“ If It ’s In the Drug Lins— W e have it.” Prescriptions our Specialty.—All compounding done by registered Pharmacists. Your mail order signifies your confidence, it shall have our personal and prompt attention. Insist on Expert Service Purity, Yes; Economy Too! Shot Put Champ W hen you tu rn your car o ver to any but the most experienc­ ed m echanic you are tak in g dangerous chances on an ex­ pensive investm ent. Avoid Roadside Misery P unctures, blow -outs and o th er m inor accidents oi m otoring are m ore or less to be expected on any trip. B ut the thing th a t m ars th e journey is real engine trouble which you cannot repair. Drive in today and let us give your car the “once ever.” It m ay save you trouble you’d like to avoid. Wm. Roden bough Garage PHONE 95 Red Crown Gasoline. W hen you bring you car to us you may be sure it is given expert a tte n tio n by a factory train ed m echanic w h o knows exactly w h at to do. Hom e of V IO L E T -R A Y , A n ti-K no ck Gasoline. AND S E R V IC E Goodrich Tires Wise Housewife know s th a t only one kind is sold here— the best. T h a t assu ran ce goes with every pound of food we sell you. m any, fam ous w om an athlete, has added to her laurels by p u ttin g the sh o t 21.47 m eters for a new w o rld ’s reco rd fo r w om en. If It’s a Pedigreed Used Car it’s the best buy In town. These prices prove that Pedi greed Used Cars are the best buys in town. Investigate without obligation. 192s Whippet Cabriolet ....>465 1927 Chevrolet Coach ..... $395 1927 Pontiac Land. Coupe $495 1926 Chrysler “70" Royal Coupe .................. $645 1924 Jew ett Coach ......... 4. $285 1927 Bulck Stand. Coupe.... $845 1926 Oakland Phaeton . $365 1925 Star Touring ...... $195 1,024 Chevrolet Coupe ..... $ 95 EUGENE MOTOR CO IT U AML OLAVB INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. B. C. STUART S T A T IO N OREGON all kinds of “h am s” and “cooked m ea ts” on the m ark et but the the ‘A' St. Garage S P R IN G F IE L D T here are PEDIGREED USED CARS I Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON ___________ uiiiii!iiuiiuuiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiunniiininiiiiiiiiiiii>ijiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiunHiiHii,niii»iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiJHii«iiiiHBaniiiiiMMaHaaHBH -» AUH-r W t t v WNTlUnV, SA'rs a*,«'» mo f~- -rvAJXT r f s t y rxAtno o s . J 1 Ht«.'» Fixtb e.o’3 C7 4 t T A woet) p zyC iw Ï H F w s s .o u t» 1 m 6, . p— T-iSZk, No. 21784) The World Celer M O N K 141 OAKLAND-PONTIAC DISTRIBUTORS LLOYD ALLEN MANAGER USED CAR DDPT.