> gatbered local men went to Lebanon on Octo­ town was made by T. L. Billingsley, treatm en t in the hospital. The m erchant, who is returning to ber 3, and had very little difficulty Springfield, form erly operated the m anager of the Southern Pacific com­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sw arts did not INTERESTING PROGRAM I at the field at three o’clock to watch pany m otor buses. He requests a _____ ! the Sunday afternoon stunting carni- hear of the accident until six o’clock in defeating the high school team of F arm ers’ Exchange store at Fifth franchise to operate from Second on More than fifty people are ex-1 vaji wnich has become a fixed part last night, when his father called him th a t city. L ast Friday the boys, and Main streets. He disposed of Main Btreet to the new bridge and pected to attend the banquet and of every Sunday’s flying with the and gave out the particulars. They together with a large num ber of his stock to Kafoury Brothers and possible to run over the new bridge m eeting of the county cham ber ot major. w ent to Albany immediately and students and townspeople, w ent to has lately been conducting a store Sixth to Fourth stree ts and down commerce, which is to be held here Four hundred and fifty passengers finding th a t the patients were Junction City, where they handed a t Monroe. He is well acquainted this evening a t the cham ber of com­ have been hauled a t the local port all resting easily, they returned th eir opponents the short end of a with the m rchandising problems of F o u rth to Main street. merce rooms. Mrs. Kessey accompanied 19 to 0 score. 20 Minute Service the Northwest. H e is a brother of last week, and several of the stud­ home. Judge C. P. Barnard will address ents have been taking daily lessons them. The others were still at the A petition signed by about 160 re­ Despite the fact th at two of the the Fulops who have the store in sidents has been sent to the com­ the gathering on the road oiling pro­ In the Arrow sport plane, which Is hospital this morning. regular tackles, Jess Sum ner and Eugene and who also own and oper­ pany requesting th a t the bus service gram for Lane county. Edward Bail I eqUipped witb dual controls for in- Another m otorist following behind Gerald Morrison, were out of the ate several other stores in Oregon be extended to G street. Mr. B illing-, ey, Junction City, state representative | stl.uctlon parpOses. In this ship the the Sw arts car said th a t he watched lineup on F riday due to illness, the ! and W ashington. sley said that there was not sufficient I from Lane county, will talk on “Taxa-1 pdot and instructor rides in the the Sw arts machine begin to swerve local boys played their best footbau I ----------------------------- tim e to grant this request but th a t tion,” and Thomas Nelson, also ot : same seat with toe student and is and skid ju st before it turned over. of the season. The game was very SPRINGFIELD RESIDENTS a t some later date, when it was Junction City, will discuss the new ■ able to watcb the m anner in which It happened so fast th at he was un- i different from the one at Lebanon, ATTEND N. O. W. MEET possible to ran over the new bridge calendar which has been proposed ! lbe student handles the controls of able to tell ju st how many tim es it [ where the playing was very loose AT COTTAGE GROVE at a greater speed that the buses by the United States Chamber of the plane. turned over, if it did so more than I and penalties very frequent. There would possibly go out as far as E Commerce, and which is being con­ Lloyd Keeny has had eighteen was only one penalty attached to the Many members and friends of the street. Tw enty m inute service Will sidered by most of the civic bodies hours of solo flying a t the present A light rain had been falling and J locals in the Friday game, The Springfield circle of the Neighbor» in the country ais year. tie used under the new schedule and time, and it was expected th a t an the pavem ent was still w et when the i Junction City boys made only one An added feature for the program inspector from the D epartm ent of accident occurred. The Sw aris auto ! first down and never seriously en- of W oodcraft w ent to Cottage Grove new routing, according to Mr. Billing­ Friday evening, where they were th e sley. The council has the request this evening will be the showing q 1 Commerce office a t Portland would was completely destroyed, and was dangered the Springfield goal, guests of the Cottage Grove chapter for a change of franchise under ad­ the motion pictures taken at the Ob- be here this week to examine Mr not insured against fire. It was in- The startin g lineup for the Junc- t a supper and entertainm ent. The sidian cam p last sum m er by Dot Keeny for his private pilot license, sured for public liability, however, tion City game was as follows: Ralph | a occaslon visem ent. waR tbe tblrd anniversary Mike Bainbridge has petitioned Dotson. The pictures depict t h e . but word reaching here W ednesday according to C. A. Swarts, son of the ( ole, L.E.; Claire Thurman, R. E.; of jbe (ound| ng Of the chapter in th e council for the construction o! wild life and n atu ral beauties of the I ¡ndicated th a t the representative driver of the wrecked machine. Dalton Thurm an, L. T .; Gaylord 68 feet of cem ent sidewalk in front mountain ranges in E astern Lane would be unable to visit the field The party had been to Salem and Morse, L. T.; Harold Geiger, L. G.; th a t city. Miss Ida Adams entertained th e of his property on E ast Main street. county. were returning home when the ac­ Quentin Thurm an. R. G .; John Lynch until the first of the week. m eeting with several readings. The The women of the C hristian H y d ra n t Flushing Change W an ted cident happened. The red Waco sport ship wnich C.; H ersey Tomseth, L. H.; l’at Mc- local people presented the Grove The council voted to turn the church are preparing the banquet Major Eckerson has been using in Murry, It. H.; Freeman Squires, F .; chapter with a huge basket of yellow flushing of hydrants over to the for the guests, who will include de­ his stunting work, and which has Leave fo r Canadian T o u r E verett Squires, Q. chrysanthem um s In honor of the Mountain -States Power company, legates from each cham ber body in proved so popular with passengers Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson ex­ anniversary, and they in turn were the county, the grange, specially In­ provided th a t the company was will­ is receiving a new coat of paint this pect to leave Springfield sometime OFFICERS ELECTED each given ribbons of the color of ing. The power company now pays vited speakers and the general week. It was announced a t the field today on an extended motor trip, the order. public AT ANNUAL MEETING seven dollars a m onth for this ser­ this m orning the paint would be which will take them to Victoria and Those attending from Springfield The county cham ber of commerce dry and th a t the usual passenger other points In Canada before they vice. Councilmen believe th a t the OF BAPTIST PEOPLE were Mrs. C. F. Eggimann, Mr. and company would know better the con­ holds m eetings in various parts of j bauijng WOuld continue Sunday, return. dition of the hydrants if it did the the county each month, and each j i _ i . ■ w - About eighty members of the local MrH- Noah H ilderbrandt, Mrs. Id* IL flushing, instead of the chief ot member of the organization has its B aptist church gathered a t the Adams, Mrs. Wayne Clover, Mrs. Ike officially elected delegates to attend. police for the city. church parlors on Friday, October Endicott, Mrs. H. McPherson, Mr. The Baptist church was granted | All persons interested in these meet- 10, for a basket supper which pre- and Mrs. Kenneth Chase, Mrs. W. A. perm ission to erect a sign on the j ing are invited to attend those held ceded the annual meeting of the IT aylor’ Mrs Arn,e Nfilson’ Mr and congregation. I Mr8 Ike W ehb' MrR' ° F K iler- Mr’ ’ parking near the corner of Main and I in th eir home town. I E rnest Bertsch, Mrs. W alter Laxton, Second streets, if the property j W. A. Taylor is chairm an of the The work of the past year and the Me.” Ladies quartet. owners did not object. I com mittee making the arrangem ents i E|aborate Program Offered; Duet—“Jesu s Came to Me One plans for the new year were ' Mr. and Mrs. W alter Lipes, Mrs. W. C. McLagan, Mrs. Edgar T ro tter, Mayor Tyson directed the sewer for the m eeting here tonight. Men w ill Provide Venison and Day.” Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy. discussed. Miss Melba Mellon, Mrs. Stell* and stre e t com mittee to bring in re- --------------------------- Communion Service. Many of the church officers were ! Lewlg> Mrg rht(U McPherson, Mr«, Bear Meat fo r Dinner; Eu­ com mendations at the next meeting. j FORMER CITY COUNSEL Regular Offering. re-elected for another term. The of- i