• PAGE TWO THURSDAY. OCT. 3. 1929 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS B aughm an; se c re ta ry tre a su re r, very FIR ST bottle often ad d s sev­ H a rry B arnum ; re p o rter, B onnie eral pounds w eight to thin ch ild ren or adults. N ervous, easily tire d Je a n n ie T iner. anem ic people a re su rp rised how Mr. T ay lo r N eedham retu rn ed T he high school buildings are be­ VInol gives new pep. sound sleep and from th e h ospital in E ugene last ing much im proved by a co at of a BIG ap petite. T a ste s d elicious.— K etels Drug Store. F riday, w here he un d erw en t an op­ d a rk paint on th e roof. e ratio n a few days ago. Mr. F la tt, who purchased th e Miss H azel E dm iston, who is a t - 1 S teele ranch last spring, has sold his “NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS­ tending the U niversity of O regon in place. ING” signs printed and in stack at E ugene, h a s pledged th e K appa F rank t.n tten will preach at tne D elta sorority. P le a sa n t H ill C h ristian church next the Springfield News Office. Ira Nice, in com pany w ith his | Sunday. m other, M rs. T. A. Donolson and J Irene Moore, who h as been w ork­ Jo h n Nice, m otored to Salem , visited ' ing a t P leasan t H id, retu rn ed to re latio n s and a tte n d e d the sta te fair h e r hom e at Drain la st Satudray. la s t week. Mrs. N ellie Jo rd an of S pringfield, Opening of Studio at Mrs. Jo h n E dm iston, accom panied is v isitin g a t th e T in k er ran ch d u r­ 634 FOURTH ST, SPRINGFIELD by Mr. and Mrs. Bud M cPherson and ing th e fall h arv est. M orton B ristow lost a valuable ] fam ily from S pringfield, w ent to Salem la st F rid ay and a tte n d e d the cow la s t week. It fell into a ditch Piano Lessons on Wednesday s ta te fair. on Its back and could not get up Afternoon R ay M itchell and Jam es H astings again. W hen found It w as dead. a re re sh in g lin g C harles H astin g s' The P leasan t Hill high school FERN ZILLIG house. Fred G ray and O. O. Mc­ b o asts of new book cases in the li­ Phone Eugene 3056 M ahon have also resh in g led th e ir b ra ry and tw o new ty p ew riters in houses. th e typing room. Mrs. Ira G ray, w ith Mr. and Mrs. W in ter peas a re being picked and M. J. M cK lin, m otored to Salem last apple h a rv e stin g will s ta rt a t once. W ednesday an d a tte n d e d the sta te F. W. Sm ith, who has been in the fair. T hey sp en t th e n ig h t at the Pacific C h ristian h ospital for several hom e of Mrs. G ray’s p a re n ts, Mr. w eeks, retu rn ed to th e hom e of his and Mrs. Cumm. nephew , E. B. T inker, la s t week. M isses L eone and N athalie Ed- m iston a tten d ed th e fa ir in Salem METHODISTS LADIES AID la s t W ednesday. ♦ R em em ber S teddon, a p retty , u n ­ so p h isticated girl, is th e d a u g h te r of a kindly but narrow -m inded m in ister in a sm all, m id-w estern town. H er fa th e r, Rev. D octor Steddon, violently bp- poged to w hat he considers “ w orldly th in g s," accepts m otion p ictu res as th e cause for much of the evil of th e p re s e n t day. T roubled w ith a cough, R em em ber goes to see Dr, B retherick , an elderly p h y si­ cian who is asto n ish ed to find h er Jn a bad plight. P ressed by the doctor, R em em ber ad m its h e r u n fo r­ tu n a te affair with Elwood Faranby, a poor boy, son Of th e town sot. As R em em ber and Dr. B re th tric k d iscu ss th e problem , telephone m essage brings th e new s th a t Elwood has been kidden in an accident. Dr. B reth erick p ersu ad es R em em ber to go W est, h er cough serv in g as a plausible excuse. U n­ able to b ear the se c re t any longer. R em em ber goes to h er m o th er and confesses. Now Go On With the Story h er legs on th e sta tio n platform , joined th e p assen g ers who choked th e s tra ig h t co rrid o r along th e row of co m p artm en ts. One of th e doors opened and fram ed a tall and power- ful young m an w ith a peculiarly w istful face. H is eyes brushed Mem and he lifted h is h a t as he asked h e r pardon for squeezing past her. He knocked a t a n o th e r steel door and called thro u g h , “Oh, R obina, b e tte r com e out for a b it of ex­ e rc ise .” W hile he w aited, som e of the p assen g ers w ere tw istin g th e ir necks to w atch him , and nudging and w hisp erin g to one a n o th er. W hen th e door opened and R obina stepped out th ere w as such a boorish sta rin g an d sen satio n th a t Mem tu rn ed to look. A young woman of an alm o st S he said little, sh e caressed m uch, duzzling b eau ty cam e out, sm iling and confirm ed Dr. B re th e ric k ’s pre- and b areh ead ed . S he noted th e acrlption and Joined In th e con- y okelry in th e co rrid o r, and h er •p iracy , ad m in isterin g se c re t com fort sm ile died. She step p ed back into to th e girl and to th e fa th e r. h e r statero o m , and w hen she reap- And a t la s t Mem w as sta n d in g on peared she w ore a larg e drooping th e back p latform of a tra in bound h a t and a th ick black veil, for th e v a st S ou th w est, th ro w in g “I envy you th e p rivilege of the k isses to h e r fa th e r and m o th er as [ v eil,” th e young m an said. Mem th ey w atch ed th e tra in dw indling w alked up and down th e platform like a telescope d raw n Into itself. a s If h e r feet w ere w inged. She T hey tu rn ed back to th e ir lives as felt a longing to buy so m eth in g for If they had closed a door on them th e sh e e r sp o rt of buying, and w ent •ed v es. so fa r as to buy tw o m agazines de- B ut Mem, ns sh e re tu rn e d to h e r voted to m otion pictu res. place In th e car, felt as if a port j One of th e m ag azin es slipped cullis h u d l i l t e d . B efore h er w a s ! _____________________________ A ll-Outdoors. from u n d er h e r elbow and fell to the ground an d as sh e stooped to recover it h e r hand touched a hand th a t had a n ticip ated h ers. She looked up quickly an d h e r head knocked off the h at of th e m an who had tried to sav e h er th e tro u b le of picking up h e r m azagine. S he saw th e g allan t w as th e ta ll youth who had cru sh ed p a st h er in th e corridor. H is face cam e up ag ain like a sun d aw ning acro ss h e r h o rizo n ; his eyes b eat upon h ers like long beam s. T h ere w as a kind of p ath o s in them , b u t also a g re a t b rig h tn ess, which like th e sun he poured upon m illion alike. B ut Mem did n o t know this. She felt w arm ed and h ealed , and she bloom ed a trifle as a rose does when th e sun gilds it. W tlh g re a t calm and as m uch of a bow as h e could m ake w ithout a sense of in trusion, th e young m an solem nly offered Mem his own h at and laid her m agazines on h is head. They both of them laughed as he co rrected th e au to m atic m ista k e of his m uscles. H e blushed hotly, for he w as not used to m ak in g such blunders. Mem found an am azin g m agnet- ism in his sm ile and in his eyes. She did n o t know th a t th a t sad sm ile of his w as m aking a milllon- aire of him . He was sellin g it by th e foot— th o u san d s of feet of it. H is sm ile was broad enough to c ir­ cum scribe th e world and h is eyes C ontinued on P ag e 4 POULTRY MEETING DATES Gets G. O. P. Post T he w heels ran w ith a ro llicking ----- —------------------------- SET BY COUNTY AGENT lilt b en eath the g irl’s body, th ro b | bing likew ise w ith a zest of velocity. I T h ere will be a m eetin g of the T hrough h er head an old tu n e r a n : I saw th e boat go ’round th e b en ’, . pou ltry ra ise rs and o th e rs In terested 1 p a rtie s held In th e W. O. W. hall a t Good-by, my lover, good-by! trav elin g j W alterv ille on W ednesday, O ctober T he deck was filled with 9, a t 2:00 p. m. L ectu res and d is­ m en, cu ssio n s will be held by sp ecialists Good-by, my lover, good-by She w as on a tra in going around in p o u ltry production. H. E. Cosby, O. A. C. sp ecialist will bend a fte r bend, and th e tra in was filled w ith trav elin g m en. Som e ot j give a talk on “ Fall Flock M anage­ them , as they zigzagged along the m en t and P ro b lem s.” A nother talk aisles, sw ept h er face and h er form will be given on “S pecial A tten tio n ot w ith g lan ces like sw ift, lin g erin g F eeding and C are of P u llets.” O. S. h an d s th n t hated to let h e r go. F letch er, county ag en t, will talk on Claudius H. Huston, Tennessee T h is w as a s ta rtin g sen satio n , a j “G reen F eed.” manufacturer, has been selected by new kind of nak ed n ess for h er in- ; A sim ilar m eetin g will be held at President Hoover to be the Chairman tile E rn e st S ch ren k place n e a r Plea- experienced soul. of the Republican National Commit­ | sn n t H ill nt 2:00 p. m. T hursday, tee succeeding Dr. Hubert Work. The eyes of th e women flung along th e aisle also w idened and , O cto b er 10. A m eetin g will be held ta rrie d as th ey recognized in h e r a a t th e E ugene ch am b er of com m erce th e sam e day. S im ilar gdm cthlng she had not yet found room s out: th a t she was very, very p re tty m eetin g s a re being planned for Cot- I tag e G rove and Ju n ctio n City la te r —A ttractive, com pulsive. in th e m onth. She w as .plainly d ressed and had n ever been adorned. Only h er n e a t­ ness k ept h e r from shabbiness. But 9 Hour Tussle With Fish till' had beauty and appeal. On th e Avalon, S an ta C atalin a Island, Cal. tra in Mem had expected to find on th e Journey leisu re for co n tritio n O ctober 3 (A u to c a s te r)—G eorge G. •Ad th e rem olding of h e r soul. B ut T hom as, Jr., of B everly H ills, cau g h t tUv w orld would n o t let h er alone. a 155-pound M arlin sw ordfish on a E v e ry th in g w as new to her. E v ery ­ six stran d light line w ith a b reak in g of six teen pounds. He th in g w as a crow ded film of novelty. stre n g th Makes good the claim of She knew the m inim um of the fought th e gam e fish for nine hours and five m in u tes before brin g in g It its makers. It is sure fire OUtslde sphere possible to a girl who had any education a t all. S he bad alongside. and full of pep. Increase n ev er been on a sleeping c a r before. your mileage and free She ha I read no novels ex cep t T ake M otor T rip S unday— Mr. and yourself of trouble. Drive such sw eetened w ater as the Sun Mrs. D allas M urphy left S pringfield in and fill up. day school library afforded. Sho early S unday m orning on an all day had seen no m agazines a t hom e m otor o uting. T hey drove to E ugene except church publications. She w here they m et Mr. M urphy’s p are n ts had n ev er been to a th e a tre o r a Mr. and Mrs. I. E. M urphy, and his m otion p ictu re. Shehad n ev er even two siste rs. Hazel and E rab elle, who danced a square dance. Joined them on a trip to Ix?banon She had never ridden a bicycle and to Mr. M urphy’s b ro th e r hom e ANO SERVICE STATION or a horse, and had n ev er been in on th e C alapooya river. T he p arty any autom obile ex aep t som e old SPRIHGFIELD OREGON re tu rn e d to th e ir v arious hom es late hone sh a k e r th at drow ned conver th at even in g »itlion in its own ra ttle . S he bad never gam bled, or been profane or even slangy o r d is re ­ spectful to h e r p aren ts. She had s e v e r seen a cocktail. She had n ever worn a low necked, htgh sk irte d dress. She had n ev er P rescrip tk m s cu r S p ecialty .—All com pounding d< ne by reg istered seen a b ath in g suit o r had one on P h arm acists, > our m all o rd e r G irls did not swin In th e riv er at signifies your c o n ’ldence, It shall C alverly. In fact, sh e bad escaped have o ur perso n al and pro m p t all th e th in g s th n t m o ralists point a tten tio n . to as th e reaso n s w hy g irls go Wfong. Eastman Yet she had, ns th e say in g is Kodaks and Bpringfleld. O regon gifne w rong— u tterly . Supplies. Yet no fast young m an had led h e r a stra y , o r so m uch as tried to IS.'ul h e r astrn y . She h ad n ev er m ade th e acquntntnnee of a fast young m an. H er b etro th ed lover wins slow and hon o rab le an d re li­ gious, e v ery th in g a young m an ought When your car balks— what is the m atter with it? to be. But, u n fo rtu n ate ly , th p re seem ed One way to find out “a thousand miles from no­ to he no volition In n e ith e r of th em ; where”— is to climb out, lift the hood and fumble th e y had Just floated to g eth er with around with the motor. Often you will discover s m ysterious bew ilderm ent. some trouble that might have been avoided by bring­ T he clan g in g u p ro ar of th e en- ing the car to our shop for Inspection before starting. trp n e e Into K ansas C ity filled h e r e ^ ts. Mem had n ev er seen a g re a t THURSTON * M U S IC RE-ELECT ALL OFFICERS t-S , + + + S. + + + + + + + + + i. * UPPER WILLAMETTE * I- + + + + + + + + + + S.S. + + + T he P le a sa n t H lil high school stu d e n t body held its election lest w eek, and th e officers w ere sw e-n in W ednesday by P rin cip al E. E. K ilp atrick a s follow s- L aura H ull, p re sid e n t; N ils H ult, v ice-president; Avis M cL aughlin, se c re ta ry -tre e s.; Dell S tutz, b u sin ess m an ag er R ay­ m ond H ills, a th le tic m an ag er, Jo ­ sephine M athew s, re p o rte r T he e n tire list of officers of the ladies aid of th e M ethodist church w ere re-elected a t the re g u la r busi­ n ess m eeting held in the church p a rlo rs y esterd ay ’ afternoon. The officers who w ill continue to serve fo r a n o th e r y ear a re Mrs. M. M. M ale, p re s id e n t; Mrs. John N eher, v ice -p re sid e n t; Mrs. G enevieve I.ouk, se c retary , and Mrs. E lm a H alsey, tre a su re r. j T he m em bers p resen t all enjoyed J a tea d u rin g w hich th e officers pro­ vided thfe e n tertain m en t. E lection of class officers resulted as follow s: S enior class, P resid en t, Del S tu tz ; vice p resid en t, A lbert C ar S tra p s B anished M athew s; se c re ta ry tre a s u re r, ^ a n r a St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 3 (A utocaster) ■ H u lt; re p o rte r, F ra n c is P h ib b s; —C om pany officials explained the ( serg ean t-at-arm s H ugh W allace; reason w hy 2." new stre e t cars are class ad v iso r. E. E. K ilpatrick. unequipped w ith strap s. C urrent Ju n io r c lass: P re sid e n t, Iris W al­ sh o rt s k irt sty les m akes it inadvis­ l a c e ; vice-president, P re n tic e Wheel- ab le for women to lift th e ir arm s | a r; se c re ta ry tre a s u re r, Lloyd Man- over th e ir heads. n ey; re p o rte r, V ern a W iley; class j advisor, M iss M arg aret Shultz. SICKLY BOY, 7, GAINS Sophom ore c la ss: p resid en t, N ils 15 LBS— RATHER HAPPY I H u lt; v ice-president, E d n a P ed er­ “My noy, 7, would not eat. I so n ; se c re ta ry tre a s u re r, G ladys gave him Vinol and the w ay he eats and plays now m akes me happy. He S m ith ; re p o rte r. T rum an A kers. F esh m an c lass: p resid en t, M ildred gained 15 pounds.”—J. F. A ndres. V inol is a delicious com pound of S w ift; vicq-president, L u cetta cod liv er peptone, iron, etc. The ^ p C C Î S ll BîeWS Anti-Knock Millillä1« illiUHilinilillMIMIiimillllM^^ milllllilHtllhiHlil1lllllimiltlHlllii.tlllt:!HHIIIIHI!HlllttHmiliminaillHHmit1lltllinsi.HllhlHlimiM|IBHtllHHtll[l1HIIHHti:tlB VIOLET-RAY GASOLINE ■ 1 » aiiiiiintiuiiijitiiiiiilfniit-iaisiaiiiititiiafiaiiitiaititiitflMKaBBiJBraaiaiinnaBaBiiBauBttiUiiiiiiii ■mRinniRtii! iniiiitaim H IltnitniiH nrjinttim iitW ftffitH iftw R R iiH tittstttn iim iiiiH miiin tniiiittiiMit ii ItBiWH tH ittim tltlW iw tlfltH IH H tM fJIIIIH flhS ilH IlflWltttW JIIS H m W ffliw SttS M W w H tfiw tWltW tltlintftlflitfllliu'l Write That Letter Today ! T h e re ’s som ebody to whom you owe a le tte r. W rite today. Get your statio n ery a t your Rexall D rug S tore w here you can get high q u ality nt the low est c o n siste n t prices. We nave a type to r every ta ste and pocketbook. T ry Lord B altim ore first. Sold only a t Rexall S tores. Flanery’s DRUG STORE Phons 15 TH E WORLD'S 4-ARGE I INDIVIE JA LL Y ÖWNE0 Until October 31, 1929 Bargain Offer This clubbing offer with Portland Newspapers pro­ vides both local, state and world news at a saving to you never before offered. Club Subscriptions will be accepted on the following terms DAILY OREGONIAN— One year by mail ................ $6.00 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— One y e a r ................................ j 75 ‘A’ St. Garage Total ..............— .................. $7.75 BOTH FOR .................... $5.85 Portland Oregonian The Portland News Tn* Springfield News SAVE ............................... $1.90 DAILY AND SUNDAY OREGONIAN— One year by mail ....... $8.00 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— One year .............................. j 75 T o t a l ................................. $9.75 B0TH SAVE ...... ..................... $7.35 Z$240 Ketels' Drug Store When you r m otor balks «tty. and th is m etropolis had a trem en d o u s m ajesty In h er eyes. R em em ber, th in k in g to stre tc h Wm. Roden bough Garage PHONE 95 Rad Crown Gasoline. Goodrich Tires • HERE IS YOUR OPPOR­ TUNITY FOR A LIMITED TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR TWO NEWSPAPERS FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE. THE PORTLAND NEWS— One year by mail ................. $5.00 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS— One year .............................. j 75 Total ----------------------------..$6.75 z^^ S U B S C R IB E TO DAY AT THE Springfield News Opp. P.O. Springfield BOTH FOR .................. $5.00 s a v e .......................5 i .75 New Subscriptions will start when­ ever dvsired, and present Subscriptions will be extended one year. I