THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1929 PAGE THREE Classified Ads T R A IN S C H E D U L E Baby Born W ith Tooth Springfield Stop« Jackson, O„ Sept. 19. (Auto caster) NORTH j — a baby girl with a perfectly formed No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain tooth was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND PENDLETON ROUND-UP Several people from Springfield passengers from K lam ath Fall aad Gehring. are at Pendleton, or on th eir way beyond. there to attend the annual P en d letq s No. g a t 3:46 P. M. Boys Learn to Cook Round-up, which is in session in tb® Bus connections at Eugene for Berlin, Septem ber 19 (A utocaster) I eastern Oregon city the last half of trains leaving 11:60 A. M. and 7 P. M —Boys as well as girls should learn [ this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lai* I WG’ SOUTH how to cook. T hat is th e opinion of ' son and family left here on T uesday No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. the school au th o rities a t Halle, in evening by automobile for the cela- No. 16 at 10:09 P. M. Flag stop for central Germany, and so they have {bration, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayn® passengers to K lam ath Falls and extended the Instructions in the culin Clover and Mr. and Mrs. I. N , beyond. HUB GARAGE)— (At approach of new FOR SALE OR T RADE}—Small House N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON F IN A L Bus connections at Eugene for ary a rt In public schools to the boy ¡ Endicott left W ednesday morning, pupils. bridge, W est Springfield.) General H arry Bromfield is also among th* and Lot in N orthern part of Spring- A C CO UNT trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via Siskiyou repairing, acetylene welding and Notice is H ereby Given: T hat the line. local people atten d in g thd world field. Will assume if property is electrical work. Chevrolet truck E state of Em m a M. Griggs, Deceased. famous exhibition. priced reasonably. Address News, undersigned, as executor of the Last and used tra ile r for sale. N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Will and T estam ent of Albert Gravos, The local people plan on seeing Springfield. tf deceased, has filed his account for PAINTING aad Kalsotntntng in all Its Notice is hereby given th a t M. F branches. Reduced Prices. Roy the closing perform ance on S atu rn ? "NO H U N T IN G OR TR ESPASS­ the final settlem ent of said decedent's bc£S flled in tbe County Court Hop Picker books stocked a t The estate in the County C orrt for Lane Koch. CaU 126-J. of the S tate of Oregon, in and for afternoon and evening and retu rn in g IN G ” signs printed and In stock at News office. County, Oregon, and th a t Saturday, ^?nie . C°»Unty’ hls flnaJ re Port as ad- to th eir homes here Sunday or Mon­ the Springfield News Office. the 19th day of October, 1929, at the m in istrato r of the E state of Emma day, N O TIC E O F SALE Court Room of said Court In the New , w ? o f f bO° lt8 8tocked a t Tbe ” clo?k'Kln3' t h eCr 8ad’ a “ d th a t ten County Court Eugene at ? k . ««. ? tbe- f°renoon of Monday, • Tryouts for the various contest» N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Notice Is hereby given th at the nn- ten “ ’clock in t House, h e T in T ' k 3 t dersigned, Charles E. McDonald »= I - ? - Ock ln Lhe forenoon, has been N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the 6th day of October, 1929, a t th e i &Te comPleted and the city is decked Notice is hereby given th a t the the adm inistrator in the M atter of the i nin^d r 7 8v ld p ° u rt *8 tbe tim e and £onFt h T “ *?-. O re -, ° u t for one of th e best and biggest undersigned, Emma Mathews, ad­ E state of John McDonald, deceased. » „ T f o r t h ^ is, hereby given th a t the m ° bJetctl° ns ‘hereto, tbe hi8tory ° f th» undersigned, A dm inistrator of the m in istratrix of the estate of Hugh S by virtue of an order of sale entered d f° r the 8ettIement thereof. t— - , ___. . . r P*ace n d henrino. hrearI\ g „ ° k bJeCtlonB «aid e ^ r t Round-up celebration. Mathews, deceased, has filed her in the above entitled m atter in the ANTON GAVOS, I h a , en°d Ja COb Ruining deceased, l for final account in this court and cause County Court of the S tate of Oregon, One of the special features of the E xecutor of the L ast Will and Couri Of oand filed in the County and for th e final settlem en t of the and th a t Monday, October 14th, 1919 for Lane County, on the 31st day of T estam ent of Albert Gavos, deceased. Countv nt V Stateu ?f ° regon for tba estate of said deceased. program this year will be th e dedica­ a t ten o clock in the forenoon thereof July, 1929, will from and after the L. L. RAY, A ttorney for E state. . , , , M. F. GRIGGS, and th a t > h ia final acc° m t A dm inistrator of the E state of tion of a statu e of "T il” Taylor, for­ a t the office of said court In the 27th day of Septem ber, 1929, offer S 19-26 O 3-10-17 and th at on Saturday the rth day of m er sheriff of U m atilla county, who October 1929 a t the hour of Ten Emma F. Griggs, Deceased. court house in Eugene, Lane County for sale a t the office of Howard M. Oregon, has been fixed by said court Brownell in Eugene, Lane County, N O T IC E O F A P P O IN T M E N T OF o clock in the forenoon at the Countv A. E. W HEELER, Attorney. was killed in a gun b attle a few t Z L T ’? e C ° U r t H o U 8 e a > as the tim e and place for hearing Oregon, for cash or p art cash and S 5-12-19.26 O 3 years ago. Law ofticers from nearly A D M IN IS T R A T O R and considering said estate and set­ p art credit, all the right, title and Eugene, Oregon has been dulv fixed every city and county in th e sta t« tlem ent thereof. Notice Is hereby given th a t the un­ ni1acea fP° ,n»,te<1 ,aa th ® day’ U“ e and interest of said deceased and of said SU M M O N S have been invited to atten d thia Date of first publication, Septem ­ estate in and to the following de dersigned has been duly appointed place for hearing objections to said *N Q ??m £ IRCUIT COURT OF TH E : event b er 12, 1929. th«,8 , ,aCC™ n t and tbe settlem ent scribed real property: STATE O F OREGON FOR I I. ' ad m in istrato r of the estate of Velma EMMA MATHEWS, LANE COUNTY ' special in terest to th e many Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 2 in C. G. Petterson, Deceased, and all per­ thereof T hat all objections m ust be of i f “? d fUed with th e C’cnk W alter R. Brooks and Georgia I. I People from the various profession» ., „ . „ A dm inistratrix. Cole’s Second Addition to C. Cole’s and r C ° n ° r b e f 0 r e s a id d a Y sons having claims against said es­ ALTA KING, A ttorney for E state. P lat of Marcóla, Lane County, Ore­ m 8 z , W,’fe' p ,a ,n t|ff’ ! Vs^ th a t annually attend the Round-up 1» and time, S 12-19-26 O 3-10 gon, said property being subject to ta te are required to present said ley. Tx»wlsC P etty io h n 8rtM™ ' S , I the bucklng conte8‘8- T he program IRA T. YOUNG, a m ortgage of $500.00. claim s with proper vouchers within a w v ^ dnÍÍnS.-r Í Í or of sa,d estate. The South 36 feet of Lot 1 in Block six m onths from this date a t the Pettyjohn, George Clarit, Mrs : for S atu rd aY should be the best of SU M M O N S FRANK A. DePUE, A ttorney for the 7 in C. Cole’s first addition to C. George Clark, Francis M. Chrism an’ th e entire celebration, thinks Mr. Estate. IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Cole’s plat of Marcóla, Lar.e County, office of Dan Johnson, 206 Tiffany F'»rJ?bll r man’ Amanda C.’ 1 Larson, as It will Include the final STATE OF OREGON, FOR Eugene, Lane County, S 12-19-26 O 3-10 Oregon, said property being subject Building, LANE COUNTY '» • » « •««<-“■ s. Oregon. , to a mortgage of $200.00, N O TIC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Dated August 29, 1929. S arah Irwin, Plaintiff, Vs. John Ir­ Mary A. H arlan, R obert E. W alker' partIciPated in hy the cowboys and Dated Septem ber 11, 1929. win, Defendant. CHARLES E. McDONALD, K ate W alker, M artha J. Wlsenwxn’ cowgirls, 18 h ereby kiven th a t the VICTOR M. PETTERSON, undersigned, To John Irwin, Defendant. Oren C. Davis, admlnis- A dministrator. ®®°rge O. W alker, Mrs George o ’ ---------------------------------- A dm inistrator of the E state of A 29 S 5-12-19-26 In the name of the S tate of Ore­ ’ V th ® W,n annexed of the Amy ec'aUfleM( John cY ufieu’ " ^ , K E N N E T T T 0 H 0 L D S A L E Velma G. Petterson, Deceased. gon: You are hereby required to ?8ta‘e °f Fanny E. W are, deceased, ap p ear and answ er the complaint Getz, Moses Getz, Dora W alker filed his final account in the DAN JOHNSTON, N O TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N FOR KLAMATH STORE filed again st you in the above en­ County Court of Lane County, O re­ n°a? w ^ aIk4, W ’£ filed h er final account in the County A t - t ? R w ? L ? ’ ? AVIS' A d m in istrato r estate described In the complaint turn here from tim e to tim e to loolt SEU SWU Court of Lane County, Oregon, and ALTA KING, A ttorney. decree against you for the relief E% SW U NE>4, herein. Defendants. prayed for in the com plaint which is N EU , E% SEU N W U, NW U SEU , th a t October 7th, 1929 a t ten o’clock To Gordon McCauley, M artha Me-1 afte r his in terests here. Mr. Morgan ___________ A 22-29 S 6-12-19 for a decree of the court dissolving SWy4 S E U , S% NEU SEU , NWU in the forenoon thereof at the Court £ a ’,,ey- Lewis Pettyjohn, Mrs. Lewis will assist Mr. K ennett conduct th® th e m arriage contract now existing N EU SEU , SWU N EU NEU SEU , House in Eugene, Lane Couny, O re­ Pettyjohn. George Clark. Mrs. George sale and will m anage it at such time» SU M M O N S betw een plaintiff and defendant, and S U SW U SEU N E U , NW U 9W U gon, has been fixed by said Court as Clark. Amanda C. Moore, Addle E. as Mr. K ennett is unable to be there. the tim e and place for hearing said SEU N E U , Section 12, E U NWU for such other and further relief as In the Circuit Court of the State of H arlen, M. E. H arlan, George O. W al­ to th e court mqy seem Just and NEU Section 13, Township 10 South, account and settlem en t thereof and ker, Mrs. George O. W alker. Ina Getz Oregon for the County of Lane Range 5 East, W. M. Lot 2, NEU Lot for any oth er order th a t may bo pro­ Security Marriage Licenses issued proper. Savings * Loan Associa­ Moses C- (z, Neva H ollmark, and per in the prem ises. 3, SEU S E U , SW U SWU Lot 3 This summ ons is published pursu D uring the past week m arriag e John Doe Hollm ark, also all other tion, a Corporation, Plaintiff, Vs Date of first publication, Septem ber a n t to an order of the Hon. C. P. Section 7, E% SW U , SWV4 SWU Donald W. McKinnon and Pearl persons and p arties unknown, includ­ licenses have been issued to the fol­ B arnard, County Judge of Lane Section 8, E U NEU NWU NEU 5th, 1929. McKinnon, his wife; Clarence W. ing the unknown heirs of Gordon Me- lowing: Don Lowell, Portland, anti IDA C. KING, Executrix. E U SW U N EU. N U NEU NW U. County, Oregon, made and entered M artha McCauley, Lewis Faadrum , a single m an; and T er­ Couiey ALTA KING, A ttorney for the Estate. N U SU NEU N W U , SEU SEU Septem ber 10th 1929, and is publish­ rill-Voigt Planing Mill Co., a cor­ Pettyjohn, Mrs. Lewis Pettyjohn, , Ellen Allport, Roseburg; Elm er K p s - S 5-12-19-26 O 3 NEU NW U, NEU NWU NW U, NU ed in the Springfield News, a news George Clark, Mrs. George Clark If | te r and Beatrice Prince, both of poration, Defendants. pap er published in Lane County, NW U NW U NW U. SU SU SU SEU To C larence W. Fandrem , Defend­ Bny r,Kbt Interest ! Junction City; William Ilea and Mary N O TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N W U. SU SU SEU SWU NW U, Oregon once each week for four or easem ent in an t: estate des- Nelson, both of Eugene; Albert Wrd- SU SWU SWU N W U, NW U SWU successive weeks and the d ate of the In the Name of the S tate of Ore­ cribed in th e com plaint herein de- Notice Is hereby given th a t the mann and Marie ZIniker, both of Ei»- fendants firs t publication hereof Is Septem ber Section 17, SU SEU , NEU SEU , W U undersigned, gon; You a re hereby required to ap­ A dm inistrator of the 12, 1929 and the date of th e last SEU N EU , SEU SEU N EU . SU In the Name of th e S tate of Ore- Ke n e : Hnrolrt Thom and Je a n e tte pear and answ er the com plaint filed E state of E lfrenda K alanquin, has NEU SEU N EU, E U NW U, Lot 2, publication is the 10th day of Octo­ against you in the above entitled gon, you and each of you are hereby ; Mitchell, both oC Bend; Ivan H ealy, W U W U NW U N E U , su SEU filed his final report and account as suit within four weeks from the date ber, 1929. such ad m in istrato r with the Clerk s r s & i « » ” "*■ NW U N E U , SEU SW U NW U NEU the first publication of this sum HOWARD M. BROWNELL Section 18, Township 10 South, Range of the County Court of Lane County, of above entitled Court and cause, on or b u rg ! Dudley Boyd and Irene Robl»- raons, and if ou fall to so appear A ttorney for Plaintiff. Residence: East, W. M. within the Santiam Oregon, and th a t Monday, the 14th and answ er, the plaintiff will apply before the expiration of the time 8on’ both of Eugene, E ugene, Oregon. day of October, 1929 a t 10:00 A. M. N ational Forest, for the tim ber on ____________________ S 12-19-26 O 3-10 approxim ately 8 acres in the W U in the County Court Room of said to the Court for th e relief prayed prescribed in the order of pnbllca- tion, to w it: On or before the expira­ for In the complaint, to-wit: County a t Eugene, Oregon, has been Gold in Iowa? Section 18 and N W U, SEU and N U FIRST: T hat it have and recover tion of fonr weeks from the date of SW U Section 19 Township 20 South, set by the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge Judgment Cresco, la., Septem ber, 19 (Auto- first publication of this summ oas, and N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S the defendants Range 4 East, W. M. within the Cas­ of said Court, as the tim e and place Donald W. against McKinnon and Pearl C. if you fall to answ er for want there.-'f, c a ste r)—Gold was discovered n ear to h ear objections to the same, and N otice is hereby given th a t the un­ cade National Forest. McKinnon ad each of them, in the plaintiffs, will apply to the Court for ■ here and caused considerable excite- d ersigned has been appointed Ex­ The purpose of this notice is to for the final settlem ent of said sum of $2,910.28, with in terest th e re­ the relief prayed for in the com. ecutrix of th e estate of Linnie A. allow all persons claim ing the lands estate. ment. The excitem ent, however, wa» on at th e ra te of 10% per annum plaint, to-wit: HAROLD J. WELLS, Lilwall, deceased, by the County selected, or having bona fide objec­ T h at each and all of said defenq- mostly- on the p art of the boy wh® from the 15th day of April, 1928; and A dm inistrator C ourt of Lane County, Oregon. All tions to such application, an oppor­ the fu rth er sum of $300.00 as a rea­ ants be required to set forth the made the "discovery.” H e picked up persons having claim s against the tunity to file th eir protests with the W ELLS & WELLS, Attorneys. S 12-19-26 O 3-10 sonable atto rn ey fee h erein; and for nature of the claims or right, title, a gold nugget on the railw ay g ratin g said e s ta te are hereby notified to prer Register of th e United States Land Its costs and disbursem ents herein. Interest, or easem ent of, In and to se n t th e same, properly verified, at Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any SECOND: T hat plaintiff's m ort­ said property herein after described, near here and took It to a Jeweler, th e office of W ells & Wells, Bank of such protests or objections m ust be N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T gage be decreed to be a valid and and th a t any and all adverse claims who gave it an a d d teat and pre- Com m erce Building, Eugene, Oregon, filed in this office w ithin th irty days subsisting lien npon th e following of said defendants or eith er thereof, nounced It genuine. It was about th» w ithin six m onths of the date of the from th e date of first publication of Notice Is hereby given th a t the of, In and to said property may be size of a small raisin.! first publication of this notice. Date this notice, which first publication undersigned, A dm inistrator of the described real prem ises: South 60 feet of Lot N um ber­ determ ined by a decree of this Court, e f first publication, Aug. 29, 1929. estate of E lizabeth Taylor, deceased, ed The will be August 22. 1929. ln Block Numbered Ten of and th a t by said decree It be declarad ____ EULA A. PARKER, Executrix. has rendered and filed In the County the One HAMILL A. CANADAY, Rich Man Washes Dishes original P lat of Springfield. Ore­ and adjudged th a t the defendants and W ELLS & WELLS, Attorneys. Register. Court of th e S tate of Oregon for the gon. as platted and recorded ln the each and all thereof have no estate Brockton, Mass., Septem ber 19— A 29 S 6-12-19-26 A 22-29 S 5-12-19 County of Lane hls final account and •fflce of th e County Clerk of Lane of interest, title or easem ent w hatso­ th a t on S aturday the 12th day of County, Oregton. And Lot One In ever of, In or to said land and pro­ (A u to c a ste rJ^ E d g a r B. Davis, mult» October, 1929 a t th e hour of Ten Block Numbered Two of W illam ette perty, or any part thereof; and that millionaire oil man, dropped Into tb® o’clock In the forenoon a t the County H eights Addition to Springfield, Ore­ the title of plaintiffs to said property lunch room of hls old friend, Mr», Court room in the Court House at gon. and the whole thereof Is good and T hresher. He rem arked th a t she loolk Eugene, Oregon has been duly fixed th at said lien be decreed to valid and th a t any adverae claims of ed tired. Mrs. T hresher Inform «! and appointed as the day, tim e and be And prior, superior and param ount to said defendants or eith er thereof, in place for hearing objections to said him she could get no one to help h er and to said property an against Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M any claim of right, title or Interest Phon« 160 Plano Moving final account and th e settlem ent In said property by any defendant plaintiffs be quieted and th a t said de­ with the work, whereupon Davis took Carl H. Phetteplace, M- D. thereof. T h at all objections m ust be herein. fendants and each and all thereof be off his coat and hat, rolled up hi® SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER ln w riting and filed with the Clerk General Practice, Special Attention THIRD: T hat p la in tiffs mortgage forever enjoined and barred from as. sleeves and started to wash dtshe® WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. of said Court on or before said day to O bstetrics and Diseases be foreclosed and the real prem ises sertlng as against plaintiffs and their O m C B AT SERVICE OARAGE and time. of Children. above described, and all thereof, title, any claims, Interest, right, title and clean up the kitchen. ($$ Main 6tr««t WILLIAM M. TAYLOR, sold In the m anner prescribed by law or easem ent w hataóever In or tr> or F irst N ational Bank Building A dm inistrator of said estate. for th e sale of real property in exe- over said property o r any p art th e re­ Baeceaaor to Sutton Transfer Epileptic Causes Excitem ent Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DePUE, A ttorney for the ention on foreclosure, and th a t the of, to-wit: E state. A ^ood sized crowd gnthered oR Beginning a t a point 4 chains proceeds of said sale be applied. 1st, S 12-19-26 O 3-10 To the paym ent of the costs and ex­ North of the Southw est corner of the the corner of Fourth and MaiR penses of said sale: 2nd. To the sat­ Gordon McCauley, D. L. C. No. 44 streets about 7:00 p. m. Saturday DR. N. W. EMERY DR. W. N. DOW NOTICE FOR 8A LE OF REAL isfaction of plaintiff’s Judgment here­ Notification No. 626 Tp. 21 S R 2 when a man was found lying on th® D E N T IS T D e n tis t PROPERTY in: 3rd. To such other persons as the W. W. M. running thence North 2 20 sidew alk apparently In a helplesR F irst National Bank Building chains to the S E. corner of Lot 6 Court mav determ ine; Phone KU N otice Is H ereby Given: T h at by Section 3 s a id , Tp and range and condition. It was revealed th a t th» Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon FOURTH: T hat plaintiff have and Rasisene« Rb««« 1U-M virtue of an order of the County recover from thp defendants Donald thence W eet 1« chains to the South­ man weg the victim oi ,an epileptl» Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Court of Lane County, Oregon of west conrer of said lot 6 thence North Evening« by Appointment date July 13, 1929, ln tKte m atterof W. McKinnon and P earl C. McKinnon along the W est line of said Lot 6 to fit. Sijme friends of hfo took him Springfield, Oregen a Judgment for any deficiency th ere­ the guardianship of Julian F. Miller, the North line of a tra c t of land con­ into an hotel room where tie sooR a minor, th e undersigned, the duly after rem aining unpaid. v en 'd Septem ber 1, 1893 by deed re­ recovered. F IFT H : T hat th e defendants, and appointed, qualified and acting each of them, be foreclosed and for­ corded In book 49 page 265, Deed General Law Practice N O T IC E FOR* P U B L IC A T IO N guardian of said m inor and the estate Records, Latle Courtty, Oregon, of said minor, will, on and after the ever barred from anv right, title or thence North 47 2-3 deg. E ast i Jong M . 015636 I. M. PETERSON 23rd day of Septem ber, 1929, offer Interest In or to said premises, ex­ said N ortherly line to thp Southerly Department of the Interior, U. S, cept subject and subsequent to the Attorn«y-«t-Law and sell a t private sale for cash, or Judgment of plaintiff herein and save line of the Oregon and South Eastern Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon- for cash and credit, to the highest and except the rig h t of redemption Railway Company right-of way., th e’ ce Septem ber 10, 1929. City Hall Building bidder ln Eugene, Lane County, allowed by law. Notice la hereby given th a t Lesli® Southerly and E asterly along said Oregon, all th e right, title and In ter­ Springfield, Ore. Southerly line to a point N drth 47 2-3 F. Grazer, of W inberry, Oregon, who, SIX TH : T hat the plaintiff be per­ est of saM m inor In and to the real mitted to bid at satd foreclosure deg East of a point 4 chains North on Ju n e 25, 1924, ma4 Section 24, Tow nship prem ises he put In Immediate posses­ <2 J Lot No. Tw enty-three (23) In ion thereof: and 62 M W est to the place of beginning, all In South, Rango ,1 East, W lllamett® Block No. T hirty-three (33) ln the SEVENTH • For such oth er and f a n e Connty, Oregon, and th a t plain­ M eridian, hag filed notice of inten­ Amended Plat of Fairm ont, now a fn rth JE W E L E R er relief as to th e Court may tiffs have such o th er and ftirtber re­ tion to make three-year Proof, to e®- Full Auto Equipment p art of th e City of Eugene, in Lane seem Just and proper herein lief as to th e Court may »eera Juat tabllBh claim to the land above d e­ Repairing a Specialty County, Oregon. Lady A ssistant scribed, before E. O. Immel, U nited This summ ons Is published once and equitable. T hat said sale will take place at each week for fonr snccesslve weeks Springfield, Oregon This summon» la published by order S tates Com missioner, at Eugene, the law office of Alta King, in the hy order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard. of th e Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge of Oregon, nn th e 23rd day of O ctober, Court House, Eugene, Lane County, .Tudre of th e County Court of Lane the Connty Court. Lane County, Ore­ 1929. Oregon. C laim ant nam es ns w itnesses: gon, made the 10th day of August. County, Oregon. FRANK A. DE PUE This notice Is published In th e Rolla M. Raker, of W lnberry, Oregon. MARY B. HARDEN The date of th e first nnbllcat’on 192» Springfield News, first publication of this summons Is A nrust 29. 1929 A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Dated and first published Augur* Anna G. Baker, of W lnberry, Oregon- being A ugust 22nd, 1929 Accredited T e ic h e r Sidney A. Ice, of W lnberry, Oregon. 22. 1929 TMMEL * EVANS. N O T A R Y P U B LIC ALICE McC MILLER, H erb ert Minier, of W lnberry, Oregon. BROOKE A FRYRON, A fto m c-s for ria ln tlff: Residence of Plano Guardian of th e person and estate end HAMILL A. CANADAY, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 860 W illam ­ P'E toffice address: Eugene, Sutton •prlngfi«ld, of Julian F. Miller, a minor. R egister, 290 E STREET MONDAYS ette S treet Eugene, Oregon. Oregon. BalMIng A22-29 8 5-12-19 8 19 28 O 3 10-1T A n-n 8 5-19-191 A 29 8 512 10-26 (BUYING OR S il j B U S IN E S S DI R EC TO R Y i Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R oof Í