Tl H T HH 1»A Y AIHJUHT 28, 182» MAN SO NERVOUS FEELS HIS STOMACH JUMP “I got an nervous my etoaiarh fell Ilk« It was Jumping Vlnol entirely relleveil Hit- trouble I fuel bi, I lor limn In years."- J ('. Hull« Vinot Is a i 'mponiiil of Iron. phoM|iliiil> ». coil Uv« r peplonn, etc. Th. \.r v KIICST holli' liuilii-n you h I« • p h« ih i mid h.* i. BIG u|>| « tili*. N« rvouh, i iiNlly 1 1« 1 peuple m « n u i |u h i <1 hnv q i B l< 11««« Iron. |di H|diiih' i h , give n w lir« nini pej Vl’wd liiMif» «le, * pi« Kulein I>i hx U liin D ow n F ro m W u lte rv llle H .1 (¡««Illuni, \V li« t v,II«, ra n c h e r, won S, i n nl 11* 1f ih« «Ntulii uf I, lim ili A l.llw n ll, ile n i is e i l l>y III« l ’uunly ( 'm ir i u f Lane Couuty, (»reumi All persona havlng < Ialina ngaliiat III« » o lit «-alale ui « In 1 1 In imi irteli tu pi «, •elit tiu su in e , p ru p e rly le rlN c il, ul Ih« office uf W ells A W i -II h , Bunk uf (¡OHIni «ri e II ii II i II iik E ugene, (»regoli, w llliln nix nionlha uf ili« diti« uf III« flrMl piilillcnlluii uf Ibis n ulli« liuti- uf flrMl pulillcatlon. Au« 29, 1929 F IL A W K L I.B A A l ’ A K K K Il. W ELLS, E x . - iu t r lx A llu m iti THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S I. TOWN AND VICINITY Ham From Canary J II llodHou uf ('unary lu vlalting In Springfield ul the home uf hla slater, Mrs. Cal Barnes. Ralph Bristow In— Ralph Bristow, W ultervllle rancher, waa a buslnesa vlaltor In Springfield Monday. Haa Tonella Ramovad Mra. John V isiting at Junction City Mra. J Travla uf Thurston had her innMllN M Luruon mid children wu’nt to removed ut the office of a local I unction ( i n lu Mpenil u few iluyM phyalclan Tin aeday morning iluue ih l ll n g wlih relatives. Marcóla Mrn In Town Thomas At Springfield Hotel ll«nry Mon T u ttle and Orvlti Eróme, Marcolu iiigue uf Sun Francisco, California, residents, were hualnesa visitors In w iin registered nt the Springfield Springfield fur a abort lim e Munday. hotel lust week «ml Undergoea Minor Operation Mra Vlalting at Newport MI mm Thelma (»live Wilbur uf Múrenla underwent linker left tKinlay fur Newport to a minor operation Munday morning upend m e w iek vlaltlog with frletlilK at the office uf a local phyalclan there. Haa Tonsila Removed Mra WII Son Born to Pengraa A nun w iih Ham Curtía underwent an operation burn Saturday morning to Mr and fur the removal of hi r tonsila at tin* Mrs Norton I’engva of ChiiHH Gar- office of a Eugene phyalclan Munday lletlM Ut the Eugene tlOHpItlll. V isiting at Hoquiam Mr and Mrs Camp Cre*k Man in Town J T Henry Caatan and huh left Tueaday ItuMHiiinii. Camp Creek rum her, win fur Hoquiam, W ashington, where u huslneaa v isito r In Springfield on * they will spend a few days vlalting Munday. with friends. A 29 S f. 12 19-2« PAGE FIVE CONFEDERATION INSTEAD steps In that direction, and I believe OF CONSOLIDATION that It would be a strategic m ove at thia tim e for Springfield to take the O a r Mr Editor: name of “East E u gen e" I believe 61 E. BROADWAY Since It la the finding of an ex It would make It much easier for pert, that it la not advisable for the the people of Eugene and Spring- Bathing Suits off regular Price cities of Eugene and Springfield to field to co-operate with a greater —none reserved. consum m ate a merger at thia time feelin g of common Interest. but should wait for a more conveni­ E E. KEENER en t season ; when a greater spirit of harmony and feeling of common In tereut haa been developed, to haat en this very desirable condition Is certain ly a worthy m otive that , should Inspire «very loyal citizen of both cith-a to do Wliut he cun for Ita promotion Aa a long step In this direction- by the people of Dp ring- field. I am going to su ggest that we change our town name to that of East Eugene; which will be out logical name In case of merger. ''East Eugene” In itself would ad yertlae abroad the close relation of the comm unity of Springfield to ; Eugene. It would also share in the enviable reputation of Eugene as a prosperous and grow ing city. It would make common property of the amount of population; as "Eugene's population" would, of course, be that of E ug'n and East Eugene. The weight of the combined resources, and payrolls could be effectively used In advertising and promotion 1 T his mutual use of combined re- sources for a sin glen ess of purpose —of building a greater city— woiM«l certainly go far to cultivate a feel­ ing of good fellow ship and common Interest, which would gradually re­ m ove lines of dem arcation of sep­ arate Interests and cem ent the two cities Into a united whole. W hat we need now instead of a 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE m erger, la a confederation of inter­ e sts of our two cities. If not in fact. In spirit at least. T his would still leave th e ad­ m inistration of the municipal govern­ m ent in best hands— the local cltl- ; xens— the respective com m unities. It would m aterially strengthen the use­ Now is th e tim e to begin plans for your Children’s ful forces and leave out mhny un- 1 pleasant features: such as municipal S ch ool N eeds. Start right by m aking a saving, on your d eb ts, taxation, representation, mu-1 Children’s School S h o es, C lothing and Supplies, at our nlclpal u tilities, rem oval of city 1 modern store. offices and records four m iles away ; (possibly outsiders filling local of-1 “Serve Yourself and Save” flees, etc., etc.) It Is evident tnat there Is in mak- [ Ing In this im m ediate vicinity a ] K a fo u r y ’s L o g g in g O p e r a ’o r H e re A II V la lt in g H a m lin H o m e Mrs Char Gray. logging o|H-rator uf the Jaaper lea Flelda and daughter Margaret, NOTICE OF SALE vlnlnlly, wan a busInexN vlaltor In of Roa«-burg, are visiting In Spring N otice In hereby given limi Ui« un Sprlngfl« Id Munday afternoon. | field fur a few days at the home of 4« rslgin «I, ( ìiiiili ii E Mei tnnulil, n Mrs FI« Ms' sister and hruther-ln- D ow n F ro m W u lt e r v llle (J L ili« itti in I n i mi i iitur In ih« .Minier u f il i« K u li lle u f J u h li ,M < Ihinuhl. dei'eimeil, Stacey. W ultervllle n Mhlenl, waa In law, Mr and Mrs E. B. Hamlin. by virtue uf un order uf nule entered S| rlngfli Id on business fur a «hurt B a c k F ro m Visit Mrs Earl lluld in ili« uliuvi « n iltlid mutier in ili« time Munday. win ami sun, Jaiuea, returned Mun­ County Court u f lh« Stute of