NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1929 TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR No. 37 ilillUillllliiUUUUUUWUWH “ If it's In the Drug Line— W e have it.” P rescrip tio n s o ur S p ecialty .—All com pounding done by re g istered P h arm acist* . Y our m ail o rd er signifies your confidence, it shall have o u r perso n al and prom pt atten tio n . Eastm an Kodaks and Supplies. Ketels’ Drug Store Springfield. O regon ► READY! W hen W e Prom ise It When you leave your car here for attention, and we promise it at a certain time, you can be assured that it will be ready when you call. Furthermore, the work we do will prove to be absolutely satisfac­ tory. Try us next time. W m . Rodenbough G arage PHONE 95 Red Crown G a s o l i n e . G o o d r i c h Tires , PEDIGREED USED CARS E njoy y o u r M otor Trips Before you make a trip drive In here and let us see if your car is in the best of condition. A little a tte n tio n here before you s ta rt may cave you a lot of trcub le on the road. B ring your car to us and let us give it a thorough overhauling and in­ spection. O ur m echanics are experts and we guarantee satis­ faction. T he home of the V IO L E T -R A Y Gasoline. fam ous ‘A’ Si. Garage AND S E R V IC E S P R IN G F IE L D We Are Agent« for SARGON hasn't got a heart? 3ood ap p earan ce, plus p ro p er reconditioning, fa ir price* and efficien t serv ice equals com plete satisfactio n . T hese a re th e chief fu n d am en tals of our PED IG R EED U SED CAR VALUES SEE THESE and Sargon Soft "G ive them -som ething to eat and th ey 'll tell you all they know ,” be­ lieves “ Big B ill” Kelley, New York policem an, w ho’s never w ithout a goodie to offer as first aid to a lost a n d frightened child. H ere he is restoring speech and m em ory to a child by m eans of a delicious lolly- pop. W ho says a New Y ork cop If It’s * Pedigreed Used Car It’s the beat buy In town. 1927 1928 1927 1927 1928 1926 1924 Mass Pills Bulck S tan C oupe... W hippet C abriolet P ontiac L and. Sedan S ta r S p o rt R o ad ster O akland S p o rt Road S ta r C oupster J e w e tt Coach Term * >885 >485 >595 >345 >525 >265 >285 T rad es EUGENE MOTOR CO FLANERY’S DRUG STORE S T A T IO N ITH ANE OLIVE PHONE 145 OAK LAND-PONTIAC D ISTRIBU TO R S LLOYD A LLEN MANAGER U SED CAR D EPT. O R EG O N (Pat. Applied for—Serial No. 21764) The World Color Prtg. Co,, S t Louis,Mo.