THURSDAY AUGUST 29. 192» TH E SPRIN GFIELD NEWS PAGB FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pufeltshed Iv a ry Th orada y at •prtnffleld. lama Couaty, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor. tered as second class m atter, February 24, 1903 at the poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E A d v a n ce____ >1.75 >1.00 Three Months Single Copy THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1929 HAIL TH E GRAF ZEPPELIN In the sixteenth century M agellan circum ­ navigated the globe in a sailing vessel, and th e fa c t has been drum m ed into th e heads of school children ever since as one of the m ost progrec- give steps taken by m an up to th a t tim e. Now w e are face to face w ith a new circum navigation of the globe- by m eans of a m odern airship—a feat th at would have been tho u g h t impossible even a few years ago. T he G raf Zeppelin is now in the m idst of .its round-the-w orld to u r— from L akehurst. N. J., to L akehurst. N. J„ with only th re e stops in be­ tw een. Think of it. N ever yet h a s th ere been such an undertaking, and every indication points to com plete success. T he first jump, from I^akehurst to G erm any, w as com pleted in the record tim e of 55 hours, w ithout m ishap. Day by day the eyes of the world are focussed on this great, epoch m aking flight— an event th a t will loom far larg e r in th e history books of the fu tu re than the fam ous feat of M agellan. T he flight of Dr. E ck en er and his crew p re­ gages a new era of progress -it has the most vital bearing on fu tu re com m erce and travel. All hail th e G raf Zeppelin! WAIT BEFORE YOU DENOUNCE! “ A nother group of b u re a u c ra ts pestering the farm ers," and 'o n ly one m ore com m ission a f ­ fording jobs at W ashington at fat salaries to its m em bers,” is how S en ato r G lass speaks of the new Federal Farm Board. T his is n o t a t all creditable to his judgem ent. As he probably knows. Mr. Legge. C hairm an of the F arm Board, accepted the position a t great personal financial sacrifice, and none of the o th e r m em bers of the board are likely to grow w ealth y on th e salaries they get from the governm ent. The board is only a few w eeks old. So fa r it h a s been m aking an e a rn e st effort to gain first­ hand know ledge of the problem s w ith w hich it will have to deal, and its few suggestions to various farm groups have seem ed to be well con­ sidered and econom ically sound. We m ust w ait before passing judgm ent on the farm board. T he board deserves a fair chance. It can be judged only by results, and it will n a tu ra lly ta k e som e tim e before these can be expected. GNR MAJOR INDUSTRY NEEDS BACKING T he lum ber Industry is. from th e standpoint of dollars and cen ts in revenue, th e m ost im ­ p o rta n t in the s ta te of Oregon. Sixty c e n ts of every dollar produced in th e s ta te com es from tim ber products of som e kind. It is a know n fact th a t the prosperity of lack of prosperity in the lum ber business is Im m edi­ ately reflected in all o th e r lines of business. The lum ber dollar is a steady dollar, in th at it is not seasonal. T he saw m ills and logging cam ps op­ erate, except for brief intervals, twelve m onths in th e year. By fa r the biggest item of ex­ pense in lum ber production is labor and this c re a te s a payroll w hich filters out into every avenue of com m erce. W hen these payrolls are menace«! the prosper- ity of the entire s ta te is jeapordized and th at is the situation which now c o n fro n ts the lum ber industry. In an effort to recognize the law s of supply and dem and and reg u la te production to the flow of business the saw mills and logging cam ps th ro u g h o u t O regon and W ashington have d u r­ ing the past tw o y ears for long jH'riods operated only five days per w eek and have otherw ise tak e n steps to prevent an over-supply w hich would glut the m ark ets. T his has been expen­ sive for both the em ployer and the employee. Eor the mill ow ner it has increased I lie overhead expense of operation, for the em ployee it lias m eant few er hours w ork and consequently less pay. but both have borne their part of the b u r­ den for tile m utual good th at would be d e n ie d from it. D uring the past year, while lum berm en in th e their m ark ets, they have had to sit by am i ?«■«■ an increasing volum e of lum ber pouring in ¡rom C anada and Russia. The lum ber com ing from C anada is produced by mills th at employ largely Chinese, Jap an ese and Hindoos. T he R ussian com petition needs no description as it is g e n e r­ ally know n that em ployees of the mills th ere re ­ ceive w hat is approxim ately forty cents per day and th a t Am erican labor cannot m eet such com ­ petition is a foregone conclusion. W ith th e exception of rough lum ber, no tim ­ ber products of any kind can be shipped into C anada w ithout paying a 25 per cent ad valorem duty. W hen th eir m a rk e ts a re good they keep them for them selves yet they a re perm itted to ship th eir lum ber into th is co u n try free of all duty and w hen o u r m ark e ts are b e tte r than theirs, as is the case a t present, they ta k e the business aw ay from o u r mills and we a re help­ less to m eet their com petition. T he N orthw est lum ber m a n u fa c tu re rs are asking for a protective tariff on lum ber and shingles which will g uard a g ain st this influx of cheap lum ber. Pow erful in te rests com posed of a few concerns having tim ber holdings in C an­ ada have established a lobby in W ashington to defeat the tariff on lum ber and to date they have been successful, due to th e lack of support w hich the general public h as given o u r sen ato rs on this im p o rtan t subject. • Our World Is Growing Smaller W e s t f ir Is nam ed company J u ly 19. fo r Tuesday, September 3 Is the date for the opening of the reg u la r Egll T the Eugene B usiness College. It's a good school. E n r o llm e n t d a te s fo r S ept, are 3— 16— 30. T h e re a s o n a b le ra te s , u p -to -d a te Ask at e q u ip m e n t, an d (ra in in g m ak e tills school o u ts ta n d in g an d a s good best. Business College Telephone 666 M in e r B u ild in g , E u ge n e, O reg on The 1923 Pep Up with Candy cord in g t<* Kiln ¡'I lletle w as o rig in ­ a lly know n as H azleton i reek A w om an living on the stre a m becam e d issa tisfie d w ith h< r lot and bro u g h t u cow to tow n and trad ed It (or u silk d ress. GLENADA G lenadn tow nalte wan p latted by G to rg e H. C o lter about 1890. T he com piler is tn to rm ed th at since th e place w as In th e circle of th te Sluslaw riv e r. It wus called "G len Ada," the A da'' being for Mrs C olter. W hy th e circle of th e riv er su g g ested 'G le n '' h a s not been e x ­ plained. T h e post office a u th o ritie s played havoc w ith Mr. C o lter's nam e by condeDB ng It to G lcnada. T he office w as esta b lish e d about 1891 w ith M argaret I. G ra n t as th e first p o stm a ste r. S he w as a s is te r of Mrs. C olter. t S ' ■ \ \ They a re try in g to pass legislation in Manila to prevent pigs from living in th e sam e house w ith people. O bjection is being voiced to the proposal and well it m ight, for we have n o t a t ­ tained this s ta te of civilization even in the United S tates. Som e of th e m ale population m ight be rightfully classed as pigs w hen it Get m arried and learn to love each o th er a f­ com es to living w ith the rest of the family. terw a rd s would be the kind of advice som e of consolidators of Eugene and Springfield would J. E. B e n n e tt, w ho is one p erson who will not get give young jteoplp they were consistent in peeved a t any o n e fo r an n o u n cin g th a t said Bi n n e tt is a th eir Hue of reasoning. c a n d id a te for g o v ern o r, h a s g o tten o u t a cam paign «rant P ajam as as day tim e apparel seem s to be both popular with men am i wom en in som e Beet ions. Evidently it is the only form of cloth- ing riiat Doth sexes agree on. W E S T F IR t . c Western Lumber nam e was f ir s t us, d STA N D A RD OIL COMPANY OF C A L IFO R N IA Northwest have taken these steps to protect It has been figured out th a t it is seven tim es sa fe r to ride in a m otor bus th a n a private c ar com paring fatlaity statistics. W henever we m eet one of these ju g g ern a u ts in the middle of th e highw ay we a re inclined to agree with statistics. tif d u b appeared in pajam a? rer flay. Golf in its advanced a ' queer but we had not had becom e so proficient in a re easily se««n rri'tn tne N ctvcnsio highw ay and p roduces a sp ectacle th a t Is aw >-inspiring, to sav (he least. T he c r a te r h as an ex tre m e elev atio n of about 7000 feet It w as nam ed for J It. B elknap. an early re sid e n t along th e M cK en tla riv er, anil a son «'f It S llelknnp. who d e­ veloped the sp rin g s J ii B elk n ap w as in te re s te d In th e toll road th a t w as built over th e M cK en ile puss In th e early sev en ties. It 8 B elknap discovered lle lk n a p S p rin g s In No­ vem ber, 1889. and conceived the plan of d eveloping them BLACHLY B lachlv Is about th re e m iles from T ria n g le L ake, a well- know n g eo g rap h ical fe a tu re of the coast range R esid e n ts of th is neigh borhoiul fo rm erly recelv»d the m all at F ra n k lin post office, now disco n tin u ed T he office at B lachlv w as e stu h lish ed Ju n e 27. 1892, anti nam ed for W illia m B l a t c h h . a local resid en t OI/TINCTIVE O P TIC A L ZERVICE F G G IM A N N ’S ''W h e re the S erv ic e la D iffe re n t" OUR USED CARS With an O. K. That Counts are R econditioned or Checked and sold under our SATISFACTION GUARANTEE MORRIS CHEVROLET Co 942 O liv e S tre e t, upon w hich he q u o tes fav o rab le co m m en t from P ortland n ew sp ap ers. A c u ttin g from th e P o rtlan d Nows gives th e in fo rm atio n th a t B n n e tt h as “am assed a n ice fo r­ tu n e .” W ith o u t m ore th a n h in tin g th a t "n ic e ” is am biguous. if n o t ac tu a lly in c o rre c t, it is our opinion th a t p rin tin g su ch a s ta te m e n t on a cam p a ig n card show s a lack of Judgm ent th a t d isq u alifies for g u b e rn a to ria l a s­ p ira tio n s. And th ese c a rd s a re b ein g sen t out to th e n ew sp ap ers. W ell, th e le a s t we can suggest is th at th e re should be a lib eral d istrib u tio n of th a t "n ice" f o r ­ tu n e for a d v e rtisin g sp ace.—C o ttag e G rove S en tin el nere can y o u ri an o p p o rtu n ity like th is? By Albert T. Reid N tile first unit of “ Sunrise A rea.” R est-H aven Memorial Park, th ere rem ains unsold about fifty sections. T here is every reason to believe th a t these sections will lie sold out Ity S eptem ber I, or very soon th ere ­ after. T he price will then be advanced to $1 lb a section. T his advance Is entirely justified by the increase of values in R est-H aven, re p re ­ sented irt the clearing and land­ scaping of land, the building of roadw ays, and o th e r improve- I 75 6 t n u so y 9AH8U5 OLCWDtD Sa« ii Am t ahy I P FIM y a Wd\.WalerSystem carry the Waterf P l e n t y of water at a turn of the faucet . . . fresh, clean, cool! Water for kitchen, dairy, barn . . . for fire protection too. No more back-breaking pumping and carrying. Increased profits on live stock w ill pay for it every year. T h e P a u l w ill work for you for a few cents each day! And the first cost is much lower than you expect. Come in and see them today— let ua recommend the system [or your jieeds. Mt. State6 Power Co. Every person living In Eugene or Lane C ounty ow es it to him- self to know all ab o u t the oppor­ tu n ity represented by a small investm ent in R est-H aven Mem­ orial Park. Whether at $100 or $110, a tra ct in Rest-Haven Memorial Park represents a very unusual investment opportunity. R est-H aven MEMORIAL PARK