*L. Try the H om e P rin t S hop F irst THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-SIXTH YEAR MEIHDDISTS HOLD IJUARTERLi SESSION Have Potluck Supper, Heur Re­ ports, Re-Elect Pastor, Hold Annual Election of Officers, Elect Conference Delegates, and Discuss Work. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. FOOTBALL PROSPECTS BRIGHTEN AS NINE LETTERMEN TURN O UI Nine letterm en back In uniform s of the Springfield high school and an im m ediate sta rt in the coaching ac­ tivities gives every indication of a successful football season for the local high school aggregation. F ourteen men turned out In uni­ form to m eet their new coach and to begin imm ediate practice on Tuesday afternoon and the num ber is increas­ ing daily. Several of the boys are working on fruit ranches and have not registered for school a t this time. It is size, more than quantity “ or quality, as yet, th at im presses the onlooker at the afternoon practice periods. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1929 .COUNTY CHAMBER TO C erem ony Opens S tu n t F lying by HOLD NEXT MEETING N ew S. P. R o a d M ajor A ttr a c ts HERE IN OCTOBER "The People'« Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN No. 36 SCHOOLS OF c m S O O U W E IS E S W. A. Taylor, W. K. Barnell, Fred by Three Hundred Gather at the W alker, and F. B. Hamlin all attend- Airport Sunday; Field Im­ ed the regular m eeting of the Lane provement Progresses Registration Indicate« county cham ber of com merce held at Early the Hotel B artell In Cottage Grove Final Attendance Will Greatly The Breaking of the L ast Bar- Regular Sunday afternoon itu n t last night. Exceed All Previous Record«; rler" a t H ackam ore Junction on the exhibitions and passenger flights A lturas cutoff line of the Southern ' were inaugurated at the local air th Leonard ,, , R. Reid, representative of Crops and Fruits Hold Stud* Pacific company put Springfield and port last Sunday afternoon at 3:00 the United S tates cham ber of corn- ents From Classes. principal speaker. Alturas Cutoff Traveled Local Men; Distance 200 Miles Shorter other towns of Oregon 200 miles J oclock, before an audience estim ated merCe’ wa8 tile The quarterly conference for the Six hundred and. eighteen boys and closer to the east and will resu lt in at nearly three hundred. Major G. H. I He explained the activities of the last quarter of the past church year national cham ber of com merce and lower freight rates and faster train ; Eckerson put on an exhibition qt girls of this vicinity took th eir byoka convened at the M ethodist church on service. Four Springfield men were ; stu n ts and upside-down flying, and told of the facilities of th a t body, 1 and pencils and started off for Tuesday evening at 8:00 p. m. in the present a t the ceremony, Mayor C. : announced that this would be repeat- which were a t the disposal of the church auditorium with Dr. M. A. • an o th er year of school last Monday O. W ilson, representing the cham- | ed every Sunday afternoon as long sm aller m em ber bodies. Marcy, district superintendent, in The other speakers were Melvin ' when th a t num ber presented them- ber of commerce. H arry M. S tew art, ' as th e w eather perm itted. The ex- charge of the meeting. A potluck H ansen, chairm an of the beautifies | selves to th e ir teachers, many of Lions Club, H. J. Cox, W illam ette hibitions are open to the public and supper was served in the church a t tion com m ittee of the Lane county , Valley lumbermen, and H. E. Maxey, no adm ission Is charged. , . . them for the first tim e in their Urea *7:00. Fifty were present for the ber, who spoke on selling th e " * Te9' Four or five of the players now guest of the A lturas cham ber of Work at the air-port is continuing cham beauties of t h e e o u n tv He The PuPlls w«re not the only straug- supper. out on the field each day would be1 com merce and the) Southern Pacific ; every day. The extension of the of- beauties of the county. He urged however, on th is day, as th* A half hour of devotional was co n -; a Joy and inspiration to any coach. th a t the farm ers, m erchants and railroad. fjce building has een completed everylMjdy chould clean up their faculty of the local schools had u*> ducted by Dr. Marcy before the busi­ A few of the boys revealed at once It is 96 miles from K lam ath Falls and workmen are )usj p a n tin g *1 I prem j8e8 and m ake a8 good an out. dergone several changes since th* ness session. At the business ses­ th a t they knew som ething of the to A lturas, California, and Hacka- a nd applying a second coat of paint last m eeting of the students and in­ sion of the conference annual reports game. The others all display an more Junction where the golden to the hangars them selves. All of ward showing as was possible, be­ stru cto rs in June. from all of the organizations in the eagerness and willingness to learn spike was driven and the cerem ony ■ the buildings are being painted a cause tourists are im pressed by Lower High School Enrollment church were presented and accepted. th a t will not soon w ear off. of breaking the last b arrier was , chrom e yellow. This color has been such things; County Judge Barnard, One hundred and eighty pupils All of the departm ents showed some who reported on the road and bridge Bill Baker, the coach, is well held, Is about half way. A special (ound by aviators to be the most were enrolled In the high schpol. gain either financially or in atten d ­ pleased with prospects for the fall train from Portland picked up two visible from the air and is therefore work in the county; J. B. Hall, who This is considerably less th an the ance. told of efforts being made to locate athletic season. W ith such men as cars a t Eugene and carried repre- belng recommended fo r air-port enrollm ent in th a t school a t th * Pastor Re-Elected a pickle factory In Eugene and the E verett and Freem an Squires, half­ sentative people from nearly every ; buildings and town m arkers, close of the last school year in June. The pastor, Rev. C. J. Pike, was back and quarterback; Quentin T hur­ city in W estern Oregon. Special ; possibility of locating a condensary W |„ Tjle Runway, The total enrollm ent in th e com­ unanimously invited, to retu rn for man, guard; Claire Thurm an, end; trains from K lam ath Falls and Cali- i , and also an o th er fruit and vegetable bined schools in the city, however, . . J I The runways have been widened connery in the county. ano ther year. . .. Gerald Morrison, tackle; Thayer Mc­ fornia swelled the crowd to nearly ' is only slightly less than th e enroll- and lengthened now so th a t alm ost George Drake, the m illionaire N ine trustees were named a t the M urray, halfback; Gaylord Morris, 3000 people. A fter the cerem ony at : I _. . , , m ent at the close of the year In Ju n e .« u I A U o A U • * « l an y type of plane can land there. A bridge contractor of K ansas, was m eeting for th e year. They are j g u ard ; Eugene W alker, halfback r the np h r r ie r r the no K n n tn o rn R a n ir ir » I b a arrier, Southern Pacific and indications are th a t the total re­ Law rence May, Charles Myers, L. K. Jesse Summer, tackle; as the found­ company served lunch on the hill fill has been made on the runway present and told of the success he gistration in every building will be im m ediately in front of the hangars was having w ith his big lum ber dry­ Page, M argaret M orris, W. G. ation for a team and with plenty of side a t a big open air cafeteria. The considerable g reater in a few weeks to insure a dry field. Another pre ing plant n ear Cottage Grove. He H ughes, F. B. Hamlin, Eugene Mc- willing men who only need a little trains then carried tth e crowd on to afte r the hops and fru it crops have Elhany, J. F. Bailey and W. H. experience, it is evident th a t Spring- Alturas, California, where the large caution which Is being taken to in­ told of the increase in the volume of been harvested. The grade schools sure the proper drainage of the field his business there and explained the t i i v i u u u u C A ^ i t t t u c U U i e Pollard. They w ere all re-elected ! field has the m aterial for a team Pickering sawm ill is under con­ both show gains of over 30 pupils Is the laying of 500 feet of tile about process he is using of forcing cold with the exception of Charles Myers, equal dr b etter than the best in the struction. Modoc and K lam ath In­ the runway, which is to be started air through the lum ber piles and per school over the last year’s total. H e was chosen to fill the place left ' district. dians and cowboys w ere out in war T he enrollm ent at the high school at once, the tile now being on the thus drying it. His sister, who owns v acant when R. W. S m ith moved to and full regalia to greet the No schedule has been drawn up as paint . stands now at seniors, 36; Juniors, ground for the work. G ravel has and operates one of the larg est “dirt Marshfield. yet, but it is expected th at contests i visitors. been spread all about the hangars farm s” in K ansas, was another of the 39; sophomores, 48; and freshm en, Ten Stewards Named with Brownsville, Lebanon, Cottage j Local people who w ent on 49. and the office building. speakers. She com mented on the talk O ther officials and chairm en of or- j Grove, U niversity high school. June- excursion were surprised a t — At the Lincoln school there Is a People were very reticen t about given earlier in the evening by O. 8. ganizations were elected as follows: tion c l t X and probably H arrisburg m agnitude of the new territo ry open- total enrollm ent of 231 students a s “going up" for rides last Sunday, due Fletcher, county agent, by stating ste w a rd s; F ran k Bailey, W illis ; wil1 be included in the games of th e !ed UP by tbe new railroad and see compared with 210 at the close of th e much prospect for developm ent to the extrem ely smoky condition of th a t the m ethods of farm ing which school year. Of this num ber 36 are B ertsch, John Vaugn, Charles season. the atm osphere, according to the he was now advocating were now and ----------------------------- I They also appreciate the fact th a t Myers, F rank Bartholomew, W alter in the first grade, 35 in the second. had been in use on the large K ansas ! shortening the distance to eastern Major. Gossler, W. H. Pollard, Mrs. H. L. MUNICIPAL BAND MEETS; 28 in the fourth B, and 24 in the New students are enrolling at the I farm s for m any years with a great FALL PLANS DISCUSSED ! ™ rkets*nd the reducing of freig h t G illette, Mrs. Ida G antz and Mis. fourth A. There are 108 enrolled in local school every week and some deal of success. i rates will mean much to Oregon F ra n k Bailey. the 7th and 8th, or Junior high work Is being started, although the The next m eeting of the Lane grades. Pulpit supply: Mrs. Ida Gantz, W. T he first fall rehearsal of the shippers and future development, work will n ot get under way until county cham ber will be held in G. Hughes, Lawrence May, Dr. W. H. Springfield municipal bapd was held both agricultural and industrial, In th e U niversity opens and regular Largest Enrollment Springfield on October 17, a t the the W illam ette Valley. Pollard and M argaret Morris. a t the cham ber of com merce rooms At the B rattain school there Is the class work there gets under way. cham ber rooms. The in itial plans Through train service from P ort­ Music: W. H. Pollard, Mrs. E. E. on Monday evening, under the direc­ land to Ogden Is being Inaugurated About 40 have indicated th e ir in­ . for the organization of this body largest enrollm ent Increase of any F raederick, W illis Bertsch, Ju le tion of Ted L enhart, director. Ten tention of en terin g the school a t the were made a t a meeting here and school in the city. The total this m em bers were present, and it was on the new line. Pollard, and Dorothy Bailey. present time. ano th er m eeting was also held here year is 207 as compared with 180 last year. The enrollm ent is divid­ Finance: Law rence May, Dr. Pol­ decided to send letters to the other METHODIST RALLY WEEK The form al dedication of the field about a year ago. m em bers who were attending the lard and F rank Bailey. will probably be taken up and dis­ The county cham ber is composed ed as follows: 36 In the sixth grade, practice la st fall, but who did not TO BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY cussed at the regular Friday noon of five local cham ber of commerce ! 20 in the five A, 34 in thte five B, Religious education: H. L. Gillette, turn out for the first practice. fourth grade, 40 ,u in iu« the m eeting of th e Lions Club, accord­ bodies, the grange and the farm ers ! 31 in the -------- Mrs. L. K. Page, Elizabeth Hughes, H. L. G illette, superintendent of New music was ordered for the ing to Dr. W. C. Rebhan, chairm an cooperative organization. Each body ; ,lliflr Kra(ie> 18 in the second grade, Mrs. Roy Palm er and Dorothy boys and they are going to hold regu­ the M ethodist Sunday school, is busy of the aviation com m ittee of the has three regularly elected delegates - an,i 28 in the flr8t STade. G irard. lar practices every Monday evening. making plans for the big Rally Week club. The dedication will take place who try to atten d the m eetings. Any The enrollm ent in the th ird grade No Change in Sunday School They hope to find a suitable location of tbe church, which will begin next as soon as the im provem ents are m em ber of the affiliated groups, how I in this building has reached the Sunday School: H. L. Gillette, w here they can present a concert at ' Sunday and will last a week, coming completed. superintendent; Epw orth ever, Is eligible to sit in on any of maximum, and it Is likely th a t some League, some future date. to a close with a special program on ___________________ the meetings. j other arrangem ents will have to be Dorothy Bailey, president; D irector Sunday morning, Septem ber 29. | F 0 R E S T F I R E S IM P A IR W. A. Taylor is chairm an of the ' made to take care of the children it of the Junior Church, Mrs, W. H. The superintendent is anxious th a t I LOGGING RESUMED WED. Pollard. W omen’s Foreign Mission- POWER COMPANY LINES com m ittee in charge of arrange- •any more enroll. The directors of every m em ber of the school be pre­ m enta for the m eeting here next the schools have anticipated an In­ aray Society, Mrs. Fred W alker; BY BOOTH-KELLY MEN sent next Sunday m orning to hear | month. W om en's Home M issionary society, crease and have had the ex tra room Charles Boyd and Alvie Jones, re ­ Logging operations of the Booth- instructions and to assist in the . Mrs. Ida Gantz. in the B rattain school remodeled and pairm en for the Mountain States plans for the final program a week | Brotherhood; F rank Bartholom ew; Kelly Lum ber company were re ­ P. T. A. TO HOLD FIRST put ln shape so th at it may be u s e i Power com pany w ere here from later. Special booster rally pins i Ladies Aid: Mrs. M. M. Male, church sumed W ednesday, after being shut if needed. If the enrollm ent ln th* Albany the first of the week assist­ will be given to every m em ber pre- j MEETING TOMORROW trea su rer: W. G. H ughes; Financial down for a week due to the forest second grade does not increase It I* sent on Sunday. I ing in keeping the com pany's power secretary ; Virginia H anson; Record­ fires which have been raging in the possible th at th a t teacher will g* lines between here and points south The P arent - T eachers Association E very m em ber is expected to ing stew ard: S. S. P o tter; D irector vicinity of th e com pany’s holdings, open during the bad fires in the of Springfield will hold Its first given some of th e third grad* according to A. C. Dixon, general boost th eir class during the week of social life: Doris Myers. tim ber through which the lines are m eeting of the new school year on students. The reason for the larg* Flow er com m ittee: Mrs. Eugene m anager. He reports th a t the fire to tu rn out and help swell the a t­ carried. Friday afternoon, a t the Lincoln enrollm ent In th e third grade i* McElhany, Mrs. W. A. Mabe and situation In and near the holdings tendance on the final Sunday. Considerable trouble has been ex­ school, commencing a t 3:00 o’clock. th a t there Is no third grade In th * A com plete program will be pub­ has improved greatly during the past Mrs. N ettie Voris. perienced by the power company this T here has been no formal program Lincoln school. It Is barely possibl* week. , lished in the paper next week. Delegates are Selected year due to the unusually large num­ arranged for th is m eeting, but a th a t If the enrollm ent should in­ Dr. W. H. Pollard and W. A. Mabe ber of bad fires, an d the continued large turnout Is expected to meet crease more than It Is now expected Breaks Collarbone and Ribs w ere elected lay delegates to attend YONCALLA MAN WILL an o th er teacher will b* dryness. The local plant w hich Is the new teachers and to g reet the th a t William Hucka, W altervllle, Is the conference a t Portland next year. operated by steam has been running others who have returned to their employed. PREACH HERE SUNDAY the Pacific C hristian hospital The sessions there will be held at a t full capacity for some tim e in posts afte r a sum m er vacation. Hew Teachers th e Centenary-W Ubur church with T. M. W hite, pastor of the Chris Eugene recovering from a broken order to a ssist the plants in other The new officers who will assume The new teachers who are m ee* Bishop T itus Lowe presiding. The tian church a t Yoncalla, will conduct collar bone and th ree broken ribs locations which are dependent upon the direction of the school organiza­ Ing th eir pupils for th e first tlm * which he sustained last Monday when pastor will leave Springfield T ues­ the services at the Christian church w ater power for the development of tion are: Mrs. R. P. Mortensen, this week are W. E. Buell, principal day m orning to attend the m eetings here both m orning and evening next he fell head first from a large pear electricity. president; Mrs. Lum Anderson, vice- of the high school, and Glen Wood, which begin on th a t day and come Sunday. He Is exchanging pulpits tree which he wag picking at his president; Mrs. L. K. Page, secret­ prinelpaT a t the B rattain school to an end on the 29th. with Rev. R. L. Dunn, pastor of the home. Mr. Hucka was standing on NO PURCHASERS YET ary ; and Mrs. John Putman, building. A nnouncem ent was made th a t Mrs. local church. The evening service the top of a tw enve foot ladder when treasu rer. The other new Instructors a t th* FOR CITY REAL ESTATE it slipped and he fell to the ground Arah Hoyt Rae, Eugene, had retu rn ­ will commence a t 7:30. high school a re E rn est McKinney, He was treated by a local physi­ ed from California and would a s­ None of the lots ln Sprlngneia BIBLE SCENIC SPOTS music and Spanish, Glen M artin, cian who rep o rts th a t he will be able sum e her position as director af the Postpone Legion Meeting which th e city had taken over to BAPTIST CHURCH TOPIC manual » « 'n ln g . Mrs. Baker Eng- The regular m eeting of the Am­ to leave for fais home In a few days. ch o ir some tim e the first week in satisfy im provem ent liens were sold --------- j Hsh, and W illiam Baker, ath letic* O ctober. T here are 40 prospective erican Legion will not be held this during th e past week, according to A large audience turned o ut to and coaching. m em bers now available for a choir week, according to J. M. Larson, SCHOOL BOARD WILL I. M. Peterson, city recorder. greet Rev. Relph Mullholand, the new New teachers In the Lincoln school post commander. th is season. HOLD SPECIAL MEETING These lots, many of which are lo­ Baptist m inister, when he delivered are Miss Thelm a Sweeney, English T he next m eeting will b held on cated In very choice p arts of the his first serm on In Springfield last and gram m ar, and Mrs. L. K. Pago, Rebekahs Have Social the first Friday ln October, when the T here will be a special m eeting ol city and m ost of which have been Sunday morning. first grade Mrs. Page tau g h t hero The Ju a n ita Rebekah lodge num­ new officers will be Installed and the local school board on Monday priced by the city eouncil a t a figure He will take ‘Scenic Spots of the year before last but was n o t on routine business will be transacted. ber 85 of Springfield held their regu­ evening a t the high school, accord­ much lower than the im provem ent Sacred 8 crlp tu re" as his them e for the faculty last year. la r social meeting on Monday even­ The new officers to be installed are: ing to an announcem ent m ade yester­ assessm ents against them, are now his serm on topic on Sunday morning. The new teachers at the R rattatn F. B. H am lin, post com m ander; Dr. ing The regular program of events day by W illiam O. Hughes, clerk. being offered by the city, which is The choir will sing "T hanks Be to school, aside from th e principal, ar* w as observed afte r which an Inform­ W. N. Dow, first vice-commander; Dr. The m eeting Is called for the purpose anxious to convert them into cash God." The young people will m eet Miss W ___________ ilma Scott, _ . second, and Mis* al period followed a t which time Mrs. Carl Phetteplace, second vice-com­ of m eeting th e principals of the ra th e r th an hold them. In the church a t 6:0 to organize for , Mabel Olson, fourth m ander; I. M. Peterson, ad ju tan t and M ary C. Magill presented a gift to th ree schools and considering any work during th e com ing year. The | Everything was working sm oothly Mrs. Cora Hinson on behalf of the J. M. Larson, finance officer. problems which may have arisen In Raises Large Tomato topic for the evening service at 7:30 during the opening days of the new m em bers. Mrs. Hinson Is the finan­ connection with the opening of the B. F. Hamlin, postm aster, has a will be "F aith ’s Inspiration and year, despite th e fact th a t there Gas Prices Tumbles Two Cents cial secretary of the local order. new school year on Monday. tomato on exhibition a t the Commer­ Consummation." N. N. P engra will were more students and several new The price of gasoline a t th e local cial S tate bank which he raised in sing a solo at this service. The Sun­ teachers. T he new principals a rs filling stations was reduced two cents Road to City Dump Improved Attend Business School— Esther his back yard and which weighs one day school m eets a t 10:00. very well pleased with th eir teaching on W ednesday m orning in conformity McPherson and Maxine Snodgrass pound and 12 ounces. It Is an un­ staffs and all rep o rt fine co-opera­ 8 tre e t Commissioner Thurm an has with the drop which took place ln began atten d in g night school a t the usually large specimen and is a t­ On Way to Home— Mr. and Mrs. tion and harmony. Just announced th a t th e road leading Eugene on the same day. The reason Eugene B usiness College Monday tracting a considerable am ount of William Blwel 1 of W eiser, Idaho, to the city dump grounds has been given by the Eugene organization evening. The high school offers two new attention. stopped a t the home of C. E. Kenyon courses th is year, one In Spanish and Improved so th a t any one can drive was th a t the price was unstable and here th is m orning for a sh o rt visit. one in shorthand. Mr. McKinney to it in a car. The stre e t which has th a t by cutting the price two cents Leave for Pendleton— Mr. and Mrs. Visits Here— Frank Lombard, a The party was enroute to th eir home will teach th e class In Spanish an« been low and often under w ater has all the stations could sell a t the William Rodenbaugh are attending cousin of Mrs. W alter Gossler, is after a vacation trip. They planned also one In physics. Miss C lair* been filled with gravel. fixed price of 2 2 4 cents. th e Round-up a t Pendleton. vteitinr at the Goeaier home. to g» by way of Pendleton. W agner will teach a shorthand cl