ft T ry the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t TWKNTY-HIXTII YWAR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ”Th» People'« Paper" A L IV E N E W S P A P E R IN A L IV E T O W N HI’RINGKIKLD, LANE COUNTY, OKROON THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 1929 BUSHMANS BACK FROM VENEER PLANT IDEA IS JOURNEY BY STEAMER NOT GIVEN UP WRITES UP COAST OF ALASKA PRESIDENT OF COMPANY Kenneth D illard Killed in Wreck No. 3$ DR. EMERY TO ENTER BIG TW IN ROUND-UP AT ALBANY MONDAY Mr mid Mre. G. O. Itushinsn end I The veneer plant projected for their daughter, Mr« Graham HnUth, HP Sngfleld but poetpoued on account \ Springfield MAJOR WINS FIFTH IN AIRPLANE MCE Dr. N. W. Emery. Springfield dentist, and his twin brother, Newell returned U .t week from their v a .. ? ' ,h * '“ar's Hound-up brought 160 street. Before he was able to get thn com pany became and vicinity were hoping he would dissatisfied p a rts o f th>- s tre e t, c it y u f f li la ls nay th a t th e p ii H i-iiif rs w e re a b le to cn pairs of tw ins from all parts of Ore­ with the man who had been chosen com pletely across the street, how- do, but he did com e In for the fifth Joy th e s c e n e ry fro m th e deck o f th e Itv c o m b in in g th e p a v in g Jobs It I h gon to Albany. R egistrations thus Bills hud been ever, It was struck by the m achine Th a lilp sto p p e d a l Ju n e a u , to operate the plant prize o f 1300, which in itself fe t>. ll.-v c d m on e y can In* suv«*d b o th shl|> far receive«! indicate that the en ­ railed for a large plant on the driven by Brent, which was travelin g fo r th e c it y a m i s ta te and a lio m ake th e c a p ita l o f th e t e r r it o r y , u i S ka g tries w ’ll be far more numerous and worth considering. down N ineteenth Mr. Dillard was n u m b e r o f o th e r Springfield Industrial site and even a c o m p le te d Im p ro v e m e n t n il at th e w a y, and a l . a being received The major entered the race with thrown from hls car by the Impact more entries are to w n s , w h e re s p e c ia l e x c u rs io n s In to som e of the machinery purchased at dally. ra m c H im - N e g o tia tio n s a re now som eth in g of an handicap. He was of the blow. th a t tim e b e in g i ir r lc d on by th e c ity and th e Ih e m a in la n d w e re sp o n sore d . flyin g a W aco sport model, a speedy W itn esses of the accident state h ig h w a y d e p a rtm e n t In th in r - g a r il T h e nw>«t Im p n is fv i -ounced later. E. Childers, pastor of the v«-ars. laist year she aerved as su b ­ secon d s; and L ieutenant W . B. It sms sm ooth and pleasant J Kugene Childers of i R all> ' da> ’ w il> a>so be the tim e Christian church In charge Eugpne with Dr. S. E. stitu te teacher. She has been active Clark. Portland, 25 hours, 35 m inutes the Eugpne Christian church in of promotion for the cla sses at the \\"tiil«' In S eattle Mr and Mrs ! of the service. He was hurled In the in P. T A work servin g ns p resi­ charge of the services. He was was M ethodist Sunday school. Each and 26 seconds. dent of that organization Inst year. Bushman and Mrs Sm ith ntt«‘nded I the 1. (). O. E cem etery at Eugene. The racers are guests at the an­ hurled In the new I. O. O. F. «-erne-, R,udent *'ilt he promoted to the next ------------------------------- She was the chalrmann of a commit the Passion Play w„lch was pre- • nual Cleveland air races which are t e r v M embers of the local National claRR and w111 start another year tee which Investigated and rernm re n te d th e re by a c o m p a n y o f N e w REV. DAY TO PREACH now being held at the Ohio city. A Guard acted as pall bearers. He is ot instruction. M o re Ilia n 750 p e o ple i m ended to the school board the Y o rk p la y e rs number of con tests for such ev en ts AT BAPTIST CHURCH survived hy hls mother, Mrs. M i n a ------------------------------- adoption of the visual Instruction participated In the portravBl nf the as stunt flying are being held at the Dillard and one sister, Miss Ann ACCIDENT COMMISSIONER method for teaching rending to the life of Ji-seiis In the U niversity of Rev. Franklin Day. of Sacram ento, C leveland airport, and it is possible Dillard. Hls father. H. N. Dillard, On the re­ former pastor of th- Springfield Bap­ pupils of the first grade. The W ashington eolloseum TALKS TO 4L MEMBERS that the major may enter som e o f method was adopted for the com ing turn Journey they visited Mt. Ranier tist church, will deliver the sermon was killed In a fall follow in g an : them. N ational Park anil enjoyed the there th is Sunday, It Is announced electrical shock w hile w orking as an I George M Aitken and Mr. Fergu­ year hy the board Major Eckerson entered the race electrician at the local Booth-Kelly son of the Oregon state industrial D r W II Pollard, acting chnirm in scenery there. hy the board nf deacons. Rev. Day to Cleveland more with the idea of mill last July. The young man was accident com m ission were speakers gaining publicity for his school o f of the school board, stated that In lived in i»nringflcld for many years B. Dillard, clerk of at the regular m eeting of the aviation here than for w inning electin g Mrs Page to the position TRIP TO PORTLAND an«l wns ordained m inister at the n n< phew o f I-in e county. Springfield 4L held In the W. O. W. money, and in that he succeeded ad­ the hoard felt that It w ns Justifl«-«l MADE BY CANOEISTS local church. Rev. and Mrs. Day are hall Monday night. Mr. Aitken mirably. Undoubtedly more people in In settin g aside a p re v io u s r n lln g n o w tr a v e lin g up the const tn the On T r ip U p C o a st spoke on the industrial accident the country have had the existen ce that no married women would be t w o y o u n g P o rtla n d m e n . W a lla c e ¡ B a p tis t c h a p e l c a r ''G o o d w ill." T h e y em ployed The fact that Mrs. Page Fargle and a com panion, entered the ¡w ill probably remain In Springfield A party of local prnple left Datur- S**Ua*,On in Orppnn and Pointed out of Springfield. Oregon, brought to w as su b stitu te teacher, and Is a W illam ette with their ennne near the ¡for about three w e e ks, taking charge 'lav for a trip up the cost from New- ,hp n “f“d for im provement In certain their attention for the first tim e ■ F ifty per cent of the through the exploits of the major t - a r b o r <>f known ex cellen ce. was o h l b rid g e e a rly T u e s ih iv m o rn in g of Ihe service^ until e new pastor Port alo n g the R oosevelt highw ay industries. given ns the reason for the decision ami slnrt'wl down stream tn Port­ will be ch osen to succeed Rev. <’. H. lo Tidlamook. stopping at the varl- industrial accidents of the state are than through any other thing w hich It was decided nt the hoard m eet­ land. They shipped their craft here Blom. io u s benches alon g the line. T hose in the loggin ig industry, he said al­ has ever happened here. The ma­ ing to have the roof of the high M o n d a y a nd sp e n t th e n ig h t In to w n A call to Rev Mr. Mahon, pastor who made the trip were G eorge Per- though only ten per cent of the lab- jor’s pictures were carried in a ll school building repaired anil re­ at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. C of the First Baptist church at Kin- kins, hls sister, Mtss Theda Perkins nrers s ,a ,e are engaged In th e Portland and Eugene papers, that occupation. T Two sets OI of lantern painted before tin- opening of school Pederson a l orr,1lMUlon- wo set8 lantern and probably as well In the Cleve- The vou’h* were not mnth Falls was made by the local of S eattle, who is spending the i ln Septem ber 16 Llndall Gardner of certain how long It - id take them cnngregntlonn follow ing the serv ices sum mer here. Miss Adalfne Perkins. slid es, ‘‘T ies to Steel" and "Beyond land papers In additian to th is the MJpst Springfield was given the co n ­ to reach Portland ' Springfield, J f s t Sunday at which Rev. Mahon Miss Vera Perkins of San Francisco, , M icroscope' were shown to major has been featured in tract of plastering the unflnishi*d as they were going ' ke their tim e preach«‘d. He will decide within a and Mrs Leon Jennisnn of Salem those present. The 4L passed a re- pape!, throughout Oregon, and the room nt the Brattnln school The ami en joi the seen as they tra­ few days w hether or not hp w ill ac- They will return the latter part of solution of sym pathy for Mrs. Mina progress of the race, in which h e Dillard follow ing the accidental w as alw ays m entioned, was carried contract for doing the woodwork on veled. Both nre « i-< it can oeists. this week. I cept the offer. death of her son, Kenneth, at Eugene by press dispatches all over th e the room w ill be let iHter. J. L. W ithin a short tim e after Mr Thursday night. Mnlnsh w as given the contract for j (,'nrgli- and hls com panion com plete U nited States. To M a k e Trip East M u rp h y 's Entertain en closin g the play shed at the Ural- | bp| r journey to Portland, they e x ­ The two hangara at the Spring- J. W. Chase, F. B Chase and Tru­ Mr. and Mrs. D allas Murphy en ­ S m ith R e s ig n s a t J a n ito r tain school field municipal airport were painted pect to ship I heir canoe to Idaho and man Chase will lenve next w eek on tertained for a number of their com e from there down the Snake and an extended trip through the Middle R. W. Sm ith. Janitor at the Brat- this w eek in chrome yellow by Jame« friends and relatives with a dinner DARWIN E. BROWN DIES Stovall of Eugene. Major E ckerson’» Jhe Columbia to Portland. W est. T hey will visit friends and at their home T uesday night. Those tain school, has resigned his posi­ partner. T his will m ake them v is­ tion, according to Dr. W. H. Pollard, AT HOME HERE SUNDAY relatives In K ansas and Michigan who w ere present included Miss RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and will also attend to business J H exel Murphy, Miss Era Dell Mur- acting chairman of the local school ible for a great distance to aviators Darw-ln E Brown, one of the oiliest COMMITTEE TO MEET i ,prR ,n " nun'bpr nf ,hp larKpr <', t|” -J phy. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson of board. A su ccessor w ill probably he r’asR,nK OVPr- The construction o f selected at the next m eeting of the , "n off,ce bulldin« to serve as head- T« sklents nf Springfield, died nt hls They expect tn exam ine the market Engene. Mrs. Glenn Arehart of I-eb- board. Mr. Sm ith is leaving Springe q"arters of the school w ill be begun home on East A street Ihinday nl the d lllon s In Denver, and Chicago. ' Bnon, nnd Miss Clara Jon es of A m eetin g of the execu tive com ­ field to move to R eedsport with hls w i,h>n a short tim e by George Per- age o f 80 years. He wns born In m ittee o f the Lane county council of where they ship a large quantity of Springfield. N ew York July 18 1849. nnd Inter religious education Is called by the cucum bers front Chase Gardens dur- I daughter and son-in-law. Mr. anil kins, local contractor. The project ________________ _____ lived In W isconsin and South Da­ president. M iss Mary Harding, for ing Ihe spring and sum m er m onths } Safety Council Meeta Mrs. Wilson. H e has served as is being sponsored by the aviation kotn. ll e cam e to Springfield In Sunday, Septem ber 1st, at 2:30 p. m. Janitor at the B rattaln and high committee of the local Lions club, The regular m onthly m eetin g of 1996 school for six years and has also which Is headed by Dr. W. C. Scout Meeting Poetponed I thp Springfield 4L safety council at the M ethodist church, 12th and Mr Brown Is survived by hls W illam ette, in Eugene. served as clerk of the school dis- Reblian. The scouts of Springfield Troop 11 , wnR hp_ld ln ,hp ,unch room at the widow, Mrs. Emma n Brown; one trlct and city recorder. All county and district officers, will not meet next week It w as an- j Booth-Kelly mill T uesday afternoon Cara Crash at In te rse ctio n son, Fred E. Brown, of Suplee, Ore­ locnl Sunday school superintendents, nounced nt the m eeting last night nl o clock. At that tim e Levi A Ford touring car driven E. O. gon, nnd one «laughter, Mrs. Mabel directors of re iglous education, pas­ Men Injured at Mill hy C hester Ahlrlch, scout m aster. IbJpp* Kfvo n dem onstration In band- Stratton of this city and a Durant H i^ a r d of Springfield Ho wns a tors, presidents of com m unity coun­ The next m eeting of the troop w i l l . nR*np’ ” fdnS: triangular bandages. At Three em ployees were sligh tly in ­ coupe driven hy Clair Thompson of m em ber of the Methodist Eptscopnl cils, and rep resen tatives of other re­ lie held W ednesday night, Septem- ,bp npxt nlp’',1nF. Septem ber 24, Mr. jured In Industrial accidents at the Junction City were slightly damaged church. ligious organizations lire considered her 11, Mr. Aldrich met with the N eet w lu *1ve a dpmonstrat1on In local Booth-Kellv m ill during the Saturday evening when they collided Mr. Brown’s funeral wns held nt m em bers of this eom m lttee nnd are scouts for the Inst tim e last night, ,,1p con ,rol of arterial bleeding. Mr. w eek, according to a n otice posted. nt the intersection of Main and 5th the Vcntch rhnpel nt E ugene T ues­ Invlhvl to be present. as a new scout m aster will take Npp* ,ook B co,lrRP ,n safety m ethods A. R Manshlp wrenched hls shoulder streets. Mr. Stratton started to day nfternoon nt 2 o'clock, with At this tim e, plans will be mnde charge within tw o w eeks. Mr. Aid- w b*pb wns g ,v cn Inst June at Wend- and back quite badly nnd ns a result make a reverse turn at the inter­ R ev C. J. Pike, pnstor of the locnl for the year's program of religious rlch resigned because of lack of I,ln * hy ” 1p Booth-K elly com pany In will he unable to work for several section. when ha was struck by Mr. M ethodist church, offlclntlng He education In the country. I co-operation with the N ational 9afe- days. \ \ . W lltse lost four days work Thom pson's car, which was com ing tim e for the work. wns hurled In Ihe I.nurel H ill cem e­ ] ly Council. He was given a certifi­ when he w as struck on the ankle E ast on Main. One of the front te ry . Large Apple Displayed cate of proficiency at that time. nnd foot hy a pile of 2x4's which w heels on the Ford w as broken, and One o f the largest apples ever To Move to Klamth Fall*— Mr. fell. Sm ith Mountjoy will he laid o ff the fender on the Durand badly Bagk From Trip- Miss Maurlne seen In Springfield wns brought In­ anil Mrs. John Robertson will lenve Back From Eastern Trip— Mr. and for several days as the result of j bent, but no one was Injured In the Lombard returned Sunday from to Ihe Com m ercial S la te hank Mon­ Springfield within a short tim e to Mrs. Frank B artholom ew and fam ily Portland nnd Monmouth where she day by J. C. Parker o f 448 C street. movo to Klamath Falls, where they ¡h ave returned to Springfield from a running a silver alm ost completely crash. through hls hand. spent several days shopping nnd Tlio fruit Is a Spokane B eauty and w ill m ake their home. Mr. Robert- trip to Illinois, w here th ey visited Hops Shipped visitin g with friends S he visited m easures 16 Inches In circum fer­ son has been employed by the As­ with relatives They went east by Mill Cloaea Monday—The Spring- Two car loads of hops from the her mother. Mrs. Elin Tximbnrd, who ence. It Is green In color, tinged sociated oil com pany of Eugene. He way of Yellowstone National Park field Booth-Kelly mill will close on Seavey yeads were »hipped from Is atten d in g the sum m er session of with red. Mr, Parker grew It on a has accepted a position with the nnd also made a number of side Monday In observation of T«abo the local Southern Pacific depot this the Oregon Normal school nt Mon- tree near h ls hom e. The apple Is Hudson-Essex agency at Klamath tripe. They traveled more than Day. according to a notice publishes week. The hops were consigned to miyith. on display at th e hank. Falls. 6000 miles on their Journey. Boy L o m i Life When Machines Collide at Street Intersection by O. H. Jarrett, superintendent. a company at Peoria, Illinois,