PAGK SIX TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS T h ro u g h p E R S E V E R A N C E THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1929 P e rse v e ra n c e Perseverance was the secret of success for Columbus. Perseverance as an active part of their everyday life, preached by each citizen of this community will make this community a success. Perseverance tends for competent control of local government. Perseverance will aid in bettering local conditions. Perseverance in meeting all obligations, financial and social, which being a citizen of this community entails, will prove an invaluable aid in community growth. Perseverance practically applied, will make this community a place of which we may well be proud—let’s be perseverant! The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and Springfield. WRIGHT A SONS Hardware and Furniture COMMERCIAL STATE BANK W. C. REBHAN, M. D. WHITE FRONT GROCERY W. A. Taylor, Prop. EUGENE KESTER, M. D. THE WILLAMETTE PRESS • Printers and Publishers HENDERER ELECTRIC John Henderer, Prop. GRAY'S CASH AND CARRY Dallas Murphy, Mgr. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. Adrian, Prop. SPRINGFIELD MILL A GRAIN COMPANY MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY