' PAGE TWO THURSDAY, OCT. 10. 1929 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS i Si D y R fU P E iT T * * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * + * ♦ UPPER W ILLA M E T T E ♦ n kum I IL L U S T R A T E D DONALD R I LC Y " Rem em ber Steddon, a pretty, un­ “ W h-what are we goin g to do?” soph isticated girl, Is the daugh ter of “ W ell, I’m not going to a ct, a n y­ a kin dly but narrow-m inded m inister w ay, a s long a s th ere’s no cam era In a sm all, m id-western town. Her on the job. L e t’s sit down and fath er, Rev. Doctor Steddon, vio len tly op­ w ait." posed to w hat he considers “ w orldly “ For w hat?" th in g s,” accep ts motion p ictures as “ Oh, I gu ess the train w ill come the cause fo r much of the evil of the p resen t day. T roubled with a back, or an o taer one w ill com e cough, Rem em ber goes to see along and we can flag it in plenty Dr. B retherick, an eld erly p hysi­ o f time. S it down on this hand­ cian who is astonished to find her In a bad plight. P ressed by the some red divan, won’t you? I’m Mr. doctor, Rem em ber adm its her unfor- Holby, hy the w ay.” tunate a ffa ir with "Y e s, 1 know ," she said, and told Elwood Faranby, a poor boy, son him her name. o f the town sot. A s Rem em ber and T h ere was a long silen ce. Then Dr. H rethtrick dikcuss the problem , a telephone m essage brings the news he mused aloud: th at Elwood h as been kidden in an “ ‘R em em ber,’ eh? G reat! Ro- accident. Dr. B reth erick persuades bina would have preferred that to Rem em ber to go W est, her cough Do you know servin g as a p lausible excuse. Un­ the one she chose. able to bear the secret any longer, R obin a?” Rem em ber goes to her m other anil " 1 ’ve seen her.” con fesses. “ On the screen ?" H er m other agrees w ith the plan "On the train .” o f the doctor. Mem leaves town. On the train Mem a ccid en tally m eets “ Oh, then you haven’t seen her. Tom H olby, m ovie star, travelin g T h at isn ’t the rea l Robina that w ith Robina T eele, leadin g lady of the m ovies, who are the cynosure of , w alks about. That s Juot a poor, all eyes. T he train com es to an plain, frighten ed, anxious little abrupt halt, a d isaster liaivn g been tiling, a C in derella who only begins n arro w ly avoided, and the p assen gers tQ , , ve whon sbe on ber bet out and w alk about. ~ ~ e»«.., slippers. She has to be so infern- Now Go On W ith the Story a lly noble all day long that you can The o th er p a ssen g e is dawdled jjar(j|y blam e her for re stin g her about, but Mem went, farth er anil o ve rw o r^e(j virtu es when sh e’s o ff farth er. She wanted to s e e wliat tb0 lot. ( uge(j to |)(. a pretty decent w as on the other side o f that butte fe||()w tQo before , ,)egan t(j be as much as m ankind has longed to ; a ber() by trad(j Uut now_ go(ih. see the o th er side of the moon. liow I love m y faults! W hen th ere’s W hen she started back the cool no cam era on me I’m a m igh ty mean the butte shadow made her m an." re s t aw hile. T he heat and the ’’R eally?" hypnosis o f the shim m erin g sand “ Oh, I’ni a fiend. I’m th in k in g of sea put her asleep in spite o f her­ p layin g villian s for a w hile, so that self. She aw oke w ith a start. I can be respectable a t m y own e x ­ T he train w as m oving, a new en­ pense outside the factory. B ut I’m gin e d rag gin g It anil its broken i so mussed up betw een my profes- engine. She ran, fell picked her-1 sional em otions and my personal s e lf up, lim ped forw ard. ones that it’s hard to keep from She w as alon e in the w ilderness, j actin g, on and off. Now look a t this and the train w as alread y a toy ; situation. If tile cam era gan g were running through the gap between here, I’d know Just w hat to do. I ’d tw o lo fty buttes. Both m ocked the he S ir W alter R aleigh In a Stetson girl unendurably and she stood and chaps. But since th e re ’s Just p an tin g In a suffocation of frig h t,; us two here and I have you In my h er hands pluckin g a t each o th er’s i pow er— or you have me In your fin g er nails. power— I don’t know ju st how to Then for the first tim e Mem un-1 act. It. depends on you. A re you dersotod w hat the desert m eant to | a heroine or an a d ven tu ress?” those who had seen the last burro “ A re you an onjanoo or a vam p?” drop and found the canteen, full of “ I don’t speak F rench.” of Lane, a t the Court Room thereof, at Eugene, in the County of Lane, on ♦ THURSTO N ♦ + T uesd ay, the 12th day of Novem ber, + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + ♦ , , , . . . . '1929, at .Ten o’clock In the forenoon The Ladies A id m et w ith Mrs. T he girls of the 1 leasant H ill high o f that day then and there to show j school gave the boys a chicken din- cause, if an y you have, why the peti Charles T a y lo r last T h ursday and 1 ner last F rid ay as a rew ard for put­ tion of the A dm in istratrix herein, worked on a quilt. T h ey w ill m eet com plete the ting in the w inter s supply o f wood. praying for an order to sell the real property o f said estate, should not A long table was placed in the hall be granted and the A dm inistratrix quilting. o f the high school building. C overs authorized to sell the real property T h e high school held the freshm an w ere laid for about 90. P lace cards desecribed in said petition and des­ reception last F riday evenin g at the were colored autumn lea ves with cribed as follow s, to -w it: high school building. A t a late hour Com m encing at a point sixty (60) H olby had guessed right. Robina the nam es attached. rods South of the One-Half Section a large bonfire was lighted and re ­ had missed him and when the help­ Mrs. O. H. W an gelin , who has Corner betw een Section s 35 and 36, freshm ents of sandw iches, p ickles, less conductor protested again st the been livin g the past four y ears with Tow nship 17 South, Range Four (4) cake and punch w ere served. her daughter, Mrs. E. B. T in k er, left W est W illam ette M eridian; running Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Henson re­ Continued on Page 4 thence E ast fo rty (401 rods; thence for Phoenix, A rizona, T u esd ay night. South 768 fe e t; thence W est 196 turned from a trip to K lam ath F alls She was accom panied by her daugh­ feet; thence South 222 feet; thence last Thursday, w here they visited SUMMONS ter, M iss E tta M ay W angelin, who W est 464 feet; thence North 60 rods Mrs. Henson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E cam e from A rizona last July. T hey to the place o f beginning, containing Robert D errington. S T A T E O F O REG ON FO R T H E fourteen (14) acres in Lane County, w ill spend the w inter in A rizona, re­ C O U N T Y O F LA N E . Rev. O 'B rian filled the pulpit here O re g o n ; turnin g next summer. last Sunday m orning and Rev. M iller A lso B egin nin g at a point 32.801 lio rten se 1, H oldredge, P la in tiff, vs. Miss J essie C arothers is in the , chains W est o f the Southeast Corner ; in the evening. Rev. M iller has been Mrs, L ew is H arris, A m anda J. Moore now A m anua B ow en; ivouie hospital n j Eugene, w here she was I of Claim No. 44, N otification No. 3073 ejected m inister here for the com ing in Section 33, T ow n ship Sixteen (16) iro w o rid g e ; tile unknown heirs ot openated on last w eek. South. Range 8, W est W illiam ette year. Mrs. A ugustus C. H e rrick ; Am anda Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sheridan have Meridian, and running thence . North C. Rigdon; the unknown heirs ot 527 feet to the railroad right of w ay; A C ouple o f Reasons John B . R ig d o n , ueceaaed; W illiam purchased a T udor C h evrolet Six. Mr, and Mrs. E. E. K ilp atrick have thence So u th easterly along said right M charlaud and E tta M cFarland, She: "I bobbed my hair to show e< way to a point due E ast of the his w iie; Junu M cF arland; Allien. purchased a P ontiac sedan. ... . . ,,, , , place of beginning, and thence W est my independence.” M cFarland and A bbie M cFarland, Miss N ellie Jordan returned to her [ 648 feet to the place of beginning. He: “ W hat did you bob your sk irt his w ife; J. 1. B arhre and L. A contalning 3.90 acres, more or less, B arb ie, his w ife; L u ciru a T h a yer home in Sprin gfield last Saturday. fo r? ” in Lane County, O regon; and John A. T h ayer, her husband; W itness, the Hon C. P. Barnard. N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Jam es M cF arland; M argaret \\ euo Judge of the County Court of the “ Daddy, teacher inquired a fte r you and Stephen M. W ebb, her bus N otice Is hereby given that the tin State of O regon, for the County of today.” band; C h arles M cF arland; P eter Lane and Seal o f said Court hereto dersigneil, A. C. B arrett, aiim inistra- B. G uernsey and C iara J. G uernsey, "R e ally ? " his Wife- Roy T G u e r n s e y the i tor of the estate of Em m a J. Barrett, ^ fix e d this 9th day of O ctober, 1929 un kn ow n ' he?rs o£ C y n th ia ’ Ann l e a s e d , has filed his F in a l A cco u n t! A tte st: W . B. D ILLAR D . “ Y es; he said he would like to M cFarland, d eceased ; the uu. ; >n the County Court of Lane County, : „ know w hat sort of a fool my fath er B y L. M. B R Y SO N , Deputy. known heirs of Jonathan M cF ar ’ ()regon' ,and that N ovem ber 9th, 1929, (S E A L ) O 10-17-24-31 N 7 w as.” R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H E Commercial State Bank of Springfield and ------ G ates, his w ife; Robert place for hearin g and considering B a k er and ------ B aker, his w ife; said account. at Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, at tZ.e close of business The date of first publication being W illiam Jordan and ------ Jordan. O ctober 4th, 1929. his w ife; the unknown heirs ot j O ctober 10th, 1929. A. C. B A R R E T T , A dm inistrator. M aty J. Jordan, deceased; ano all other persons or parties un- j A L T A KING, A tto rn ey for E state. RESOURCES O 10-17-24-31 N 7 Loans and discounts .........................................................._.......... $132 286 94 known, claim ing a n y right, title, . O verdrafts ......................................................................................................... 'l57^30 in terest, lien or e sta te in the real H U N T IN G OR T R E S P A S S - Bonds, secu rities, e tc ........ ........................................................................... 42,680.76 property described in this com ; "N O 18,’400.00 p la in t o r c la im in g ; by, th ro u g h o r 'I N G ” s ig n s p rin te d and In s to c k a t B anking house $14,900.00; furniture and fixtures $3,500.00 ............. Real esta te owned other than hanking house ....................................... 10,668.31 u n d e r a n y o f th e above nam ed de- th e S p r in g fie ld N e w s O ffic e . fendunts; D efendants. Cash, due from banks and cash i t e m s .......................... ............................. 49,713.23 To Mrs. L ew is H arris; Noble C IT A T IO N T o tal .......................................................................................................... $253,906.54 T ro w b rid g e; the unknown heirs ot Mrs. A ugu stus C. H e rrick ; Am anda IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E L IA B IL IT IE S C. Rigdon; the unknown heirs of S T A T E O F O REG O N FOR T H E Capital stock paid in .. $ 30,000 00 John B. Rigdon, d eceased ; W illiam C O U N TY O F LANE. Surplus .... ......................... 3.000.00 M cFarland and E tta M cFarland, his 2161.74 In the m atter of the E state o f John Undivided p ro fits— net w ife; John M cF arland; A lbert M c­ Di mand deposits ......... 175,351 74 J. Thom as, D eceased. Farland and A bbie M cFarland, his 24.190.61 T o L eora A. H ark in s; J asp er W. T im e ce rtifica te s ......... w ife ; J. I. Barhre and L. A. Barhre, T hom as; E lsie J. M arston; A lbert M Savin gs deposits ............ 19,202.45 his w ife; Lucinda T h a y er and John T hom as; L ee D. T hom as; John A. T h a yer, her husband; Jam es Mc­ T otal .......................................................................................................... $253,906.54 Sp ores; M ary F. Sm ith; F ran k F arlan d ; M argaret W ebb and S te ­ Sp o res; Sam uel Sp ores; L eila Rea- S ta te of O regon, County o f Lane, ss: phen M. W ebb, her husband; C harles ric k ; Irene R en n in ger; Daniel I, C. E. K enyon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solem nly sw ear M cF arland; P eter B. G uernsey and /-,i r .. m .S p o res; C arrie M oore; Marvin L ,t° „y L Sp ores; W illiam P o w ers; M ary Bol that the above statem en t is true to the best of my know ledge and belief. G uern sey; the unknown heirs of 1er; Frankie P o w ers; K a te H arkins C. E. K E N Y O N , C ashier. Correct— Attest: C y n th ia Ann M cFarland, deceased; and M ary D ead m an :— G reetin gs. W e lb y Steven s. M. M. P erry — D irectors. the unknown heirs of Jonathan Mc­ In the name of the State o f O regon, Subscribed and sworn before me this 9th day o f October, 1929. Farland, deceased; C arrie E ccles; You are hereby cited and required to the unknown heirs of T. J. E ccles, appear in th e County Court of the (SEA L) I. M. P E T E R SO N , N otary Public for Oregon. deceased; E rank A dkin s and ------ S ta le of Oregon, for the County of (M y com m ission expires June 1, 1932.) A dkins, his w ife; O liver G ates and ----- G ates, his w ife ; Robert B aker and ------ B aker, his w ife; W illiam Jordan and ----- - Jordan, his w ife; dry air. the unknown heirs of M ary J: Jordan “ Then you m ust ho an onjanoo," d eceased; and a ll other persons or For a trance-w hile Mem made a he said. “ In that case I suppose 1 parties unknown, claim in g any right, p erfect a llego ry o f h elplessn ess on really ought to play the villian and title, in terest, lien or estate in the real property described in the com ­ a monument. She heard a voice — But here com es the train. Dog-on plaint herein, or claim in g by, through Just as we w ere w orkin g up a or under any of the above named laughin g with a kind of queryin g |it! IWIW»W1WOTIMM^^ '»latti:?Mlffli«ll«|liliW«M((«MilW«l | real plot. I hope I h aven ’t com- defendants. D efendants. exclam ation : I prom ised you. If you’re afraid 1 in the nam e of the S tate of O re­ "H ello ? ” T he word w as as unim portant as have, I’ll have to go back and hide gon: You are h ereby require,; to i appear and an sw er the com plaint could he and It cam e from what she until the next train com es along. Or filed again st you in the above en­ had Just decreed the m ost useless you can, for I im agine it’s Robina titled suit w ithin four w eeks from [ 'K t S t ll R th in g on earth, a handsom e m oving that reversed the engine. She pro- the date of the first publication of mm this summons, and if you fail .o to picture actor. He went on: hably missed me and suspected that appear and answ er, the p lain tiff n il! “ H ere we are, eh?" I was out here with a p rettier girl apply to the Court fo r the re iei This clubbing offer with Tom Holby laughed at fate as in than she is— -pardon m e! Sh all I go prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: ( F IR S T : T h a t the p lain tiff is tlv. and hide?" bis pictures. Portland Newspapers pro­ ow ner in fee sim ple o f the follow ing “ I’ve n early died of th irst In the “ O h ,'n o - no! I couldn’t think of described prem ises, to-wit: vides both local, state and d esert h alf a dozen tim es,” he said; it. Nobody know s me. It ca n ’t Com m encing at a point 32.74 chains but there was a lw a y s a cam era or niako an y d ifferen ce w hat they say W est o f the Southeast corn er o f the world news at a saving to John Stoops Donation Iaind Claim tw o a few yards o ff and a grub about me.” No. 41, Ndtif. 6505, Tp. 19 S. R. 1 W. you never before offered. w agon Just outside. And the heroine “ Gosh! what an enviable position. W. M in Lane County, Oregon, run­ usually com es gallopin g to the rescue Stick to your luck. Miss Steddon. n in g thence North 24 degrees 23’ and picked ine up in tim e for the May 1 help you dow n?” E ast 8.37 C h ain s; thence North 24 DAILY OREGONIAN— d egrees 40’ W est 17.15 chain s; thence final clinch. I see the heroine, but One year by mail .... .... .... . $6.00 North 40 d egrees 5 1’ W est 8.37 th e grub w agon's late.” T h at was a ch ap ter in M em 's life ch ain s; thence North 44 degrees THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— W est 6.81 chain s; thence North 40 One y e a r ........ ....................... 1.75 degrees 55’ W est 10.28 ch a in s;; thence South 41 degrees 3 1’ W est 4.85 chain s to a point 3.21 chain s south o f Total — ........._...................... $7.75 the most northerly northw est corner o f the John Stoops Donation Land Claim No. 41, thence South 5.68 BOTH FOR ..................... $5.85 ch ain s; thence W est 2192 chain s; thence South 33.84 ch ain s; thence SAVE ..............................7.$1.90 East 47.83 chains to the place o f be­ ginning. con tain in g 160 01-100 acres of land, m ore or less, togeth er with all the righ t o f w ays and privileges DAILY AND SUNDAY OREGONIAN— thereunto belonging, all in the Coun­ ty of U n s and the S ta te o f Oregon, One year by mail .............. $8.00 A lso the Southw est quarter of the THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— N ortheast quarter o f Section 17. T ow n ship 19 South Range 1 W est of One year .... 1.75 the W illam ette Meridian, containing 40 a cres, all in I^ine County. Oregon. T o tal ...............„ ................. $9.75 A lso the South h a lf of the N orth­ w est quarter of Section 17. in T o w n ­ ship 19 South, Range 1 W est of the BOTH FOR ...................... $7.35 W illam ette M eridian, con tain in g 80 acres. In Lane County, Oregon. SAVE ................................. $2.40 SE C O N D : That the defendants h a v e not. nor have any of them , any right, title, in terest or lien upon said prem ises. T H IR D : That the title of the THE PORTLAND NEWS— HERE IS YOUR OPPOR­ p lain tiff in and to said prem ises be I One year by mail .... $5.00 fo rever quieted against the defend­ TUNITY FOR A LIMITED ants, and all persons claim ing hy. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR through or tinder them, or any of One year ....................... ..... } .75 them. TWO NEWSPAPERS FOR F O U R T H : T hat the p lain tiff have LESS THAN THE PRICE such o th er and fu rth er re lie f herein Total ............................ $6.75 ns to the Court tuav seem meet In the OF ONE. prem ises. B 0T H FOR ......................$5 00 T h is sum m ons Is published once each w eek for four su ccessive w eeks S U B S C R I B E T O D A Y AT THE hv order of the Hon. O F Sklpw orth. SAVE ...............- ................ $1.75 Judge of the C ircuit Court ot the S ta te o f Oregon for I.ane County. T he dale of the first publication of this summons Is O ctober 16, 1929 New Subscriptions w ill s ta rt when­ and the last date of publication Nov. 7, 1929. ever desired, and present Subscriptions IM M FL * E V A N S . A ttorneys fo r T lain tlff w ill be extended one year. T he P acific T klcpbonb and T elegraph C ompany R esiden ce nnd post o ffice address Eugene, Oregon fe O 19-17 21-31 N 7 Special News Until Oc,ober 31 •1929 B argain Offer Club Subscriptions will be accepted on the following terms Portland Oregonian The Portland News Tte Springfield News "I’m ju s t leaving now for home” It's thoughtful to telephone home before you leave the store or office, and it’s doubly thoughtful if extra work has delayed your starting. But—there m ust be a telephone in y o u r home, if this thoughtful­ ness is to have any value 1 Springfield News Opp. P.O. Springfield