Try the H om e P rin t Shop T i n t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW BNTY-HIXTH YEAIt BUSINESS CLOSES FOR FAIR FRIDAY SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1929 GUIDE FOR AVIATORS ON BOOTH-KELLY MILL COMPLETED BY PAINTER EARLY HOP PICKING STARTS; FAIR CROP BUT POOR MARKET "T h e People's P ap er” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 33 Consolidation Not Favored ECKERSON 10 START University Experts Report || The aviation Ruble on the roof of Hop picking I* beginning today at | the storage shed nt the Hprlngfleld Jean Senvey'a yard* and ha* been ' lioolIl-Kelly mill was completed Hat underway in some yard* farther | Joint Merger Committee Hear» That Joining of Two Cities Not Springfield to Attend Lane urday by A K Wood, local painter down the valley for the last week. I Feasible; Would Not Lower Taxes or Major Hopes to Win in Fiv< County Day at Annual Cele­ The algn carries the word "Spring- John and Je** Se*vey are the only Operating Expenses. Day Jaunt From Portland to field" In hiiRe latter* 1« feet high. bration at Eugene; Many The word I* 150 feet long Heneath grower* In Ihl* vicinity that have Cleveland; Plane in Perfect many early hop*. Feature« Planned for Tomor­ It are IwA arrow*, one pointing I A fair crop of hop* both early and An adven«- reixirt on conHolidafion wan made by the Unlver- Condition; Many FamouO row and Saturday. north, nnd the other pointing east to laie Will result Ihl* year but the I Klty tit* Oregon School of Hualnean adminiafration to the joint Fliers Enter Contest. the local airport, the nearent landing price ia not encounxgttig. 14 or is ' comm ittee from the Chambers of Commerce of Eugene and Kpr I !i*ri<* Id btinln«t*B hountot will field. Tomorrow morning at a little paat cents a pound i* all that I* quoted Springfield which met Friday night in Eugene. The joint com- fin«« tomorrow <•( noon and lhn (own The guide I* painted In chrem. at present. Most ter o’clock Gilbert H. fSckersofl, e grower*, mlttee accepted the report and voted to give it out to the public will mljcrMt«», a I in o n t roinplMtMly, to yellow again*! the black background not under contract, will Springfield’« flying major, will take ne f«>r I -«in* County Ifcty of the of the nhed roof, and II I* said that crop* for belter marketa for con»lderation. That our readers may know exactly what | off b)< Waco from the SwaB big full which opened nt th» Fair It will be Halide at a great distance l^te hop picking will start early 11 “ V® * « Prlnt •’ verbatim and without comment, om itting only - i g | a n d airport at Portland and start ground* yesterday. Today 1» Eugene to filer* Five gallon* of paint for in Reptemhsr and hundred* of picker* , some of the complicated rate tableH. Anyone wishing to see roaring eastward at 165 mile* per day. unit Eugene la closed for the oc- line on the ntgn were donai.<1 by the will be needed thi* year a* In for- the original copy can do so by calling at the News office. hour °r thereabout* in the first lap lanlnn, Iml I hr events of tomorrow'* W I’ Puller palm company of Port­ rner Meanon n Following is the report as submitted by the experts of the i the n,tlonal alr ra<’e* from Port* program ■ have lx on arranged ea I land, and two gallon* were given by land to Cleveland, Ohio. peilnlly for the oil! of town people, the Acme I'alnt company. al*o of school of business administration: It Is one of the biggest events of PROCHNOW IN GAME who are expected Io attend In large Portland. The remainder was pur­ W hat the Proposed Consolidation the year In aviation circles, the nat­ FOR TROPHY SHOES MAJOR GETS PUBLICITY numbers Should Accomplish to be Feasible ional air races which tthe Spring* chased locally. All of the agricultural and Indus- > The | .al n 11 n it of the Ruble wa* Tbe proposed consolidation of Eu­ field flyer is entering, and with him THROUGH STATE PRESS Itlchnrd ITochnnw was the one | trial exhibit* nt tbe fair are oponn , *pon*nrancia<,o county. There are expected Io be a - BeT~ Work on the west approach Io Ihe and from there the news went out as a separate entity, of one of them, Clork, of Portland, and Oick Rankin, number of unique and InUreatlng new Hprlngfleld bridge I* progress- pos*e**|on Hprlngfleld players are still among I OVer the Associated Press and the this report necessarily must discuss brother of Tex. There will probably feature* Other event* of the after tng very well, II Is ri ported by Har­ the leading contenders In the county , united and was published In the factors as affecting both. noon will Include munlc by Ihe (bid be a number of other entrants In ad­ greaves and l.lndaay and A ('. Mai tournament which Is being held on ! mOgt of the daily papers of the Fellow* h«nd of Eugene, the dally C O N C L U S IO N dition to there. hews, BPSen« conlractorn, who nre the park courts in Eugene. In the , state. horse race*, and vaudeville and The facts as outlined in this report Three thousand dollars cash is In charge of the conntrucllnn. Har­ second round Saturday night H. C. | But the major has obtained the seem to indicate that immediate con­ the prize for the fiyfer winging his fodeo act* by Ine trained performer* greaves and Lindsay have been at hired hy Ihe fair board. There will work for several day* excavating for Cook of Eugene again placed first, most publicity on hia enterprise solidation is not feasible. As a goal way from Portland to Cleveland In al*o be a bicycler race for all hoy* the plera to the new section of con abut Gilbert Ernsting wa* second, through the press of the neighboring of the future, to be carefully studied, ,hp shortpgt tlmP second prize Is from the county who care to enter II. < rete, and they expect to start build­ Richard Prochnow third, George city of Eugene. Both the Guard and fostered advocated, and then con »1500. third $750, fourth »450, and Prochnow fourth, and George Cox the Register have carried large summated when economic, psycho­ Tomorrow evening will be featured fifth »300. In addition to these ing the forma within a few duys fifth The tournament closes Sep- stories on him and his activities; and logical and physical conditions are hy u hand concert, a drill by the Fu prizes a total of $3000 In prizes Is Mathews' men have moved the dirt t.-tnlM-r I al»o. gene American Legtmi drum corp* the stories are broad-minded. They more advantageous, the proposed offered by the various towns where In the wav of Hargreaves and are frankly admit that Major Eckerson’s consolidation is both logical and the aviators will stop for the fastest and an exhibition of fire work* It slarUng the construction of the wye, I* probable that the public weddliix headquarters are at Springfield., al­ desirable. times made each day. The major branching from the main approach FORMER RESIDENT DIES The Sewage System would still prizes are offered hy the National i t some I.ane county couple will be though thte qualification usually fol- AT LONG BEACH, CAL. to Join the highway to (ho north und lows that "he was connected with i have to be administered as before, Air Races, a corporation of Cleve­ held at Hint time to the south Saturday afternoon I* children* the Hobl Airways before going to Here a slight saving might result, due land. Word has been received of the Mr Mathews expects to romplile Springfield." to the experience of Eugene's city day at the fair. All children under Major Eckerson Is undaunted by hl* fill about the middle of Septem­ pussing of Kdwtu Nlnnls, for many IS yearn of age will be admitted frpe ber llnrgreavea and Lindsay were years a Bprlngflebl resident, who Picture« of tbe major and his engineer. the fame of his competitors In the to the festivities If they are accom- T he M a y o r and Council gould be race. “I am going in to win.” he given hy the state until Oaetober 31 died August 7 at his home In Iaing Waco plane have been requested by pealeil bv adult* with paid adml-uiln^ the Associated Press and were eliminated. However, there is little said, "and I realize that I am going Beach. California. HIs body was Io com plot. the 150 feel of concrete One adult. It In announced, can. If he approach, hut they expect (o com­ taken to Tacoma. Washington, for forwarded Just before he left for the financial saving in their elimination, to fly against some faster ships that) or she chooses, lake 20 chlldr.n to national races. as they serve without pay, and for mine. But speed isn't everything in plete It before that time. The two burial trial exhibits al Ihe fair are open 1 ---------------------------- : nominal- fees. Mr. Nlnnls was horn In England In a trans-continental race of this cement lamp post* at the west end of The City Recorder would be elimi kind. Much depends on proper navi­ free Many contest* for the child the bridge have been cut off hy the 1868 and came to the United States PLEASANT HILL RAISING r< n. such a* the traditional pin eat­ contractors nnd will be set up agpln when he was a boy. He was married FUNDS FOR NEW TEACHER nated, together with the small ex gation. and even depends on luck.” ing content*, will be presented Io Bessie Daniel at Nevada City, pense incident to the conduct of his dolman, according to the major, is to at Ihe end of the new section. There will be race* again, and fire j California. In 1893. In 1906 they went An attempt Is being made to raise office. enter the race with a Laird, specially work* and other fealttrea 111 the Interest Rates on outstanding obli bui]t racer, the fastest whirlwind to Alaska, anil later moved to funds from the parents of non-resi­ CHILDREN GIVE PARTY evening. Springfield, where they lived until dent children attending the Pleasant i Rations might be lowered one-half to p)ane bu(u FOR SMALL FRIENDS 1921, when they returned to Alaska. Hill Union high school to pay the one Per cent- general level on Mejor Eckerson expects to hold his They have lived In Long Beach salary of an additional teacher for outstanding Springfield securities is motor open and fly at hts maximum SIREN IS CONNECTED Dorothy and Richard Flanery, Ihe the school. There are now three six per cent, while Eugene bond capacity of 165 miles an hour as DIRECT TO CITY HALL children of Mr and Mrs. Floyd Flan since August, 1928. Mr. Nlnnls Is survived hy his wi­ high school teachers there, but this | issues bear interest at rates varying much of the way as possible. On ac­ J ery. were host* al a lawn party for a count of the varying air currents, Tbe new connection Io Ihe fire number of their small friends at the dow, Mrs. Bessie Nlnnls. and three is insufficient to take care of the between 414 to 5H. siren at Ihe Mountain States Power - Flanery home Friday afternoon. The children. Melville. Thelma and Elroy. large enrollment. Last year there ! In general, consolidation would not he said, the average will probably be plant was tested out for the first i youngsters spent tthe afternoon In He was n member of the Gastineatt were 23 non-resident students at- j effect any material financial saving about 150 miles an hour. It will require five days for the time Wednesday morning aad was playing games, after which refresh- . lodge No. 124 A. F. and A. M. of tending school there; and under the In operation of the city gavernments. Wheeler tax law the district re- There is.a marketing maxim that ' the contestants to make the trip from found Io work properly Under Ihe ' ntenls were served by Mrs. Flanery. ' Ihruglas, Alaska reived but »30 for each, while the wholesaler can be eliminated but his Portland to Cleveland. Tomorrow, new arraguemenls the siren In Those who were present were actual cost of Instruction was much function cannot be." Similarly, eltm the opening day. they will go as far sounded directly from a switch In | Waller Jennings. Connie Stacy and SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN IN H O N O R OF LOCAL MEN higher. inatlon of the Springfield city govern- ae Missoula, _____ _ ________ ______ Montana. Saturday the fire engine room al Ihe city hall. Norm« Rust of Eugene, Bernice _____ As an additional fee may not be ment will not obviate the necessity of nj(fht thpy wi|, stop at Bismark, Instead of hy telephoning Iho plant, I Barnes. BHIv Barnett, Billy Dow, Billy Mrs. Asa Peddlcord and Mrs. Lee collected in Lane county, the school , policing the district, providing it Dakota. Sunday at St. Paul, as formerly. The signals, as an | Dawson. Marvin Oorrle, Jeannlne were Joint hostesses at a board found it necessaary to resort with fire protection, a sewage s>s,eln ; Minnesota. Monday at Milwaukee, nonneed by Jess Hniltson, fire chief, i Withers. Barbara Kidds. John Ketels Putman of raising funds. ' »nd other costly obligations jv , Wisconsin, and Tuesday the contest will be one long blast for a fire any­ i Betty Jarrett, Clover Cox, Hester surprise party given !n honor of i to another method their husbands Tuesday night at the . Non resident students from Unity, municipal government. Any I will end at Cleveland. One or mor« where In town, and severnl short Jean Thompson. Peg; Wright. Ted blasts for a fire at the Booth Kelly 1 (|y bright, Clarence Clark, Molly Putman home on Mill »liect. Tnes- ; Lowell. Jasper. Bear Creek, and Clo- 1 savings would come from a possible ’«tops for refueling will also be mad« day was the day of both Mr. Put­ vwrdale attend the high school at Increase In credit standing among i leach day. Each morning the flier« mill or al the power plant. All calls Chase, and Nadine Ne.-t. municipalities, and the small saving take off from the airport at Interval« man and Mr. Peddlcord's birthdays. Pleasant Hill. for fire« are to he phoned In Io the to be realized from eltmk.atton of the of one minute, and the elapsed flylttf After an enjoyel ’.0 evening of fire departmenl, not the city hall, REBEKAHS ATTEND actual machinery of local govern­ time is counted in deciding th« progressive 500. refreshments of Ire MRS. SOPHIA JOHNSON Ihe same as before. MEETING AT MARCOLA cream, punch, and cake were served ment. winner. PASSES AT HOME HERE P o ssib ility of P erfectin g Major Eckerson stated that hid hy the hostesses. MRS. BENCH HONORED A large delegation of the Spring- U n ity o f Interests. ,. - . , ; plane Is In perfect condition for th« Those who were present at the Mrs. Sophia Catherine Johnson, a i AT SURPRISE PARTY field Rebekah lodge motored to thought has has been been a va®c past i The thought transcontinental race. Last week he Marcola Tuesday night to meet with party were Mr. and Mrs. Richard resident of Springfield for the ¡that the merging of the .. two c es . itpo|{ over (O ------------------------- the Lion aircraft -- cor- .. ----- ----------— A surprise party In honor of Mrs. the Rebekah ledge there at Ita re­ BII’ct hack. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Louk, 24 years, died Friday night at her I home at 635 North E street. She h a d 'lnt0 one un 1 w l ° thpn poration at Eugene to have it Mr. and Mra. Bernard Ernest and John Bench was given Monday night gular aesslon. Mrs. Callie Ingalls of of the citixens. The result ___ then been In poor health for some time. !of ,he citizens. ¡"stream-lined” and overhauled. daiieater, Donno Jean, Mr. and Mrs f i i in puvr iir n iin io r s o m e lim e . | «itaxH n cn n lp ov*cnu«-uuvu u .v n .a u t v u Every . » « VaZ at her home here hy the Hprlngfleld Albany, president of Ihe Rebekah Mrs. Johnson was born in Smith 1 wou,d be a **** / ' e opening and crerico on the body w al Walter Laxton and non. Junior, Hsheknh lodge. asaemhly of Oregon, was at Mnreola working together for a greater com- lnfrea8e tfce and Those who were preaenl at the visiting at the lodge at that time James Tower, Mrs. John Putman nnd County, Virginia, 57 years ago. She In theory, the thought is munlty. the front cock pit closed up. The party included Mr. and Mrs. Bilder- Following a progrnm nnd business daughters, Helen and Cleone, Mrs. Is survived by her husband, James perfect. Wright mechanic there ground the back, Mr. and Mrs. Findley, Dorothy meeting In which Mrs. Ingalls spoke, Neroy Chastnlne, Mrs. Robert Put­ P. Johnson and her mother, Mrs. The practical difficulty to this is valves and declared the engine to Girard, Oswald Olson, Mrs. Asa refreshments were served to those man and son. Bobby, of Marshfield, ' Susan Settles, both of Springfield psychological, chiefly. There is natur­ Peddlcord. Harold Poole, Mra. Zella present hy the members of Ihe Mar- Mrs J. C. Barker, Louis Shipley. Mr. one sister, Mrs. Frances Drury of ally a definite, patriotic feeling In be in first class shape. Major Eckerson left Springfield and Mrs. Asa Peddlcord and daugh­ San Francisco; one niece, Mrs. D. V. Cantrell, Mrs. Cal Barnes, Mrs. Char­ cola lodge. the city of Springfield against such a for Portland Wednesday morning. He les Poole, Mrs. Sara Johns, Amy Hprlngfleld people who attended ters. Velma nnd Ixtraine. and Mr. Brumbaugh of Eugene; and two move. This feeling is based upon the Vove, Elvn Adams. Clara Taylor, the meeting Included Mrs. Alice and Mrs. Lee Putman and family. I nephews. Elmer and Thomas Cox. of loss of identity, and the natural op­ will probably return in about two weeks. j Riddle. She was a member of the Mrs Pearl Schantol, Mrs. Riley Ixvrah, Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs. Sam position that a small struggling com­ • Methodist Episcopal church. Snodgrass. Helen Donaldson. Cora Richmond, Mrs. Cal Barnes, Mrs. ROCKING OF HIGHWAY munity has toward a large, bustling Men Injured at Mill Mrs. Johnson's funeral was held »Hinson, Mrs. Alice Doane, Mrs. Mary Zclltt Cantrell, Mr. and Mrs. Findley, STARTS EAST OF TOWN growing one. Two employees of the local Booth- I Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the Magill. Elsie Lnmhert, Mrs. Macklin, Mrs. Mnry C. Magill, Mrs. Elvn These people cannot help but stress Rocking of the McKenzie highway Wniker-Poole chapel with the Rev in their minds the thought that the Kelly mill were slightly Injured ln Edna Swarfs, Mrs. Sam Richmond, Adams, Oswald Olson, Miss Dorothy Mrs Meda Catching, B. C. Right, Girard, Miss Amy Love, Mrs. Alice ! front the city limits of Springfield ‘ C- J. Pike of the local Methodist “united people, working together for accidents while at work last week, ac­ ‘ east to tho first turn of the old road Episcopal church in charge of the a greater community.” actually will cording to a report posted. John Cox Mrs Putman, Mrs. Barker, Kate Doane, nnd Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. was begun today hy the Cochrane ceremony Interment was at the be working together for a greater was accidently struck in the stomach Brumrtte, Mrs. Knolf, Miss Ilurd, hv a bundle of lumber In the hands I Laurel Hill cemetery. construction company of Portland Mrs. Wooley, Mrs. Kizer, and Mrs. Returns to Ship Eugene." In other words, a great . : of a fellow workman and as a result Bench. Irvin gchnclzky of the United who were given the contract for the number of the present residents of , one-half days. Sher- 8couts Pass Through States Navy, who hns been spending work. Thnt portion of the new high- ; Springfield, man> o w om a e j strained a muscle III With Whooping Cough Leota the past month In Springfield on his way will he opened to traffic this j 20 members of tho Southwest Ore- there for \ears, nre unw n pulling lumber from the sorting table and Flora, the small daughters of Mr furlough, hns returned to San Fran fall, hut the remainder of the seven gon boy scout patrol passed through Up the separate Identity of their own. # nnd Mrs Willis Bertsch, nre reported cisco to rejoin his ship Mr. Schnet- nnd two-fifths miles beyond the turn Springfield Monday morning enroute for reasons that seem none the less to be quite III nt their homo with the zky Is a member of the crew of the of the road will be rocked next J to their homes after spending the Important evan If based chiefly on Visit at Junction—Mr. and Mrs. whooping rough. II. S. S. Maryland which carried spring nnd not opened until then, ac- , past two weeks in the Cascade mount- sentiment. Marlon Adams and small son spent On Vacation—Miss Mnrgaret Oor­ President lloovor on his trip to cording to the highway department | alns In the vicinity of the Three Sis A steam shovel Is now at work ters, where they camp every summer ... It Is safe to say that, so far as this , f,Undsy at Junction City visiting at rle, who Is employed at Flattery’s South America. Ills home Is at phase of the question Is concerned, the home of Mr Adarag- brother, J. drug Rtore, Is Inking her vacntlon Warm Springs, South Dakota. Ho Is grading on tho Cogswell hill section The boys wete accompanied hy E. A. the proposed merger will be the re- p A<,atng. ^ r. Adams report« that of the highway. That section will Britton of Roseburg, scout executive thia week. Miss Oorrle and aovernl of a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hrhnet- Coos, and Curry suit of a unity of Interest« rather water melons are ripe already on hl« her relatlvca nnd frlenda nre making xky and a nephew of Dr. nnd Mrs. R. he completed and will be opened for Douglas, (Continued on P er« ®) brother's ranch there. counties. a tour through Southern Oregon. next spring also. P. Modtensen of this city.