P A O ! POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Fubllshed Every Thursday at ■i»rln1.75 T hree M o n th s ____ 76c ■tz M o nth s--------------------_....>!.00 Single C o p y ______ ic THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 At Meat Company—Otto Adrian Is CONGRATULATIONS, JOHN AND FLORENCE! STATE FAIR OPENS From Brem erton—Mr. and Mrs. M. W hen Jo h n Coolidge and Florence T rum bull MONDAY FOR WEEK E- Kastle ot Brem erton, Washington, taking the place of I. N. Endicott at will be united in th e bonds of m atrim ony on i ------- jare xuests at th e home of Mr. and the Independent Meat company while he is on his trip to Pendleton. Septem ber 23 a t the sim ple Plainville, Conn., Salem, Oregon, Sept. 19.—Com- Mrs. L. E. Thompson. C ongregational C hurch, th e good w ishes and inunity Club day will open the Ore- love of a nation will speed them on th eir journey son s ta te fair, Monday, Septem ber over the m atrim onial seas. j 23, which will run for an entire week. T hink of it! H ere is th e son of one of th e m ost Extensive exhibits, horse races, a distinguished presidents of the United S tates__ ¡horse show, and 4H club work win and the d a u g h te r of th e G overnor of a g rea t make up only a p art of the six days’ state— se ttin g o u t on a life to g eth er th a t will be entertainm ent. Don’t deny grow ing children a few pieces of candy Monday will also be devoted to the com pounded of m utual affection, m u tu al thrift, dedication of the new grandstand, an m utual work. every day o r two. Good candy is a nourishing food and No frills— no grand gala w edding— no life of im pressive ceremony in which many produces in sta n t vitality. Peps them up on long afternoons ease and luxury for them . Jo h n Coolidge is his prom inent Oregonians will mke part. fa th e r’s son— he believes in doing his bit in the Tuesday is the S tate G range day, and m akes th eir mind alert for th eir studies. Forem ost world and living soberly and econom ically. While while W ednesday, when the Govern­ or's Derby is run, will be officially m edical au th o rities now recognize th e value of good candy Florence T rum bull, interview ed by rep re sen ta ­ tives of g re a t new spapers, declares th a t she Is known as Salem and G overnor’s day. and th a t is th e only kind th a t E ggim ann’s m ake. m ore in terested in helping her husband th an in Portland day is Thursday, which will also be devoted to the G. A. R. F ri­ the color of h er wedding gown. “If he w orks w hy shouldn’t I? Of course I will do m y own day is Press day, and Saturday is the Children’s day, when children from housew ork.” A m arriage entered in this spirit is sure to be all over the state will come to the “W here the Service is Different" productive of happiness and serve as a noble ex­ fair a t special rates on the railroad and bus lines to enjoy special pro­ am ple to others. grams. C ongratulations, Jo h n and Florence! School Time and Candy A SH O RTER DISTANCE TO MARKET Of g reat inqiortance to the W illam ette valley, c e n tra l Oregon and n o rth ern California, was th e opening S atu rd ay of the new A lturas cutoff w hich sh o rten s the distance to the e ast via Og­ den 200 miles. Lum ber and agricu ltu ral pro­ d u cts which look to the e ast for m ark ets will not only reach th eir destination quicker but also a t a reduced freight rate, it is announced. A prom inent K lam ath Falls lum berm an esti­ m ated th a t th e new line wiuld save th e mills in th a t district alone a q u a rte r million dollars freig h t charge annually, and resu lt in two days quicker delivery. Even g re a te r savings can be PRUNE PR O SPECTS ARE BRIGHT expected by the fir mills of W estern Oregon. T he m an w ith a prune orchard, which for Shippers of fru its and vegetables, perishable products, look forw ard to im provem ent in their m any years p a st has seem ed alm ost a liability. e a ste rn and middle w estern m ark ets due to the 1 Ina^ possess a w ealth producer of increasing quicker delivery. I va*ue> if predictions of M. J. New house, form er To com plete the new line required 96 miles of m a a a s e r of th e N orth Pacific C ooperative P rune new railroad out of K lam ath Falls to A lturas ®x c a a n Se ar>d now consulting econom ist for the and the widening of the narrow -guage N evada- E ' 1000 and being unable to furnish it he was. rem anded to the county jail to aw ait trial. MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 942 Olive Street, EUGENE USED CAR LOT 7th and OAK OREGON HMIIW T h ree Coyotes A re K ille d Three coyotes were killed by C. B. W heeler and his son, Prentice, on Monday m orning near the II. W heeler place at P leasan t Hill. Ano­ th er coyote was killed la st week by the men. Six dogs were used to capture the anim als which had been killing several sheep in the vicinity. Com ing to E U G E N E Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in in te rn a l M edicine fo r the past fifte e n years D O ES N O T O P E R A T E W ill be at OSBORNE H O T E L W E D N E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 25 O ffice Hours— 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY TTORSE Show each night—Fea­ turing fine horses from all over the country competing for the largest stakes in the history of the fair. Reduced Fares on All Railroad«. ■ ‘ ...... ONLY be stood up In the Bulletin office, and were taken to the No C harge fo r C onsultation post office, w here anybody who wishes can m easure | . fkem. They were raised on the C arr place on Ingram Dr. M ellenthin is a regular gradu­ Island. Charley says th at he didn't bring the longest, as ate in medicine and surgery and is he couldn’t haul them. The longest m easured were licensed by the sta te of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen­ 17% feet. dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stom ach, tonsils or adenoids. America has been severely criticised for not preserving He has to his credit wonderful re­ the ruins ot form er days. W alk down any stree t and sults in diseases of the stom ach, behold the use of rouge and lipstick if you think there is liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, any reason for such slander—Yakima Herald. catarrh , weak lungs, rhtum atlsm , The motive behind all of these m ergers may be a big sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail­ business recognition of the economic theory th a t two can ments. Below are the nam es of a few of live as cheaply as one.—Bellingham Herald. his many satisfied patients in Oregon • • • who have been treated for one or Vacation flirtations seldom lead to anything—unless the the other of the above named causes Mrs. H. H. Blake, Marshfield, Ore. wife hears about it.—W alla W alla Bulletin. Alfred Clemmins, Corvallis, Ore. Chas. Deesch, Portland, Ore. Mrs. J. C. H untsucker, Toledo, Ore. John Lucien, Echo, Ore. B ert Lampa. St. Helens, Ore. Mrs. Mabel Snyder, Alsea, Ore. Miss Emma T urner, Mlkkalo, Ore. Mrs. John Van Pelt, H arbor, Ore. J. H. Wood, Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Jen n ie Woolery, Salem, Ore. Remember above date, th a t con sultatlon on this trip will be free and th a t his treatm en t is different. M arried women m ust be accom­ panied by th e ir husbands. A ddress: 4421 W est Third S treet, Los Angeles. California. By Terry Gilkison ÍOI/TINCTIVE O P T IC A ^ ZERVICE Our service stands out because It's scientific. If you suspect your eyes see us. DR E C MEADE , o r io M c r m /T First Rest-Haven Unit Sold We are pleased to announce th a t the first unit of th e Sunrise A rea in R est-H aven is entirely sold. The 271 sections were purchased by 57 different persons, p ractic­ ally every one of whom is a well know n Eugene resident. These people have re­ cognized the advantages of R est Haven investm ent. T ra c ts in th e second u nit are now offered a t $110— an advance of $10 per tra c t— over th e price of th e first unit. If you contem plate purchase, an im m edi­ ate investm ent prior to additional price increase is advisable. As th e P ark is de­ veloped and the Endow m ent Fund amplified tra c ts will be correspondingly m ere valuable. Every dollar th a t is received through the sale of property in Rest Haven goes into the improvement of the Park, the Endowment Fund and ne­ cessary expenses of administration and sales. R e s t-H a v e n .MEMORIAL PARK Rooms 536-7-8 Miner Bldg. Telephone 830