« PAG® FOUR TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. AUGUST 22. 1929 W HERE T H E O. & C. MONEY WENT When* is the $7,600,000 of th e O regon-Callfor- t*»bll»he a Yakonan tribe Hum ____________Springfield. Oregon_________________________ .p o rts on just what becom e of the m oney. Most ,„.| Parker In hl» J o u rn a l <183» give» of the counties put it into the toad funds a fte r ytaltutia: Lewi» and C lark give s h e a M A IL S U B SC R IPTIO N RATE etucklea: Hale give» Salustkla In One year In Advance--------|I.1 S Three Months ,.75c the school district sh are had been abstracted. gel To put the O. & C. m oney into the road funds wtlkea' “ E x p lo rin g E xp ed itio n .'' alao ■tx M o n th s......... ....................» 0 6 Single C o p y ___ _ seem s to be about as equal a distribution of It sa lu a iik a Glbba give» S d u .ilaw in THURSDAY. AUGUST 33. 1929 as could have been done. Now It is up to the 'coa»t Tribe» of O regon." Thl* nam e “ XOregon V oter to prove th a t m oney placed In many variation». CONSOLIDATION— HOW AND WHEN , road funds is frittered aw ay. No doubt m ore G eorge It LONG TOM I..»;... nitino J m oney has been w asted on roads in Oregon than uur‘l* TOM « RIVER i v t n —< I onsondaiion of th e cities or Eugene and ntbs>r onu fhitur hut it Him >nit t > Hlrnr® say® hum Mtr«um be a rn an Im i­ Springfield is not im m ediately practicable a n d » ¡t difficult to ta tio n of . 7 an ................... Indian trib a l nam e. I.ung th ere could be no saving in governm ental ex- I ** ' . . tlm -ler. W hile on bln way to the pense or in tax atio n according to the findings of 1 Q, TV IQ niQ IV l-. . . . ,»v v li U m pqua riv e r In 1834 Jo h n W ork used th e University of Oregon bureau of business re- A a g a in t n h it th e nam e t.am U am -buff Davkl Doug T H E SMALL FACTORY search which has conducted an investigation of la» used th e form L ongtubuff Wilke» Again the sun is rising upon the sm all factory used th e form L ongtubuff. the subject a t th e request of the cham bers of a fte r an era in which the huge industrial plant com m erce of both cities. ELMIRA Amo» F K llm aker »t.ite» flourished, according to E. W. McCullough, m an- th a t E lm ira w as nam ed by III» bro­ "As a goal of the future, to be carefully studied, a g e r of the departm ent of m an u factu re. U. S. th er, Byron E llm ak er. for E lm ira. fostered, advocated and then consum m ated when C ham ber of Com m erce. econom ic, psychological and physical conditions "T here is no passing of the sm all factory Ci^lifornla. a place th a t he g reatly a re m ore advantageous, the proposed consolida­ equipped with m odern m achinery and s t r a t e g i c - Ab<’u * ISM B yron M im aket bought a location for a wood and iron tion is both logical and desirable." reads the ally located, says Mr McCullough. report. "T he day of the big inflexible plant, facing in­ sm ithy n e a r th e p resen t s i t« of KI tense com petition in distribution as well as pro- "1,ra which then wa» called Duck As a goal for the future, probably five, ten. duction, seem s to be on th e w ane. worth. E llm ak er did not like tht» fifteen or tw enty years from now when the cities "Already m any of the new er and best m anaged na,n*' “ ’’J purautnled th e p o stal uutho have doubled and trebled in size due to indus­ industries are getting away, from building very t» chan g e it to E lm ira. trial and .. .. ag ricu . ltu ral developm ent in Lane county . large units and leaning m ore strongly tow ard crow T he p o stm a ste r at Crow those com m ensurate with th e m arket lo b e s e r v e d Inform ,-! ..... com pile- th a t th ........ m dem and for consolidation. S peaking ot the fu tu re a n . d , building , ... ... ¡» •• m u n lty wa» nam ed for one Andy , -n i the report savs T he proposed m erger will be the & th em n e . a r . it. . Crow, the first p o stm a ste r, alth o u g h RESULT OF A UNITY OF IN TER EST ra th e r FORGOTTEN HEROES thl» Inform ation dm » not ag ree w it« th an a m eans of creatin g it. For. w ithout com ­ (P ortland T elegram 1 th e d a ta fu rn ish ed bv the po stal plete understanding and harm ony in th e first .................................................. u .i.. - i . . ......... . ....... the spacious new hospital which rises 1 1 place, the necessary vote could not be m ustered, J In I’1 *be " •*■•' '■ 1 even if all econom ic and practical facto rs w e r e ; am ong the firs of the hilltop, the sick and injur- *.’*? . . found favorable to the consolidation.’’ efl v eterans of the Portland area a re so excel- “ 1 ' ‘ " lently cared for th a t we are ap t to forget that " ‘tod «» th e ftrxt p o stm a ste r w ill Those who wish to see consolidation in the th ere are sections of the country in which w ar t! 1» th.- a u th o rity to r the s ta te fu tu re should w ork tow ard creatin g a unity of vistim s are not so well served. m,'nl tl,,u ,h“ Cr,,w *" the interest is the logical conclusion, and we m ight | F igures of the United S tates V eteran B ureau lite ra l tra n sla tio n of the Indian word add th at a balanced industrial developm ent will show th a t on July first there were m ore th an A ndalg. go a long way tow ard bringing this about. 1000 veterans unable to he hospitalized because b o h e m i a mountain Thl» In c re a tin g th is u n ity o f in te re s t let us s ta rt at ° f lack of beds, and in ea’ 1-v ° ne th o u san d m ore m ountain 1» one of the »um .nl.» of once— forget about m erging the governm ental n ?ta te and ’,rivate Institutions who should be < alapooya m ountain» a .p u r in the agencies of the two tow ns for the tim e being and , in ,i£deral hospitals < ~ c .d e range», and I . in w ha, » quit stressing the doubtful advantage of popula- T here are approxim ately .000 service men generally re fe rre d to „» th e B ohem ia tion figures. L et’s build a unified com m unity ® u«ertog from m ental diseases for whom no m in in g d is tric t It w a . nam ed to r and when this is done consolidation will follow 8Pec‘al Pro?1slon1 has b,een niade' b u t. who ,are “ • » « » » f ln e e r and pro»- e» Jo so n , - who wa» a« night th e day I confined w ith o th e r patien ts in in stitu tio n s often pector. Jam ------- ' h n ------ *■- — suppose-l to have heen horn In llohe- overcrowded. How shall we go about c reatin g a unity of in-j A bill recom m ended by the d irector of the Vet- m la He wa» p n pularly know n a» tere ia'' Join John»on He discovered rest betw een the two cities? The com m ittees e ra n s B ureau, providing for hospitals affording 'B B ohem ia on consolidation m ight well be continued to work 3576 additional beds at a cost of $11.480.00, was the B ohem ia m ine» in 1863. out a program in this regard. It is generally subm itted to C ongress a t its last session but LANDAX The nam e I.andax was conceded th a t Springfield should be the indus- failed of passage. first used by th e S o u th ern Pacific trial p art of the g re a te r city if consolidation j The m a tte r is expected to come up for discus- should tak e place, and this is the factor th a t sion a t th e A m erican Legion convention in Louis- com pany for a siding, but th e com ­ those favoring it stre ss most. If this be tru e then ville— and th e Legion should be able to convince p iler ha» heen unable to d e trm ln e let v- begin by m aking the industrial part of the C ongress th at the people are with them in their why th» »election w as m ade W hen g re a te r com m unity w ithout w aiting for consoiid- dem and for adequate care for their disabled th e post office w as e s ts b ll.h e d n earb y ation. If the tw o cities work for and establish com rades. In doing its utm ost for these broken, th e n a n i‘ wa« ust-l fur th e office H factories on the 250 acre industrial sites to rtu red men, the Nation does not pay a debt, H H yland w as the first p o stm aster. here, owned by Eugene and leased by Spring- b ut it m ay satisfy the reu irem en ts of its own IMPROVEMENTS FORWARD field then a unity of in terest is bound to develop honor. and suspicion and jealousy disappear. The re- • • • AT REST-HAVEN PARK su lta n t prosperity and increase in population will C om m ent m ake consolidation not only practicable but d e - ! Pull ad v a n ta g e of th e favorable DEEP IN THE HOLE sirablt and it wiil mean m ore than m erely the w eath er has been ta k e n In the in stal (M y rtle P oint H erald ) joining to g eth er of tw o tow ns. It will m ean one I ■ation of the im p ro v em en ts u n d er G ov ern m en t re p o r t, »how th e P ostoffice deep in th e of tht forem ost cities in the w est—one th a t we way nt R est-H aven M em orial P ark hole fo r th e last fiscal y ear, yet no one Is su rp rised . As will be proud to live in. N early tw o m iles of ronilwa* have THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS History of Local Names Editorial CHASING TH E BIRIJS The versatility oí th e m odern airplane was d einonstrated to rhe w riter Sunday when lie ac- com panied M ajor Eekerson in the new Arrow sport plane in a f l i g h t over Springfield. Eugene and 'b e surrounding territory. Coming bat k the m ajor < based a chicken haw k down the Wlllfl’M- e tte l iver and over Env raid H eights. T here was nothing the hawk could do th a t the plane could not. W hether the bird climbed, dived down or changed directions the plane kept "right on his tail" SO to S|reak. We were glad the m ajor did not try to outdo the bird by flying upside down, or berrel rolling. It m akes the ordinary land lubber dizzy to do things the ordinary bird does. We recom m end an airplane for h u n ters this fall. No gun is necessary, just give your plane enough gas and you can reach out and pluck the bird out of the air as you go by. PINKY DINKY long as it is b u rd en ed w ith in co n sisten t ru lin g s ;a s Ion« as It en g ases In th e p rin tin g business, fu rn ish e s printed enveloped below th e cost of th e m aterial. It will continu to lose m oney. T h e r e ', no m ore excuse for th e govern- m en t being in th e Job p rin tin g business titan th e re is for it being in th e shoe business. Yet it p rin ts, a t a huge loss to th e ta x p a y e rs of th is co u n try , m illions of envelopes th a t should be tu rn ed out by job p rin tin g office»—a fine g raft for th e concern th a t has th e p rin tin g c o n tra c t but a , lu tie rough on th e public pocketbook. Don't be su rp rise d to h e a r th a t th is d e p a rtm e n t lose» m illions an t.iir. T he su rp rise is th a t we go rig h t on elec tin g m en to congreH» who h a v e n 't th-- n erv e to ta k e th is d e p artm en t out of the p rin tin g b u sin ess and set It to doing w hat It Was origlo- a ll>' in ten d ed to do— to h an d le th e U. 8. m ails, heen graded and the stirfacin g of close to a ntlle anil one h alf of the roads will he com pleted a fte r th first rein s. T he ground In tin- flri-l a re a has been sum m er-fallow ed and will be seeded th is fall. As soon as all th e tr a c ts In the first unit have been sohl. according to C h arles W iper, d ire c to r of the park, the p rices will be ad v an ced to 3110 a tra c t. T h is In crease, Mr. W iper explain», is Justified by th e fact that p u rch aser» will p a rtic ip a te In the ini provi m en ts alre a d y m ade, and in the m oney a llo tted to the 3300,000.00 • • • tru s t fund w hich Is being cre a te d by "I d iscontinued my su b sc rip tio n to T he O regon V oter th e sale of th e tra c ts . O f th e 275 sev eral m o n th s ago b ecau se of its stan d on the incom e tr a c ts In the ilrs t unit, only 75 now tax." s ta te s Ju d g e B low ers in a le tte r to Hood R iver rem ain unsold. G lacier. In th e sam e le tte r he say s: “ It is not probable th a t I will be g o v ern o r.”— (O regon V o te n . S IC K L Y BOY. 7. G AIN S B T e.ry Gilkiscn 15 LBS.— F A T H E R H APPY “ My boy. 7, would not eat. I gave him Vinol and th e wav he e a ts and plays now m akes me happy. He gained 15 pounds.' J. F. A ndres. Vinol Is a d elirio u s com pound of cod liver peptone, Iron, etc. The very F IR S T b o ttle often ad d s sev ­ e ra l pound» w eight to th in ch ild ren o r a d u lts N ervous, easily tlre»a6a. «»arts, R e st-H a v e n MEMORIAL PARK