Try the H om e P rin t Shop F irst SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAR A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGÒN. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26, 1929 ENROLLMENT AT H. S. REMAINS LOWER; SMALL FROSH CLASS ENTERS Elect Convention Delegates, Start Membership Drives, Lay Plans for Community Chest, Select Committees; Start Work for Year. “ The People’s Paper" No. 37 Daredevil at 69 A n n o u n c e R a lly 7 O Sunday P rogram The enrollm ent a t the high school has reached the two hundred mark and it is expected th a t a few more will en ter later, but according to W E. Buell, principal a t the high school, the attendance for this year will not equal that ot last year. A small freshm an class is given as the m ajor reason for the decrease. Mr. Buell explained th at the decrease is not startlin g in any sense, as it fre­ quently happens th at a class will be unusually larger or sm aller than the average. small boy injured ,N AUTO ACCIDENT TUESDAY EVENING WILL 8E OCTOBER 6 Committees Have Final Meet­ Rodney Chase, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chase,! _______ ing Last Night; Expect living on route 1, received a broken ~ -------- Large Crowd. left leg and several bad scratches [ Governor Invited to Make Ad­ on his left side as the result of an dress, Free Venison Barbecue E verything is in readiness for the opening of the big annual Rally at accident which occurred late Tues­ Planned, Exhibition and Pas­ the Methodist church Sunday morn- day afternoon, between A and B senger Flights, Music and Jlng, according to H. L. G illette, the streets on Fifth. # Speeches Assured. According to the accident report The fall work and activities of the i superintendent of the church school. Springfield Parent-Teachers associa­ | A final m eeting of the com m ittees filed at the city recorder's office, Mr. October the sixth has been de- tion was given a good send-off last j which have been working on the Chase had stopped his ca r and the finitely set as the date for tb« Friday afternoon, when the new I plans for some time was held last sm all boy climbed out and started officers, headed by Mrs. R. P. Mor­ Mrs. Susan I). Grove, of Hagers­ night and the com plete program across the street. His fath er tried dedication of the new Springfield municipal airport, located ea st o t town, Md., 69 year old mother of five tensen, assumed their posts a t the Increases which continue to mount announced. to overtake him, but was too late as the city on the McKenzie highway, children, plans to take a trip over first meeting of the parents and at the oth er school buildings in the Niagara Falls in a rubber ball this The regular Sunday school will he ran out into the path of an auto­ 1 Ians for a mammoth celebration, teachers of the local school system city more than offset the decrease year. She says she’s not in the least convene at the usual hour of 9:45 mobile driven by R. L. Adams, P o rt­ which is expected to bring 2000 bit afraid. m et at the Lincoln school building at the high school, so the total num and will consist of a short opening land. Mr. Adams, who is a salesm an people to the local airfield are be­ for the first sesston of the new school I ber of students in Springfield Is in­ I exercise, after which tthe classes for a Portland wire rope company. ing form ulated by the com m ittee lu year outlined the plans for the fall ! creasing rath e r than decreasing The C. OF C. TO TALK BRIDGE AT MEETING TOMORROW i S e T V ’a o n X . f T o u T pe“ T o f was returning from a business trip charge of the airp o rt work. work of the group enrollm ent at Lincoln is now 241; of to W endling and did not see the boy Governor Isaac L. P atterson ha« The new officers of the P. T. A. this num ber 118 are in th e junior ru n in front of his machine until It — --------- I instruction. Thev will then been extended an invitation to be are Mrs. R. P. M ortensen, - president; high school - and — 123 l in the ------- — ~ — v , — ii u ic l lower U W fl was too late to stop. present and make an address. H e Mrs. Lum Anderson, vice-president; grades. Eight new pupils enrolled The boy was taken to a local for the month of Septem ber will be wilI b f in th " 16 prOgram doctor's office for treatm en t before has inuicated his willingness to be Mrs. L. K. Page, secretary; and Mrs. there during the past week present for the dedication, but no John Putm an, treasurer. being taken to his home, w here he The B rattain school has increased held i„ the cham ber rooms to- reply has been received to the in­ morrow evening, according to F. B. ! _ Nam e Delegates will be confined for some tim e while its enrollm ent by 22, and now has 224 vitation recently extended. An­ Hamlin, president. ,! Everyone is invited to attend tthe recovering from his injuries. Official delegates to the state con- enrolled in classes there, The T here has been no special pro- i Sunday sch° o1 session or the Rally nouncem ent of tth e speakers will be vention of the P. T. A., which is to classes are all filled and some of made in detail in next w eek's issue convene a t G rants Pass beginning them are too full. Some shifting of gram planned for this meeting, but i p l° s,lto> ° r both, as may be con­ HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL of the News. on the third Friday in October, were , teachers a»d pupils may be neces it is expected th at the principal I venient> says Mr- Gillette. Invitations have also been extend­ SCHEDULE ALMOST FULL elected a t the meeting. The dele- sary. This will be decided at the Items of business to come up will be { The Pr °Sra m as outlined last night PTftPQ Qro __ _ ed to all members of the Lions club» gates are Mrs. A«., Mortensen, Mrs. m eeting of the school board next a consideration of the dedication of is a * follows: Seventeen prospective gridsters anu Cham bers of Commerce in the George Prochnow, Mrs. Dave F isher Tuesday evening. the new Springfield-Eugene bridge, 1— Song—Sunday school. are answ ering the call of Bill Baker W illam ette valley to be present. and Mrs. John Putman. and the dedication of the airport. 2— Prayer. coach, for football practice each The big celebration will be open to A Freshm an reception for all the No action has been taken, as yet, 8—Songs—Audience. The date for the next meeting of upper class students has been plan­ evening from 3:30 until 6:00. The the public and there will be no the local association was changed ned for Friday night, October 4. on either the m anner or the time 4—Cradle roll promotional exercises practice so far has been mostly in­ charges. The conducted by Mrs. Robert Drury. from the regular date, which is the Stunts, gam es and entertainm ent of of the bridge dedication. dividual and in small groups, but the Local sportsm en a r« planning a third Friday of the month, to the various kinds will be provided by cham ber of commerce bridge com­ 5 Song by the Prim ary departm ent. coach prom ises th a t the strenuous berbecue dinner of venison it th e mittee, consisting of E. E. M orrison,, -------------- DcrlHCI1 6—Recitation—Flora Bertsch. fourth Friday, to perm it the dele­ the first year students for th eir practice of plays and form ations will hunting ban is lifted in tim e and If 'Chairman, H. E. Maxey, Welby j 7—Recitation—Leola Bertsch gates to attend the convention and guests. get underw ay early next week. they are successful in bringing In Stevens, A1 Perkins, and George J. ; 8—Song by Prim ary boys. also attend the local meetings. Eleven new pairs of football pants any deer. This will be free to the A m eeting of the faculty advisors Bushman, will be called for i 9— Recitatioon—Harold Foss io I , ............ ’ * u upon to r - 'lo iia u u im —Harold Foss. To Have Community Chest have been ordered for the local team public as will be the coffee. Visitor» scheduled for today to make ar- suggestions and recom m endations. 10— Musical num bers—Barbara The members present agreed to r a n e e m e n ts n n i t a c t d m e Bar- and are expected here Monday or . . . u ,u a ia rangem ents and set dates for the . It . is . expected are requested to bring th eir basket th at the recom m enda­ nell and Florence May. form ation of a community chest or­ fall class parties Tuesday. This is all the m aterial dinners with them and eat a t the tions of the com m ittee will govern 11— Solo—Ruth Pollard. ganization and selected Mrs. Archie th at can be ordered this season with field. the actions of me larger body. 12— R ecitation—Harold Gillette. Davis as general chairm an of the the finances abailable. The com m ittee handling the a r­ SOHOOL BOARD MEETS T he October m eeting will see the 13— Piano solo—Virginia Hansen. chest. She will select a chairm an at The date and the place of the first rangem ents for the dedication, which nom ination of new officers for the 14— Short talk—H. L. G illette, super­ game has not been decided definitely each of the schools, said chairm an TALKS OVER PROBLEMS will begin promptly a t 2:00 p. m., cham ber body. They will be elected intendent. to be one of th e teachers In the yet, although a ten tativ e game has promise th a t there will be plenty of AND SETS NEW DATE in November and installed in Dec­ 15— Instrum ental music—"The S tar been scheduled with Lebanon for school building for which she is the music, speeches and en tertain m en t of Hope,” by H. Kennedy, Pauline, October 4. The place has not been for all. chairm an. These officers can then It was decided at the last meeting ember. The other officers of the cham ber are W. A. Taylor, vice- Evelyn, and Fred Buell. select whoever they care to as as­ of the school board on Monday night decided. The schedule as drawn up One of the big features of the sistants. A plan of having three to hold an o th er m eeting on Tuesday, president; W. N. Gossler, secretary ; 16— Benediction. now is as follows: afternoon will be the aviators and separate chests with supplies at each October 1, a t which tim e several of and C. E. Kenyon, treasu rer. The October 4, Lebanon; October 11, th eir planes. Major G. H. E ckerson, present directors are W. C. W right, of the school building, will be fol­ the over-crowded room problems now i T T ™ C* W ILL START POURING Junction City, th ere; October 18, who has a, flying school a t the local E. lowed. Local people will be asked confronting the board will be taken I Kenner t A ^ ’ ° S °n’ B' OF APPROACH TO BRIDGE Unlverslty hif?h «chool, here; Octo- airport, _ . is trying _____ to ____ induce „ several K epner and J A' 9eavey' to contribute old clothes and shoes up for settlem ent. ' her 25, H arrisburg, h ere; November of the m ost prom inent pilots of the Bnd other wearing apparel to the Only one more week and the 1, Brownsville, th ere; November 8, : N orthw est to bring their ships here The board was unable to do any- NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN cuests which in turn will be turned bridge will be ready. T hat is the open; November 15, Junction City, on th a t date and assist him In pro- thing positive Monday night, rt will be spread over the rock the aviation com m ittee. He Is being The W alker-Poole undertaking par­ The following com m ittees were ap­ secretary - treasu rer of the Girls plans for the activities of the women foundation of the fills on either side assisted by a com m ltte com prising lors a t Springfield had charge of the during the year were discussed a t pointed for the new year; j League of the Springfield high of the bridge and this will be rep resen tativ es of th e Cham ber of iblicity and press: Mrs. H. E . ; school a t a m eeting held Tuesday the m eeting which was held at the moistened down and packed, after funeral. _ I ommerce, the Lions club and the home of Mrs. Nelson. Maxey and Mrs. L. K. Page. I morning a t the high school. 7h°n , near SPr' ng i Am" r k a n Leglon which a coating of macadam will be •I i r Jeld for the past 11 years and leaves | Finance: Mesdames George P ro c n -1 ... applied. This will then be used un­ „ „ , The constitution wag read to the now, P ra tt Holverson and W alter LUMBER MILLS ACTIVE til spring, when it will have had time a wide circle of friends and acquaint­ P. T. A. PLANNING assembled group and the officers and Laxton. ances. AFTER FOREST FIRES to settle. The fills will be paved their class advisor were introduced. Program : Mrs. Marian Adams, TEACHER RECEPTION Surviving the deceased is his at some indefinite time In the future. for ,7. a swimming Miss Wilma Scott and Mrs. Ivan I Plans a K class were were Renewed activity in several of the The bridge, however, will be com­ widow, Mrs. Sarah Tryon, a daugh­ M , n , , discussed w ithout any action result- A reception for the teachers o t Male. logging camps and sawmills, m ost of pleted and available for traffic by ter, Laura M. Trvon, his sons, Glen H ospitality: Mesdames W. P. Ty-1 X “ s h ^ d “ , thdt the tthe schools which have been closed down during and Fred, all of Springfield, and two 1 7 , city T 8Cn° O,,‘ is being be,ng planned plannod son, C. O. Wilson, Cliff Abrams. Tom * U’d 86,1 hOt d° ga a t the the recent bad fire season. Is re- the first of November. sisters, Mrs. Laura Ferguson and ^ 7 0° O'ClOC,t athletic gam es th is fall. . „ . . , M rs. H ild a Irw in hnth ,,r i 1 W ° ' W hal1' T h e P ^ K ra m w ill Sw arts and P ra tt Holverson. ,T . o , | Po rted by F. L. Arm ltage, superln- Mrs. Hilda Irwin, both of Crescent consist of musical and other en te r­ f ° ^ ertalned ,h e P e°-( tendent of the United States employ- FOUR L ELECTS TYSON Piano Sought City, California. pjano i mgnt bureau for thJs digtrjct tainm ent features. R efreshm ent» CONVENTION DELEGATE One of the projects which was pie present with several will be served. suggested for the P. T. A. for the selections. The mills and camps of the W est­ BEN DORRIS LEAVES W. P. Tyson was elected official The following were appointed to ern lum ber company a t W estfir re­ Mrs. Edith Laxton Is chairm an of next season was the purchasing of a FOR ^LEGION CONVENTION tthe program com m ittee. MTs. D. C. piano for the B rattain school. Other represent th eir various classes on sumed operations this week, as did delegate from the Springfield 4-L organization to represent it a t the n ' Ogilvie la th e general chairm an. AH projects will be taken up from time the governing council. D orothea May several others. Ben V Dorris past com m ander of parents an „ teacher(, are lnvlted t(> sta te convention to be held in Eu­ P otter, freshm an; Lela Meyers, soph­ to time. The Hills Creek lum ber company the Eugene post of the American atten(1 the meet1ng Announcement was made a t the om ore; Dorothy Fisher, Junior and contrary to the prevailing trend, gene on November 2. Legion left Portland W ednesday af- i ___________________ Elm a Lansberry, senior. A fair crowd attended the monthly m eeting th a t the County Council of announced a two w eeks' shut-down ternoon in com pany with several At 8 t . te F a lr_ Dr. and Mr„ RbI> m eeting held a t the W. O. W. hall th e P. T. A. is to m eet in Springfield Miss Vernice Hawke is president ! at th e ir mill, com mencing last Monday, and a discussion of the five ^ b e r legion men from Oregon and „an are attending the S tate F air a t some tim e ih November. The dele­ of the girls’ organization this year 'Monday. for Louisville, Ken- Salem “ ‘ today. uay week of eight hour days revealed W ashington gates will be entertained by the local and Mrs. William Baker their faculty tucky, w here he will attend the an­ th a t the prevailing sentim ent was for association a t th a t time. advisor. False Fire Alarm Given nual national convention of the A run was made by the local fire such an arrangem ent. No official Legion. L Fire Chief Makes Inspections truck to the old hospital building at action was taken a t the meeting. RALLY W ILL REPLACE YOU MUST The en tire drum corps of the All school buildings, their tire es­ 10:45 W ednesday m orning in re­ READ IT! Salem post, was taken to the conven­ M. E. SERVICES SUNDAY Many Attend Reception capes. fire drills, and their possible sponse to a call turned in by a woman tion city th is year. The party, which fire hazards in Springfield were the A good turnout greeted the mem­ T here will be no preaching ser­ resident of the neighborhood, who Is traveling on a special legion train, j subject of an inspection made yees- bers of the Epworth League of the became startled when she observed vices at the M ethodist church next will reach the southern city Sunday terday by Jess Smitson, city fire Sunday, according to an announce­ smoke rolling up from behind the M ethodist church last Friday night m arshal. The inspection was one hosp'tal building. An investigation when they invited the high school m ent made by the pastor last Sun­ B a p tis t Church 8ervicea by chief Smitson revealed th a t the students to the church for a recep­ of the regular inspections made of day. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Pike have “A Blood Covenant” has been the local schools. Nothing serious gone to Portland to attend the see smoke was caused by a rubbish fire, tion m d mixer. Serial S t o r y chosen as the sermon topic for the was was discovered wrong in any of the •Ions of their church body th e re and which Starting t h i s ™ 7 “ . being carefully guarded • Ga nes, stunts, and oth er varied evening services a t the Baptist buildings, although there were a few will not retu rn to Springfield until features were provided for the en ter­ church next Sunday evening at Week, by that ' 6F y m an'_________ minor things discovered which need­ tain nent of the guests. Famous Writer 7:30 p. m. October 4, a t which tim e the mem Injured Man Recovering ed attention. Miss Dori» Meyers and Faye P ar­ berg of the church will welcome William Hucka, W alterville rest At the m orning service the ser­ them home with an appropriate dent, is recovering rapidly from in sons had charge of the plans for the mon will be delivered by Kenneth j event. In Seattle—Jam es Mitchell left program. The rally program will Tobias. Rev. Ralph Mullholand will j sustained Hi at inn his u'nur* home laSi last for Seattle on Monday w here he will occupy the m orning hour - and the Juries week when he fell from a pear tree have charge of the service». The From Fail Creek—Mrs. W. H. L ari­ Sunday school m eets a t 10:00. A spend a few days tran sactin g his evening will be given over to the in his yard and received a broken business. mer was a shopper in the city from social hour for the young people will P age 3 Epworth League. collar bone and several broken ribs. Fai Creek yesterday. be held In the evening at six o'clock. aw u J/ ’ “Souls for Sale” Rupert Hughes